Your Opinion Please

Yeah. I just put a mirror in front of you. You didn't like it.

What you said wasn't a mirror, it was moronic. You just assume that we owe people to either pay for their birth control or their abortions. And you think that's a mirror saying that to someone who doesn't believe your kid is his financial responsibility

Please. Reducing UNPLANNED pregnancies is a really good way to reduce the number of abortions.

Argue that point, jackass.

If Votto didn't have abortions to bitch about he'd probably die of inctivity.

I'm pro-choice and I'm for planned parenthood and free contraceptives. We also agree that I'm the one who should pay for it. My view I should pay for it through private donations because I'm a man who wants to pay my own bills, your view that I should be forced to pay for it at the point of a government gun because you're not man enough to pay for your own charity.

Charity BTW is not an act that can be performed at the point of a gun. Man up and take a wrench to your own wallet, Nancy

So in reality, we aren't that far apart

Whatever. I'm cool to have an insurance pool that cares for everyone. Wealth ( or lack thereof ) shouldn't determine access to health care of any kind.

You can go live in the wilderness and pay for your own shit and nobody else's. Good luck affording that heart transplant. Asshole.

You're a strange little guy.

At least you admitted you're a Marxist finally, "Wealth ( or lack thereof ) shouldn't determine access to health care of any kind."

However, free government funded healthcare isn't insurance, it's welfare. And your last sentence makes no sense at all. You're going to make insurance illegal and only allow government provided healthcare? How are you coming up with that I can't buy my own insurance?

So people who can't pay for insurance should just die? Only the wealthy deserve to live?
Sounds O.K. What's the problem?

Trump is not a polished smooth talking professional politician. I find politicians phony, it sickens me how phony they are. That Trump doesn't care or bother to put on some fake act I like that.
Yeah you just like him being his old perverted lying self

You think the Clintons and Obama didn't lie to you? :itsok:

This thread is about Trump. Or have you given up defending him and moved on to "But they do it too!!!!"

I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636

I have had this discussion with a lot of people, mostly on the right (there's never and sense talking to lefties), about this. It depends on the intention. If you are saying "Happy Memorial Day" because you want people to have a good day then sure, it's ok. If you are saying it because you think it's a day of celebration, then it's inappropriate. It's not wrong or bad in any way, it's just not appropriate.

Everything else about the President's tweet is accurate.
Trump is not a polished smooth talking professional politician. I find politicians phony, it sickens me how phony they are. That Trump doesn't care or bother to put on some fake act I like that.
Yeah you just like him being his old perverted lying self

You think the Clintons and Obama didn't lie to you? :itsok:

This thread is about Trump. Or have you given up defending him and moved on to "But they do it too!!!!"

I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Come on USMB Conservatives

Be honest here........Do you believe that was an appropriate message for Memorial Day?
It's midterm election time. He's been a broken record on it for months and months. I hear he did a REALLY GOOD speech at Arlington--pitch perfect. Trump's tweets fall into a different category. Did you know the Library of Congress is not even keeping them all in the official record anymore? Too many and (no doubt) too much garbage that doesn't need to disgrace the historical record.
I think this reaction was way overblown, considering who the President is and that we KNOW it. One more thing to criticize him for, on a slow news weekend when he didn't make too many large gaffes.
I think what he said was offensive and deserved criticism

May be midterms but you don’t use the death of soldiers to tout your economic success.
as i said , the message was fine but that won't convince you or change yer mind , You are just looking for some sniveling and whining and didn't get it RWinger .
Yeah you just like him being his old perverted lying self

You think the Clintons and Obama didn't lie to you? :itsok:

This thread is about Trump. Or have you given up defending him and moved on to "But they do it too!!!!"

I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.
You think the Clintons and Obama didn't lie to you? :itsok:

This thread is about Trump. Or have you given up defending him and moved on to "But they do it too!!!!"

I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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This thread is about Trump. Or have you given up defending him and moved on to "But they do it too!!!!"

I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?
I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

Sorry, I am not aware of candidate Seriously.
I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

I voted for Gary Johnson, he was one of the choices.

The Green Party had a candidate as well.

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I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

As I said, these folks are dumber than a box of rocks.

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I find your post 10x dumber than Trump, happy now?
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

I was a Gary Johnson supporter until he completely BLEW it. I was like WTF, Gary??? Stop smoking weed and do your goddamn homework. Until the 3rd parties can come up with viable candidates that can COMPETE, then we are left with the two major party candidates to choose from in the end. At first, I wasn't very pleased to vote for Trump, but he was better than Hillary (the career politician). Then, once I found out that ALL the establishment politicians in Washington (dems AND reps) were taking a "stand" against Trump, then I started to like him even more. Even though they try to convince us that voting for Trump is signalling the end of the world, I'm not buying it. There are other "reasons" why they are angry that Trump won the highly prestigious position of POTUS. :D
I actually spent the last half of the campaign lobbying for a binding "none of the above" option.
I don't think that's possible. tRump is about at the level of a retarded housefly to start with, 10x that and you will be deep in the negatives.

Hillary lost, Trump won, deal with it.
Don't know how many times I've gotta tell you dinks, I'm not a Clinton fan.

Don’t waste your time. These mental midgets have only two options, either you kiss Trump’s ass or you are a Hillary lover. They lack the basic intelligence to understand there were more than two options.

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OK genius, what was the third option in the 2016 election?

I voted for Gary Johnson, he was one of the choices.

The Green Party had a candidate as well.

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Dude, I get it. But let's be realistic, he didn't have a prayer... he got what, 1.4% of the vote? You had two choices, sad as they were. Google "pragmatism".

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