Your Opinion Please

as i said , the message was fine but that won't convince you or change yer mind , You are just looking for some sniveling and whining and didn't get it RWinger .
About what I expected

Conservatives have no appreciation of appropriate behavior
Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

I voted for Gary Johnson, he was one of the choices.

The Green Party had a candidate as well.

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Dude, I get it. But let's be realistic, he didn't have a prayer... he got what, 1.4% of the vote? You had two choices, sad as they were. Google "pragmatism".

If only a vote that has a chance of winning counts then I had only one choice as the state I live in was not even close.

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Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

I voted for Gary Johnson, he was one of the choices.

The Green Party had a candidate as well.

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Dude, I get it. But let's be realistic, he didn't have a prayer... he got what, 1.4% of the vote? You had two choices, sad as they were. Google "pragmatism".

If only a vote that has a chance of winning counts then I had only one choice as the state I live in was not even close.

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Sad state of affairs, I agree. I voted for someone simply to vote against another.
Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

I voted for Gary Johnson, he was one of the choices.

The Green Party had a candidate as well.

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Dude, I get it. But let's be realistic, he didn't have a prayer... he got what, 1.4% of the vote? You had two choices, sad as they were. Google "pragmatism".

If only a vote that has a chance of winning counts then I had only one choice as the state I live in was not even close.

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Sad state of affairs, I agree. I voted for someone simply to vote against another.

This is the problem with the current system...40 out of 50 states are this way most elections.

I would so very much like to see us move to a more parliamentary system, but it will never happen

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Come on USMB Conservatives

Be honest here........Do you believe that was an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

I'm a moderate, not a conservative but when I saw this thread yesterday shortly after it first appeared two things struck me. First of which was its disrespect. The second was to bite my tongue, let it slide for a day and not allow Trump's thoughtless words shift focus to him on the day dedicated to our fallen.

[edit - Just to be clear the disrespect I mentioned in my 1st thought was pointed towards Trump's message and not towards anybody's posting.]
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Had Hillary written this, you'd be all over her.

Pardon, but what is wrong with the message?

Imagine Hillary wrote it, then tell me what you'd be screaming.

"Happy Memorial Day", come off it, it's like he thinks it's just a fucking holiday.

Memorial Day is about remembering those who gave up their lives, or body parts, or whatever, for the country.

Not for Trump to try and claim that it's all about him.

Best economy in decades. What's this got to do with Memorial Day?

Blacks having low unemployment? Anything to do with Memorial Day?

Let's call it the "Trump fakes his own achievements Day" instead.
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636

Trump Honors Fallen Soldiers On Memorial Day With Self-Congratulatory Tweet

Trump praised the current unemployment rate for African-Americans and Hispanics, as well as the “best economy in decades” ― two areas that began steadily improving under the Obama administration.

People tweeted back
Replying to @realDonaldTrump

Why are you bragging about the economy on Memorial Day?
Replying to @realDonaldTrump

#CadetBoneSpurs sure puts the ME in Memorial Day.

Happy #MemorialDay. Here's a copy of Donald Trump's Selective Classification record, including his many, many deferments to dodge the Vietnam War.

Trump thinks Memorial Day is all about him.

Even on Memorial Day when we pay tribute to those who answered the nation’s call and paid the ultimate price, 5-Deferment @realDonaldTrump pays tribute to himself. He should be ashamed, but shame requires a conscience.

Trump Honors Fallen Soldiers On Memorial Day With Self-Congratulatory Tweet | HuffPost

The tweet just highlights how socially clueless out President is

For most adults, the proper sentiment is a statement honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country...PERIOD

Trump shows what an insecure individual he is. Memorial Day is just another opportunity to say.....I am doing good.....I am doing good
Speaking of the insane, moron LoneLaugher's avatar with the boner pic...I tried posting a dick pic on Facebook (just to fuck around with the retarded Zuckerburger) and they banned me for 3 days...then the news says they want nude pics. WTF?

Awww. Poor little snowflake. I'll change it for you soon, sweetie.
Here's a pacifier for you, sucker!


Had Hillary written this, you'd be all over her.

Pardon, but what is wrong with the message?

Imagine Hillary wrote it, then tell me what you'd be screaming.

"Happy Memorial Day", come off it, it's like he thinks it's just a fucking holiday.

Memorial Day is about remembering those who gave up their lives, or body parts, or whatever, for the country.

Not for Trump to try and claim that it's all about him.

Best economy in decades. What's this got to do with Memorial Day?

Blacks having low unemployment? Anything to do with Memorial Day?

Let's call it the "Trump fakes his own achievements Day" instead.
I'd donate to a FUK Trump day
---------------------------------------- if true , well , lots of people are happy to hear it . Reread the thread and take note RWinger !!

Lots of people put the man before the country

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------------------------------------------- i can understand Why , we just came out of 8 years of traitorous and unAmerican 'mrobama' GGator .

I am glad you can, I personally would never put any man before the country. The military Oath of Office is to the Constitution, not the guy sitting in the White House
Tell that to the members of the now defunct Obama administration. Never has more ignoring of the Constitution taken place.

You know, everytime you pull out the "what about Obama" card, you are just proving there is very little difference there is between the two.
Generally such comparisons are intended to illuminate the hypocrisy of double standards, such as yours.
Lots of people put the man before the country

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------------------------------------------- i can understand Why , we just came out of 8 years of traitorous and unAmerican 'mrobama' GGator .

I am glad you can, I personally would never put any man before the country. The military Oath of Office is to the Constitution, not the guy sitting in the White House
Tell that to the members of the now defunct Obama administration. Never has more ignoring of the Constitution taken place.

You know, everytime you pull out the "what about Obama" card, you are just proving there is very little difference there is between the two.
Generally such comparisons are intended to illuminate the hypocrisy of double standards, such as yours.

If I in any, way shape or form supported anything done by Obama you might have a small point..but you do not as I did not.

And each time you do it you just show how alike they are..when the best you can do is "oh yeah, what about Obama...." that should be a clue how much your savior sucks

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