Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

.....but nooooooo, his fans let it all go, lie after lie, year after year...
History shows us that it's never about one person. It CAN'T be. It's about those who enable him.

I don't understand the nature of the massive hole he fills for them, but he definitely fills it. And it's about FAR more than politics.
The problem is that what happens to him now is almost irrelevant. This cancer has fully metastasized. The GQP is damn near full caveman now.
About time too. We have stood by and let you lunatics get your way too long.

Pervert policies, oil evil, tax everything that moves, gun control, border securty

Yes. We are sick and tired of your lunatic fringe.
Yes. We are sick and tired of your lunatic fringe.
He is calling you out and I enjoy it

I simply dont GAF about your tribe. Its that simple skippy.
Like the other Trumpsters here, you are ignorant about my politics.

Try as I might, I can't get that to soak into your thick skulls.

You simply can't think.
I haven't read the case transcripts or filings in full yet, so I don't want to say something I'm not certain of the precise details.... give me a day or two.... What I know is the Judge appointed to determine the facts to the applied civil laws, said that Trump did commit these civil wrongs in a summary judgement.

Trump can appeal the judgement.

No need to lie and sic his dogs on to the court clerk and blame her for rigging his trial, for goodness sake!

Appeal the case, like a normal human being....his Mafioso godfather and mob boss, bullying act is immature and tiring to deal with.... Enough already!
Ok, you don’t like his mean words….just like when he was president…nothing of substance.

Oh, and as for the judge…what a clown….Any serious judge would have thrown this crap out…
I don't understand the nature of the massive hole he fills for them, but he definitely fills it. And it's about FAR more than politics.

I quite agree, poster M'58.
There's an issue here of folks who carry a grievance about one thing or another and they think they are powerless to address it so they invest their hope of that grievance(s) being satisfied into the shrilling of a long recognized conman, grifter, adulterer, tax cheat, welsher on deals, and liar. (ALL of that has been documented).

I liken it to a Squeaky Fromme psychosis. A need and a desire to be enveloped by a cult-like group-think where a collection of ne'er-do-wells, failures, and losers substitute the embrace of the cult as the success they have so far been unable to achieve in their life. So yeah, it is a massive hole they have created in their own lives and they sincerely believe only Don Trump can fill it.

I know. It is sad
It's amazing seeing the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies standing by this DISGUSTING PERVERSION of "justice".
I quite agree, poster M'58.
There's an issue here of folks who carry a grievance about one thing or another and they think they are powerless to address it so they invest their hope of that grievance(s) being satisfied into the shrilling of a long recognized conman, grifter, adulterer, tax cheat, welsher on deals, and liar. (ALL of that has been documented).

I liken it to a Squeaky Fromme psychosis. A need and a desire to be enveloped by a cult-like group-think where a collection of ne'er-do-wells, failures, and losers substitute the embrace of the cult as the success they have so far been unable to achieve in their life. So yeah, it is a massive hole they have created in their own lives and they sincerely believe only Don Trump can fill it.

I know. It is sad
Sad, destructive and hard to imagine.

This guy. Of all people.
Like the other Trumpsters here, you are ignorant about my politics.

Try as I might, I can't get that to soak into your thick skulls.

You simply can't think.
Mac, you're an asshat.

Therefore, fuck you and your politics. Nobody gives a fuck because you're a walking, talking rectum.

"You simply can't think". Bitch, you ain't that much smarter than anyone else to be decreeing things like that.

Bah Fongu, you pompous shithead gasbag. :fu:
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The worse the person, the better. They want it to all burn down. They have torn up the social contract and want everyone else not like them to suffer.
He is their retribution. They've been so wronged and victimized that the only remedy is to bring it down.

Real patriots there.
History shows us that it's never about one person. It CAN'T be. It's about those who enable him.

I don't understand the nature of the massive hole he fills for them, but he definitely fills it. And it's about FAR more than politics.

Mac, you and those like you being the douchebags that you are is what gave rise to this phenomenon.

You built this.

You want to know what drives the Trump movement? Step in front of this:


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