1/3d of FL conservatives: GOP obstructing efforts to help economy


Jun 25, 2011
Polling the ‘sabotage’ question

Here was the question:

Do you think the Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jumpstart the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not re-elected?

Here are the results:


Note: Poll restricted to registered Florida voters.
To one degree or another, the “sabotage” question has been generating some debate for about a year now. It is, admittedly, a provocative subject: are Republicans trying to hurt the nation’s economy on purpose, simply to undermine the Obama presidency?

Republicans don’t want to ‘hurt’ the economy per se, it’s already ‘hurt,’ they just don’t want it to recovery anytime soon – say, not until after November 2012.

With 51 percent of voters saying that jobs and the economy are the most pressing issues in the nation today, 49 percent said they believe that the Republicans are intentionally hindering efforts to boost the economy so that President Barack Obama will not be reelected. Thirty-nine percent disagreed. As expected, most registered Democrats (70 percent) agreed that Republicans are intentionally hindering the economy and hurting Obama, but independents (52 percent) and even some Republicans (24 percent) also agreed. [emphasis added]

To be sure, this wasn’t a national poll; it only asked voters in one state. But it’s a large, diverse swing state that both parties take very seriously.


And what will kill republicans is the 52 percent of independent Florida voters who believe the GOP is dragging its feet when it comes to helping Americans during the economic downturn.

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