Your Opinion Please

Please. Reducing UNPLANNED pregnancies is a really good way to reduce the number of abortions.

Nice qualifier there, LL.

So which is it? Preventing pregnancy or preventing abortion? You can't have it both ways.

Don't be a retard on purpose.

I'm not. Only retards dodge questions and lob insults at other people. You wanna give that another try?

No. You've insulted everyone's intelligence again. Piss off.
They are intertwined, but one rules over the other. I can ignore the CIC if he gives an unlawful order, based upon the Constitution

So if you were serving right now, would that determination be up to you?

It is always up to the one serving.

One of the first thing we learn about in boot camp is how to deal with unlawful orders.

Okay. So has any of Trump's orders been unalwful?

One could make the argument that lobbing missiles into a sovereign nation is, but we do that so often I guess that does not count.

Still does not mean anyone should put the man before the country.

Shocking enough for many people, he is just a man and he does not turn water into wine as he is walking upon it.

No, you have a point, but I see the phrase "loyalty to the man" being bandied about.

But I'm curious yet again, are you not swearing your loyalty to the President when you swear loyalty to your country? Is he not a part of the country you're serving?

I genuinely wish to know what the difference is here...

Yeah. Every soldier swears loyalty to the president. That's perfect. Perfectly authoritarian.

Being part of the country gets loyalty from soldiers? Cool.
Please. Reducing UNPLANNED pregnancies is a really good way to reduce the number of abortions.

Nice qualifier there, LL.

So which is it? Preventing pregnancy or preventing abortion? You can't have it both ways.

Don't be a retard on purpose.

I'm not. Only retards dodge questions and lob insults at other people. You wanna give that another try?

No. You've insulted everyone's intelligence again. Piss off.
Funny, I'm in a thread where the OP asks for my opinion then the author tells me to piss off.

Please, tell us how much you really value the opinions of people you disagree with.
OP and others wanna see tears and sniveling but Life goes on . The President gave an accurate and respectful message to Americans . But yeah , as said by Mike TX , some just want to find fault with The TRUMP .
Trump turned Memorial Day into a celebration of himself
---------------------------------------- if true , well , lots of people are happy to hear it . Reread the thread and take note RWinger !!

Lots of people put the man before the country

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------------------------------------------- i can understand Why , we just came out of 8 years of traitorous and unAmerican 'mrobama' GGator .

I am glad you can, I personally would never put any man before the country. The military Oath of Office is to the Constitution, not the guy sitting in the White House
Tell that to the members of the now defunct Obama administration. Never has more ignoring of the Constitution taken place.
OP and others wanna see tears and sniveling but Life goes on . The President gave an accurate and respectful message to Americans . But yeah , as said by Mike TX , some just want to find fault with The TRUMP .
Trump turned Memorial Day into a celebration of himself
---------------------------------------- if true , well , lots of people are happy to hear it . Reread the thread and take note RWinger !!

Lots of people put the man before the country

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That man could have accomplished more to date if the Democrats didn't put party before country.

Obstructionists are anti-American assholes!

I am sure you had those same words for Repub obstructionists the last 8 years
Check the number of party line votes by the Republicans in Obama's reign during an equivalent time span against the party line votes of the Democrats so far under this session of Congress.
Today is about US service personnel who lost their lives, not vets.

This is not veterans day.

Many Americans paid the ultimate price for the free society that democrats wage war to end.

How true. Perhaps this will help others in the future remember the difference. I hope it will help my awareness of Armed Forces Day which I just looked up and see it is observed on the 3rd Saturday in May. My belated thanks to those currently serving and prayers go out that I'll be honoring you in a future Veteran's Day.

Please. Reducing UNPLANNED pregnancies is a really good way to reduce the number of abortions.

Nice qualifier there, LL.

So which is it? Preventing pregnancy or preventing abortion? You can't have it both ways.

Don't be a retard on purpose.

I'm not. Only retards dodge questions and lob insults at other people. You wanna give that another try?

No. You've insulted everyone's intelligence again. Piss off.
Funny, I'm in a thread where the OP asks for my opinion then the author tells me to piss off.

Please, tell us how much you really value the opinions of people you disagree with.

Subject of thread? Subject of your opinion? Same?
Speaking of the insane, moron LoneLaugher's avatar with the boner pic...I tried posting a dick pic on Facebook (just to fuck around with the retarded Zuckerburger) and they banned me for 3 days...then the news says they want nude pics. WTF?
Speaking of the insane, moron LoneLaugher's avatar with the boner pic...I tried posting a dick pic on Facebook (just to fuck around with the retarded Zuckerburger) and they banned me for 3 days...then the news says they want nude pics. WTF?

