Zimmerman's at it again

The guy is the classic wanna-be cop poser loser.

Apparently you didn't watch the trial. The cops offered him his own patrol car and he refused. Is that the actions of a "wanna be cop?"


Watch the trial. I did. I saw almost the whole thing and yes, that's where I got that from, I sure as hell am not going through hours of testimony all over again because you refused to watch the trail and are still speaking from ignorance.
Apparently you didn't watch the trial. The cops offered him his own patrol car and he refused. Is that the actions of a "wanna be cop?"



I've searched for any reference to 'cops offering him his own patrol car' and all I have found is his history of run-ins with law enforcement.

George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters
Then came 2005, and a series of troubles. Zimmerman's business failed, he was arrested, and he broke off an engagement with a woman who filed a restraining order against him.

That July, Zimmerman was charged with resisting arrest, violence, and battery of an officer after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent who was arresting an under-age friend of Zimmerman's at a bar. He avoided conviction by agreeing to participate in a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.

In August, Zimmerman's fiancee at the time, Veronica Zuazo, filed a civil motion for a restraining order alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman reciprocated with his own order on the same grounds, and both orders were granted. The relationship ended.

He was even thrown out of college because they felt he was too dangerous to have around the students.

He's just a Barney Fife, loose cannon.

But hey, if you've got proof that cops offered him his own patrol car, I'd love to read it.

It was in the trial. I mentioned it at the time. I found it a very interesting part of the trial.
The trial is long over and no way would I watch it again.

If that had happened, it would have been big news and I can't find any mention of it. If you have a link, fine. But with his history of violence, including

... resisting arrest, violence, and battery of an officer after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent who was arresting an under-age friend of Zimmerman's at a bar. He avoided conviction by agreeing to participate in a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.

In August, Zimmerman's fiancee at the time, Veronica Zuazo, filed a civil motion for a restraining order alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman reciprocated with his own order on the same grounds, and both orders were granted. The relationship ended.

there's simply no way a police department would give a civilian a patrol car.

To even suggest they would use tax dollars that way is just laughable.
The trial is long over and no way would I watch it again.

If that had happened, it would have been big news and I can't find any mention of it. If you have a link, fine. But with his history of violence, including

... resisting arrest, violence, and battery of an officer after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent who was arresting an under-age friend of Zimmerman's at a bar. He avoided conviction by agreeing to participate in a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.

In August, Zimmerman's fiancee at the time, Veronica Zuazo, filed a civil motion for a restraining order alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman reciprocated with his own order on the same grounds, and both orders were granted. The relationship ended.

there's simply no way a police department would give a civilian a patrol car.

To even suggest they would use tax dollars that way is just laughable.

I can't even find the transcripts of the whole trial. It was there. I found it shocking and mentioned it here at the time. He was offered a patrol car and he turned it down. Seems the cops were pleased with him and his neighborhood patrol. A black lady testified that after her home was broken into, Zimmerman fixed the lock, at no charge to her and gave her his cell phone number and his wife's cell phone number and told her if she had any problems at all to call. Another black woman testified in favor of Zimmerman from her sick bed. This is not a racist man and you didn't watch the trial and now you call me a liar all because you want to continue to call Zimmerman a murderer and racist.

So I ask you, when is the last time you caught me in a lie?
The trial is long over and no way would I watch it again.

If that had happened, it would have been big news and I can't find any mention of it. If you have a link, fine. But with his history of violence, including

... resisting arrest, violence, and battery of an officer after shoving an undercover alcohol-control agent who was arresting an under-age friend of Zimmerman's at a bar. He avoided conviction by agreeing to participate in a pre-trial diversion program that included anger-management classes.

In August, Zimmerman's fiancee at the time, Veronica Zuazo, filed a civil motion for a restraining order alleging domestic violence. Zimmerman reciprocated with his own order on the same grounds, and both orders were granted. The relationship ended.

there's simply no way a police department would give a civilian a patrol car.

To even suggest they would use tax dollars that way is just laughable.

I can't even find the transcripts of the whole trial. It was there. I found it shocking and mentioned it here at the time. He was offered a patrol car and he turned it down. Seems the cops were pleased with him and his neighborhood patrol. A black lady testified that after her home was broken into, Zimmerman fixed the lock, at no charge to her and gave her his cell phone number and his wife's cell phone number and told her if she had any problems at all to call. Another black woman testified in favor of Zimmerman from her sick bed. This is not a racist man and you didn't watch the trial and now you call me a liar all because you want to continue to call Zimmerman a murderer and racist.

So I ask you, when is the last time you caught me in a lie?

