Yup, DJT was right about guns, the Secret Service, and Hillary

Show us where it says that in the Constitution.

You're correct...there is NOTHING in the Constitution that would prevent a terrorist and a hate-filled maniac from buying ANY guns he or she wants.......

Gotta love that Constitution largesse
from what I heard , all Trump said was that 'illary' shouldn't have armed secret service with her attitude that she has about disarming Americans Jake . Course , I agree with Trump on that Jake .

The problem is that your premise is.......how shall I phrase it.....oh, yeah, fucked up.
Clinton did NOT ever say to disarm people.......that is moronic....She DOES want restriction on military style weapons sold to anyone who wants one...including maniacs and terrorists.

Glad I could help you.





Show us where it says that in the Constitution.

You're correct...there is NOTHING in the Constitution that would prevent a terrorist and a hate-filled maniac from buying ANY guns he or she wants.......

Gotta love that Constitution largesse
You could always move if you don't like the Constitution.
------------------------------- yeah but they won't move and that's why I consider them to be enemies rather that just simple political opposition . Plus the enemy democrats , liberals , progressives and rino republicans keep importing more enemies to fill their ranks S.J.. ------- just a comment .
I agree with a friend of mine that "I take Trump's point—any American should be able to conceal carry who passes the same background checks and training as the Secret Service." :)

Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton’s Bodyguards Should Disarm to ‘See What Happens to Her’ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html?smid=fb-share
--------------------------------------------- doesn't work that way , secret service are public servants working for and beingpaid by taxpayers Jake . There are rules for public employees as they beg for good paying jobs . For the general public of Americans though we American have RIGHTS to GUNS . Now go tell your friend that he is a dummy !!
Tell Donald, not me, pismoe. Yes, people have a right to guns, and the People have a right require licensing and training in such guns by the citizenry. The right is not unlimited.
----------------------- from what I heard , all Trump said was that 'illary' shouldn't have armed secret service with her attitude that she has about disarming Americans Jake . Course , I agree with Trump on that Jake .
Why, of course you do, pismoe. No, she is not about disarming America, pismoe.
I agree with a friend of mine that "I take Trump's point—any American should be able to conceal carry who passes the same background checks and training as the Secret Service." :)
---------------------------------------------- like I said , you are complicit , you are part of the enemy Jake !!
Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton’s Bodyguards Should Disarm to ‘See What Happens to Her’ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html?smid=fb-share
--------------------------------------------- doesn't work that way , secret service are public servants working for and beingpaid by taxpayers Jake . There are rules for public employees as they beg for good paying jobs . For the general public of Americans though we American have RIGHTS to GUNS . Now go tell your friend that he is a dummy !!
Tell Donald, not me, pismoe. Yes, people have a right to guns, and the People have a right require licensing and training in such guns by the citizenry. The right is not unlimited.
----------------------- from what I heard , all Trump said was that 'illary' shouldn't have armed secret service with her attitude that she has about disarming Americans Jake . Course , I agree with Trump on that Jake .
Why, of course you do, pismoe. No, she is not about disarming America, pismoe.
response to Jakes post number 27 . ------------ It is you Jake , you are complicit with 'illary' and the dem enemies plans to disarm Americans Jake .
I agree with a friend of mine that "I take Trump's point—any American should be able to conceal carry who passes the same background checks and training as the Secret Service." :)

Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton’s Bodyguards Should Disarm to ‘See What Happens to Her’ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html?smid=fb-share
--------------------------------------------- doesn't work that way , secret service are public servants working for and beingpaid by taxpayers Jake . There are rules for public employees as they beg for good paying jobs . For the general public of Americans though we American have RIGHTS to GUNS . Now go tell your friend that he is a dummy !!
Tell Donald, not me, pismoe. Yes, people have a right to guns, and the People have a right require licensing and training in such guns by the citizenry. The right is not unlimited.
----------------------- from what I heard , all Trump said was that 'illary' shouldn't have armed secret service with her attitude that she has about disarming Americans Jake . Course , I agree with Trump on that Jake .
Why, of course you do, pismoe. No, she is not about disarming America, pismoe.


I agree with a friend of mine that "I take Trump's point—any American should be able to conceal carry who passes the same background checks and training as the Secret Service." :)

Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton’s Bodyguards Should Disarm to ‘See What Happens to Her’ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html?smid=fb-share

Either that or we could uphold the Constitution and get rid of the politically correct bullshit that involves background checks that are not a part of the 2nd Amendment. ...
Of course they are constitutional. The right is not unlimited.

