Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

Classic loser, just like I said! You lying scum NEVER accept proof, never! If anyone provides it, all you do is keep spewing your treason. I hope that somewhere there is a wall waiting for you.
If you had proof people would accept it. Trump said he can prove it. Why doesn't he?
You vermin don't know what proven means. LMAO, all you do is spew bullshit, over and over and over and over and over, etc etc ect...
It won't be bullshit when that Mango Knuckledragger is led away in handcuffs, assbreath.
Nah. You’re claim is just another one of your lies. You are too stupid to grasp that you have no credibility at all.

Now toddle off and vote for a demented Potato. 😂
It won't be my claim when that asscreep is locked up for a few years, Trump's fool.
You assume far too much. But if he doesn’t get a fair trial, and gets a conviction on any of his criminal cases, they are very likely to get tossed on appeal.

By the way, you are the asscreep. Not Trump. Own it.
Oh, he'll get a fair trial. And the Judge will make certain of that so that Trump The Asscreep gets his ass handed back to him on appeal.

Take that to the bank.
By your assbuddy Trump & his goon squad? Bring it on, assbreath.
You’re incredibly stupid. You’re the one who said you’d kiss his ass if you ever went to jail. But how could you do so on Main Street if you’re in jail.

Good grief, you’re slow. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
That's the only other option you imagine, eh?

This is what cultism does to the mind.
No. The other option is do they have legal proof. That should stand up to anything Trump has to say about it. Why don’t they have that? Who the fuck cares what the defendant has to say if you have the proof? It doesn’t seem like they do. They’re more concerned about being called bad names than applying the law.
I'm putting this in Politics because there is a clear political component here.

I think it's clear that there is simply no one who behaves like Trump, so comparisons are worthless. He attacks and insults and name-calls various people virtually every day in a way that no American public figure has. Ever. And again today, he attacked and insulted Fani Willis and Judge Engoron -- officials who are playing a significant role in his future -- as he was about to go into court.

With this in mind, why do you suppose he does this? Does he do it for political advantage? To influence the jury pool? Is he trying to intimidate? Is it because he can't help himself?

I realize I'll get the regular insults and name-calling and screams of TDS from people who want to avoid the question, and that's fine. I'd just like to see what you think this behavior indicates.
Trump does it because he is inflicted with a severe personality disorder. He's a sociopath and if what he says gets a judge or DA hurt by one of his unstable cultists, so be it
lol, you are insane.
How'd things work out in court today for Trump? He looked very uncomfortable sitting in that chair. Perhaps he can request a seat cushion to ease the discomfort of having massive hairs caught accross his ass caused by the AG's lawyers handing his ass back to him on a silver platter.

He better get used to sitting in courtrooms for all the trouble he's caused since 2016 when that assape took office.

The guy was elected to the highest office in the land & he fucked it up like a wet dream gone wrong.
How'd things work out in court today for Trump? He looked very uncomfortable sitting in that chair. Perhaps he can request a seat cushion to ease the discomfort of having massive hairs caught accross his ass caused by the AG's lawyers handing his ass back to him on a silver platter.

He better get used to sitting in courtrooms for all the trouble he's caused since 2016 when that assape took office.

The guy was elected to the highest office in the land & he fucked it up like a wet dream gone wrong.
”Fucked it up” with policies that had all of America kicking ass and Mexico’s filth shut down?
”Fucked it up” because he made filthy pieces of dogshit degenerates feel like the dogshit degenerates they are?

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