Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

Then you have confused yourself utterly.

You are the one begging for basic information of the topic. Not me.

Please go read up before commenting again. Start with the alleged crimes, so you don't continue to waste everyone's time.

Twice now you can’t come up with simple direct answers to what should be basic questions. Why is that? In order for there to be a case like this we must begin with two basic questions.

1-What is the crime?
2-Who is the victim?

Not surprisingly you and the idiot DA struggle with these.
Political show. State wants money and there are no victims.

Banks got paid. Standard busuness there. This is only happening for politics.
Yea, right. And the fact that Trump, a bellowing retard former fake POTUS shared nuclear secrets with one of his MAL billionaire buddies is also "politics", right Gomer?
And twice now I have told you that I am not your assistant.

Make your own points in your own big boy words.

Good luck.
The frustrating part of dealing with you left wing idiots is you can’t defend your stances at all but then try to make your inability to back up your stance my problem.

1- What is the crime?
There is no crime. It’s not against the law to tell people your property is worth more than it is. If a bank lends you money without doing their own due diligence that’s their problem and not prosecutable as a crime.

2- Who’s the victim?
There is no victim. The banks were paid, they didn’t lose anything, the government sure as fuck didn’t lose anything.

This entire case is pure politics.
1- What is the crime?
There is no crime.
How idiotic. The crimes alleged and the supporting acts are spelled out in plain English, in the court filings. You're embarrassing yourself.

2- Who’s the victim?
The State of New York. The state has standing to sue or prosecute anyone who breaks State law.

This has been explained to you multiple times. It's a simple fact. You aren't going to go trolling poster to poster and make it "not a fact"
Twice now you can’t come up with simple direct answers to what should be basic questions. Why is that? In order for there to be a case like this we must begin with two basic questions.

1-What is the crime?
2-Who is the victim?

Not surprisingly you and the idiot DA struggle with these.
1. It is a civil case, there is no is called A Civil Wrong or a Civil Breach

2. In this case the AG is claiming the citizens of New York State, are the victims.
How idiotic. The crimes alleged and the supporting acts are spelled out in plain English, in the court filings. You're embarrassing yourself.

The State of New York. The state has standing to sue or prosecute anyone who breaks State law.

This has been explained to you multiple times. It's a simple fact. You aren't going to go trolling poster to poster and make it "not a fact"
More clown shit out of you. Jesus you’re pathetic.
Why should they tolerate the orange bag O' shit's blatant disrespect? I wouldn't. :dunno:
Why not? Are you and them that fucking special? You can’t have people calling you morons because? Earn some fucking respect. You can’t demand it. Don’t act like a retard and expect no one to say anything. Just stop acting like a retard and people will stop saying it.
1. It is a civil case, there is no is called A Civil Wrong or a Civil Breach
True, as far as nomenclature in a civil court.

However, very specific crimes are beng alleged. The judge very explicitly described criminal acts in his ruling and explicitly called them criminal acts.
Why not? Are you and them that fucking special? You can’t have people calling you morons because? Earn some fucking respect. You can’t demand it. Don’t act like a retard and expect no one to say anything. Just stop acting like a retard and people will stop saying it.
Yeah, I'm supposed to respect that? :auiqs.jpg: How about fuck no.
The pissy little orange bitch has spent years whining like a little bitch about everyone being mean to him.

Irony meter: broken
So what? Nobody was sent to jail for doing it. Nobody was fucking silenced by a judge for it. Just him. That’s the only person who can’t say anything about these freaks.
Haha, yeah, that's about the best response I expected from you.

So you just asked a question, so that you could have a bitchy little tantrum?

Sounds about right.
You’ve done nothing to uphold your point here so make it a very small parade lap. Anything bigger than dancing around your desk chair is too much.

Now you can move on to the next thread you can’t support your position on.
You’ve done nothing to uphold your point here so make it a very small parade lap.
Except for when I did argue my points and you responded with a low IQ tantrum and ignored them.

It's right there for everyone to see.

You freakish cultists aren't here for discussion.

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