You're Stuck With ROMNEY!!!!


Damn, you went to a lot of trouble just for a joke!

What happened to the 'Power of the Tea Party"?


I called it long ago: you wingnuts will settle for what the establishment gives you, no matter what you say.

"No more McCains!" you said.

"No more RINOs!" you said.

"A REAL conservative this time!" you said.

SUCKERS! :lol:

Synthia is such a stupid litle drama queen. We aren't even into primary season and that bucket of turd is telling us who the GOP "is" going to nominate. :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

What a fucking twit SimplyAssholic always is.
Are you waiting for the re-rise of The Bachmann?

It's Romney, Waddles - and you'll pull that lever for him!

You are wrong and yet, oddly, you end up partly right, pindick.

It won't be Romney. You're wrong on that, I believe.

I'm rooting for Mr. Cain at this juncture.

But if it goes that way, you are damn skippy that I will vote for even Romney over President Obama.

You, pindick, will vote for the Obamessiah because you are far too stupid to see what a fuckup he is and what an unmitigated disaster he has been as President.

So Obama will win.

Looking at 9.1 unemployment, concerns of a second recession, a growing debt, an unbalanced budget....i cant believe Obama being a shoe in makes you happy.

Why? DO you not give a crap about the unemployed?

Thats pathetic. You should care aboput your fellow American.
The House controls the purse. You're not fooling anyone with your 'Blame Obama' bullshit. He has no legislative power. Get your GOP leaders to pass some jobs bills and get America back to work. They've been in control for almost a year and haven't done shit to help American workers. All they've done is get our credit rating lowered.

The bills are sitting in the Senate.... Glad I could help.
No they aren't.
The House controls the purse. You're not fooling anyone with your 'Blame Obama' bullshit. He has no legislative power. Get your GOP leaders to pass some jobs bills and get America back to work. They've been in control for almost a year and haven't done shit to help American workers. All they've done is get our credit rating lowered.

The bills are sitting in the Senate.... Glad I could help.
No they aren't.

Empty and dishonest denials don't further your dishonest agenda. They merely underscore your fundamental dishonesty, pindick.
They don't have to keep it to themselves.

Nor do Jews.

Nor do Muslims.

You should read the Constitution.

And, why you refer me to the bible is beyond me. That's pretty weird.

I like to know what my political opponents are making a mockery of (being hypocrits) ;) FWIW- I'm a honorably discharged, former active-duty, vet so..... question my motives if you're so inclined :eusa_whistle:
Oh, you assumed I am a Christian?

Now, that's funny.

And, your military service doesn't make you immune from being called a bigot when you judge others based solely on their religion, either.

It apparently makes you immune to being called a coward, according to elvis. :lol:
The House controls the purse. You're not fooling anyone with your 'Blame Obama' bullshit. He has no legislative power. Get your GOP leaders to pass some jobs bills and get America back to work. They've been in control for almost a year and haven't done shit to help American workers. All they've done is get our credit rating lowered.

The bills are sitting in the Senate.... Glad I could help.
No they aren't.

Oh yes it is in the senate and and they are taking a vote tomorrow on it. It will go down in a ball of flames because even the Democrats will not vote for it because they are smart enough not to double down on STUPID. What the hell do you think that 787 billion dollar stimulus was about??? It's a total and complete failure, now the spender in chief, Obama, wants another 1/2 trillion dollars to do the same thing again. Are you kidding me???? Good grief -get real and get a brain.

So Obama will win.

Looking at 9.1 unemployment, concerns of a second recession, a growing debt, an unbalanced budget....i cant believe Obama being a shoe in makes you happy.

Why? DO you not give a crap about the unemployed?

Thats pathetic. You should care aboput your fellow American.
The House controls the purse. You're not fooling anyone with your 'Blame Obama' bullshit. He has no legislative power. Get your GOP leaders to pass some jobs bills and get America back to work. They've been in control for almost a year and haven't done shit to help American workers. All they've done is get our credit rating lowered.

This is all pathetic. Government does not create jobs. PERIOD. Lower taxes and let the working class and private market create jobs. Oh, that's right. If we do that then both of your hallowed "leaders" won't really be that necessary or special? Actually that's not the reason. If that money doesn't pass through their hands in the government then how can they take their "fair share" or funnel it to a friend in a different business?


