Your thoughts on Trump's insults of prosecutors and judges

You seem confused.

Loans are not being prosecuted.

Violators of state law are being sued for punitive damages.
Punitive damages for who? The fucking banks aren’t even part of this case. The NY government didn’t sustain any damages that need to be paid. So who the fuck is the victim here? Who got damaged?
You really don't know a damn thing about this case, do you? I would suggest you go read up on her case.
I know how loans are done. I also know there’s not a damn thing a DA can do about the amount, the terms or the interest rate.

This stupid bitch has nothing. It shouldn’t have ever got to this point.
I'm of mixed feelings over the recent gag order on the disgraced former president.

On the on hand, it's bad juju to dox the court's clerk. Especially, as we all know...and Trump should know.....that his rhetoric moves some RWNJs to do really dumb and harmful things. It can be dangerous.
So doxing ain't cool.

On the other hand, let Trump be Trump. Let him talk. Let him dox.

Give him more rope.
It of course is irrelevant, as the AG is enforcing state laws that regulate banking and insurance and taxes.

I.E., her job.

No, you did not listen to Dan Bongino for 5 minutes and outsmart the code of law and the justice system.
Another liberal who doesn't understand how business is done.
Can anyone name someone who was shot at - let alone assassinated - as a result of Trump's badmouthing them?

Can anyone name an American who was prosecuted for fraud when the person (or entity) defrauded suffered no loss and made no complaint?
That’s the banks problem not the fucking DA. They can’t go back on a fucking loan given by the bank that was paid off by the way. And decide that’s a criminal act. The fucking bank isn’t even trying to prosecute him. Who gives a fuck!? Have you ever done a property loan? You fucking moron. It’s whatever the bank will loan you on it. There’s no fucking law they loaned you too much.
Eat shit, jerkoff. You don't know what the fuck you're yapping about.

The Judge already found that your boy committed fraud, you asswipe.
Eat shit, jerkoff. You don't know what the fuck you're yapping about.

The Judge already found that your boy committed fraud, you asswipe.
Fantastic. Two statements proving you’re fucking retarded.

1-Your an idiot when it comes to laws.

2- If that’s true he needs to be hung.
Fantastic. Two statements proving you’re fucking retarded.

1-Your an idiot when it comes to laws.

2- If that’s true he needs to be hung.
Get a brain, asswipe. This Judge DID find your boy guilty of fraud, the trial is to figure out how much in damages Bonesurs will ante up.

Thank for letting me straighten you out, Kindergarten FAIL.
Get a brain, asswipe. This Judge DID find your boy guilty of fraud, the trial is to figure out how much in damages Bonesurs will ante up.

Thank for letting me straighten you out, Kindergarten FAIL.
Victimless crime. Banks all got payed. This never gets to court unless its a political attack. Oh and so the city can steal money they didnt earn.

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