Please don't make more of this than it is. Don't blow it up into a big deal. I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about your posting history and I'm not saying you're lying.

Yes, I watched the trial and no, I never heard about any city, township, commune or municipality giving a car to a petty criminal who has so little control over himself that they ordered him to go to anger management therapy.

I searched and couldn't find any mention of him being given a patrol car.

Actual law enforcement officers are not "given" a patrol car so its pretty unbelievable that some failed security guy with a record of run ins with real cops would be given a car.
gz wasn't charged but this is from the article -

Johnson confirmed he knows Zimmerman but told WKMG-TV he did not hire him to handle security.

“I didn’t okay it. I didn’t know about it. I didn’t authorize it. I didn’t pay for it,” he said. “He had just watched Facebook and the news and just took it upon himself to come up here and sit.”

“I sent him a text message telling him not to come back to the store anymore,” he added.

I wonder if that's too subtle for slimeball gz.

He "took it upon himself" like he did the night he shot the kid. He then "took it upon himself" to follow the kid finally into a confrontation. I guess skittles are a dangerous weapon.
The trial is long over and no way would I watch it again.

If that had happened, it would have been big news and I can't find any mention of it. If you have a link, fine. But with his history of violence, including

there's simply no way a police department would give a civilian a patrol car.

To even suggest they would use tax dollars that way is just laughable.

I can't even find the transcripts of the whole trial. It was there. I found it shocking and mentioned it here at the time. He was offered a patrol car and he turned it down. Seems the cops were pleased with him and his neighborhood patrol. A black lady testified that after her home was broken into, Zimmerman fixed the lock, at no charge to her and gave her his cell phone number and his wife's cell phone number and told her if she had any problems at all to call. Another black woman testified in favor of Zimmerman from her sick bed. This is not a racist man and you didn't watch the trial and now you call me a liar all because you want to continue to call Zimmerman a murderer and racist.

So I ask you, when is the last time you caught me in a lie?

Please don't make more of this than it is. Don't blow it up into a big deal. I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about your posting history and I'm not saying you're lying.

Yes, I watched the trial and no, I never heard about any city, township, commune or municipality giving a car to a petty criminal who has so little control over himself that they ordered him to go to anger management therapy.

I searched and couldn't find any mention of him being given a patrol car.

Actual law enforcement officers are not "given" a patrol car so its pretty unbelievable that some failed security guy with a record of run ins with real cops would be given a car.

It would have been huge news and a pro-Zimmerman talking point sticky. It is not true.
no surprise liar luddly ran from this

again [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]


I've told you before Spurt. Do NOT send any more PMs to me.

Huh. If there was “was no evidence to support that a crime had occurred or was about to occur.”, then why, oh why, was Zimmy there?

He was there hoping he could turn daily activities INTO a crime & continue to be the rejected police officer he never could, or will, be.
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The trial is long over and no way would I watch it again.

If that had happened, it would have been big news and I can't find any mention of it. If you have a link, fine. But with his history of violence, including

there's simply no way a police department would give a civilian a patrol car.

To even suggest they would use tax dollars that way is just laughable.

I can't even find the transcripts of the whole trial. It was there. I found it shocking and mentioned it here at the time. He was offered a patrol car and he turned it down. Seems the cops were pleased with him and his neighborhood patrol. A black lady testified that after her home was broken into, Zimmerman fixed the lock, at no charge to her and gave her his cell phone number and his wife's cell phone number and told her if she had any problems at all to call. Another black woman testified in favor of Zimmerman from her sick bed. This is not a racist man and you didn't watch the trial and now you call me a liar all because you want to continue to call Zimmerman a murderer and racist.

So I ask you, when is the last time you caught me in a lie?

Please don't make more of this than it is. Don't blow it up into a big deal. I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about your posting history and I'm not saying you're lying.

Yes, I watched the trial and no, I never heard about any city, township, commune or municipality giving a car to a petty criminal who has so little control over himself that they ordered him to go to anger management therapy.

I searched and couldn't find any mention of him being given a patrol car.

Actual law enforcement officers are not "given" a patrol car so its pretty unbelievable that some failed security guy with a record of run ins with real cops would be given a car.

Not "given," offered and refused. The cops in the area liked Zimmerman. I assume the offer of the patrol car was that having someone (anyone) sitting there in a patrol car would deter criminals.

