Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

Makes you wonder. Trump is so damn stupid to have broken the law..
and then think he can bully his way out of it?
I say it all the time: NO ONE behaves likes this. No one. Male, female, child. No one.
He's operating right out of the demagogue's playbook. I wouldn't doubt he reads Mein Kampf for inspiration before he goes to bed every night, though many say he can't read very well, since he has the attention span of an imbecile.
It's just so difficult to believe that it has happened HERE.

Biden’s History of Getting Away With Racist Remarks​

oe Biden has a decades-long habit of making overtly racist remarks, taking discriminatory positions and cavorting with known racists—things that would get anyone to his political right tossed out of polite society. But being on the left must make it okay.

Just a few days ago, while lamenting the difficulty in convincing many Latinos and blacks to take the COVID vaccine, he committed a series of racially charged blunders that barely registered in the corporate media’s consciousness.

Biden white-splained that Latinos in America resist vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.”

This statement makes the insane assumption that all Latinos present in this country are illegal aliens subject to expulsion. It never occurred to Biden that more than 60 million Latinos are actually American citizens, according to recent census figures.

While insulting such a sizable segment of our population, Biden actually went further. He referred to this group of people as “Latinx,” which is a term invented by woke academics who objected to gender-specific words in the Spanish language.

Just 3% of Latinos use “Latinx” to describe themselves and less than a quarter have even heard of the term, according to the Pew Research Center. Many find it to be an offensive bastardization of the Spanish language.

Here, Biden is almost certainly unaware of what he’s saying and has simply repeated what a liberal on his staff has instructed him to say. But there are plenty of examples where Biden should not receive the benefit of the doubt.

In the same breath as his “Latinx” comment, Biden lectured about the fears that blacks may have of the vaccine, attempting to point to historically shameful episodes when they were subjected to inhumane medical experiments.

“They are used to being experimented on—the Tuskegee Airmen and others,” Biden said.

In this, he confused legendary World War II fighter pilots with a long, notorious governmental study of syphilis among black men—the Tuskegee Experiment.

It does not take much effort to imagine the media’s reaction if Donald Trump had mangled so many racial issues in one press conference.

Examples dating back to his campaign for president (and earlier) abound.

On Charlamagne Tha God’s popular morning radio show in May 2020, Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!”

Then in August 2020, Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

Taken together, these statements clearly suggest that Biden believes all black people think alike.

In the same interview, responding to a question on whether he had taken a cognitive test, Biden angrily fired back with the suggestion that the black reporter was a drug addict.

“That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not,” Biden said. “What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

Put these words into Mitch McConnell’s mouth and try to envision how long he’d be allowed to remain in the Senate, let alone in a leadership position.

But Biden has been getting away with this for years.

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”

In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Of course, he infamously worked with segregationist senators to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally impacted her as a young girl.

And over the course of his entire career, he had kind words to say about staunchly segregationist senators.

Any one of these statements or episodes would have been enough to sink the political career of any conservative in Washington, D.C., against whom tenuous accusations of racism are commonplace and occur almost daily.

But Joe Biden, who has a lifetime of them, is now president of the United States. On some days and in some ways, it must be good to be on the left
I just don't get it.

And the thing is, he didn't create this in them. He let it out.

These people are absolutely full of rage. This began with Limbaugh.
"This" did not begin with Rush, and it has been a long time coming.....
Fuck off. Your crying & excuses for Trump are tiring.

Try this. Be a man instead of a wimp playing interference for Trump who's the worst human being who ever held office in the history of this country.

Now go cry yourself to sleep, candy ass.

In US politics, true evil has manifested itself as the Democrat Party. Democrats promote:

  • Groomers (teachers and others who push abnormal sexual lifestyles onto little kids)
  • Infanticide (abortion and late term abortion)
  • Marxism/Socialism
  • Child Genital Mutilation (many threads here on that already)
  • Stripping of Free Speech Rights
  • Stripping of Religious Rights
  • Stripping of Right to Bear Arms
  • CRT Hate and Racism
  • Election Theft
  • Open Borders
  • Destructive Monetary and Economic Policies
  • High Taxes
  • Massive Debt-Causing Spending

I could continue but those should be sufficient to horrify any good person who has even a minimal moral compass.

That filth is what you side with. I suggest you closing your piehole the next time you tell someoe else to F Off
Wow. So you're proud of the way you insult people.

If Hitler were here I would insult him and he would deserve it.

Democrats are no better than Hitler


The meme left out killing millions of innocent people (abortion)
How'd things work out in court today for Trump? He looked very uncomfortable sitting in that chair. Perhaps he can request a seat cushion to ease the discomfort of having massive hairs caught accross his ass caused by the AG's lawyers handing his ass back to him on a silver platter.

He better get used to sitting in courtrooms for all the trouble he's caused since 2016 when that assape took office.

The guy was elected to the highest office in the land & he fucked it up like a wet dream gone wrong.

Poah poah butthurt toddler. You clowns are hilarious.

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