Zimmerman "beat up" according to treating physician after the shooting

I have been listening to reports as they are released and one of them was the girlfriend's testimony she says nothing about Martin saying get off, get off. She said the last thing she heard was Martin saying "are you following me" then something she couldn't make out, then the line went dead.

In any event, there are just too many witnesses that say Martin pounding on Zimmerman "MMA style".

really go get them
Yes! Such a difference from the Bush Administration.

........................ Yeah. That doesn't sound right.

Yep, I agree. A big difference from the Bush administration. We knew who Bush was when we voted for him. Those who voted for Obama are finding out every day we didn't know who we voted for. Big difference.

Dangling chads, hello.

I remember that. Here's a little bit of info. Al Gore lost his home state of Tennesee. If Gore would have won his home state he would have been President and would not have needed Florida. I find it kinda funny when a person running for President can't win their home state. God works in mysterious ways.
I am listening to an interview with a former federal prosecutor discussing the facts of this case. I am getting to understand why the conversation has changed from what the reports say to what is so wrong that the evidence is not proving what we know to be true.

Zimmerman was ordered by the police to not follow Martin. That's a fact that we know to be true, but the recorded evidence is that the disipatcher said "You don't need to do that".

Trayvon Martin was only reacting to an attack by Zimmerman. That's a fact we know to be true. Several witnesses say that Martin was bashing Zimmerman's head into the pavement MMA style.

Martin's father identified a recording of his son screaming for help. Another fact we know to be true. Several witnesses saw and heard Zimmerman screaming for help.

Martin's girlfriend testified that she was talking to her boyfriend and the line went dead when the headset was pushed down. A fact we know to be true, even though from silence you can't know that the reason was a headset being pushed down unless you saw it and she didn't.

It's an accepted fact that Zimmerman was uninjured, but the medical evidence is he had several injuries.

It's a fact that Martin had no injuries to his hands, but the autopsy report says he did.

It's a fact that Zimmerman shot Martin from some distance away, but the autopsy report shows the shot was fired from one inch to eighteen inches away.

It's a fact that Zimmerman had drugs in his system when the only evidence of drugs showed up in Martin's system.

The prosecutor being interviewed went through all the facts, which makes Zimmerman clearly guilty, but ignored all the evidence proving otherwise.

Early this morning, our local news anchor expressed a surpise, on the air, of what was so wrong with the police work, that they are unable to produce evidence proving what we all know to be true. It was puzzling at the time, not any more. The problem is with the evidence! The evidence itself has to be wrong. It isn't proving what we accept are unarguable facts.
I have been listening to reports as they are released and one of them was the girlfriend's testimony she says nothing about Martin saying get off, get off. She said the last thing she heard was Martin saying "are you following me" then something she couldn't make out, then the line went dead.

In any event, there are just too many witnesses that say Martin pounding on Zimmerman "MMA style".

really go get them

They were brought a long time ago.. you just need to go read the 50 other threads on it.

I am listening to an interview with a former federal prosecutor discussing the facts of this case. I am getting to understand why the conversation has changed from what the reports say to what is so wrong that the evidence is not proving what we know to be true.

Zimmerman was ordered by the police to not follow Martin. That's a fact that we know to be true, but the recorded evidence is that the disipatcher said "You don't need to do that".

Trayvon Martin was only reacting to an attack by Zimmerman. That's a fact we know to be true. Several witnesses say that Martin was bashing Zimmerman's head into the pavement MMA style.

Martin's father identified a recording of his son screaming for help. Another fact we know to be true. Several witnesses saw and heard Zimmerman screaming for help.

Martin's girlfriend testified that she was talking to her boyfriend and the line went dead when the headset was pushed down. A fact we know to be true, even though from silence you can't know that the reason was a headset being pushed down unless you saw it and she didn't.

It's an accepted fact that Zimmerman was uninjured, but the medical evidence is he had several injuries.

It's a fact that Martin had no injuries to his hands, but the autopsy report says he did.

It's a fact that Zimmerman shot Martin from some distance away, but the autopsy report shows the shot was fired from one inch to eighteen inches away.

It's a fact that Zimmerman had drugs in his system when the only evidence of drugs showed up in Martin's system.

The prosecutor being interviewed went through all the facts, which makes Zimmerman clearly guilty, but ignored all the evidence proving otherwise.

