$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States

When it comes to gun control of ANY KIND, the state can do anything the voters allow them to do.
So long as it does not violate the 2nd.
With the upswing of gun killings and the upswing of gun suicides...
Violent crime, gun-related violent crime, murder and gun-related murder has fallen 55% since 1993.

The STATE has the right to regulate guns, not the feds. Tell me, is it against the 2nd amendment to:

1. limit clip size to a max of 15 capacity
2. requires ALL gun sales to have to have a federal background check
3. Limit the rail system on the gun to prevent the use of military addons

Are those against the 2nd amendment?

Since 1992, NYCs murder rate has gone down to a third of what it was. And there is no place in the US with stricter gun laws than NYC. It wasn't guns in everyones hands, it was the cooperation between the Barrows Police and the neighorhood people. MOST people in those neighborhoods aren't criminals. Criminals can only exist by making the people frightened to death. Those gangs were placed under the Rico act and it allowed the cops to handle things better and the courts to convict much easier.

Now, what Federal Law is trying to take your guns again? Supreme Court already ruled on that. And it has already ruled about the States regulating Guns at that level. Feds can't, States can and it's in the 2nd Amendment, "A well regulated Militia". A bunch of gun nuts running around with guns aren't "Well Regulated". Only the States can determine what is a "Well Regulated Militia".

If you are spending sleepless nights about the government coming for your guns, you can elect to move to one that isn't and then get active there politically to prevent it from happening. Pissing and moaning about the Feds are out to get your guns is just bitching.

You have to just love ignorant children posting on here, they are so cute when they post such ignorance.

Hey fool, do you know how long D.C. and Chicago's hand gun ban law was untill the Supreme court ruled it unconstitutional

D.C. law went into effect late 1970s , Chicago's gun ban law went into effect around 1983 (I remember that year because I graduated in 83)

The Supreme court didn't strike it down till 2009.... Give it time fool ....

If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

So long as it does not violate the 2nd.
Violent crime, gun-related violent crime, murder and gun-related murder has fallen 55% since 1993.

The STATE has the right to regulate guns, not the feds. Tell me, is it against the 2nd amendment to:

1. limit clip size to a max of 15 capacity
2. requires ALL gun sales to have to have a federal background check
3. Limit the rail system on the gun to prevent the use of military addons

Are those against the 2nd amendment?

Since 1992, NYCs murder rate has gone down to a third of what it was. And there is no place in the US with stricter gun laws than NYC. It wasn't guns in everyones hands, it was the cooperation between the Barrows Police and the neighorhood people. MOST people in those neighborhoods aren't criminals. Criminals can only exist by making the people frightened to death. Those gangs were placed under the Rico act and it allowed the cops to handle things better and the courts to convict much easier.

Now, what Federal Law is trying to take your guns again? Supreme Court already ruled on that. And it has already ruled about the States regulating Guns at that level. Feds can't, States can and it's in the 2nd Amendment, "A well regulated Militia". A bunch of gun nuts running around with guns aren't "Well Regulated". Only the States can determine what is a "Well Regulated Militia".

If you are spending sleepless nights about the government coming for your guns, you can elect to move to one that isn't and then get active there politically to prevent it from happening. Pissing and moaning about the Feds are out to get your guns is just bitching.

Yes....they are all unConstitutional.

No twit......all violent crime has gone down across the country, and it has gone down more in states with concealed and open carry laws....

So...your entire belief system crumbles.......as more Americans have bought and owned guns and now carry them for self defense since the 1990s the gun crime rate and the over all violent crime rate has gone down.....so Americans owning and carrying guns does not increase the crime rate or the gun murder rate...

This has already been presented to SCOTUS and they ruled 5-4 (that means at least one Republican nominated Judge voted with the Dems) that what I stated WAS constitutional. You want it all. But you fail to understand that if you only accept for it all, there is a better chance that you will get nothing.

Doesn't matter who nominated them......if they are libs they vote against our rights........and no matter what 5 politically appointed lawyers say, out of a country of over 320,000,000 million people....they are not Constitutional.

