You're Stuck With ROMNEY!!!!

What am I a bigot about oh wise one? I'm reading the Constitution: Art VI, para 3. What are you reading?

Cleo loves to make things up. She lies as naturally as other people breathe.
Well, anyone with more than two brain cells knows otherwise. Eat some more Twinkies, fatass.

And, as I have no idea who or what your calling me "Cleo" even signifies, it seems to be a rather futile act on your part. Then again, we've already established the fact that you don't have more than two brain cells.

That IS your picture in your avi, right??? And I'm sure you know who Cleo is, you liar. Well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You look just like her!!!

TV ACRES: Dogs > Bassett Hounds > Cleo - voiced by Mary Jane Croft (The People's Choice)
Last edited:

Damn, you went to a lot of trouble just for a joke!

Nah it was not any trouble at all to show how ridiculous the premise of the first post in this thread was ;)
Well, you went and collected 6 links that tell us Cain is for real. But we both know that Cain is a joke, and will not get the big money behind him.

Why don't you post some links about Wall Streeters and hedge fund managers donating huge amounts to Cain? I can find plenty about Romney.

You guys construct the most idiotic arguments... First he is a puppet of wall street and the gop, now he is unelectable because of his inability to get big money. I just wish you guys could get your stuff straight.

I also don't know why you all are so hell bent on the primary. I wasn't going hell no Obama can't win the primary, Hillary's a woman, she can't win the primary. Somebody has to win the nomination, I see Romney can't because he is Mormon, Cain can't because he's black, Ron Paul can't cause he's too old, anti-Semitic racist, Perry can't because he's a racist and evangelical. Somebody has to win here. I wish you guys would quit with the counter factual normative statements and point to something that goes back to what they've done. All you do is speculate, and the majority of you aren't intelligent enough to speculate because you would be banking off it not on here.

Contrary to what your "campaign expierence" or whatever joke you wanna peddle.
Nah it was not any trouble at all to show how ridiculous the premise of the first post in this thread was ;)
Well, you went and collected 6 links that tell us Cain is for real. But we both know that Cain is a joke, and will not get the big money behind him.

Why don't you post some links about Wall Streeters and hedge fund managers donating huge amounts to Cain? I can find plenty about Romney.

You guys construct the most idiotic arguments... First he is a puppet of wall street and the gop, now he is unelectable because of his inability to get big money. I just wish you guys could get your stuff straight.

I also don't know why you all are so hell bent on the primary. I wasn't going hell no Obama can't win the primary, Hillary's a woman, she can't win the primary. Somebody has to win the nomination, I see Romney can't because he is Mormon, Cain can't because he's black, Ron Paul can't cause he's too old, anti-Semitic racist, Perry can't because he's a racist and evangelical. Somebody has to win here. I wish you guys would quit with the counter factual normative statements and point to something that goes back to what they've done. All you do is speculate, and the majority of you aren't intelligent enough to speculate because you would be banking off it not on here.

Contrary to what your "campaign expierence" or whatever joke you wanna peddle.

Who claims Cain is a puppet of Wall Street? That's Romney - that's why he is getting their money.

Cain is just an ex-CEO of a mediocre pizza chain.

Cleo loves to make things up. She lies as naturally as other people breathe.
Well, anyone with more than two brain cells knows otherwise. Eat some more Twinkies, fatass.

And, as I have no idea who or what your calling me "Cleo" even signifies, it seems to be a rather futile act on your part. Then again, we've already established the fact that you don't have more than two brain cells.

That IS your picture in your avi, right??? And I'm sure you know who Cleo is, you liar. Well I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You look just like her!!!

TV ACRES: Dogs > Bassett Hounds > Cleo - voiced by Mary Jane Croft (The People's Choice)

I almost felt sorry for her meltdown ystrdy :( :D
Nah it was not any trouble at all to show how ridiculous the premise of the first post in this thread was ;)
Well, you went and collected 6 links that tell us Cain is for real. But we both know that Cain is a joke, and will not get the big money behind him.

Why don't you post some links about Wall Streeters and hedge fund managers donating huge amounts to Cain? I can find plenty about Romney.

You guys construct the most idiotic arguments... First he is a puppet of wall street and the gop, now he is unelectable because of his inability to get big money. I just wish you guys could get your stuff straight.

