Zimmermans First Appearance On Television Today. Looks More Hispanic Than White.

The police first identified Zimmerman as a white guy. You know why? Yep, the police are race baiters. Isnt that how your logic works?

Basically, the Sanford police had an agenda to turn this whole shebang into some kind of racial holy war (RAHOWA, y'all). It's some vast left wing law enforcement conspiracy designed to make white people look bad.

Apparently, Sanford PD has been overrun by Zionists with an agenda of destroying the white race, one black teenager at a time.
I was wondering if the locals were too afraid of the lawsuits and wanted to turn the case over to the state? The state probably wants a plea to bring this to a close quickly. Just depends on what Zimmerman is thinking and what evidence actually exists.
I was wondering if the locals were too afraid of the lawsuits and wanted to turn the case over to the state? The state probably wants a plea to bring this to a close quickly. Just depends on what Zimmerman is thinking and what evidence actually exists.

I don't think he will plead guilty to a lesser charge. If I was his lawyer, I would tell him the 2nd degree murder won't stick and it was a ploy to get him to plead to a lesser charge. Wait it out.
whether or not zimmerman goes to jail, the Black Faggots are gonna look for blood,,,why? cause Holder wont come after them.

Et tu, pencil dick?

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

call me stupid, but he looks like a human being to me...
SPAIN is no longer part of Europe?

What the hell does THAT have to do with anything?

Willow has EUROPEAN AMERICAN under her screen name, but says Hispanics are not white; CONFUSING.

Why would you be confused? Many Hispanics AREN'T white. It depends on who you're talking about. Even many Spaniards aren't entirely white and/or don't fulfill the typical picture of white Europeans. (By the way, Europeans in general aren't always necessarily white, either.)

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

Zimmerman is half hispanic and half jewish and it shows. We've been saying it for years though; the media loves the white devil angle.
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Obama is a white cracker too. He is half white. His upbringing was 100% white. White mom. White neighborhood. White schools.

The only thing "black" about him was his dead beat dad.

The entire rest of his life is the "white" culture upbringing.

Yet, he only claims "black".


That's all he can claim. The laws of this country will not let him claim White b/c his father was an African man. African men are the dominate gene therefore he has no other choice. Check it out yourself!! I am Black woman with green eyes and very light skin but I am considered Black b/c the White man decided that b/c my parents were Black so am I. But where did I get my green eyes and how come I had blonde streaks in my hair when I was a child? The White man made all of the choices of what a Black man and woman did with their lives and still do.

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