Awww. Poor little snowflake. I'll change it for you soon, sweetie.
Trump turned Memorial Day into a celebration of himself
---------------------------------------- if true , well , lots of people are happy to hear it . Reread the thread and take note RWinger !!

Lots of people put the man before the country

Sent from my iPhone using
That man could have accomplished more to date if the Democrats didn't put party before country.

Obstructionists are anti-American assholes!

I am sure you had those same words for Repub obstructionists the last 8 years
Check the number of party line votes by the Republicans in Obama's reign during an equivalent time span against the party line votes of the Democrats so far under this session of Congress.

Since you seem to know that number, I will wait for you to provide it.
Trump turned Memorial Day into a celebration of himself
---------------------------------------- if true , well , lots of people are happy to hear it . Reread the thread and take note RWinger !!

Lots of people put the man before the country

Sent from my iPhone using
------------------------------------------- i can understand Why , we just came out of 8 years of traitorous and unAmerican 'mrobama' GGator .

I am glad you can, I personally would never put any man before the country. The military Oath of Office is to the Constitution, not the guy sitting in the White House
Tell that to the members of the now defunct Obama administration. Never has more ignoring of the Constitution taken place.

You know, everytime you pull out the "what about Obama" card, you are just proving there is very little difference there is between the two.

Whatever. I'm cool to have an insurance pool that cares for everyone. Wealth ( or lack thereof ) shouldn't determine access to health care of any kind.

You can go live in the wilderness and pay for your own shit and nobody else's. Good luck affording that heart transplant. Asshole.

A stupid "insurance pool that covers everyone" means that there are millions of welfare queens that don't pay because they are too sorry to do it. That is despicable, isn't it?

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills no matter where I live. It is your responsibility.

You are not entitled to have me pay your bills simply because you are alive. Don't be an asshole.
Great message on Memorial Day from a great President.

If a pink pussy hat Moon Bat doesn't like the message then they go howl at the sky or something. Meanwhile America is being made great again.
Come on USMB Conservatives

Be honest here........Do you believe that was an appropriate message for Memorial Day?
Just think, if you post enough, eventually you are bound to make some sense just one time in your life.

Until then, keep trying.

Yeah. I just put a mirror in front of you. You didn't like it.

What you said wasn't a mirror, it was moronic. You just assume that we owe people to either pay for their birth control or their abortions. And you think that's a mirror saying that to someone who doesn't believe your kid is his financial responsibility

Please. Reducing UNPLANNED pregnancies is a really good way to reduce the number of abortions.

Argue that point, jackass.

If Votto didn't have abortions to bitch about he'd probably die of inctivity.

I'm pro-choice and I'm for planned parenthood and free contraceptives. We also agree that I'm the one who should pay for it. My view I should pay for it through private donations because I'm a man who wants to pay my own bills, your view that I should be forced to pay for it at the point of a government gun because you're not man enough to pay for your own charity.

Charity BTW is not an act that can be performed at the point of a gun. Man up and take a wrench to your own wallet, Nancy

So in reality, we aren't that far apart

Whatever. I'm cool to have an insurance pool that cares for everyone. Wealth ( or lack thereof ) shouldn't determine access to health care of any kind.

You can go live in the wilderness and pay for your own shit and nobody else's. Good luck affording that heart transplant. Asshole.

You're a strange little guy.

At least you admitted you're a Marxist finally, "Wealth ( or lack thereof ) shouldn't determine access to health care of any kind."

However, free government funded healthcare isn't insurance, it's welfare. And your last sentence makes no sense at all. You're going to make insurance illegal and only allow government provided healthcare? How are you coming up with that I can't buy my own insurance?
The military Oath of Office is to the Constitution, not the guy sitting in the White House

Curious, why do we call the President the Commander in Chief? I'm of the belief that if a soldier is bound by the constitution, so is the CIC, and in that regard, that same constitution binds the soldier to obey the orders and commands given by the CIC.

I thought these things were intertwined? What am I missing here?

They are not intertwined.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You swear faith and allegiance to the Constitution. You follow the orders of those appointed above you. Your allegiance is to the Constitution not to a person.
Come on USMB Conservatives

Be honest here........Do you believe that was an appropriate message for Memorial Day?
It's midterm election time. He's been a broken record on it for months and months. I hear he did a REALLY GOOD speech at Arlington--pitch perfect. Trump's tweets fall into a different category. Did you know the Library of Congress is not even keeping them all in the official record anymore? Too many and (no doubt) too much garbage that doesn't need to disgrace the historical record.
I think this reaction was way overblown, considering who the President is and that we KNOW it. One more thing to criticize him for, on a slow news weekend when he didn't make too many large gaffes.

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