Early this morning, our local news anchor expressed a surpise, on the air, of what was so wrong with the police work, that they are unable to produce evidence proving what we all know to be true. It was puzzling at the time, not any more. The problem is with the evidence! The evidence itself has to be wrong. It isn't proving what we accept are unarguable facts.

I owe you pos rep for this post, but you appear to contradict yourself in the 4th paragraph.
I am listening to an interview with a former federal prosecutor discussing the facts of this case. I am getting to understand why the conversation has changed from what the reports say to what is so wrong that the evidence is not proving what we know to be true.

Zimmerman was ordered by the police to not follow Martin. That's a fact that we know to be true, but the recorded evidence is that the disipatcher said "You don't need to do that".

Trayvon Martin was only reacting to an attack by Zimmerman. That's a fact we know to be true. Several witnesses say that Martin was bashing Zimmerman's head into the pavement MMA style.

Martin's father identified a recording of his son screaming for help. Another fact we know to be true. Several witnesses saw and heard Zimmerman screaming for help.

Martin's girlfriend testified that she was talking to her boyfriend and the line went dead when the headset was pushed down. A fact we know to be true, even though from silence you can't know that the reason was a headset being pushed down unless you saw it and she didn't.

It's an accepted fact that Zimmerman was uninjured, but the medical evidence is he had several injuries.

It's a fact that Martin had no injuries to his hands, but the autopsy report says he did.

It's a fact that Zimmerman shot Martin from some distance away, but the autopsy report shows the shot was fired from one inch to eighteen inches away.

It's a fact that Zimmerman had drugs in his system when the only evidence of drugs showed up in Martin's system.

The prosecutor being interviewed went through all the facts, which makes Zimmerman clearly guilty, but ignored all the evidence proving otherwise.

Early this morning, our local news anchor expressed a surpise, on the air, of what was so wrong with the police work, that they are unable to produce evidence proving what we all know to be true. It was puzzling at the time, not any more. The problem is with the evidence! The evidence itself has to be wrong. It isn't proving what we accept are unarguable facts.

I owe you pos rep for this post, but you appear to contradict yourself in the 4th paragraph.

The point katz is making is that the haters insist that the 'facts' are something other than what the evidence shows. That the 'facts' that continue to be cited are the exact opposite, in fact, of what the evidence shows.
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It certainly has changed the conversation from what happened, to how the evidence can be so wrong.
What the loons said at the first was that the cops, the DA, and everybody else involved was corrupt..and who could forget the classic 'zimmerman's father pulled strings'...though he was a magistrate some years before in VIRGINIA.......
Not only has the media been soooooo unethical in reporting this incident, and politicans and activisits have been soooooo unethical in trying to spin it in a way that they can capitalize on it, we have a lot of of information that is being put out there as 'facts'. However, it really comes down to the only irrefutable facts anybody of us know for sure:

1. It is a fact that we don't KNOW whether Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman in self defense or just because. . . .

2. It is a fact that we don't KNOW whether George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin and/or intended him any harm. . . .

3. It is a fact that however it happened, Trayvon Martin was shot dead and George Zimmerman is charged with Second Degree Murder.

Those are the only facts we know for certain and can only speculate about what we read in the media versions re any other 'facts'.

But one other fact is becoming increasingly apparent to me. A lot of people, including some posting in this thread, don't really care what any other facts are, and are not the least bit interested in finding out what any other facts are. They are determined, however, that their chosen set of facts are the only ones that will ever be acceptable.
What we do know is that a number of Democrat race hustlers used this tragedy for political purposes and that is an example of the sickness in this nation perpetuated by the left.
Not only has the media been soooooo unethical in reporting this incident, and politicans and activisits have been soooooo unethical in trying to spin it in a way that they can capitalize on it, we have a lot of of information that is being put out there as 'facts'. However, it really comes down to the only irrefutable facts anybody of us know for sure:

1. It is a fact that we don't KNOW whether Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman in self defense or just because. . . .

2. It is a fact that we don't KNOW whether George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin and/or intended him any harm. . . .

3. It is a fact that however it happened, Trayvon Martin was shot dead and George Zimmerman is charged with Second Degree Murder.

Those are the only facts we know for certain and can only speculate about what we read in the media versions re any other 'facts'.

