Zimmermans First Appearance On Television Today. Looks More Hispanic Than White.

Zimmerman will be acquitted in Florida and he will therafter be charged and tried in Federal Court. Since the Feds will have plenty of time to adjust the prosecution to achieve a conviction, Zimmerman will be convicted of violaation of Martin's civil rights.
Zimmerman will be acquitted in Florida and he will therafter be charged and tried in Federal Court. Since the Feds will have plenty of time to adjust the prosecution to achieve a conviction, Zimmerman will be convicted of violaation of Martin's civil rights.

I hope not. GZ convicted or acquitted should be done in Florida by Florida.
Zimmerman will be acquitted in Florida and he will therafter be charged and tried in Federal Court. Since the Feds will have plenty of time to adjust the prosecution to achieve a conviction, Zimmerman will be convicted of violaation of Martin's civil rights.

I hope not. GZ convicted or acquitted should be done in Florida by Florida.

Once you get used to the idea that all these federal statutes are there as a means to circumvent double jeopardy protections it will all make sense to you.
I understand double jeopardy. I understand the feds can try him on civil rights crimes. I hope that does not happen. I am quite willing to let Florida handle this.
He sure is nice looking.

You really think so?

Yes, I do. He's nothing like that evil looking picture the press kept throwing up.

I saw that picture that the press was using constantly...
Pretty far cry from how he looks in real life.
The left liberal media love to edit and shape stories to fit their agenda.
It's either that or they are totally incompetent...

And they always rag on Fox News.Meanwhile the left look like fools on this one.
First saying the alleged murderer was white.
Editing the 911 phone call.
Using a very non flattering photo that showed Zimmerman not in the best light.
Obama is a white cracker too. He is half white. His upbringing was 100% white. White mom. White neighborhood. White schools.

The only thing "black" about him was his dead beat dad.

The entire rest of his life is the "white" culture upbringing.

Yet, he only claims "black".


That's all he can claim. The laws of this country will not let him claim White b/c his father was an African man. African men are the dominate gene therefore he has no other choice. Check it out yourself!! I am Black woman with green eyes and very light skin but I am considered Black b/c the White man decided that b/c my parents were Black so am I. But where did I get my green eyes and how come I had blonde streaks in my hair when I was a child? The White man made all of the choices of what a Black man and woman did with their lives and still do.

"The laws of this country"? What laws are there that prevent you from claiming any damned race or ethnicity you want? Where is THAT written? Hell, the Census ENCOURAGES you to choose multiple races and ethnicities, if you have them.

Which "white man" was it who "decided" you were black? I'd like a name, or at least an official job title.

I'm not sure which is more offensive: your racism or your ignorance. No, wait, they're the same thing.
The word is 'buffoon', and yes, she acted badly, as badly as many of the whites have acted.

All need to back up and take a deep breath.
Man, the USMB Right Wing Nut brigade REALLY wants this to be all about race.

Man, the USMB left-wing nut brigade really is desperate to cover for their racist comrades. I've seen some amazing cases of denial around here, but this just beats all. Is there no limit to how much you'll pander and sell your souls before you start to feel guilty?
Liar. No it didn't. That's not Trayvon Martin

That fakery came from Stormfront. You know, your favorite hangout.

Well I posted three that are for your sake. I don't care about arguing an insignificant detail.
No you were just more interested in posting racist pictures to paint a phony narrative.

You mean like damned near every media outlet in the country, posting pictures of Trayvon at TWELVE YEARS OLD? Or is that okay, and your outrage is only reserved for people who disagree with YOUR narrative?

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

You're right. He doesn't look very much like these guys at all.

Tuff, Great Gatsby. You have demonstrated no lie from me at all. I called you out on the Tavern remark and you had to pull back. The lack of moral fiber is your projection of your inner angst against me. You play e-thug with me, and I will hit you back hard. Every time. I have no trouble with others' opinions, but I will not tolerate rudeness from anyone. I value civility. Be civil, get it in return. Play e-thug, regret it in return. Enough.
No, in multiple threads I did nothing of the sort.

