Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

Not true.
No government ever has any authority to make or enforce any law on its own.
The ONLY source of any legal authority has to be the defense of inherent rights of individuals.
So whenever someone claims the "state" is the victim, then we know that the "state" is the liar.
In the case of tax fraud for example, the "state" is NOT the victim, but the population that has to cover the illegal shortfall by one of its members.

Clearly no laws could have been broken.
There is no victim.
All the banks and insurance companies are being paid.
There are no investors being lied to since Trump has never gone public.
Sure thing, counselor. No doubt you know much more than the folks bringing the case.
Sure thing, counselor. No doubt you know much more than the folks bringing the case.

No, I am just honest and the prosecutors are not.
Their real goal, along with all those who pressed 91 indictments half a decade after the fact, is to illegally bias an election.
Fox News and Trump's own Attorney General is "politburo and Pravda media"? Really?

Get real, you are shitting yourself in public for Dear Leader. I honestly feel bad for all you mindfucked Trumpsters. Living in a fantasy land that you can't ever reconcile with reality must cause some serious mental anguish.

Come on, get real.
Only dishonest people would slap together 91 indictments right before an election, when some of the events they are indicting over were ignored for over 6 years.
Come on, get real.
Only dishonest people would slap together 91 indictments right before an election, when some of the events they are indicting over were ignored for over 6 years.

Weak argument.

Trump was a president for 4 years of those 6 years and DOJ guidelines are that an indictment cannot be brought against a sitting president.

But even aside from that, do you seriously suppose that Trump's defence will be to complain that charges were not brough against him earlier....while his lawyers are working overtime to delay court date?

Get real.
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We are in so much trouble, Destroying our country for what? Turning our backs on a basic requirement that people be HONEST& work for our country not power money & political party over country.
You're a grown man. Stop whining and find a mirror.
I am not whining, boy.

I am simply asking you to define what cult I am in.

I realize you have been trained to react in certain ways just like Pavlov's pooch, but those in a cult do not typically refer to the central figure og the cult as a dickhead.
Yes I know. Trolls like to waste others' time.
I am not the one who is trolling here, sweetie.

Your understanding of the world is simply limited to a series of conditioned responses, and since I do not view Trump as the sum of all my fears as you have been trained to do, you accuse me of being in a cult because I DON'T obsess on him to the exclusion of all else.
I am not the one who is trolling here, sweetie.

Your understanding of the world is simply limited to a series of conditioned responses, and since I do not view Trump as the sum of all my fears as you have been trained to do, you accuse me of being in a cult because I DON'T obsess on him to the exclusion of all else.
You sure are. Trolling your little heart out.

Does it ever actually work?
Why wild the person who broke the law get punished?

An absurd question. I am not sure you are following any of this.
The phrase "punitive damages" does not mean what you think it means, boy.

If you were smarter than you are, you would be feeling complete embarrassment right about now.
Why wild the person who broke the law get punished?

An absurd question. I am not sure you are following any of this.
I’m absolutely positive you have no fucking clue about what’s happening here. None.

Let’s begin your reeducation with this.

First, Tell me what the crime is.
Second, tell me who the victim is.
I am not your assistant.
I didn’t think you were. I did expect you to be an informed part of our discussion. If you have information I don’t or you think I need I would expect you could provide it. Otherwise why would I waste my time talking to you. So.

1- What is the crime in this case.
2- Who is the victim.
I did expect you to be an informed part of our discussion.
Then you have confused yourself utterly.

You are the one begging for basic information of the topic. Not me.

Please go read up before commenting again. Start with the alleged crimes, so you don't continue to waste everyone's time.


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