I don't believe you watched the trial. Not all of it anyway because it was there. It was a big point against the idiots who claimed Zimmerman was a wanna be cop.
I can't even find the transcripts of the whole trial. It was there. I found it shocking and mentioned it here at the time. He was offered a patrol car and he turned it down. Seems the cops were pleased with him and his neighborhood patrol. A black lady testified that after her home was broken into, Zimmerman fixed the lock, at no charge to her and gave her his cell phone number and his wife's cell phone number and told her if she had any problems at all to call. Another black woman testified in favor of Zimmerman from her sick bed. This is not a racist man and you didn't watch the trial and now you call me a liar all because you want to continue to call Zimmerman a murderer and racist.

So I ask you, when is the last time you caught me in a lie?

Please don't make more of this than it is. Don't blow it up into a big deal. I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about your posting history and I'm not saying you're lying.

Yes, I watched the trial and no, I never heard about any city, township, commune or municipality giving a car to a petty criminal who has so little control over himself that they ordered him to go to anger management therapy.

I searched and couldn't find any mention of him being given a patrol car.

Actual law enforcement officers are not "given" a patrol car so its pretty unbelievable that some failed security guy with a record of run ins with real cops would be given a car.

It would have been huge news and a pro-Zimmerman talking point sticky. It is not true.

I don't know, I mentioned it on this message board as was ignored by the Trayvon worshipers.

Quit calling me a liar. I don't appreciate it. Almost anyone here can tell you I DON'T LIE! The problem with lying is you have to remember, if you tell the truth, they can't trip you up.
Zimmerman: two DV charges, AOLO, murder; he's slid out, but he has FSP/UCI/BCI written on him.
Please don't make more of this than it is. Don't blow it up into a big deal. I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about your posting history and I'm not saying you're lying.

Yes, I watched the trial and no, I never heard about any city, township, commune or municipality giving a car to a petty criminal who has so little control over himself that they ordered him to go to anger management therapy.

I searched and couldn't find any mention of him being given a patrol car.

Actual law enforcement officers are not "given" a patrol car so its pretty unbelievable that some failed security guy with a record of run ins with real cops would be given a car.

It would have been huge news and a pro-Zimmerman talking point sticky. It is not true.

I don't know, I mentioned it on this message board as was ignored by the Trayvon worshipers.

Quit calling me a liar. I don't appreciate it. Almost anyone here can tell you I DON'T LIE! The problem with lying is you have to remember, if you tell the truth, they can't trip you up.

I am not calling you a liar. I am sure you think you heard something like this...but come on...if this were true, it would be a major talking point for the pro-Zimmerman crowd. It would have been a story on every newscast as they covered the hell out of Zimmerman. You would be able to find a reference on the internet. The claim is ridiculous.
It would have been huge news and a pro-Zimmerman talking point sticky. It is not true.

I don't know, I mentioned it on this message board as was ignored by the Trayvon worshipers.

Quit calling me a liar. I don't appreciate it. Almost anyone here can tell you I DON'T LIE! The problem with lying is you have to remember, if you tell the truth, they can't trip you up.

I am not calling you a liar. I am sure you think you heard something like this...but come on...if this were true, it would be a major talking point for the pro-Zimmerman crowd. It would have been a story on every newscast as they covered the hell out of Zimmerman. You would be able to find a reference on the internet. The claim is ridiculous.

Yeah, right, the same media that called Zimmerman a "white" Hispanic? Nothing that is in favor of Zimmerman comes out in the media.
I don't know, I mentioned it on this message board as was ignored by the Trayvon worshipers.

Quit calling me a liar. I don't appreciate it. Almost anyone here can tell you I DON'T LIE! The problem with lying is you have to remember, if you tell the truth, they can't trip you up.

I am not calling you a liar. I am sure you think you heard something like this...but come on...if this were true, it would be a major talking point for the pro-Zimmerman crowd. It would have been a story on every newscast as they covered the hell out of Zimmerman. You would be able to find a reference on the internet. The claim is ridiculous.

Yeah, right, the same media that called Zimmerman a "white" Hispanic? Nothing that is in favor of Zimmerman comes out in the media.

:lol: All of the teaper blogs and Fox News ignored it and was part of that conspiracy as well, huh?

I am not calling you a liar. I am sure you think you heard something like this...but come on...if this were true, it would be a major talking point for the pro-Zimmerman crowd. It would have been a story on every newscast as they covered the hell out of Zimmerman. You would be able to find a reference on the internet. The claim is ridiculous.

Yeah, right, the same media that called Zimmerman a "white" Hispanic? Nothing that is in favor of Zimmerman comes out in the media.

:lol: All of the teaper blogs and Fox News ignored it and was part of that conspiracy as well, huh?


For a long time, the following was in my signature:

I wrote to Fox News, Bill ORielly, my senators and the President. None of the media ever showed the clip. NONE. They didn't even mention it. The story in the LA Times of the even was a complete LIE and left out the "This has been and will be Mexico again." part.