You made incredible and unjustifiable remarks and insults, and you are mad you got called out for it.


Don't change reality to suit your psychopath narrative. I told you that you had insulted me first in the threads and that you had a bad memory (though I clearly now see that you were merely lying). You told me that I insulted you first and you accused me of having a bad memory. You then had the gall to lecture me on being polite.

And now I give you proof that you constantly insulted me first and you ignore the reality. That's pathetic. I spent a good amount of time researching that. You're not getting off the hook by some sort of cowardly rationalization. If that's all you got, I could care less about your stupid square one. It obviously means nothing b/c you think it's okay to personally insult someone if you don't like their opinions (and then make up lies after the fact). You think it's okay to accuse people and not be accountable when you're shown that you've lied. You have no moral fiber and I could care less about your square one. And as far as I'm concerned if you're going to act like a hooligan then the gloves are off.

And again, I found no case where I insulted you first (but I found two of of many in which you insulted me first): "You made incredible and unjustifiable remarks and insults" - I spent well more than an hour going through threads to verify that reality. Just b/c you brand someone's opinion as insulting to your whacked out sensibilities and then you throw out personal direct insults; that does not mean I insulted you first.

And unlike you, who spends time throwing out baseless cowardly claims, I put out the posts for you to defy and show me how I insulted you first. You didn't counter with any real proof b/c you couldn't. You just clinged to your cowardly psychopath claims.
Enough. You are sanitizing the narrative to make yourself feel better, GG. I don't care. Tell the truth, be polite. Not hard.

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

You're right. He doesn't look very much like these guys at all.


mighty whitey and the last great american whale....
Tuff, Great Gatsby. You have demonstrated no lie from me at all. I called you out on the Tavern remark and you had to pull back. The lack of moral fiber is your projection of your inner angst against me. You play e-thug with me, and I will hit you back hard. Every time. I have no trouble with others' opinions, but I will not tolerate rudeness from anyone. I value civility. Be civil, get it in return. Play e-thug, regret it in return. Enough.

Oh big f'ing deal. I said I remembered an insult in the tavern and I never found it. It was obviously most likely another thread. Don't try to twist this on one faulty memory.

I told you that in about 5-7 threads that you went out of your way to personally insult me. You denied it and said that I did. I showed you two times in which you did. You have not adequately refuted those claims by showing me how I insulted you first.

I posted the freaking post so that you could go and find me proof to support your claims. You have not shown me the insults. You can't. And until then, I've shown that you've willfully lied.

And don't come back and give me the tavern crap. Fine, I misrembered (or at least I didn't find it scanning quickly through 100 pages and I'm not going to do that again).

Show me your proof tough guy. Don't do your little character assasination thing and think that you don't have to show proof.
Tuff, Great Gatsby. You have demonstrated no lie from me at all. I called you out on the Tavern remark and you had to pull back. The lack of moral fiber is your projection of your inner angst against me. You play e-thug with me, and I will hit you back hard. Every time. I have no trouble with others' opinions, but I will not tolerate rudeness from anyone. I value civility. Be civil, get it in return. Play e-thug, regret it in return. Enough.
Oh big f'ing deal. I said I remembered an insult in the tavern and I never found it. It was obviously most likely another thread. Don't try to twist this on one faulty memory. I told you that in about 5-7 threads that you went out of your way to personally insult me. You denied it and said that I did. I showed you two times in which you did. You have not adequately refuted those claims by showing me how I insulted you first. I posted the freaking post so that you could go and find me proof to support your claims. You have not shown me the insults. You can't. And until then, I've shown that you've willfully lied. And don't come back and give me the tavern crap. Fine, I misrembered (or at least I didn't find it scanning quickly through 100 pages and I'm not going to do that again). Show me your proof tough guy. Don't do your little character assasination thing and think that you don't have to show proof.

Good night, GG, and sleep well. Have the last word.

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