The deciding vote was from a conservative. And it's not about making new laws, it's interpreting the existing ones on the books. You don't like that ruling then I suggest you keep throwing those temper tamtrums that you ultra right wingers are so famous for lately. You think you have something to throw a tantrum over now, wait until after this year.
The temper tantrum is all yours seeing as how the 2nd A still stands. As it has for 240 years so far.

Of course libs love to rewrite history and impose their ideology on us via the courts, that may happen someday. But then you have to come get the guns and that's where the rubber meets the road. Good luck.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?
Is this a joke?
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

^^^^^^^ CLUELESS^^^^^^^^^

I imagine a tax of that amount would simply bolster the "under the table" gun sales. Not a good idea.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

No....the democrats make it very clear that if they had the power they would abolish the right...this is not a fantasy, this is not a delusion...this is slow, incremental actions and outright statements by the members and leadership of the democrat party.....the only thing keeping them from implementing it is they lack the power to do so........

We also have the examples of Germany, Britain and Australia......this is not in our imagination.....

It is, however, a delusion on your part that disarming normal people is a good thing....

More Americans now own and also carry guns for self defense...the gun crime rate, the gun murder rate did not go up...it in fact went down....normal, law abiding people owning and carrying guns is not a problem....the problem is left wing progressives who allow multiple felony violent criminals back onto our streets......they are the ones using illegally owned and carried guns to murder other criminals and other innocent victims......
This "high Tax" is just simply a back door to limiting constitutional rights....it's bull crud.

If you want to change the constitution, there are methods written within the constitution to do such. A $1000 tax would be like a "poll tax" in order to exercise your constitutional right to vote....unconstitutional.

Get the right court, and the constitution will have nothing to do with it.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.
Grow up will you?
There is no reasonable doubt in any honest mind that those who seek additional gun control seek to impose as many restriction son the law abiding as they possibly can.
Thus, there's no reason for the pro-gun side to give an inch.
Horse shit. The fact remains it's a States call and cannot be determined by the Feds.

States cannot violate the Bill of Rights. You might want to learn your judicial history and you'll sound a lot less ignorant in the future

When it comes to gun control of ANY KIND, the state can do anything the voters allow them to do. As long as the State has the option to have a well regulated Militia, they can ban all other guns and ammo if they want. Most states have elected to not do this. But MOST states have elected to place some restrictions. Your Bill of Rights loses to the 2nd amendment.

With the upswing of gun killings and the upswing of gun suicides you are playing a very dangerous game here. You are going for ALL. It's not just ALL, it's ALL or NOTHING. Be careful that you don't end up with nothing like Australia because I would end up with nothing as well.

So, keep making it up as you go. It's a battle that you can't win but you can lose.

Can we put a $1000 tax on abortions? Abortions aren't even in the Bill of Rights or anywhere else in the Constitution
Why should they be that privileged when they can dictate to the government?

What this country needs is to resend the tax exemptions of religions.
The 10 Richest Religions in the World
The 10 Richest Religions in the World
10. The Church of Scientology
9. Freemasonry
8. Protestantism
7. Televangelism
6. Episcopalian
5. The Church of England
4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
3. Judaism
2. Islam
1. Roman Catholic Church

Yeah....that pesky Bill of Rights and that 1st Amendment.........freedom of religion.....you can't have freedom of religion if the government can tax it out of existence.....

What are they dictating to government? What is government doing for them? Be specific
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

You say, "not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be," then tell someone else to grow up?


Can we put a $1000 tax on abortions? Abortions aren't even in the Constitution
The STATE has the right to regulate guns, not the feds. Tell me, is it against the 2nd amendment to:

1. limit clip size to a max of 15 capacity
2. requires ALL gun sales to have to have a federal background check
3. Limit the rail system on the gun to prevent the use of military addons

Are those against the 2nd amendment?

Since 1992, NYCs murder rate has gone down to a third of what it was. And there is no place in the US with stricter gun laws than NYC. It wasn't guns in everyones hands, it was the cooperation between the Barrows Police and the neighorhood people. MOST people in those neighborhoods aren't criminals. Criminals can only exist by making the people frightened to death. Those gangs were placed under the Rico act and it allowed the cops to handle things better and the courts to convict much easier.

