Zimmermans First Appearance On Television Today. Looks More Hispanic Than White.

Who is the person on the right?

hint: it's not trayvon martin

Actually it is nimrod. The pic came straight from his twitter account.
Liar. No it didn't. That's not Trayvon Martin

That fakery came from Stormfront. You know, your favorite hangout.

Well I posted three that are for your sake. I don't care about arguing an insignificant detail.

And I'd never even heard of stormfront. Interesting that you would know though. You have racism on the brain.
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Liar. No it didn't. That's not Trayvon Martin

That fakery came from Stormfront. You know, your favorite hangout.

Well I posted three that are for your sake. I don't care about arguing an insignificant detail.
No you were just more interested in posting racist pictures to paint a phony narrative.

It's not a phony narrative though. I posted three other pics right after to illustrate the same damn point. And for all I know that original pic is Trayvon too. But it doesn't matter b/c it doesn't change anything.
Actually it is nimrod. The pic came straight from his twitter account.
Liar. No it didn't. That's not Trayvon Martin That fakery came from Stormfront. You know, your favorite hangout.

If GG is a StormFronter, an all around worthless white supremacist doosh.

Despite your vain attempts to label me; I have no interest in joining that website. And it's pretty sad that you have to grasp at straws and constantly engage in personal attacks instead of regarding the real issues. That says way more about who you are then you could ever pretend to say about me.
I grasp at nothing, GG, only observe what you say and how you act here. You whine about personal attacks when you are the one attacking in the first place.

Now grow up and be responsible.
I grasp at nothing, GG, only observe what you say and how you act here. You whine about personal attacks when you are the one attacking in the first place.

Now grow up and be responsible.

Dude I remember thinking who is this guy with the cute cat avi constantly attacking me. You definitely started all of this in a bunch of threads (throwing the first personal insults). At least 3 or 4 threads, you insulted first. You either have a bad memory or you are a huge narcissist or both.
I grasp at nothing, GG, only observe what you say and how you act here. You whine about personal attacks when you are the one attacking in the first place.

Now grow up and be responsible.

Dude I remember thinking who is this guy with the cute cat avi constantly attacking me. You definitely started all of this in a bunch of threads (throwing the first personal insults). At least 3 or 4 threads, you insulted first. You either have a bad memory or you are a huge narcissist or both.

You have bad memory. However, let's try this . . . we are at square one right now again.

Let's see how we conduct ourselves.
I grasp at nothing, GG, only observe what you say and how you act here. You whine about personal attacks when you are the one attacking in the first place.

Now grow up and be responsible.

Dude I remember thinking who is this guy with the cute cat avi constantly attacking me. You definitely started all of this in a bunch of threads (throwing the first personal insults). At least 3 or 4 threads, you insulted first. You either have a bad memory or you are a huge narcissist or both.

You have bad memory. However, let's try this . . . we are at square one right now again.

Let's see how we conduct ourselves.

I have no such f'ing bad memory. I know for a f'ing fact that I'd say some political position you didn't like and you came at me hurling personal insults in multiple threads. Do I need to find them? Is it worth my time to even do so? Don't give me your nonsense. You can't just wash your hands with lies.
I gave you a chance to wash your hands, and you have failed.


The first attack I remember from you was probably in the tavern. I know that on multiple occasions in multiple threads you have been the first one to hurl personal insults.

You can't come at a person with lies and say you come in peace while trying to demonize them. That's not cool dude. And I'm really annoyed at your self righteous bs and I'm going to spend my f'ing valuable time going back and finding the insult and then I'll bet you anything you can't find an insult from me before that. And I could go searching through other threads if need be and show you how you threw out personal insults first. I have only fired back insults after the fact time after time and you need to stop being a self righteous punk about it.
You know nothing of the sort.

What you are missing is that folks, right or left, that make an ill-spirited assertion pretending their comments are facts, are getting pounced on wrongly.

Not so.

