Ypsilanti Township wants security cameras in every neighborhood

I wouldn't claim they reduce crime so much as increase the likelyhood of crimes being punished. Unless cams have laser guns that zap wrong-doers they can't prevent anything. They can however document it which is better than nothing. Only people against such things are the criminals and people who might become criminals. Us law-abidding people could give a darn.
I wouldn't claim they reduce crime so much as increase the likelyhood of crimes being punished. Unless cams have laser guns that zap wrong-doers they can't prevent anything. They can however document it which is better than nothing. Only people against such things are the criminals and people who might become criminals. Us law-abidding people could give a darn.

The ‘if you don’t have anything to hide’ statement is a damn travesty. I am not breaking the law but I am completely against such asinine maneuvers. The government has no real interest in recording everything. The ‘criminal’ aspect is a lame excuse for surveillance.

What we ‘gain’ from something like this is FAR FAR FAR less than the freedom that we lose. I have no desire or NEED for the government to observe my every movement. Crime is not an issue that is even close to high enough to warrant such a move.

‘They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.’
Benjamin Franklin

Those words still ring true.

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