Zelensky makes dramatic G-7 visit as Biden mobilizes allies over China

You're the one that's blind. Which party has an agenda they keep pushing on the American people, especially minorities; that no one wants. Which party is defending the rights of women and minorities to be full citizens with autonomy over their own bodies; which the majority of Americans support. That determines who the fascists are and at this point in history the republicans fit that designation far better than any Democrat ever could. So grow up already.
No. What determines fascism is the actions of those in power. Right now our government is fascist. The corporations and media push the same garbage they do. Those three working together are textbook fascism. They win, the country loses.
You're the one that's blind. Which party has an agenda they keep pushing on the American people, especially minorities; that no one wants. Which party is defending the rights of women and minorities to be full citizens with autonomy over their own bodies; which the majority of Americans support. That determines who the fascists are and at this point in history the republicans fit that designation far better than any Democrat ever could. So grow up already.
You can change your entire post by referencing the left.

63% of the voting block are not in support of the left LGBT push.....suck on that.
You have a warped mind. Zelindky was successful in his own right. Fascists burn down churches, look at the record the majority of those were done by far- right wing nuts. Quit wasting my time, you know these facts as well as I do.
LOL.........how many churches has Zelensky shut down?
You can change your entire post by referencing the left.

63% of the voting block are not in support of the left LGBT push.....suck on that.
Democrats don't force citizens to do things against their will. Republicans do. That is what fascists do. You can't wiggle your way out of that one. Loser.
So the clown of Kiev is making his kabuki debut? How cute. How many billions of dollars will this sad performance cost US taxpayers?
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How many times has Russia invaded Western Europe?

How many times has Western European countries invaded Russia?
You can't be serious, I can only assume you are an American FFS. My family were in Prague in 1968, do you even know where this is? Just unbelievable ignorance.
Democrats don't force citizens to do things against their will. Republicans do. That is what fascists do. You can't wiggle your way out of that one. Loser.
No they just have them fired when they do not obey. Can you say federal mandate? You are projecting. And I told you what fascists do and you support them.
So the clown of Kiev is making his kabuki debut? How cute. How billions of dollars with this sad performance cost US taxpayers?
This is Western Democracies war against Russian aggression that the Ukraine's are fighting. I bet you'd love to live a life where some Putin or Trump tells you how to lead it. You must be a real wimp.
Democrats don't force citizens to do things against their will. Republicans do. That is what fascists do. You can't wiggle your way out of that one. Loser.
Like get experimental medical treatments, shutdown schools and businesses, over what amounts to a bad cold? You folks don't even try anymore.
Originally posted by Shareprofit
This is Western Democracies war against Russian aggression that the Ukraine's are fighting. I bet you'd love to live a life where some Putin or Trump tells you how to lead it. You must be a real wimp.

We've already gone through that, shareprofit.

America and western Europe are genocidal states actively carrying out a policy of extermination by miscegenation against white americans and europeans through mass non-white immigration and the glamourization of race mixing.

Autocratic states like Russia are paradises, they are heaven on Earth when compared to genocidal America.
Like get experimental medical treatments, shutdown schools and businesses, over what amounts to a bad cold? You folks don't even try anymore.
You do realize trump wanted a fast cure. Traditional vaccines take at least 10 years to develop so they were out of the picture. The pandemic response was suppose to be a non-political venture of the people. Trump blew that too. You can't blame Democrats for the course of events that transpired but you can blame trump for the confused, disunified response. And any pandemic that kills 7 million people worldwide isn't just a bad cold. Even today when the pandemic is officially over, nearly 400 people a day are still dying from Covid. Despite our pitiful record, it could have been much worse.
You do realize trump wanted a fast cure. Traditional vaccines take at least 10 years to develop so they were out of the picture. The pandemic response was suppose to be a non-political venture of the people. Trump blew that too. You can't blame Democrats for the course of events that transpired but you can blame trump for the confused, disunified response. And any pandemic that kills 7 million people worldwide isn't just a bad cold. Even today when the pandemic is officially over, nearly 400 people a day are still dying from Covid. Despite our pitiful record, it could have been much worse.
Trump wanted something for those at the highest risk. Only fascist Democrats wanted to push experimental treatments on healthy younger people. At least try.
You do realize trump wanted a fast cure. Traditional vaccines take at least 10 years to develop so they were out of the picture. The pandemic response was suppose to be a non-political venture of the people. Trump blew that too. You can't blame Democrats for the course of events that transpired but you can blame trump for the confused, disunified response. And any pandemic that kills 7 million people worldwide isn't just a bad cold. Even today when the pandemic is officially over, nearly 400 people a day are still dying from Covid. Despite our pitiful record, it could have been much worse.
People aren't dying from Covid. They're dying from the shots that were scammed on the people.
Trump wanted something for those at the highest risk. Only fascist Democrats wanted to push experimental treatments on healthy younger people. At least try.
I believe theat decision was best made by the medical experts. Most probably are Democrats. Republicans don't know how to give service and remain committed to the truth.
People aren't dying from Covid. They're dying from the shots that were scammed on the people.
I'm glad you brought that up. The figure I gave of 400 a day dying that was just for the US. Mostly elderly, most now vaccinated but the vaccines wane with time, need regular boosters, which because of all the mixed messages fewer and fewer people are getting. I've been real good about it and I'm still behind. Overdue for my second improved booster. Will get next month at regular doctor's visit. Stay safe. Be well.
Trump wanted something for those at the highest risk. Only fascist Democrats wanted to push experimental treatments on healthy younger people. At least try.
People of all ages died from covid and they still. Thankfully the mRNA vaccines has considerably reduced the death rate especially in Europe and Australia.
LOL.........how many churches has Zelensky shut down?
Yes, they banned churches affiliated with Russia, they were trying to undermine the Ukrainian government. That makes sense. Even here in America churches interfere with politics. Zelenisky wasn't the first to do this previous Ukrainian leaders had to do the same thing.
This is Western Democracies war against Russian aggression that the Ukraine's are fighting. I bet you'd love to live a life where some Putin or Trump tells you how to lead it. You must be a real wimp.
Like he'll it is, this America sticking it's nose in a Eurotrash problem. It has nothing to do with us. Go play internet tough gay somewhere else.

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