Now, what Federal Law is trying to take your guns again? Supreme Court already ruled on that. And it has already ruled about the States regulating Guns at that level. Feds can't, States can and it's in the 2nd Amendment, "A well regulated Militia". A bunch of gun nuts running around with guns aren't "Well Regulated". Only the States can determine what is a "Well Regulated Militia".

If you are spending sleepless nights about the government coming for your guns, you can elect to move to one that isn't and then get active there politically to prevent it from happening. Pissing and moaning about the Feds are out to get your guns is just bitching.

Yes....they are all unConstitutional.

No twit......all violent crime has gone down across the country, and it has gone down more in states with concealed and open carry laws....

So...your entire belief system crumbles.......as more Americans have bought and owned guns and now carry them for self defense since the 1990s the gun crime rate and the over all violent crime rate has gone down.....so Americans owning and carrying guns does not increase the crime rate or the gun murder rate...

This has already been presented to SCOTUS and they ruled 5-4 (that means at least one Republican nominated Judge voted with the Dems) that what I stated WAS constitutional. You want it all. But you fail to understand that if you only accept for it all, there is a better chance that you will get nothing.

Doesn't matter who nominated them......if they are libs they vote against our rights........and no matter what 5 politically appointed lawyers say, out of a country of over 320,000,000 million people....they are not Constitutional.

The deciding vote was from a conservative. And it's not about making new laws, it's interpreting the existing ones on the books. You don't like that ruling then I suggest you keep throwing those temper tamtrums that you ultra right wingers are so famous for lately. You think you have something to throw a tantrum over now, wait until after this year.
The temper tantrum is all yours seeing as how the 2nd A still stands. As it has for 240 years so far.

Of course libs love to rewrite history and impose their ideology on us via the courts, that may happen someday. But then you have to come get the guns and that's where the rubber meets the road. Good luck.
The STATE has the right to regulate guns, not the feds. Tell me, is it against the 2nd amendment to:

1. limit clip size to a max of 15 capacity
2. requires ALL gun sales to have to have a federal background check
3. Limit the rail system on the gun to prevent the use of military addons

Are those against the 2nd amendment?

Since 1992, NYCs murder rate has gone down to a third of what it was. And there is no place in the US with stricter gun laws than NYC. It wasn't guns in everyones hands, it was the cooperation between the Barrows Police and the neighorhood people. MOST people in those neighborhoods aren't criminals. Criminals can only exist by making the people frightened to death. Those gangs were placed under the Rico act and it allowed the cops to handle things better and the courts to convict much easier.

Now, what Federal Law is trying to take your guns again? Supreme Court already ruled on that. And it has already ruled about the States regulating Guns at that level. Feds can't, States can and it's in the 2nd Amendment, "A well regulated Militia". A bunch of gun nuts running around with guns aren't "Well Regulated". Only the States can determine what is a "Well Regulated Militia".

If you are spending sleepless nights about the government coming for your guns, you can elect to move to one that isn't and then get active there politically to prevent it from happening. Pissing and moaning about the Feds are out to get your guns is just bitching.

Yes....they are all unConstitutional.

No twit......all violent crime has gone down across the country, and it has gone down more in states with concealed and open carry laws....

So...your entire belief system crumbles.......as more Americans have bought and owned guns and now carry them for self defense since the 1990s the gun crime rate and the over all violent crime rate has gone down.....so Americans owning and carrying guns does not increase the crime rate or the gun murder rate...

This has already been presented to SCOTUS and they ruled 5-4 (that means at least one Republican nominated Judge voted with the Dems) that what I stated WAS constitutional. You want it all. But you fail to understand that if you only accept for it all, there is a better chance that you will get nothing.

Doesn't matter who nominated them......if they are libs they vote against our rights........and no matter what 5 politically appointed lawyers say, out of a country of over 320,000,000 million people....they are not Constitutional.