I also don't know why you all are so hell bent on the primary. I wasn't going hell no Obama can't win the primary, Hillary's a woman, she can't win the primary. Somebody has to win the nomination, I see Romney can't because he is Mormon, Cain can't because he's black, Ron Paul can't cause he's too old, anti-Semitic racist, Perry can't because he's a racist and evangelical. Somebody has to win here. I wish you guys would quit with the counter factual normative statements and point to something that goes back to what they've done. All you do is speculate, and the majority of you aren't intelligent enough to speculate because you would be banking off it not on here.

Contrary to what your "campaign expierence" or whatever joke you wanna peddle.

Honestly I think Cain's bluntness and straight talk approach along with his lack of political correctness scares many liberals. What scares them is he isn't afraid to speak what he believes is the truth. For example

[ame=]Herman Cain "People Like Cornel West Don't Want Black People To Think For Themselves!" - YouTube[/ame]
Well, anyone with more than two brain cells knows otherwise. Eat some more Twinkies, fatass.

And, as I have no idea who or what your calling me "Cleo" even signifies, it seems to be a rather futile act on your part. Then again, we've already established the fact that you don't have more than two brain cells.

That IS your picture in your avi, right??? And I'm sure you know who Cleo is, you liar. Well I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You look just like her!!!

TV ACRES: Dogs > Bassett Hounds > Cleo - voiced by Mary Jane Croft (The People's Choice)

I almost felt sorry for her meltdown ystrdy :( :D

I know what you mean. :lol:
I don't know that any opponent can't beat President Obama. He sucks as President, is widely recognized to be the failure he is and he is RIPE for the picking.

If the Dims had a brain in their collective skull at the moment, they could pick almost any other national Democrat Parody leader* and do better than seeking the re-election of the Zero.

* although, admittedly, the Vice President is electorally challenged given his nearly terminal case of athlete's tongue. And Pelousy and Reid would be doomed from jump street, too. Probably the only three folks who couldn't beat President Obama if the Dims had a mind to correct this significant problem they own.

Don't agree. We'll have to just wait and see. You know what they say about politics. A week is like a year.

That last part is true, beyond question.

Mr. Cain getting good poll reaction now may not prove to mean much of anything with the passage of time.

But if you think time alone will help cure what ails the Obama Re-election efforts, I am pleased to see that. I hope you cling to that belief, religiously, for a good looooooong time.

Oh, I plan on it!!! :)
Well Romney did very well last night in the debate and got backing from Gov Christie

I think Cain didn't help himself at all last night I dont expect him to go up in the polling. Bacchman actually might take some of the cain support because I think she had a good night.

Why do I say this? Because the debate helped the premise of this thread be more true....... DAMN IT :lol:
Well Romney did very well last night in the debate and got backing from Gov Christie

I think Cain didn't help himself at all last night I dont expect him to go up in the polling. Bacchman actually might take some of the cain support because I think she had a good night.

Why do I say this? Because the debate helped the premise of this thread be more true....... DAMN IT :lol:
But look at the cast of idiots he's debating against!

Ron Paul blew it again last night. You would think that an economic debate would play to his strengths, but he diminishes himself by harping on the Fed, incessantly. There is more to the economy than the Fed.
“Whatever you do,” cried Brer Rabbit, “Don’t throw me into the briar patch”.

Whatever you do, don't let Mitt Romney get the nomination.
“Whatever you do,” cried Brer Rabbit, “Don’t throw me into the briar patch”.

Whatever you do, don't let Mitt Romney get the nomination.

I think you miss the point. The Democrats want Mitt Romney to get the nomination.

First, his nomination essentially takes ObamaCare off the table as an issue of debate. It's done. Romney came up with the prototype. What's he going to argue, "I won't inflict my totally awesome scheme on the whole country!" ?

Second, he plays right into the narrative that Obama wants right now. It isn't MY fault that jobs haven't appeared. It's the fault of those big Wall Street types who are working the folks who do have jobs harder for less money while they collect 8 figure salaries. Romney is one of those guys. A guy who closed down factories, eliminated jobs, and paid himself a lot of money while leaving investors with worthless paper. (See also- AmPad.)

Third- Race. Obama needs that Hispanic vote. Romney has done himself and the GOP a great disservice by once again equating a kid whose parents came here without paperwork to a criminal. I blame Perry equally for not defending his common sense approach to the problem, but the fact is, Hispanics are going to remember this.

