Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

Shocking development……Jk

Trump is who he is, and that’s a childish bully who’s used to getting what he wants, and throws a hissy fit when he doesn’t get what he wants.
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Do you not understand that you sound like a fn moron when you say silly things like that?

Trump lies and spreads baseless conspiracy theories at every turn.

He doesn’t give any shit about what’s true, only about what’s useful for him and his ego.
Yes we know about how the media has twisted what Trump has said into what you call lies
You guys end up wrong every time with Trump.
That is the funniest thing I will read all day.

His critics have been right about everything since day one.

But let's take a minute to make fun of your cult.

"Wake me up when he loses an election"

"The election was stolen"

"Wae me up when gets charged either a crime"

"Wake me up when s9meone has proof of fraud"

I could go on
By 500%? The problem is you guys think everybody is a conman like Trump.
That’s the banks problem not the fucking DA. They can’t go back on a fucking loan given by the bank that was paid off by the way. And decide that’s a criminal act. The fucking bank isn’t even trying to prosecute him. Who gives a fuck!? Have you ever done a property loan? You fucking moron. It’s whatever the bank will loan you on it. There’s no fucking law they loaned you too much.
I'm putting this in Politics because there is a clear political component here.

I think it's clear that there is simply no one who behaves like Trump, so comparisons are worthless. He attacks and insults and name-calls various people virtually every day in a way that no American public figure has. Ever. And again today, he attacked and insulted Fani Willis and Judge Engoron -- officials who are playing a significant role in his future -- as he was about to go into court.

With this in mind, why do you suppose he does this? Does he do it for political advantage? To influence the jury pool? Is he trying to intimidate? Is it because he can't help himself?

I realize I'll get the regular insults and name-calling and screams of TDS from people who want to avoid the question, and that's fine. I'd just like to see what you think this behavior indicates.
The Orange Big-Mouth is brave enough going up against officials in a phoney-baloney civil case that he can eventually win...

I doubt he'll be shooting off that Big Mouth as much against judges in criminal cases where there's much more at-stake...

Given that a partial gag-order is part of the bail agreement... If he does it elsewhere, it will be a simple matter to revoke bail...
That is the funniest thing I will read all day.

His critics have been right about everything since day one.

But let's take a minute to make fun of your cult.

"Wake me up when he loses an election"

"The election was stolen"

"Wae me up when gets charged either a crime"

"Wake me up when s9meone has proof of fraud"

I could go on
You could I suppose but you won’t because your examples are fucking stupid.

Trump and Russia, nope that was Hillary. No charges there.

Trump being spied on by the DOJ. Proven true.

Trump has documents and nobody else does. Not true again.

So go fuck yourself, you’re a moron.
Wrong of course. This is standard fare for the state attorney General.

No it’s not. No AG in the country is getting involved in a bank loan between two contract signees. If I can get someone to loan me a billion fucking dollars for my property no AG can come back at me later. That’s the banks problem.

It’s not irrelevant. WTF does the AG have to say about the loan? Nothing. The answer is nothing.
No it’s not. No AG in the country is getting involved in a bank loan between two contract signees. If I can get someone to loan me a billion fucking dollars for my property no AG can come back at me later. That’s the banks problem.

It’s not irrelevant. WTF does the AG have to say about the loan? Nothing. The answer is nothing.
It of course is irrelevant, as the AG is enforcing state laws that regulate banking and insurance and taxes.

I.E., her job.

No, you did not listen to Dan Bongino for 5 minutes and outsmart the code of law and the justice system.
If a DA can come after you for a property loan either in your favor or the banks. What other loans can be prosecuted? Can I take my bank to court over a car loan? If I loan my nephew a thousand bucks can he sue me in ten years after it’s paid off?

WTF is happening here?
It of course is irrelevant, as the AG is enforcing state laws that regulate banking and insurance and taxes.

I.E., her job.

No, you did not listen to Dan Bongino for 5 minutes and outsmart the code of law and the justice system.
how is she doing that? There’s no law the bank has to limit its loans. There’s no law you can’t tell the bank your highest estimate of the property value. None of that has anything to do with how much insurance I have on the property. And it sure as fuck has nothing to do with my tax rate.

This entire case is retarded. But I wouldn’t expect any less from you morons.
These two things are both true:

Trump is a dickhead completely lacking in tactfulness.

He is being targeted for political reasons by a network of very corrupt people.

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