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

Zimmerman's mom is a black hispanic, his dad is caucaisian. He is as black hispanic as obama is black and as caucaisian as obama is caucaisain.
This is only a racial issue to those who don't understand the real narrative.

The question is this: did GZ act criminally? If so, can it proved in a court of law.
You know nothing of the sort.

What you are missing is that folks, right or left, that make an ill-spirited assertion pretending their comments are facts, are getting pounced on wrongly.

Not so.

Lots of posts in the tavern, but I know you first insulted me there (and first insulted me in other threads too).

Here is the first insult from this thread:


It was you that made it personal in this thread (and every other thread). I can be cool, but don't come at me with your slimy narrative that I was the one insulting you first when you constantly trolled and flamed me first.

Here you are leveling the first insult in the Free Zimmerman thread:


You have the freaking nerve to say that I'm the one that has the bad memory and to lecture me on being polite? Freaking hypocrite.
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You know nothing of the sort.

What you are missing is that folks, right or left, that make an ill-spirited assertion pretending their comments are facts, are getting pounced on wrongly.

Not so.

Lots of posts in the tavern, but I know you first insulted me there (and first insulted me in other threads too).

Here is the first insult from this thread:


It was you that made it personal in this thread (and every other thread). I can be cool, but don't come at me with your slimy narrative that I was the one insulting you first when you constantly trolled and flamed me first.

I never insulted you in the Tavern, not deliberately, and if it happened it was inadvertent. That is the second time you have made that misassertion. Give the post number, I will check it out, and if you are right, I have no problem apologizing publicly to you. If you are wrong, I expect the same in return.

Please understand, though, this Board is not for the weak hearted or the faint willed. If you attack, GG, you will be attacked in return. That is the way it is here.
This is only a racial issue to those who don't understand the real narrative.

The question is this: did GZ act criminally? If so, can it proved in a court of law.

Quoted For Truth.

This is the TRUE issue here, did Zimmerman murder or act in self-defense. The race of both Zimmerman and Martin really don't apply to the actual case, unless your trying to make some kind of political hay.
You know nothing of the sort.

What you are missing is that folks, right or left, that make an ill-spirited assertion pretending their comments are facts, are getting pounced on wrongly.

Not so.

Lots of posts in the tavern, but I know you first insulted me there (and first insulted me in other threads too).

Here is the first insult from this thread:


It was you that made it personal in this thread (and every other thread). I can be cool, but don't come at me with your slimy narrative that I was the one insulting you first when you constantly trolled and flamed me first.

I never insulted you in the Tavern, not deliberately, and if it happened it was inadvertent. That is the second time you have made that misassertion. Give the post number, I will check it out, and if you are right, I have no problem apologizing publicly to you. If you are wrong, I expect the same in return.

Please understand, though, this Board is not for the weak hearted or the faint willed. If you attack, GG, you will be attacked in return. That is the way it is here.

I'm just going from memory. I thought it might have been the tavern that you insulted me first, but it probably was another thread b/c I'm not seeing it at a glance. But my point is that in multiple threads, you attacked me first and you are trying to claim that is not the case. I just showed you two threads that I checked in which you did attack first. And yet you come at me and say that I've attacked you first while presuming to offer an olive branch (and lecturing me on politeness). I find that disingenuous. Personally, I prefer not to do the name calling; it gets us nowhere. But you kept doing it, so I returned fire.

I know that you directly initiated personal insults at me in at least 5 to 7 threads. I eventually did fire back and it is possible that in 1 or 2 thread I insulted you first (though I don't remember it). I am absolutely certain that it has generally been you that has initiated the personal insults and drama in most or all cases and I know that you won't find anything to the contrary. And that is why I was annoyed when you lectured me on the politeness and when you were telling me I was the one with the bad memory. I appreciate your intent on wanting to be better; but you can understand that the way you did it was condescending all the same.
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No, in multiple threads I did nothing of the sort.

You made incredible and unjustifiable remarks and insults, and you are mad you got called out for it.

Nah, he 'Evil Whitey' and that's that. So say the Race-Baiting Democrat assholes anyway. ;)

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