Your Christmas Gift to another USMB Member:

For Si Modo:

Gasp! S/he's beautiful!

Thank you!
For bones...


So she can be ready the next time her yard catches fire :tongue:

For Kat...

A date with this guy :eek:


echo...a straight male gallery of pics with shirts....matter of fact shirts for everyone.....xox i would give a ticket to disney world for he and the family....

truthmatters: a trip south so she could relax
saveliberty: a new car
radio: an x box of course
samson: a couple of octoporn flics and a curious piece of art
pilgram: a new overhead cam
annie: a ride the world ticket so she could go where ever she wanted
lusiaa: a prepaid black american express
article: a huge flat screen with an unlimted sports packet
manie: i would just give more rep to
ring: a spell that would break that conservative out of him
gold: a star in a far away she could dream on it
mal: a lump of coal which he could shove up his tight ass and make a diamond out of
kw: a lap dance by someone much younger
us: wide aisles....everywhere he goes
vel: good health
val: a chariot to cross the heavens
del: what do you give a man who has it all?
intense: relaxation
maddie: a night with huggy
huggy: o2 *you will need it, see above*
careforall: tranquity in all she does
infidel: i would remove his fear of liberals
dis: new shoes what else
gunny: the patience of job and a large bottle of absinte (that mal tastes so bad) but they say it enlightens one
zoom: fiesta ware
nosmo: a cure for the itchy dog
elvis: wow what would elvis want? ooo a honeymoon suit at a ritz place for him and the wife
xox: the largest bag of rep you ever seen wait wait...grabs back already got something

and paulie....a happy new year

i am too lazy to do pics.....ollie ...peace of many more.....

That's the nicest thing Bones has ever said about me... :lol:

And I've noticed she's not using "mal" as much for "shit"...

It must be the Holidays.


How about I make a Donation to:

For you, and my boy GunJun?...


Awwwwwww. That would be cool if you did.

I will double check with GunJon... He belongs to one of the Colorado Rescues... Not sure if it's that one.


Even if it's just five bucks, every little bit helps them.

And, thanks for posting that because it reminds me that I can donate to BROOD (Basset Rescue of Old Dominion).
For Valerie in case she moseys down this-a-way for a spell.


(Though how thats gonna work with a New England accent is beyond me.)

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