Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

Just for the record, because this appears to be the big "point" being made by the Trumpsters:

The "victim" in this case is The State of New York. That's how it works. Break state law, and the state is the victim. A state can bring a case on its own when its laws are broken.

In specific, the state has created and maintained laws governing financial reporting and is alleging that those laws have been broken. You do not need a poor little victim to prosecute the case. The state can enforce its laws. This is how it is done.

I'm sure talk radio and MAGA TV and the MAGA internet aren't mentioning this -- hell, they probably don't even KNOW it -- but it's true.
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Just for the record, because this appears to be the big point being made by the Trumpsters:

The "victim" in this case is the State of New York. That's how it works. A state can bring a case on its own.

In specific, the state has created and maintained laws governing financial reporting and is alleging that those laws have been broken. You do not need a poor little victim to prosecute the case. The state can enforce its laws. This is how it is done.

I'm sure talk radio and MAGA TV and the MAGA internet aren't mentioning this -- hell, they probably don't even KNOW it -- but it's true.

Are you still crying like a bitch about Trump?

Your senile pedophile liar Biden has been president for 3 years.
Just for the record, because this appears to be the big "point" being made by the Trumpsters:

The "victim" in this case is The State of New York. That's how it works. A state can bring a case on its own when its laws are broken.

In specific, the state has created and maintained laws governing financial reporting and is alleging that those laws have been broken. You do not need a poor little victim to prosecute the case. The state can enforce its laws. This is how it is done.

I'm sure talk radio and MAGA TV and the MAGA internet aren't mentioning this -- hell, they probably don't even KNOW it -- but it's true.
Political show. State wants money and there are no victims.

Banks got paid. Standard busuness there. This is only happening for politics.
Do you not understand that you sound like a fn moron when you say silly things like that?

Trump lies and spreads baseless conspiracy theories at every turn.

He doesn’t give any shit about what’s true, only about what’s useful for him and his ego.

His many legal problems today stem from the fact that prosecutors, judges and jury are not dupes like you and won’t swallow his bullshit without an ounce of critical thought.
Nonsense, it is a concerted effort to destroy him, because orange man bad for saying what needs to be said, go back to your woke little herd with the rest of the sheep!
Nonsense, it is a concerted effort to destroy him, because orange man bad for saying what needs to be said, go back to your woke little herd with the rest of the sheep!
Yep, it’s a huge conspiracy to git poor ol’ Trump, including juries agreed to by his defense team.

Right nutter?

When his lawyers bullshit National Archives for a year and notarize statements that Trump returned all presidential records and then FBI raids his place to find tons of highly classified documents among other presidential records that’s…..someone setting Trump up.

When Trump illegally pays off his fuck-dolls to keep quit during election….thats someone setting him up.

When Trump calls up Republican election administrators in Georgia and threatens them with DOJ action, unless they go find him just enough votes to overturn official result of an election…that’s someone setting him up.

When Trump schemes to obstruct the official proceedings of the Congress to certify an election result…that’s someone setting him up.

When Trump declares in financial documents that his Trump tower apartment is 30,000sq foot and Mar-a-lago is worth 3/4 billion dollars…that’s someone setting him up.

Has it ever occurred to you that IT’S TRUMP HIMSELF that has set him up for legal exposure? That it’s Trump’s ridiculous, stupid, short sighted actions that have screwed him and let down all the voters like you that put your political hopes on this degenerate?
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Yep, it’s a huge conspiracy to git poor ol’ Trump, including juries agreed to by his defense team.

Right nutter?

When his lawyers bullshit National Archives for a year and notarize statements that Trump returned all presidential records and then FBI raids his place to find tons of highly classified documents among other presidential records that’s…..someone setting Trump up.

When Trump illegally pays off his fuck-dolls to keep quit during election….thats someone setting him up.

When Trump calls up Republican election administrators in Georgia and threatens them with DOJ action, unless they go find him just enough votes to overturn official result of an election…that’s someone setting him up.

When Trump schemes to obstruct the official proceedings of the Congress to certify an election result…that’s someone setting him up.

When Trump declares in financial documents that his Trump tower apartment is 30,000sq foot and Mar-a-lago is worth 3/4 billion dollars…that’s someone setting him up.

Has it ever occurred to you that IT’S TRUMP HIMSELF that has set him up for legal exposure? That it’s Trump’s ridiculous, stupid, short sighted actions that have screwed him and let down all the voters like you that put your political hopes on this degenerate?
Speaking of Degenerate look in the mirror, all of those instances have been fabricated by the deep state, parroted by the politburo and Pravda media to keep him from power, because they know their world comes crashing down if he gets back in office. open your eyes or contnoiue to bleat like a sheep it's up to you. There has been concerted effort to destroy him for seven years, because he doesn't toe their line!
Speaking of Degenerate look in the mirror, all of those instances have been fabricated by the deep state

Trump is litteraly ON TAPE pushing Georgia election officials to go find him just enough votes to win and you post here that it's made up?

Presidential documents found at Mar-a-Lago, that NO ONE DISPUTES were found at Mar-a-Lago had been fabricated?

Here is Trump himself accepting that such documents were found, but making excuses that he "didn't have time" to look through them.

How fucking crazy do you have to be to live in such denial?
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parroted by the politburo and Pravda media

Fox News and Trump's own Attorney General is "politburo and Pravda media"? Really?

Get real, you are shitting yourself in public for Dear Leader. I honestly feel bad for all you mindfucked Trumpsters. Living in a fantasy land that you can't ever reconcile with reality must cause some serious mental anguish.
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Trump is litteraly ON TAPE pushing Georgia election officials to go find him just enough votes to win and you post here that it's made up?

Presidential documents found at Mar-a-Lago, that NO ONE DISPUTES were found at Mar-a-Lago had been fabricated?

Here is Trump himself accepting that such documents were found, but making excuses that he "didn't have time" to look through them.

How fucking crazy do you have to be to live in such denial?
Find does not mean manufacture, like the democrats did.
The FBI had already been there and knew what was there and the plotted with Garland and the DOJ to manufacture an issue.
Do you hold Biden to the same Laws, or his he ok to have all tho unprotected documents, some from when he was Senator and had no business with them?
Trump is a busy man with all the shiite being thrown at him
How much of a blind bleating sheep do you have to be not to see the B.S in all of this
Also I am crazy enough to kick your arse
Just for the record, because this appears to be the big "point" being made by the Trumpsters:

The "victim" in this case is The State of New York. That's how it works. Break state law, and the state is the victim. A state can bring a case on its own when its laws are broken.

In specific, the state has created and maintained laws governing financial reporting and is alleging that those laws have been broken. You do not need a poor little victim to prosecute the case. The state can enforce its laws. This is how it is done.

I'm sure talk radio and MAGA TV and the MAGA internet aren't mentioning this -- hell, they probably don't even KNOW it -- but it's true.

Not true.
No government ever has any authority to make or enforce any law on its own.
The ONLY source of any legal authority has to be the defense of inherent rights of individuals.
So whenever someone claims the "state" is the victim, then we know that the "state" is the liar.
In the case of tax fraud for example, the "state" is NOT the victim, but the population that has to cover the illegal shortfall by one of its members.

Clearly no laws could have been broken.
There is no victim.
All the banks and insurance companies are being paid.
There are no investors being lied to since Trump has never gone public.

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