You would never know a US Senator was on trial

The OP asked if this standard was being applied.

Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.

So, is it being covered as if it were the end of the world? You see, he has a point. A half-inch on page 35, or 20 seconds on TV is not the standard that would be used if it were a Republican. It would be multiple articles, above the fold, front page or it would dominate the TV news to the order of 15 minutes as a lead, and at least five minutes at the end of the program.

Is that being done?

Looks like every single major media outlet is covering it in detail.
Have you looked at the link you just shared?

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Works for me just fine.

But if you'd like to see for yourself, go to Google News, and search for it. You'll find hundreds of stories.

Works for me too -- entries under "Full Coverage" are NYTimes, USNews & World Report, and NPR.

Oopsie--- two of those are "print media". Aren't they.

In "Highly Cited" appears CNN, and under "More Articles" the LA Times, the Mercury News, Detroit News, Chicago Tribue, NY Post, Albany Times Union, USA Today, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, as far from New Jersey as you can get, the freaking Chippewa Herald and others. And those are just the print media.

Looks like every single major media outlet is covering it in detail.


I saw a graphic on Fox which positively showed ZERO TV coverage the first day from NBC, CBS or ABC.

So, either you look like an ass with your usual nit-picking, or you call Fox an outright fraud on the very clear statement of FACT they represented. That, of course would mean you monitored the three main Outlets....just as Fox obviously did.

You like to nit-pick at technical issues, and are called on it less than you should be.

But pretty much everybody knows that the Mainstream Media, the New York Media, is heavily biased in favor of Liberals. Do you deny that as a general proposition?

And if you don't deny it, how do you justify or explain it?

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The OP asked if this standard was being applied.

Blog: Did anyone in the media hear that a US senator is on trial?

unless of course the Senator in question happened to be a Republican then it would be covered like it was the end of the world. And the board left wingers would be all over it like flies on sh**. But we hear crickets since its a liberal democrat.

So, is it being covered as if it were the end of the world? You see, he has a point. A half-inch on page 35, or 20 seconds on TV is not the standard that would be used if it were a Republican. It would be multiple articles, above the fold, front page or it would dominate the TV news to the order of 15 minutes as a lead, and at least five minutes at the end of the program.

Is that being done?


I don't accept bullshit self-serving hypotheticals as "standards".

Looks like every single major media outlet is covering it in detail.
Have you looked at the link you just shared?

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Error 404

Works for me just fine.

But if you'd like to see for yourself, go to Google News, and search for it. You'll find hundreds of stories.
I'm really not that interested. Like shootings in Chicago, it's just another democrat getting caught abusing the trust of others.
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