Oh, yeah, did I mention that Romney belongs to a crazy religion? Not to worry, we'll all hear more about that later.
“Whatever you do,” cried Brer Rabbit, “Don’t throw me into the briar patch”.

Whatever you do, don't let Mitt Romney get the nomination.

I think you miss the point. The Democrats want Mitt Romney to get the nomination.

First, his nomination essentially takes ObamaCare off the table as an issue of debate. It's done. Romney came up with the prototype. What's he going to argue, "I won't inflict my totally awesome scheme on the whole country!" ?

Second, he plays right into the narrative that Obama wants right now. It isn't MY fault that jobs haven't appeared. It's the fault of those big Wall Street types who are working the folks who do have jobs harder for less money while they collect 8 figure salaries. Romney is one of those guys. A guy who closed down factories, eliminated jobs, and paid himself a lot of money while leaving investors with worthless paper. (See also- AmPad.)

Third- Race. Obama needs that Hispanic vote. Romney has done himself and the GOP a great disservice by once again equating a kid whose parents came here without paperwork to a criminal. I blame Perry equally for not defending his common sense approach to the problem, but the fact is, Hispanics are going to remember this.

Oh, yeah, did I mention that Romney belongs to a crazy religion? Not to worry, we'll all hear more about that later.

You sound like a right wing radio program, a wee bit extreme. :lol:

Sorry, but I ain't buying your analysis. When Romney is nominated he will beat Obama. It's always tough to beat an incumbent, so I don't expect it to be easy- but he can win. Can Cain win? Can Bachman? Gingrich? Perry? I don't know, maybe....but I know Romney has the best chance.

Romney wrote a book where he outlines his positions in detail and he also published an economic plan- he's a Conservative. Period. I like him and am voting for him in the primary, and later I will vote for him to be the next POTUS.

PS- all religions are crazy to me. It's a non-issue.
You sound like a right wing radio program, a wee bit extreme. :lol:

Sorry, but I ain't buying your analysis. When Romney is nominated he will beat Obama. It's always tough to beat an incumbent, so I don't expect it to be easy- but he can win. Can Cain win? Can Bachman? Gingrich? Perry? I don't know, maybe....but I know Romney has the best chance.

Romney wrote a book where he outlines his positions in detail and he also published an economic plan- he's a Conservative. Period. I like him and am voting for him in the primary, and later I will vote for him to be the next POTUS.

PS- all religions are crazy to me. It's a non-issue.

They are all crazy to me, too. I find Mormonism just a tad more offensive, though. The homophobia, the misogyny, the racism and the obvious fraud involved. Not to mention the pedophilia early in their history.

I don't think Romney has the best chance. I think he's flawed. For all the reasons I've listed and a lot more.

I think Perry might be able to win, but I think the GOP has to get more in tune with working people and minorities. Otherwise, it's going the way of the Whigs..
Well, you went and collected 6 links that tell us Cain is for real. But we both know that Cain is a joke, and will not get the big money behind him.

Why don't you post some links about Wall Streeters and hedge fund managers donating huge amounts to Cain? I can find plenty about Romney.

You guys construct the most idiotic arguments... First he is a puppet of wall street and the gop, now he is unelectable because of his inability to get big money. I just wish you guys could get your stuff straight.

I also don't know why you all are so hell bent on the primary. I wasn't going hell no Obama can't win the primary, Hillary's a woman, she can't win the primary. Somebody has to win the nomination, I see Romney can't because he is Mormon, Cain can't because he's black, Ron Paul can't cause he's too old, anti-Semitic racist, Perry can't because he's a racist and evangelical. Somebody has to win here. I wish you guys would quit with the counter factual normative statements and point to something that goes back to what they've done. All you do is speculate, and the majority of you aren't intelligent enough to speculate because you would be banking off it not on here.

Contrary to what your "campaign expierence" or whatever joke you wanna peddle.

Honestly I think Cain's bluntness and straight talk approach along with his lack of political correctness scares many liberals. What scares them is he isn't afraid to speak what he believes is the truth. For example

[ame=]Herman Cain "People Like Cornel West Don't Want Black People To Think For Themselves!" - YouTube[/ame]


Please please put him up.


Sure fire baby.

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