But one other fact is becoming increasingly apparent to me. A lot of people, including some posting in this thread, don't really care what any other facts are, and are not the least bit interested in finding out what any other facts are. They are determined, however, that their chosen set of facts are the only ones that will ever be acceptable.

It goes further than individuals posting on a message board. There are those at every level of the media, political and even judicial spectrum questioning how the evidence can be so wrong.

Mike Nifong chose the wrong procedure in the La Crosse case, he should have just claimed that the evidence was wrong.
You call the little scrapes he got on his head and face"beat up." I only wish it had been his equal that he has followed and confronted. Some one on meth.
Trayvon only had a trace of marijuana in his system and would not have affected him al all. Now the effect of Adderall and Lorazapam that Zimmerman was on made him violent and agressive.
Is this the same marijuana that you people want to legalize as safe? You want to legalize it and demonize the user?
Marijuana do not make one agressive or violent, Adderall do. If Trayvon was high on marijuana he probably would have gave Zimmerman a hug and kissed him. The trace was so low it showed he was not a regular user. What the hell was wrong with Zimmerman that he had to take Adderal and Lorazapam?

There were no eyewitness that showed what Zimmerman did to provoke Trayvon to beat the shit out of him.
Gun shot was 1 to 3 feet away and did not go through which may mean Taryvon was not on him at the time Zimmerman shot him.
If Zimmerman had kept his ass in his car and continured on to target, Trayvon would be alive. Instead Adderall in has system clouded his judgement and made him feel that he was not accountable to any one Trayvon was one ****** that would not "get away" this time. IF he is not a racist,he is a mental case and should be evaluated. We have not heard all that will come out about Zimmerman.
Half the teenagers in the county use marijuana. I use it for M.S. symptoms and it mellows the hell out of me.
Are you kidding me, he might have shot me for wearing the wrong clothes or for speaking in a strange accent:lol::lol::lol:

Dude you cant be serious by thinking that Zimmerman didn't have a right to defend his self.

If all the EYEwitness accounts are true, and the evidence that police submitted is true... why do we continue to try and hang Zimmerman?

I have been attacked and nearly killed one night... I was wishing I had a gun, and the cops said that would have been a nightmare for me, and now I see why.

Not saying Trayvon was a bad guy because he smoked weed... I could care less, Hell I smoked it, but he should not have attacked Zimmerman. Bad move...

Roomy, you know that too.... this is why I am giving ya heck man.

There is no turning back from killing someone matey, it is not defending yourself, it is killing someone, how did he get to his gun and presumably take the safety off and then shoot and kill this kid while as suggested taking a life threatening beating? i am interested as to how it will be shown that the kid was going to kill him.I think Zimmerman is a fucking coward and a murderer.

We are a nation of LAWS, not a nation of what you think.
The law is that Zimmerman had a carrying permit legally and the law is that he can stand his ground when attacked and use deadly force if he has to.
Something about the rule of law, not men and their beliefs.
What we do know is that a number of Democrat race hustlers used this tragedy for political purposes and that is an example of the sickness in this nation perpetuated by the left.

There has not been anything political to be use at all in this case. What Democrat hustless. Most of the media has been by FOXNEWS and othe white people who want to save zimmerman' ass.

Dude you cant be serious by thinking that Zimmerman didn't have a right to defend his self.

If all the EYEwitness accounts are true, and the evidence that police submitted is true... why do we continue to try and hang Zimmerman?

I have been attacked and nearly killed one night... I was wishing I had a gun, and the cops said that would have been a nightmare for me, and now I see why.

Not saying Trayvon was a bad guy because he smoked weed... I could care less, Hell I smoked it, but he should not have attacked Zimmerman. Bad move...

Roomy, you know that too.... this is why I am giving ya heck man.

There is no turning back from killing someone matey, it is not defending yourself, it is killing someone, how did he get to his gun and presumably take the safety off and then shoot and kill this kid while as suggested taking a life threatening beating? i am interested as to how it will be shown that the kid was going to kill him.I think Zimmerman is a fucking coward and a murderer.

We are a nation of LAWS, not a nation of what you think.
The law is that Zimmerman had a carrying permit legally and the law is that he can stand his ground when attacked and use deadly force if he has to.
Something about the rule of law, not men and their beliefs.

And it's against the law to hunt human beings.

Whether or not you have a legal permit to carry a gun.

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