$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States

If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Mississippi just enacted a better role model for other states to emulate.
Firearms should be entirely tax free and further more a write-off...
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States

Horse shit. The fact remains it's a States call and cannot be determined by the Feds. Get your story straight or just don't post. I can fix a lot of things but I am incapable of fixing stupid.
A while back it was popular to "assume" that the president could arbitrarily tax ammo - nearly out of existence, to make firearms nothing more than paperweights. It went nowhere, just as it should have.

My biggest fear is the SCOTUS. They completely ignore their place in the separation of powers and routinely (as do most courts) legislate from the bench, just as the left has been "arranging" since the 60s.

That's why it is of the utmost importance that a democrat is NOT elected, or we Will see and end to the second amendment. I promise you that.

You mean like the Republicans have had for the last few years? You seem to think that a moderate democrat joining SCOTUS is the end of the world. America is a lot tougher than that.
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Horse shit. The fact remains it's a States call and cannot be determined by the Feds.

States cannot violate the Bill of Rights. You might want to learn your judicial history and you'll sound a lot less ignorant in the future
Well lets see, suppose you own an unregistered gun, received from an estate, or family member, how the F do they think taxing registered gun owners will amount to anything other than penalize law abiding individuals that have purchased a gun and undergone a back ground check when at the same time there is no possible way to tax unregistered gun owners? What is the intent? Deter crime, violence committed with a gun? or stuff government coffers? When was the last time a law was passed that deterred gun violence? For gods sake, the next step will be to threaten unregistered gun owners with tax evasion? In never never land all the boys from the hood will be lining up to register their heat and pay the tax out of fear. like for real? The liberal mind lives in a world devoid of common sense. Then again liberals despises the constitution to no end because it limits their political agenda which fails miserably in the arena of common sense.
This is blatantly unconstitutional.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States

Horse shit. The fact remains it's a States call and cannot be determined by the Feds. Get your story straight or just don't post. I can fix a lot of things but I am incapable of fixing stupid.

The second has been incorporated weather you like it or not.
Horse shit. The fact remains it's a States call and cannot be determined by the Feds.

States cannot violate the Bill of Rights. You might want to learn your judicial history and you'll sound a lot less ignorant in the future

When it comes to gun control of ANY KIND, the state can do anything the voters allow them to do. As long as the State has the option to have a well regulated Militia, they can ban all other guns and ammo if they want. Most states have elected to not do this. But MOST states have elected to place some restrictions. Your Bill of Rights loses to the 2nd amendment.

With the upswing of gun killings and the upswing of gun suicides you are playing a very dangerous game here. You are going for ALL. It's not just ALL, it's ALL or NOTHING. Be careful that you don't end up with nothing like Australia because I would end up with nothing as well.

So, keep making it up as you go. It's a battle that you can't win but you can lose.
Well lets see, suppose you own an unregistered gun, received from an estate, or family member, how the F do they think taxing registered gun owners will amount to anything other than penalize law abiding individuals that have purchased a gun and undergone a back ground check when at the same time there is no possible way to tax unregistered gun owners? What is the intent? Deter crime, violence committed with a gun? or stuff government coffers? When was the last time a law was passed that deterred gun violence? For gods sake, the next step will be to threaten unregistered gun owners with tax evasion? In never never land all the boys from the hood will be lining up to register their heat and pay the tax out of fear. like for real? The liberal mind lives in a world devoid of common sense. Then again liberals despises the constitution to no end because it limits their political agenda which fails miserably in the arena of common sense.

Cut the crap. Anyone that disagrees with you even a small amount is a F***ing Liberal.

The Feds can't put that 1000 buck tax on a gun. But the States can.According to the 2nd amendment, the State is the one where the Well Regulated Militia applies, not to some fruitcakes trying to start a revolution. The ones that keep wanting to start that revolution are far from regulated. The State is not bound by the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment applies to the federals only. The Feds have to stay out of regulating guns, special taxes on guns, etc due to the 2nd amendment. The State can do pretty much anything the voters allow them to get away with. Instead of buying the crap that the NRA is peddling today, keep a close watch on your State,, county and municipalities.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
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A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

If your life isn't worth 1000 dollars, what the fuck? This is a VERY dangerous country we live in. Murders every minute.

And how is it that you think you have to be"rich" to come up with a 1000 dollars to protect your life and property? 1000 bucks? Wtf?

Don't worry, what ever is done will not stop the sale of guns.
Buy more stock in gun manufacturers. Stock appreciation will more than offset the additional cost of your guns.
My Son and Daughter both joined the Navy (as you can see, military service runs in the family). My Son was a WEPS officer on a missile cruiser and the Daughter went to law school (the Navy paid for it) and she served as a JAG officer on the West Coast.
See, this is what I refer to as a productive family. It seems that proper values were taught by responsible parents.
If all families were like this, we wouldn't have to be arguing over healthcare, welfare, police brutality and black lives mattering more than anyone else.
Well lets see, suppose you own an unregistered gun, received from an estate, or family member, how the F do they think taxing registered gun owners will amount to anything other than penalize law abiding individuals that have purchased a gun and undergone a back ground check when at the same time there is no possible way to tax unregistered gun owners? What is the intent? Deter crime, violence committed with a gun? or stuff government coffers? When was the last time a law was passed that deterred gun violence? For gods sake, the next step will be to threaten unregistered gun owners with tax evasion? In never never land all the boys from the hood will be lining up to register their heat and pay the tax out of fear. like for real? The liberal mind lives in a world devoid of common sense. Then again liberals despises the constitution to no end because it limits their political agenda which fails miserably in the arena of common sense.