During the 2000 election I watched CNN live as Carol Roberts of Palm Beach country said something to the effect of (I can't remember the exact words now) "We're not going home until Gore wins." It was never mentioned again BY ANY OF OUR MEDIA.

When Kenya had their civil war because Obama's cousin lost the election, there was a Router's eyewitness report of churches being burned with people inside them. It was gone within two days and never mentioned on our media. Talk to the people from Kenya, they will tell you it happened.

You really trust our media, ANY of it to tell you the truth?

Oh well, what can I expect from someone that thinks I'm a liar?
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Yeah, right, the same media that called Zimmerman a "white" Hispanic? Nothing that is in favor of Zimmerman comes out in the media.

:lol: All of the teaper blogs and Fox News ignored it and was part of that conspiracy as well, huh?


For a long time, the following was in my signature:

I wrote to Fox News, Bill ORielly, my senators and the President. None of the media ever showed the clip. NONE. They didn't even mention it. The story in the LA Times of the even was a complete LIE and left out the "This has been and will be Mexico again." part.

During the 2000 election I watched CNN live as Carol Roberts of Palm Beach country said something to the effect of (I can't remember the exact words now) "We're not going home until Gore wins." It was never mentioned again BY ANY OF OUR MEDIA.

When Kenya had their civil war because Obama's cousin lost the election, there was a Router's eyewitness report of churches being burned with people inside them. It was gone within two days and never mentioned on our media. Talk to the people from Kenya, they will tell you it happened.

You really trust our media, ANY of it to tell you the truth?

Oh well, what can I expect from someone that thinks I'm a liar?

Someone would have mentioned it. Didn't they show the trial...you were just bragging that you watched the whole thing. Are you telling my every teaper and every Pro-Zimmerman pundit are part of a conspiracy? You are the only person in the world with such integrity and no one else.

:lmao: I didn't call you a liar, but you sure are calling yourself one.
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:lol: All of the teaper blogs and Fox News ignored it and was part of that conspiracy as well, huh?


For a long time, the following was in my signature:

I wrote to Fox News, Bill ORielly, my senators and the President. None of the media ever showed the clip. NONE. They didn't even mention it. The story in the LA Times of the even was a complete LIE and left out the "This has been and will be Mexico again." part.

During the 2000 election I watched CNN live as Carol Roberts of Palm Beach country said something to the effect of (I can't remember the exact words now) "We're not going home until Gore wins." It was never mentioned again BY ANY OF OUR MEDIA.

When Kenya had their civil war because Obama's cousin lost the election, there was a Router's eyewitness report of churches being burned with people inside them. It was gone within two days and never mentioned on our media. Talk to the people from Kenya, they will tell you it happened.

You really trust our media, ANY of it to tell you the truth?

Oh well, what can I expect from someone that thinks I'm a liar?

Someone would have mentioned it. Didn't they show the trial...you were just bragging that you watched the whole thing. Are you telling my every teaper and every Pro-Zimmerman pundit are part of a conspiracy? You are the only person in the world with such integrity and no one else.

:lmao: I didn't call you a liar, but you sure are calling yourself one.

Anybody got the complete transcripts of the trial so I can put down this douche-bag?
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For a long time, the following was in my signature:


I wrote to Fox News, Bill ORielly, my senators and the President. None of the media ever showed the clip. NONE. They didn't even mention it. The story in the LA Times of the even was a complete LIE and left out the "This has been and will be Mexico again." part.

During the 2000 election I watched CNN live as Carol Roberts of Palm Beach country said something to the effect of (I can't remember the exact words now) "We're not going home until Gore wins." It was never mentioned again BY ANY OF OUR MEDIA.

When Kenya had their civil war because Obama's cousin lost the election, there was a Router's eyewitness report of churches being burned with people inside them. It was gone within two days and never mentioned on our media. Talk to the people from Kenya, they will tell you it happened.

You really trust our media, ANY of it to tell you the truth?

Oh well, what can I expect from someone that thinks I'm a liar?

Someone would have mentioned it. Didn't they show the trial...you were just bragging that you watched the whole thing. Are you telling my every teaper and every Pro-Zimmerman pundit are part of a conspiracy? You are the only person in the world with such integrity and no one else.

:lmao: I didn't call you a liar, but you sure are calling yourself one.

Anybody got the complete transcripts of the trial so I can put down this douche-bag?

I am sure if you actually looked, you could find one. Wouldn't be easier to just find a link to your claim. Surely a teaper blogger leached onto this news and complained the MSM isn't covering it.

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