You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.
How is that going to happen?

Supply and demand in action.
Sorry Correll, you are going to be sadly disappointed.
When I say “tons,” I don’t mean the 1 million to 1.5 million that the U.S. usually accepts in a year. I mean hundreds of millions. About 630 million people surveyed worldwide between 2010 and 2012 said that they wanted to move to another country. The U.S., unsurprisingly, was the most desired destination. If the U.S. opened its borders and admitted 100 percent of those huddled masses, its population would approximately triple.

Tripling the U.S. population would supercharge growth beyond anything currently imaginable. Yes, most of those immigrants would be poor and low-skilled, so output per person - and the standard of living of the average American - would go down. But the standard of living of the hundreds of millions who moved to the U.S. would go way, way up, as it always does for immigrant groups.

That is not going to happen. Even the morons in the Political Class know that they can't be that honest about their intentions.

The battle will be to sabotage Trump's policies, thus maintaining the status quo. THey will NOT formally open the borders.

You are drifting into la la land.

No they won't open the borders but they will start letting more mexicans and mooslims in legally. We already told them we don't want them immigrating more but that won't matter to them if it will help growth.

Why do you think that that big money backed Hillary so hard and so big?

Just in case she won. They didn't have to worry about backing Trump or the GOP "SO HARD". Big money backed every Republican in every state and federal race. Why do you think they backed those GOP politicians "so hard".

You are going to get fucked "so hard"

THey supported her because she was the status quo candidate, and they like the status quo.

Trump represented upsetting that apple cart.

BIg money back every republican down the line? I doubt that.

Report: Dark Money Surges in State and Local Elections
Reduce trade with assholes like the Chinese. Deport illegals and limit new immigration.

Demand increases and price increases.

More jobs, better wages.

It's not rocket science.

And raise prices? Reduce profits? You're out of your mind.

Did you hear the only way for Trump to have 4% growth is to import a lot of legal immigrants? So while you cheer him for saying his plan it to boot out illegals, he will pretty much turn around and import them and give them all basically amnesty. If not he won't achieve his goals.

And we really do want to see how he's going to get the people who aren't working back to work. This too is another thing he MUST do to achieve his goals. Get all those slackers working again. Good luck.

I did not hear that the "only way for Trump to have 4% growth is to import a lot of legal immigrants".

I suspect that TRump has NOT heard that either.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we have. Why? Because our workers suck?

THat myth was debunked by the WTO airbus ruling. Our workers are such that the Europeans can't compete, they have to cheat.

They have been stealing contracts, market share and jobs. Getting ANY of that back, is going to be for the good of the US workers and economy.

No, they were saying we will need a lot of manpower to achieve that kind of growth and without immigration we probably won't achieve it.

Like I told you before Correll, if we force the GOP to stop illegal immigration, they will just start accepting and admitting more legal immigrants. I told you they want/need immigrants in order to grow. And if you want 4% growth you're going to need immigrants. And expect the GOP to speed up legal immigration. Hey, that's better than illegal right? It will still keep wages down and profits up but it's better than illegal.
right wing fantasy is all they really have.

Question is will they deny it when fantasy doesn't meet reality? No they won't. Great example. I remember when wages for the middle class were not going up but wages went up because of all the CEO's who gave themselves raises. All Correll will see is that wages went up. It won't matter if blue collar wages went down. In fact that's how the CEO gives himself a raise. He fires workers.

The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off The Most Workers: Institute For Policy Studies (PHOTOS) | The Huffington Post

Remember these CEO's are workers too.

The nomination of Trump vs the Establishment republicans was a complete rejection of tracking success based on macro economic numbers like that.

Trump's support was based, to a great extent on MIddle Class Wage stagnation.

You have been so dismissive of the other side, that you have missed a lot of important changes.
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.

I don't think we will see jobs comeback.

I see China, Canada and Mexico wanting to discuss trade with Trump a move in the right direction.
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
No. I see him working with the GOP and I know his goals are not their goals. And I know if he has to choose who he's going to disappoint. The schmucks (you) who think Hillary is a liar but Trump isn't.
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
No sir. It's not realistic unless he's going to invite a bunch of new immigrants in. You're the one who seems flustered. You're starting to see trumps talk doesn't match reality. I told you so.

I'm hoping he starts to take on the GOP when they do things like try to invite a bunch of LEGAL immigrants in but he won't because corporations want those workers.

I get that you cannot wrap your mind around jobs coming back to the US and that causing economic growth.

It is too radical of a change for you to believe in.
That is not going to happen. Even the morons in the Political Class know that they can't be that honest about their intentions.

The battle will be to sabotage Trump's policies, thus maintaining the status quo. THey will NOT formally open the borders.

You are drifting into la la land.

No they won't open the borders but they will start letting more mexicans and mooslims in legally. We already told them we don't want them immigrating more but that won't matter to them if it will help growth.

Why do you think that that big money backed Hillary so hard and so big?

Just in case she won. They didn't have to worry about backing Trump or the GOP "SO HARD". Big money backed every Republican in every state and federal race. Why do you think they backed those GOP politicians "so hard".

You are going to get fucked "so hard"

THey supported her because she was the status quo candidate, and they like the status quo.

Trump represented upsetting that apple cart.