Cut the crap. Anyone that disagrees with you even a small amount is a F***ing Liberal.

The Feds can't put that 1000 buck tax on a gun. But the States can.According to the 2nd amendment, the State is the one where the Well Regulated Militia applies, not to some fruitcakes trying to start a revolution. The ones that keep wanting to start that revolution are far from regulated. The State is not bound by the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment applies to the federals only. The Feds have to stay out of regulating guns, special taxes on guns, etc due to the 2nd amendment. The State can do pretty much anything the voters allow them to get away with. Instead of buying the crap that the NRA is peddling today, keep a close watch on your State,, county and municipalities.
Wring on every level. Many state laws have been overturned by SCOTUS rulings, not that I agree with them all but the point is the the Constutution trumps state law. It applies to everybody. The 2nd isn't only about a militia, that's been determined for 240 years or so, try to keep up.
This "high Tax" is just simply a back door to limiting constitutional rights....it's bull crud.

If you want to change the constitution, there are methods written within the constitution to do such. A $1000 tax would be like a "poll tax" in order to exercise your constitutional right to vote....unconstitutional.

^ that's what I was going to say
What this country needs is to resend the tax exemptions of religions.
The 10 Richest Religions in the World
The 10 Richest Religions in the World
10. The Church of Scientology
9. Freemasonry
8. Protestantism
7. Televangelism
6. Episcopalian
5. The Church of England
4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
3. Judaism
2. Islam
1. Roman Catholic Church

Yeah....that pesky Bill of Rights and that 1st Amendment.........freedom of religion.....you can't have freedom of religion if the government can tax it out of existence.....
Take away guns and they will use knives. If they ban knives how can you carve up the Thanksgiving Turkey?

Indeed. I prefer to shoot my families turkey - they taste SO much better. ;)

Red Neck Pheasant tastes better than store bought turkey but watch out for you might bite a small shotgun pellet.
Take away guns and they will use knives. If they ban knives how can you carve up the Thanksgiving Turkey?

Indeed. I prefer to shoot my families turkey - they taste SO much better. ;)

Red Neck Pheasant tastes better than store bought turkey but watch out for you might bite a small shotgun pellet.

Shoot, I've been breaking teeth on shot since I was a kid. Squirrel, rabbit, possum, and the occasional duck, pheasant and turkey.

Nothing better than grey squirrel gravy over hot buttered biscuits, red squirrel is inedible unless starving.

Fried squirrel or rabbit makes my mouth water.... :)

i prefer squirrel over rabbit

one of the best
Courts have already said, in Obamacare, that the government can tax for any reason. I wish it wasn't so but it is the reality. My argument is that why can't we tax unpopular speech?
I suggest a poll tax then. Say, 100.00 bucks to use the voting machine? Not actually taxing the right to vote, just covering the cost to purchase, set up and operate the voting places.
The courts and the democrats should be just fine with that. I know I would be ok with it.

Yes...actually, the democrats would be fine with that since they came up with the idea in the first place.....they created Poll Taxes and Literacy tests to keep blacks from voting....now they want to keep blacks from owning guns...well....law abiding blacks anyway, since gang members already have guns...and are the ones doing all the shooting....
Well lets see, suppose you own an unregistered gun, received from an estate, or family member, how the F do they think taxing registered gun owners will amount to anything other than penalize law abiding individuals that have purchased a gun and undergone a back ground check when at the same time there is no possible way to tax unregistered gun owners? What is the intent? Deter crime, violence committed with a gun? or stuff government coffers? When was the last time a law was passed that deterred gun violence? For gods sake, the next step will be to threaten unregistered gun owners with tax evasion? In never never land all the boys from the hood will be lining up to register their heat and pay the tax out of fear. like for real? The liberal mind lives in a world devoid of common sense. Then again liberals despises the constitution to no end because it limits their political agenda which fails miserably in the arena of common sense.

First, it is about making it harder for as many people as possible to own guns.

Second, it is exactly as you point out...exposing as many gun owners to legal consequences for failing to file paperwork and to pay fees.......in that way they can grab the guns of people who are not criminals....otherwise, those guns, owned by law abiding people are out of their reach. They have to create more legal obstacles where the failure to comply gives them the ability to take your gun, and to ban you from owning more guns.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.

Germany, Britain and Australia would point out that you are wrong.....
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If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.

Nice Straw Man argument. Got anything of substance to contribute or just your usual hyper partisan bullshit?

And yes, the goal of you people is to completely dismantle the Second Amendment and if you deny that you're a liar.

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