Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Ukraine is well known as a very corrupt nation...that's why Trump was so concerned when the new Admin took office that they were committed to rooting it out.

Can you point to even a single time when Trump was concerned with ANY corruption, ANY corruption at all, that didn't have to do with his political oppostion?

Here is his call with Zelensky again:

Do you see any mention at all about general issue of corruption in Ukraine?

I'll let you in on a little secret - Trump never gave a shit about corruption or any other high-minded principles anywhere. The only thing that concerned Trump...is Trump and his next election.
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Can you point to even a single time when Trump was concerned with ANY corruption, ANY corruption at all, that didn't have to do with his political oppostion?

Here is his call with Zelensky again:

Do you see any mention at all about general issue of corruption in Ukraine?
It’s obvious you never watch Trump because your head would explode.
You don't know where the weapons are going? They are going to fight Russians, which Ukraine has been doing great so far.
where in Ukraine? to whom? what about the rest of the money? the billions? who's going to get it there? We have already lost 20 billion thanks go xiden idiotic leadership...we can't continue to do that....that's 20 billion the Russians could of ended up with
Can you point to even a single time when Trump was concerned with ANY corruption, ANY corruption at all, that didn't have to do with his political oppostion?

Here is his call with Zelensky again:

Do you see any mention at all about general issue of corruption in Ukraine?
I'll let you in on a little secret - Trump never gave a shit about corruption or any other high-minded principles anywhere. The only thing that concerned Trump...is Trump and his next election.
7th paragraph they began the discussing tbe topic of on going corruption
7th paragraph they began the discussing tbe topic of on going corruption
You are full of shit, nowhere in that conversation is Trump concerned with much of anything but DNC and Biden.

He talks about generous American aid and how Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating...and oh by the way here is how you can make it up to us: work with my personal lawyer Rudy to investigate Bidens and DNC.

Nothing about general corruption, nothing about aid being hinged on addressing it.
Much praise for the Ukronazi fascist who shut down churches, seized private property, banned opposition parties and all media not controlled by the state who desperately wants to bring about WW3.
How do you know? Did you see an accounting of the weapons?
You are asking how do I know that Ukraine is smashing Russians in the battlefield? Or maybe how do I know that they couldn't do that without all the weapons they are provided?

It's called basic following of the news and having a head on your shoulders.
You are full of shit, nowhere in that conversation is Trump concerned with much of anything but DNC and Biden.

He talks about generous American aid and how Ukraine hasn't been recieprocating...and oh by the way here is how you can make it up to us: work with my personal lawyer Rudy to investigate Bidens and DNC.

Nothing about general corruption, nothing about aid being hinged on addressing it.
nowhere does he talk about the DNC...he mentions Biden son, only because he son was working for a well known corrupt gas company....the issue was corruption, and what was happening....it's hardly trump's fault that your dear leader's son worked for such a corrupt company
Much praise for the Ukronazi fascist who shut down churches, seized private property, banned opposition parties and all media not controlled by the state who desperately wants to bring about WW3.
You think Ukraine, who is being invaded by Russians needs to give freedom of speech to pro-Russia party and let them pump out Russian propaganda to Ukrainians during this war?

It's also ILLEGAL in Russia to publicly protest or talk about this war without following narrow talking points from Russian state. How come you don't call them fascists?
You think Ukraine, who is being invaded by Russians needs to give freedom of speech to pro-Russia party and let them pump out Russian propaganda to Ukrainians during this war?

It's also ILLEGAL in Russia to publicly protest or talk about this war without following narrow talking points from Russian state. How come you don't call them fascists?
interesting..now we know where the demafascist got the idea to partner with tweeter and tell them who to censor

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