Your first amendment rights vs someone elses safety is a bogus argument

Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I will. Send me the "pledge."

Such a meaningless pledge is not enforceable as a contract, so it would have more value being used as toilet paper.
Way to miss the point entirely. Your actions affect others whether you want them to or not. Putting yourself at greater risk, puts others at greater risk.
And that is life. That's what we call "tough shit."

Are you willing to sign a waiver stating that if you wreck into me in your car that you will pay my Bill's for the rest of my life?
It's called automobile insurance. Look into it.
Insurance does not prevent him from endangering others every time he drives just as my health insurance doesn't protect me for catching a bug from you.

Yeah, it does. If he drives recklessly, he'd lose his license and insurance. Is the solution for the protesters to lose their health insurance?
Who da fuck are you to judge......hmmmm............You turned into a DICTATORSHIP all to yourself.

Like your MORON RULES IN CALI..............You WILL PUT A SOLAR PANEL ON YOUR ROOF..........


What the hell are you going to do when a WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY...........say WE WILL NOT OBEY .........huh


Like illegal immigration.............your CHAMPION VOTERS.

Why don't you come to the Red lands here in American and MAKE US OBEY THIS BS.

You better stay in places like your hives.
There's plenty of polling on stay-at-home orders, and they're quite popular.

Your polling does not Trump MY RIGHTS

Your rights aren't being violated, snowflake. Shut up, stay home and wait for the all clear. You violate others right to life by gathering in large, stupid, unprotected groups.

View attachment 326134
"Your right to free speech, travel, assembly are not being violated. Now shut up, stay home, and don't move until we tell you, or you'll be arrested and charged with criminal mischief."


He's a nice little Nazi member......LOL
You take a risk every time you get behind the wheel.
That's why I use the seat belt. That and it's required by law. Does that law infringe on your rights? Would you want it repealed?
I'm talking about the risk YOU POSE TO OTHERS WHEN YOU DRIVE. Stop playing stupid.
The chances of you being in an accident are 1 in 366 according to a study based on 1000 miles.

So are you going to avoid being in a car?
They always play stupid when you demonstrate their hypocrisy and cherry-picked risk crusades. It happens in gun-grabbing debates all the fucking time.

Decent argument by the OP. When you let states decide who is essential, you end up with 50 different definitions.

The dry cleaner down the street from my condo is essential? Apparently so.

Then you have the wild interpretations. I was in a Sprouts this morning and saw they had roped off the vitamin and therapeutic section. The rest of the store was open—including the wine aisles—but this area was closed. I do aromatherapy and The EOs I needed were behind the barricades. I asked a manager to go into the dark zone (Division reference) and get them for me. He had no idea what these things are so I gave up after about 15 minutes of muffled back and fourth through our masks. I went to the chain store and bought the cheap stuff which I could access myself; no barriers.

Just a quick thought...It makes you wonder about the reserves and national guard. Is the training set up with 50 different rule books?

Anyway, good points by the OP. For once.
You take a risk every time you get behind the wheel.
That's why I use the seat belt. That and it's required by law. Does that law infringe on your rights? Would you want it repealed?
I'm talking about the risk YOU POSE TO OTHERS WHEN YOU DRIVE. Stop playing stupid.
The chances of you being in an accident are 1 in 366 according to a study based on 1000 miles.

So are you going to avoid being in a car?
They always play stupid when you demonstrate their hypocrisy and cherry-picked risk crusades. It happens in gun-grabbing debates all the fucking time.

Oh they will put up a sign and say gun free zone............

The criminals will listen.....they are safe now.........LMAO
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
You take a risk every time you get behind the wheel.
That's why I use the seat belt. That and it's required by law. Does that law infringe on your rights? Would you want it repealed?

Seatbelts use does increase your survival rate, but you can still die when you wrap the car around a power pole, head on collision, or into a wall. Dale Earnhardt died using the state of the art seat belt body restraint system.

