Zimmerman Girlfriend Recants... Shocker...

My advice to George. Move to Tierra del Fuego and only date the palm sisters. This is nuts.

George Zimmerman's girlfriend has dropped charges against him just weeks after she claimed he pointed a shotgun at her and smashed her stuff, and now she even wants him back, it has emerged.

George Zimmerman's girlfriend wants charges against him DROPPED | Mail Online
Wow, that IS weird. Doesn't she know he's a violent, racist murder, as decreed by people who have never met him and know only the carefully-crafted media and political portrait they were force-fed?
She doesn't want her boyfriend charged. Like that's the first time that ever happened. She's recanting to save his ass.

'Nuff said.

She is probably recanting for fear of being charged with perjury
No you fucking retard. She most likely love the turd and thus doesnt want to charge him. You see this all the time in domestic abuse calls.

^One of the biggest ***** of all.



Did anyone else read that story and hear, "I was pissed at him, and thought I'd get him a bunch of trouble because he's famous, and now that we've made up, I regret it"?
She tried to sell her story and no one bought it. May as well make up and admit she was lying to make a buck. Maybe Zimmerman was in on it. Get some money for the story and live large for about 15 minutes.
My advice to George. Move to Tierra del Fuego and only date the palm sisters. This is nuts.

George Zimmerman's girlfriend has dropped charges against him just weeks after she claimed he pointed a shotgun at her and smashed her stuff, and now she even wants him back, it has emerged.

George Zimmerman's girlfriend wants charges against him DROPPED | Mail Online

Actually, this behavior is very typical of what domestic abuse victims do: taking back the accusations, refusing to press charges and wanting to get back together. Happens over and over again with millions of abuse victims. It does not mean the abuse didn't happen. Given his history of domestic abuse charges and accusations brought on by other women and his experience with attacking a cop, I would be very disinclinced to think all these people are making up his violent tendancies. I think there was domestic abuse in this particular relationship and that, like very typical abuse victims, she is changing her mind and wanting him back.
she does not want him charged, according to a signed affidavit.
Samantha Scheibe, who refers to Zimmerman as her "boyfriend,"

She doesn't want her boyfriend charged. Like that's the first time that ever happened. She's recanting to save his ass.

'Nuff said.

Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.
she does not want him charged, according to a signed affidavit.
Samantha Scheibe, who refers to Zimmerman as her "boyfriend,"

She doesn't want her boyfriend charged. Like that's the first time that ever happened. She's recanting to save his ass.

'Nuff said.

Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Sounds like GZ is the one abused with false charges, being thrown out of his home, having his personal property destroyed, being stalked and threatened.
She doesn't want her boyfriend charged. Like that's the first time that ever happened. She's recanting to save his ass.

'Nuff said.

Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Sounds like GZ is the one abused with false charges, being thrown out of his home, having his personal property destroyed, being stalked and threatened.

As I have explained, the charges of domestic abuse were most likely not false: women regularly withdraw domestic abuse charges. It is one of the most common aspects of domestic abuse. Also, both of the homes involved belonged to the women, not him. The home he was living in with his wife when the incident happened is a house belonging to her family. The home he was living in with his girlfriend was her home, not his. And he threw her out of her home, not the other way around. She wanted to break up with him and asked him to leave, but he threw a fit and pushed her out of HER home, barricading himself inside HER HOME. And he smashed up her furniture. He is not the victim here. As far as being stalked and threatened: he shouldn't have murdered an innocent, unarmed teenager.

It is interesting that in their effort to defend Zimmerman, people will support a man who is a chronic abuser of women.
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Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Sounds like GZ is the one abused with false charges, being thrown out of his home, having his personal property destroyed, being stalked and threatened.

As I have explained, the charges of domestic abuse were most likely not false: women regularly withdraw domestic abuse charges. It is one of the most common aspects of domestic abuse. Also, both of the homes involved belonged to the women, not him. The home he was living in with his wife when the incident happened is a house belonging to her family. The home he was living in with his girlfriend was her home, not his. And he threw her out of her home, not the other way around. She wanted to break up with him and asked him to leave, but he threw a fit and pushed her out of HER home, barricading himself inside HER HOME. And he smashed up her furniture. He is not the victim here. As far as being stalked and threatened: he shouldn't have murdered an innocent, unarmed teenager.

It is interesting that in their effort to defend Zimmerman, people will support a man who is a chronic abuser of women.

Your anti GZ data points come from one source: GZ's recanting girlfriend who now admits she lied and the cops misinterpreted her.

Surely you cant rationally dismiss any plausibility of GZ's GF simply going after his rumored future fortune and going after some interview cash of her own? Then she recants when the interviews don't come about?

Nah, that could NEVER have happened, lol.
Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Sounds like GZ is the one abused with false charges, being thrown out of his home, having his personal property destroyed, being stalked and threatened.

As I have explained, the charges of domestic abuse were most likely not false: women regularly withdraw domestic abuse charges. It is one of the most common aspects of domestic abuse. Also, both of the homes involved belonged to the women, not him. The home he was living in with his wife when the incident happened is a house belonging to her family. The home he was living in with his girlfriend was her home, not his. And he threw her out of her home, not the other way around. She wanted to break up with him and asked him to leave, but he threw a fit and pushed her out of HER home, barricading himself inside HER HOME. And he smashed up her furniture. He is not the victim here. As far as being stalked and threatened: he shouldn't have murdered an innocent, unarmed teenager.

It is interesting that in their effort to defend Zimmerman, people will support a man who is a chronic abuser of women.

