10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

Renewables increase the use of Fossil Fuels.

Why are you supporting something that is a threat to our lives.
The lesser of two evils and the world seems to agree with me. There are problems with everything.
I know what the future cost of Wind/Solar based power is, $200 trillion to start.
And I know Americans spend $700 million to $1 billion dollars each year on fossil fuels with the incalculable costs to health and the environment. Like I've said all along fossil fuels will run out sooner than we can imagine and long before that happens the costs will make it prohibitive to use them as we are using them today. We can't wait until that day to develop alternatives. Thank GOD for forward-thinking people.
And I know Americans spend $700 million to $1 billion dollars each year on fossil fuels with the incalculable costs to health and the environment. Like I've said all along fossil fuels will run out sooner than we can imagine and long before that happens the costs will make it prohibitive to use them as we are using them today. We can't wait until that day to develop alternatives. Thank GOD for forward-thinking people.

Incalculable in what way? You love to throw that word around but the facts are simple. You would be living a cold, very hard, and very short life were it not for fossil fuels.

By themselves they have extended the lifespan of humans, and made human lives BETTER, than any invention ever created.

That is a simple, VERY calcuable fact.

Your claims are not supported by empirical evidence.
Just ask your own computer this question , what is the cheapest form of electricity. As of 2022 it is renewables and that's not going to change no matter how much you say it isn't.

How much does a MWh of solar generated electricity cost.....at midnight?
You'll have to pardon us if we take the IEA's opinion on this matter over that of every denier on the forum. It's a matter of actual expertise.
As a fuel source for generating electricity a hundred years or so. And it is orders of magnitude more efficient than wind or solar.
Another one-line EMPTY Claim/"No."
You are just TOO STUPID TO DEBATE. (Elektra joining you of late)
A Counterclaim is not debate and does not refute the huge authority of the OP and many other posts made throughout.

And it was YOU who implied Old was was not step forward. Another post Backfired by me up your dumb @ss.
Another one-line EMPTY Claim/"No."
You are just TOO STUPID TO DEBATE. (Elektra joining you of late)
A Counterclaim is not debate and does not refute the huge authority of the OP and many other posts made throughout.

And it was YOU who implied Old was was not step forward. Another post Backfired by me up your dumb @ss.

You don't debate. You spew. A ton of coal contains slightly more than 20 million BTU. Tell the class how long a windmill would need to spin to create a similar amount of energy.
You don't debate. You spew. A ton of coal contains slightly more than 20 million BTU. Tell the class how long a windmill would need to spin to create a similar amount of energy.
How much longer will there be coal ? All the clean coal is gone ( anthracite ) . They are burning dirty coal now ( bituminous ) and how much more of that can the earth take ? The climate change crisis is upon us , and we keep adding to the problem. The sun isn't going anywhere and it suppose to last another 5 billion years.

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