That's been proven false by the Bush Tax Cuts, which created no new net jobs over 8 years.
But 54% of the independents do and you need to realize that it's those independents that control the outcome of any and all elections in this country.

So, all that teabagger nonsense was a just lot of noise, right?

False. There have been plenty of more successful Olympics, including LA in 1984, Atlanta in 1996, and Nagano in 1998, and Beijing on 2008.

and he has an incredible record of turning failing business's into success stories. I think you had better give him a second look. He is one smart dude.

Really? Name a couple?

Here's just one of many links, hopefully you will actually read something before you start in on your rant. I will be supplying more

Has Mitt Romney Ever Let a Company Go Bankrupt? | America Needs Mitt
You're going to "America Needs Mitt" for your unbiased facts?

Rino's don't talk like this:

Mitt Romney: 'American century' advocated by Mitt Romney in foreign policy speech -

“This century must be an American century,” Romney said. “In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world. In an American century, America leads the free world and the free world leads the entire world.”

Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.

Have you served in the military?? You do know that there is no draft and it's all volunteer, are you a vet?BTW Democrats don't talk like that, they go around and apologize to our enemies. Remember Obama's apology tour.

Produce any quote of Obama's where he apologizes for America. You're a dope who gets info from Sean Hannity.
Sure they do. Even Democrats talk like that, guy. Come on, no one says, "America should scream like a little girl and yell, 'not in the face!' and run away."

Frankly, I get tired of guys who talk tough, but make sure their kids don't get anywhere near the military. Like Romney, who when asked why his kids didn't join the Army, said that working on his campaign was serving the country.
Well, he also claims to be middle class and unemployed, so you take what Mittens says with a grain of salt.

Provide the link please: I have never once seen, read or heard him say that he was middle class. In fact, he states in his book that he grew up priviledged because his father worked very hard, and diligently and became a success.

So prove your statement please.

Here ya go:

Romney claims to be middle class - Google Search

Take your pick.

Now YOU provide a quote of Obama apologizing for America.
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Because Pindick SimplyAssholic is too lazy and dishonest to dig up any readily available information for himself, here's a first draft cheat sheet just for Pindick:

H.R. 1231, passed by the House on May 12, 2011.
H.R. 1230 passed the House on May 5, 2011.
H.R. 1229 passed the House on May 11, 2011.
H.R. 2021 passed by the House June 22, 2011.

Last I checked, no Senate action.

Why not? Because the Senate is run by liberal partisan hacks who care far more about their petty special interests than American jobs, no matter how much they pontificate on the subject.
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This upcoming election reminds me of what the dems went through in 2004. If we'd have had a better candidate we might have been able to beat Bush. But Kerry just wasn't strong enough. Same thing now. I don't know if any of the current candidates can beat Obama.

I don't know that any opponent can't beat President Obama. He sucks as President, is widely recognized to be the failure he is and he is RIPE for the picking.

If the Dims had a brain in their collective skull at the moment, they could pick almost any other national Democrat Parody leader* and do better than seeking the re-election of the Zero.

* although, admittedly, the Vice President is electorally challenged given his nearly terminal case of athlete's tongue. And Pelousy and Reid would be doomed from jump street, too. Probably the only three folks who couldn't beat President Obama if the Dims had a mind to correct this significant problem they own.

Don't agree. We'll have to just wait and see. You know what they say about politics. A week is like a year.
This upcoming election reminds me of what the dems went through in 2004. If we'd have had a better candidate we might have been able to beat Bush. But Kerry just wasn't strong enough. Same thing now. I don't know if any of the current candidates can beat Obama.

I don't know that any opponent can't beat President Obama. He sucks as President, is widely recognized to be the failure he is and he is RIPE for the picking.

If the Dims had a brain in their collective skull at the moment, they could pick almost any other national Democrat Parody leader* and do better than seeking the re-election of the Zero.

* although, admittedly, the Vice President is electorally challenged given his nearly terminal case of athlete's tongue. And Pelousy and Reid would be doomed from jump street, too. Probably the only three folks who couldn't beat President Obama if the Dims had a mind to correct this significant problem they own.

Don't agree. We'll have to just wait and see. You know what they say about politics. A week is like a year.

That last part is true, beyond question.

Mr. Cain getting good poll reaction now may not prove to mean much of anything with the passage of time.

But if you think time alone will help cure what ails the Obama Re-election efforts, I am pleased to see that. I hope you cling to that belief, religiously, for a good looooooong time.

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