It's only natural that many people would have an instinct to defend a man against a "guilty until proven innocent" campaign.
George has more work to do. Best get with it.

Kind of like the star football player who get's released right before the game

According to his girlfriend, she apparently wants to drop charges and be with him again. She also admitted to not being forthright in her affidavit, claiming she was "intimidated" into rendering an incriminating account in her testimony. She once accused Zimmerman of brandishing a weapon at her during their dispute in her original affidavit as well, but now in her revised affidavit she contends otherwise. She also testified that he "choked her." The incident in question took place in November.

Somehow I knew this was going to happen. To those who hate Zimmerman with a passion, I hate to burst your bubble. Her testimony is now unreliable, no court in the continental US will convict him based on revised testimony, she is contradicting her entire original testimony just so she can "be with him." I'd wager she got her tips and tricks from one Rachel Jeantal if you ask me.

George Zimmerman's girlfriend who called Florida police to say he was breaking her stuff and was brandishing a weapon no longer wants to press charges against him and instead wants to get back together with him.

Zimmerman, 30, who faces a felony aggravated assault charge as well as lesser charges stemming from the incident, is asking to have conditions of his bail modified so he can resume contact with Samantha Scheibe.

According to court documents filed by Zimmerman's attorney Jayne Weintraub, Scheibe, 27, gave a sworn statement in which she wrote, "I do not want George Zimmerman charged."

Zimmerman, who had been acquitted earlier this year of murder in the death of teenager Trayvon Martin, had posted a $9,000 bond and was barred from any contact with Scheibe. He was also ordered to give up his guns and wear an electronic monitor.

Scheibe's new affidavit taken Dec. 6 stated, "When I was being questioned by police I felt very intimidated...I believe that the police misinterpreted me and that I may have misspoken about certain facts in my statement to police."

Scheibe wrote that Zimmerman "never pointed a gun at or toward my face in a threatening manner" and that "I want to be with George."

Weintraub claims that Scheibe reached out to her and asked that the order barring contact between herself and Zimmerman be lifted.

George Zimmerman's Girlfriend Wants to Drop Charges, 'Be With Him' - Yahoo
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There is already another thread on this.

There are already thousands of threads on thousands of talking boards about it, I'm sure. It's funny, there are plenty of gruesome things happening locally, it's unfortunate that half of America is obsessed with Zimmerman. Hell, I was just reading in the local paper, the county police done killed somebody in a jail cell, would love to see that story go national. It maybe doesn't have the same kind of juicy racial tidbits in it for to stir up the liberals, though.
Yep, typical domestic abuse behavior: the woman changes her mind and wants him back. Doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen. This is part of the syndrome of domestic abuse.

Abuser and abused: they feed off each other. He's a violent man.

Sounds like GZ is the one abused with false charges, being thrown out of his home, having his personal property destroyed, being stalked and threatened.

As I have explained, the charges of domestic abuse were most likely not false: women regularly withdraw domestic abuse charges. It is one of the most common aspects of domestic abuse. Also, both of the homes involved belonged to the women, not him. The home he was living in with his wife when the incident happened is a house belonging to her family. The home he was living in with his girlfriend was her home, not his. And he threw her out of her home, not the other way around. She wanted to break up with him and asked him to leave, but he threw a fit and pushed her out of HER home, barricading himself inside HER HOME. And he smashed up her furniture. He is not the victim here. As far as being stalked and threatened: he shouldn't have murdered an innocent, unarmed teenager.

It is interesting that in their effort to defend Zimmerman, people will support a man who is a chronic abuser of women.

^Probably still believes the Duke Whore Liar... :rofl:


Sounds like GZ is the one abused with false charges, being thrown out of his home, having his personal property destroyed, being stalked and threatened.

As I have explained, the charges of domestic abuse were most likely not false: women regularly withdraw domestic abuse charges. It is one of the most common aspects of domestic abuse. Also, both of the homes involved belonged to the women, not him. The home he was living in with his wife when the incident happened is a house belonging to her family. The home he was living in with his girlfriend was her home, not his. And he threw her out of her home, not the other way around. She wanted to break up with him and asked him to leave, but he threw a fit and pushed her out of HER home, barricading himself inside HER HOME. And he smashed up her furniture. He is not the victim here. As far as being stalked and threatened: he shouldn't have murdered an innocent, unarmed teenager.

It is interesting that in their effort to defend Zimmerman, people will support a man who is a chronic abuser of women.

^Probably still believes the Duke Whore Liar... :rofl:



This kind of thing does not happen over and over again to an innocent bystander. He is involved in murder, several instances of domestic abuse and fighting with a cop, and it's all everyone else's fault? Right. Sure. Poor pitiful George, always the victim. Uh huh.....
actually, they didn't find a gun, to my knowledge and they were there in less than 3 minutes. I thought that was odd.

Are you sure? I know that was the case with his ex-wife.

I thought there actually was a gun with the current girlfriend. It was the girlfriend's apartment and he was supposed to be getting out of it, which would mean he needed to take his weapons with him.

If I understood correctly.

911 calls released following Zimmerman domestic disturbance arrest - U.S. News
Zimmerman was unarmed when authorities entered the house, Lemma said, adding that he appeared “rather passive” and “offered no resistance” to the deputies.
This kind of thing does not happen over and over again to an innocent bystander. He is involved in murder, several instances of domestic abuse and fighting with a cop, and it's all everyone else's fault? Right. Sure. Poor pitiful George, always the victim. Uh huh.....

He isn't involved in any murder. A jury said so.

Now why don't you stop victimizing him?

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