your government is not your friend

rtwngAvngr said:
Everything wrong with private business is 10 times worse in government. Businesses ultimately answer to market forces and consumer choice. Government answers to nobody.

Power corrupts. Total power corrupts totally. Government has total power, thus they should be trusted with as little as possible.

he said it best:

OKAY - the FOLLOWING text has been changed - I changed the word "Corporation" to 'Government" Please don't get your panties in a wad; The idea is, I like what the originator said about ONE establishment, so I'm using THEIR WORDS to relate that concept to ANOTHER establishment. In a nutshell, I'm complimenting the person on their insights.
freeandfun1 said:
you're just a GOVERNMENT basher never realizing that it is GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS of ALL SIZES that employ the citizens of this country (including Me). I am sick of all the GOVERNMENT bashing and you guys on the left ignoring the GOOD a LOT of GOVERNMENT do.

So there! :funnyface: :wine:
freeandfun1 said:
WTF? You are over the line. Find a quote from me. Go ahead.

Do you realize how many people in this world own corporations? MOST small businesses are corporations. Both of you are showing your ignorance.

Over what line? I'm stating in good faith the tone I've taken from what YOU reply with. Do your own research about what you've said. :)

And what's with the 'tude'?
-=d=- said:
he said it best:

you know, you like doing that don't you? taking somebody's post, changing it and then presenting it as if it were written by them. If you are going to do that, then remove my ID as being the quoter. That is not right at all.
freeandfun1 said:
you know, you like doing that don't you? taking somebody's post, changing it and then presenting it as if it were written by somebody. If you are going to do that, then remove my ID as being the quoter. That is not right at all.

Relax - seriously. Did you read my post? I was COMPLIMENTING the words you used. Geesh. Mister Pissy-Pants eh?
-=d=- said:
Over what line? I'm stating in good faith the tone I've taken from what YOU reply with. Do your own research about what you've said. :)

you must be a liberal. you accuse me of something, then you REQUIRE for me to provide the support showing that I DID NOT do it? That is fucked. If you are going to accuse me, then YOU show me where I did it.

You are acting like a typical liberal whether you are one or not. You are doing to me exactly what the liberals are doing to the president and I have seen you bitch about that.
freeandfun1 said:
you must be a liberal. you accuse me of something, then you REQUIRE for me to provide the support showing that I DID NOT do it? That is fucked. If you are going to accuse me, then YOU show me where I did it.

You are acting like a typical liberal whether you are one or not. You are doing to me exactly what the liberals are doing to the president and I have seen you bitch about that.

Okay - I get it, you are simply too sensative to entertain discussion. freeandfun1 simply cannot look at 'himself'. Fine.
-=d=- said:
Okay - I get it, you are simply too sensative to entertain discussion. freeandfun1 simply cannot look at 'himself'. Fine.

I don't like being accused of doing something I have not done. Is there anything wrong with that?
freeandfun1 said:
regardless, don't do it.
I will continue to do 'that'. If using somebody's words in a POSTIVE way, about related discussion points offends them, they are a retard. :)

It's not like I went:

freeandfun1 said:
I like litte boys

I used where you made a GOOD point, and gave you the credit for the point, but simply changed the context.

WoW. Relax.
-=d=- said:
I didn't accuse. Look at what I wrote.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen...blah blah"

When people have an idea about a fact, but not the real, hard data about a fact, they use words like "I'm pretty sure..." or "I think...". They stay away from words like "I KNOW"...or "I am certain".

D you create false quotes. I do read what you write. you told me
not to fret over what he thought then you say that I can't "entertain discussion".

Get a life.
freeandfun1 said:
I don't like being accused of doing something I have not done. Is there anything wrong with that?

I didn't accuse. Look at what I wrote.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen...blah blah"

When people have an idea about a fact, but not the real, hard data about a fact, they use words like "I'm pretty sure..." or "I think...". They stay away from words like "I KNOW"...or "I am certain".

-=d=- said:
I will continue to do 'that'. If using somebody's words in a POSTIVE way, about related discussion points offends them, they are a retard. :)

It's not like I went:

I used where you made a GOOD point, and gave you the credit for the point, but simply changed the context.

WoW. Relax.

Fucking take this shit down now!
freeandfun1 said:
Fucking take this shit down now!

No. What in that post offends you?




Ahh.. I see it..

I wrote it's NOT LIKE I (then provided an example of a 'false quote'). I wrote it is NOT AS IF I misquoted, or tried to mis-interpret what you wrote or replied with.

Ever seen 'Meet the Parents?'

"I said it's NOT like I have a Bomb - I didn't say I HAD a bomb, I said I DID NOT have a bomb...bomb-ba-bomb-bomb"

freeandfun1 said:
you paint with too broad of a brush. I own three corporations. One, a Nevada "S" Corporation, one, a Deleware "C" corporation and the other a Nevada Limited Liability (LLC) Corporation. I treat my employees damn good. I just bought my secretary of nearly 10 years a house (I put up the $30,000 downpayment as a gift). Not all corporation treat their employees bad. You are lumping all corporate owners into one category and that is fucked up. Especially from a liberal. Aren't you guys the ones saying that all Muslims can't be judged by the actions of one, or one homo can't be judged by the actions of one or one black murderer does not make all murderers black? I mean, c'mon. In all seriousness, get off your corporate bashing. My small CORPORATIONS employee a vast array of people. Out of over 50 employees I would say that about 45 to 50% are "of color" whether they be Asian, Hispanic, black, etc.

So be more fair.

we can all paint with a broad brush at times, its done alot with 'liberal'. I also understand your frustration with that since I'm one of the 'liberals' that get lumped in, at least until people see some of my viewpoints, then I get accused of being a 'neo-con'.

I praise your corporate responsibility and ethics. If only the bigger ones were more like you. Don't take it personally when I slam corporations and I'll try to not take it personally when you slam liberals, deal? :thup:
DKSuddeth said:
we can all paint with a broad brush at times, its done alot with 'liberal'. I also understand your frustration with that since I'm one of the 'liberals' that get lumped in, at least until people see some of my viewpoints, then I get accused of being a 'neo-con'.

I praise your corporate responsibility and ethics. If only the bigger ones were more like you. Don't take it personally when I slam corporations and I'll try to not take it personally when you slam liberals, deal? :thup:

Deal! :beer:
freeandfun1 said:
you must be a liberal. you accuse me of something, then you REQUIRE for me to provide the support showing that I DID NOT do it? That is fucked. If you are going to accuse me, then YOU show me where I did it.

You are acting like a typical liberal whether you are one or not. You are doing to me exactly what the liberals are doing to the president and I have seen you bitch about that.

weren't you just complaining about lumping all of a group together?
DKSuddeth said:
weren't you just complaining about lumping all of a group together?

yes. :blowup:

ugh! busted. okay, sorry. but he is doing what conservatives bitch about SOME in the media and SOME on the left of doing.

There. Better?

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