Everything we do in life carries risk, even a simple turn to the left can have you killed, walking along the road have claimed victims, people die every day on risks that are greater than getting sick of the China Virus. It is sensible to reduce exposure to the virus, but you should realize that there are many kinds of bacteria and viruses are on you 24/7, which is why washing hands, keeping clothes and bedding kept clean reduces the chance of getting sick, because it reduces the population of them on you.

Government overreach is real, after 3 months of being essentially shut down, people are growing restless, yearn to move around and enjoy life, go back to work before they lose everything and so on.

Why can't you try a little empathy?
I'm talking about the risk YOU POSE TO OTHERS WHEN YOU DRIVE. Stop playing stupid.
The chances of you being in an accident are 1 in 366 according to a study based on 1000 miles.

So are you going to avoid being in a car?
I'm going to drive but I'm not going to drive and drink or text. Driving is a risk we all accept, taking additional risks while driving we don't.
The very definition of irony

Your rights aren't being violated, snowflake.

Followed by

Shut up, stay home

You can't make up this kind of brain damage
What "right" is being violated? You don't have a right to endanger others by reckless behavior.

Gee, I don't know Captain Shit-For-Brains, let's see. Telling people not leave their house is a VIOLATION OF THEIR RIGHTS. It doesn't matter what the reason is for and you cannot prove that anybody doing so is endangering anybody unless they have actually been diagnosed with a contagion. Maybe if you weren't consumed with so much fear and hatred towards other people you might be able to see the fallacy of your logic. Your argument is emotional and backed with very little fact. The Constitution was written specifically to protect the rest of us from authoritarian Eichmanns like you. There is no asterisk next to the Bill of Rights that says this only applies during times when coronavirus isn't making the rounds.

Is it a disease that should be taken seriously? Of course, but there are ways to do that without suspending the civil liberties of billions of people around the planet and I'll point out for you that has NEVER been practiced before, including during pandemics far worse than this. Never have we "quarantined" healthy populations to fight a disease. If this was much more serious, like the Spanish Flu or God forbid, the Bubonic Plague where there were literally dead bodies piling up in the streets, you wouldn't need to worry about people keeping their distance. Those are pretty strong motivators in of themselves, but people are looking around and realizing that what we have been told over the past month isn't reality. There aren't 200,000 deaths with the mitigation efforts. With the exception of NYC, there aren't hospitals being overwhelmed and even in NYC there aren't people being denied ventilators and other medical equipment due to rationing. None of it has come to fruition and people see that. Hell, we've had doctors and nurses here in Las Vegas head to NYC to help there because they aren't needed here.

So, you can hide under your bed if you want and spew your fascist state sanctioned propaganda all day long, but at the end of the day you aren't stopping anybody from exercising their God given rights as a human being and there ain't dick you can do about it, so how about you take your own advice and shut yourself the hell up. Miserable twat
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?

Only if those who do not protest and catch it take the same pledge.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
The government is actively recruiting volunteers to go out in public an work passing out food,giving COVID tests,fostering the pets of the homeless etc.

they have no problem putting people at risk for any of this.

their draconian over reaching is just a power play and needs to stop.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
Are you?
Nope. I'm distancing and wearing a mask. I also wear seat belts and a bike helmet. I won't take silly risks to myself or my family.

Oh, so you have left your house. By leaving your house you have put others at risk. Surely, you've been to the grocery store and possibly your local pharmacy, not to mention another occasional errand run here or there. It's inevitable. Every time you've selfishly left your house to take care of you, you've put someone else at risk, because only true way to not do so is to literally not step outside your house and even that's no guarantee, Darwin.

Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
Risk is inevitable. Mitigating risk is just good sense.

Are you willing to sign your pledge or not? If you're leaving your house you are putting others at risk.

Yes or no? Come on, Chucklehead. Are you going to hold yourself to the same standard, you sanctimonious twat waffle?
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
Only if you pledge the same next time you step out your front door.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.

You FAIL to understand the SCIENCE of how PANDEMICS spread. A pandemic needs hosts in order to spread, survive and kill more humans. When idiots choose to protest and do other things that violate current laws on social distancing and defeating this PATHOGEN they put at risk the entire country!


You idiots think you have the right to protest during a pandemic, but then want Hospitals and the health care community to take care of you when you get sick!

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