The deciding vote was from a conservative. And it's not about making new laws, it's interpreting the existing ones on the books. You don't like that ruling then I suggest you keep throwing those temper tamtrums that you ultra right wingers are so famous for lately. You think you have something to throw a tantrum over now, wait until after this year.
The temper tantrum is all yours seeing as how the 2nd A still stands. As it has for 240 years so far.

Of course libs love to rewrite history and impose their ideology on us via the courts, that may happen someday. But then you have to come get the guns and that's where the rubber meets the road. Good luck.
The STATE has the right to regulate guns, not the feds.

Originally true, but in 1868, the 14th amendment said that States can't violate Constitutional rights. I guess you haven't kept up with the news lately ...

I reviewed the 14th. It directly refers to this, yes. But you are bastarding the meaning. Reading in things that it doesn't say to try and justify your perverted logic.
Yes....they are all unConstitutional.

No twit......all violent crime has gone down across the country, and it has gone down more in states with concealed and open carry laws....

So...your entire belief system crumbles.......as more Americans have bought and owned guns and now carry them for self defense since the 1990s the gun crime rate and the over all violent crime rate has gone down.....so Americans owning and carrying guns does not increase the crime rate or the gun murder rate...

This has already been presented to SCOTUS and they ruled 5-4 (that means at least one Republican nominated Judge voted with the Dems) that what I stated WAS constitutional. You want it all. But you fail to understand that if you only accept for it all, there is a better chance that you will get nothing.

Doesn't matter who nominated them......if they are libs they vote against our rights........and no matter what 5 politically appointed lawyers say, out of a country of over 320,000,000 million people....they are not Constitutional.

The deciding vote was from a conservative. And it's not about making new laws, it's interpreting the existing ones on the books. You don't like that ruling then I suggest you keep throwing those temper tamtrums that you ultra right wingers are so famous for lately. You think you have something to throw a tantrum over now, wait until after this year.
The temper tantrum is all yours seeing as how the 2nd A still stands. As it has for 240 years so far.

Of course libs love to rewrite history and impose their ideology on us via the courts, that may happen someday. But then you have to come get the guns and that's where the rubber meets the road. Good luck.
Yes....they are all unConstitutional.

No twit......all violent crime has gone down across the country, and it has gone down more in states with concealed and open carry laws....

So...your entire belief system crumbles.......as more Americans have bought and owned guns and now carry them for self defense since the 1990s the gun crime rate and the over all violent crime rate has gone down.....so Americans owning and carrying guns does not increase the crime rate or the gun murder rate...

This has already been presented to SCOTUS and they ruled 5-4 (that means at least one Republican nominated Judge voted with the Dems) that what I stated WAS constitutional. You want it all. But you fail to understand that if you only accept for it all, there is a better chance that you will get nothing.

Doesn't matter who nominated them......if they are libs they vote against our rights........and no matter what 5 politically appointed lawyers say, out of a country of over 320,000,000 million people....they are not Constitutional.

The deciding vote was from a conservative. And it's not about making new laws, it's interpreting the existing ones on the books. You don't like that ruling then I suggest you keep throwing those temper tamtrums that you ultra right wingers are so famous for lately. You think you have something to throw a tantrum over now, wait until after this year.
The temper tantrum is all yours seeing as how the 2nd A still stands. As it has for 240 years so far.

Of course libs love to rewrite history and impose their ideology on us via the courts, that may happen someday. But then you have to come get the guns and that's where the rubber meets the road. Good luck.
The STATE has the right to regulate guns, not the feds.

Originally true, but in 1868, the 14th amendment said that States can't violate Constitutional rights. I guess you haven't kept up with the news lately ...

I reviewed the 14th. It directly refers to this, yes. But you are bastarding the meaning. Reading in things that it doesn't say to try and justify your perverted logic.

Says the pro abortion crowd...........abortion is made up out of the imagination of left wing regressive judges....the 2nd Amendment...which is actually in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....yeah...that doesn't really exist....

left wing regressives are mentally ill.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

Diane Feinstein is no longer in office?
I would like to have a $1000 mosque tax in each state because your right to express your religion shouldn't really exist. I can't get away with just banning the religion so I will just tax it until the mosque go away. We can do the same with just every other liberty as well which would include the right to own guns.

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