Your President is in Michigan

Is this Whitmer broad bitching about the BLM rioters that have arrived to harass the President?

Nope...the filth has tried to illegalize Trump rallies by issuing no gathering rules unless it's a peaceful protest.

So everybody at Trump rallies bring signs that read "THIS IS A PEACEFUL PROTEST" :auiqs.jpg:

God I love our president!!! :laughing0301:
Just heard on the radio that 8,000 have arrived so far 3 hours before the peaceful protest. Gov Gretch is not happy

I thought the title was "Your President" as in MY President. But then you go on a tangent and start talking about the Baffoon in Charge. After the last few days, it's quite apparent that we don't HAVE a President.
Just heard on the radio that 8,000 have arrived so far 3 hours before the peaceful protest. Gov Gretch is not happy

I thought the title was "Your President" as in MY President. But then you go on a tangent and start talking about the Baffoon in Charge. After the last few days, it's quite apparent that we don't HAVE a President.

You just did the exact same thing ya knucklehead.
Watch your back Mr President,
You've left the USA and are in a Communist Country now.
Gretch called him THE enemy of the State

I guess shes right. He is the enemy of the Deep State.

I'll try to find her quote

We are a "Free" country.
But the unfortunate thing is that people misinterpreted that to mean even Communists are free to run for any office and become the rule of law.

CLEARLY the Constitution does not provide for that but so far, "We The People" have failed miserably to make it clear that Marxism, Communism and Socialism are all concepts that go directly against the US Constitution.

Instead, we have allowed Communists etc to gain seats in Congress such as AOC and Bernie Sanders. And they are infiltrating governorships and a slew of positions of power. It's like we are inviting Communists to take over.

I'm awestruck that Americans can't see the folly in this.
Watch your back Mr President,
You've left the USA and are in a Communist Country now.
Gretch called him THE enemy of the State

I guess shes right. He is the enemy of the Deep State.

I'll try to find her quote

We are a "Free" country.
But the unfortunate thing is that people misinterpreted that to mean even Communists are free to run for any office and become the rule of law.

CLEARLY the Constitution does not provide for that but so far, "We The People" have failed miserably to make it clear that Marxism, Communism and Socialism are all concepts that go directly against the US Constitution.

Instead, we have allowed Communists etc to gain seats in Congress such as AOC and Bernie Sanders. And they are infiltrating governorships and a slew of positions of power. It's like we are inviting Communists to take over.

I'm awestruck that Americans can't see the folly in this.
The government education system discourages understanding our system because it puts the government UNDER the individual.
Watch your back Mr President,
You've left the USA and are in a Communist Country now.
Gretch called him THE enemy of the State

I guess shes right. He is the enemy of the Deep State.

I'll try to find her quote

We are a "Free" country.
But the unfortunate thing is that people misinterpreted that to mean even Communists are free to run for any office and become the rule of law.

CLEARLY the Constitution does not provide for that but so far, "We The People" have failed miserably to make it clear that Marxism, Communism and Socialism are all concepts that go directly against the US Constitution.

Instead, we have allowed Communists etc to gain seats in Congress such as AOC and Bernie Sanders. And they are infiltrating governorships and a slew of positions of power. It's like we are inviting Communists to take over.

I'm awestruck that Americans can't see the folly in this.

And I am awe stuck by the failure to see that the Fascist Movement has taken over the other half of the Government in Washington. And don't give me that crap about the Dems being the Fascists. You keep calling them Communists. Stick with your narrative. But for those of us that have been in REAL Fascist Countries, we see the relationship of the Rump and his crowd as Fascists. And the only thing standing in their way from completely bringing us into a real Fascist Country is the United States Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
That was some entrance, with the Lee Greenwood music. Almost WWEish. Heh heh.

Governor Whitmer's reaction...

And I am awe stuck by the failure to see that the Fascist Movement has taken over the other half of the Government in Washington. And don't give me that crap about the Dems being the Fascists. You keep calling them Communists. Stick with your narrative. But for those of us that have been in REAL Fascist Countries, we see the relationship of the Rump and his crowd as Fascists. And the only thing standing in their way from completely bringing us into a real Fascist Country is the United States Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

You can't list a damn thing to back up that insanity.

But I have thousands examples of your Communist fascist buddies attacking conservatives on college campuses and Dem backed Antifa beating up the elderly.
Democrat ADULTS taking hats from children.

You have a lot of fucking nerve to call the Right fascist.
And I am awe stuck by the failure to see that the Fascist Movement has taken over the other half of the Government in Washington. And don't give me that crap about the Dems being the Fascists. You keep calling them Communists. Stick with your narrative. But for those of us that have been in REAL Fascist Countries, we see the relationship of the Rump and his crowd as Fascists. And the only thing standing in their way from completely bringing us into a real Fascist Country is the United States Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

You can't list a damn thing to back up that insanity.

But I have thousands examples of your Communist fascist buddies attacking conservatives on college campuses and Dem backed Antifa beating up the elderly.
Democrat ADULTS taking hats from children.

You have a lot of fucking nerve to call the Right fascist.

Ooohhhh, feel the hate. You certain do exibit that hate and bloodlust. You would have made a good Klingon.
Ooohhhh, feel the hate. You certain do exibit that hate and bloodlust. You would have made a good Klingon.

And as expected, you have nothing so you resort to childish nonsense.
I think you are mentally ill, like so many on the Left

Yes, Republican Cities aren't having those problems (as said by Rump in his Speech). Almost all Republican ran Cities are less than 120,000 population. There are no Republican mayor led cities that have a million or more population. Even the cities with 500K or larger with Republican Mayors have either an equal balance between parties on the city council or have a majority of Democrats. The fact remains, the Republicans are unable to run large cities. Ok, the Dems aren't much better but they at least try.

"I have done more for Michigan ". I have to agree with that. Unemployment, thousands dead, Hospital Beds filled, Failed small businesses and more to come. Yes, his bare statement is correct.

"We were gaining on China". Yes, you can look at it that way when you consider we are losing less than China is. But losing by a smaller margin is still losing and it's not really getting any better. There were 883,000 more people added to the unemployment roles last month. Now, that's winning.

Now, about what he said about the Farmers money from the Tariffs. Here is how that money was spent. It mostly went to the Corporate Farms. Not to the family farms who are being auctioned off and being gobble up by, you guessed it, the Corporate Farms. And what do you have to do to get those funds? Not farm but own part of a farm. Like be a Stockholder working as a Lawyer in DC or NY and have nothing to do with running that farm. By the time it gets down to the Family Farm, there isn't much left after the Corporate Farms take that huge gluttony.

His whole speech is wrought with BS. I am currently listening to it now. You Rumpsters think that those of us that want him gone do not listen to him speak? We do. He's so full of crap, I don't have time to go into any more of his crap.
Just heard on the radio that 8,000 have arrived so far 3 hours before the peaceful protest. Gov Gretch is not happy

How do you think she felt when the crowd screamed "We love you".
This is why they left will never understand why they cant separate AMERICANS from this president. Their HATE always works against their goal. Poor Gretch. She must have been seething


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