BIg money back every republican down the line? I doubt that.

Report: Dark Money Surges in State and Local Elections

A selective small number of states, that did not mention which party received what from where.
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
No. I see him working with the GOP and I know his goals are not their goals. And I know if he has to choose who he's going to disappoint. The schmucks (you) who think Hillary is a liar but Trump isn't.

YOu see two groups with previous disagreements working together and assume the guy that won big is the one who is giving way?

Your assumption that he would choose to disappoint his supporters in order to pander to his enemies is your bitterness and defeatism talking.
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
seems more like just pandering without any substance or firm public policy.
Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
No sir. It's not realistic unless he's going to invite a bunch of new immigrants in. You're the one who seems flustered. You're starting to see trumps talk doesn't match reality. I told you so.

I'm hoping he starts to take on the GOP when they do things like try to invite a bunch of LEGAL immigrants in but he won't because corporations want those workers.

I get that you cannot wrap your mind around jobs coming back to the US and that causing economic growth.

It is too radical of a change for you to believe in.

You think the Republicans are going to support Trump's 35% tariff?

Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
seems more like just pandering without any substance or firm public policy.

That is what you want to see.
You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
No sir. It's not realistic unless he's going to invite a bunch of new immigrants in. You're the one who seems flustered. You're starting to see trumps talk doesn't match reality. I told you so.

I'm hoping he starts to take on the GOP when they do things like try to invite a bunch of LEGAL immigrants in but he won't because corporations want those workers.

I get that you cannot wrap your mind around jobs coming back to the US and that causing economic growth.

It is too radical of a change for you to believe in.

You think the Republicans are going to support Trump's 35% tariff?


The smarter, or at least, less dumb ones will.
what about excising the wage difference between our first world economy and third world economies, and call it, equalization?
Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.
I have strong doubts about most of his economic plans and so I'm putting my hopes on his cutting regulation and that either (1) ease of regulation will more than offsets the parts I don't like or (2) being wrong about his plans that I find worrisome. I'll take either, preferably (2).

So you're tired of clean air and water? Killing a bunch of regulations should fix you right up.

What do you think regulations are for? They aren't just intentional hindrances put in place to maliciously be a stumbling block to business, as you have been told. There might be some that should be moderated, but not many.
I have strong doubts about most of his economic plans and so I'm putting my hopes on his cutting regulation and that either (1) ease of regulation will more than offsets the parts I don't like or (2) being wrong about his plans that I find worrisome. I'll take either, preferably (2).

So you're tired of clean air and water? Killing a bunch of regulations should fix you right up.

What do you think regulations are for? They aren't just intentional hindrances put in place to maliciously be a stumbling block to business, as you have been told. There might be some that should be moderated, but not many.
THANK YOU! Owebo has been taught regulations are bad. He doesn't realize not all regulations are equal. One regulation might be great and one might be horrible. We are all for the GOP eliminating bad regulations. But Republicans aren't trying to get rid of bad regulations. They want to do away with Regulations that prevent them from doing risky or dangerous things. The bankers have to keep so much money on hand in case of a crash. They can't just give all their ceo's bonus' and leave the vaults empty. If a crash comes, they have to be able to pay their customers. But Republicans will be loose with those regulations and Owebo pretends somehow he won't be hurt if the bankers that were too big to fail aren't bailed out and Owebo can only take $35 a day out of his bank a fucking count.
That is what you want to see.

No, we want to see a realistic proposal that will help the displaced production worker find that will enable him/her to support their families without government assistance. There are 5 million good paying job openings right now that cannot be filled because there are no qualified workers.

Some states have put into place programs which ask corporations what kinds of skills they need, and then offer unemployed workers training in these skills. Some corporations have been willing to contribute towards the costs of these programs and help shape the programs so that the workers will have all of the skills they need for their jobs at the end.

Trying to force corporations to return jobs that are gone and not coming back by way of tariff's, or lure them back with tax incentives is counterproductive. It also shifts the burden of paying taxes from the corporations to the workers. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is what is getting the US into all sorts of circle jerk messes.

Luring jobs from one state to another is a waste of time money and tax dollars. You want new jobs for America, not Louisiana. Taking jobs from California to Arizona does nothing for the US economy as a whole. There's way to much ofo "I got mine and fuck the rest of the country". This is truly what is keeping your nation from being great again. When you steal from your brother, how does your family overall, prosper?
Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.
seems more like just pandering without any substance or firm public policy.

That is what you want to see.
Funny you kept telling me to stop believing the liberal media and you have been completely taken in by fake news.

And I want to hear your fucking outrage over this Donald Trump's sons behind nonprofit selling access to president-elect

You won't give a fuck how crooked Trump is.
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

Correll is about to find out Trump and the GOP don't want what's best for middle class America. They want what's best for business. Correll actually thought Trump was going to raise wages on the poorly educated blue collar workers. He doesn't realize corporations and small business owners need to be able to take advantage of these workers in order to make a profit. Small business needs cheap labor. The GOP aren't going to raise wages.

Your assumption that Trump is not serious about his stated goals is based just on your bitterness.

It's based on Trump's statements and actions.
It's the damn cotton picking machines that have caused the problem. Get rid of them and we can all work again.

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