Unlimited to the point that it was important enough to include that the right was not to be infringed upon. Not by presidents, Not by Congress. Not. Period. We now have a government that is helping the UN get rid of the right completely.
Checking one's background is an infringement. And here is that infringement by way of government regulation:

On your no longer confidential medical charts, your Dr. will be asking if you own a gun. Then the Dr. will determine privately if you are mentally fit enough to have a gun, and will note it on your chart. My Dr. asked me that question at my last yearly check up. Refuse to answer the interference into your private life, and you may be written up as uncooperative and combatant and Boom. Infringed the hell out of.....
Our soldiers return home. Go to VA hospital. Dr. recommends speaking to Dr. Blow, a psychologist on staff, about any thing that might bother you about being in a war zone environment, being wounded, etc. Dr. Blow reports to the Government and concludes that this vet should not be allowed to own firearms. Script for med. marijuana, which has tremendous results in treating PTSD, automatically removes your right to own a firearm. That is removal, not infringement.

It is called Obamacare and Obama run hospitals. Huh.
Hitlery doesn't intend to infringe upon it. She intends to remove the right altogether.
Last edited:
response to Jakes post number 27 . ------------ It is you Jake , you are complicit with 'illary' and the dem enemies plans to disarm Americans Jake .
It is you, pismoe that it is a goof ball. I am a gun owner, I have a CCW license, and I am not the least a bit worried about far left taking my guns or the far right talking stupidly, pismoe.
response to Jakes post number 27 . ------------ It is you Jake , you are complicit with 'illary' and the dem enemies plans to disarm Americans Jake .
It is you, pismoe that it is a goof ball. I am a gun owner, I have a CCW license, and I am not the least a bit worried about far left taking my guns or the far right talking stupidly, pismoe.
------------------------------------- so then , all that would mean is that you are a STOOPID gun owner and not a supporter of the Second Amendment Jake . Like I said , because of your propaganda you are complicit with 'illary' and dem enemies in disarming Americas gun owners Jake .
response to Jakes post number 27 . ------------ It is you Jake , you are complicit with 'illary' and the dem enemies plans to disarm Americans Jake .
It is you, pismoe that it is a goof ball. I am a gun owner, I have a CCW license, and I am not the least a bit worried about far left taking my guns or the far right talking stupidly, pismoe.
------------------------------------- so then , all that would mean is that you are a STOOPID gun owner and not a rupporter of the Second Amendment Jake . Like I said , because of your propaganda you are complicit with 'illary' and dem enemies in disarming Americas gun owners Jake .
I know, pismoe, the 2d is not unlimited if that is what you mean. pismoe, the dems and the pubs are not after your guns.
Contumacious, be a man and inform the board why you are really a libertarian. Andrew knows, I know, you know. Tell them why you are afraid. No is after your guns, Conty.
I agree with a friend of mine that "I take Trump's point—any American should be able to conceal carry who passes the same background checks and training as the Secret Service." :)

Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton’s Bodyguards Should Disarm to ‘See What Happens to Her’ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html?smid=fb-share

Either that or we could uphold the Constitution and get rid of the politically correct bullshit that involves background checks that are not a part of the 2nd Amendment. ...
Of course they are constitutional. The right is not unlimited.

Unlimited to the point that it was important enough to include that the right was not to be infringed upon. Not by presidents, Not by Congress. Not. Period. We now have a government that is helping the UN get rid of the right completely.
Checking one's background is an infringement. And here is that infringement by way of government regulation:

On your no longer confidential medical charts, your Dr. will be asking if you own a gun. Then the Dr. will determine privately if you are mentally fit enough to have a gun, and will note it on your chart. My Dr. asked me that question at my last yearly check up. Refuse to answer the interference into your private life, and you may be written up as uncooperative and combatant and Boom. Infringed the hell out of.....
Our soldiers return home. Go to VA hospital. Dr. recommends speaking to Dr. Blow, a psychologist on staff, about any thing that might bother you about being in a war zone environment, being wounded, etc. Dr. Blow reports to the Government and concludes that this vet should not be allowed to own firearms. Script for med. marijuana, which has tremendous results in treating PTSD, automatically removes your right to own a firearm. That is removal, not infringement.

It is called Obamacare and Obama run hospitals. Huh.
Hitlery doesn't intend to infringe upon it. She intends to remove the right altogether.
-------------------------------------- Thankyou IrishRam !!
like I said , its YOU and those like you that are the problem Jake !!

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