10 Good Things About Obama Cares

My mother had a stroke and went into a coma. Seven days afterwards the amount of her insurance coverage ran out, so the hospital dumped her to a public hospital 50 miles away. She died a few days later. That could not happen now because of Obama Cares.

Hi Chris! LTNS.

First, sorry about your Mom.

But are you claiming that a public hospital provided your Mom with substandard care?

"A public hospital is a hospital which is owned by a government and receives government funding. This type of hospital provides medical care free of charge, the cost of which is covered by the funding the hospital receives."

What kind of insurance did she have?
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

it is so good that the white house is running a video contest over it

you can win cash and prizes

you can read about it here

New Obamacare Enrollment Campaign Unveiled By Kathleen Sebelius

one of the entries

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtyf7UHXNTM]Remy: Obamacare Video Contest Song - YouTube[/ame]


What's hated by unions
has businesses wary
and dropping coverage
like the 'Skins secondary?

Causing thousands of layoffs
taking it's toll?
What's so good for people
that they're forced to enroll?

What's a law that's so good
folks who passed and defended it
see it and got waivers
to be exempted? It's

like Olestra, at first
it sounded hip
but we quickly found ourselves
dealing with a whole lot of sh...

Obamacare, Obamacare
Unions and businesses both in despair

So to recap, young people,
your hours get cut
and your income goes down
and your premium's up
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

I have no idea why people have such a problem with this. It looks and sounds workable.

we will see....its easy for you to say that Noomi you have what 20 million people in your Country mostly on the same page.......try 300 million plus in a Country the size of the US with people on 150 million different pages.....the State i live in has twice as many people as your Country has...so we will see.....
I think you just described the Republican Party.

No, Obamacare...

Democrats want to provide people with medical care, not deny it.

Democrats want to have control over it, period, are all aussies this freakin naïve?.....:eek:

Their "goal" was to get the 30 million or so uninsured to have health insurance, well, that's the lie they sold anyway. With the over 600 million they are spending in advertising for this monstrosity, they could just give each of those 30 million people 20 million dollars for health insurance and save the other 2 trillion they're spending with this nonsense. Oh btw, it's estimated that 20 million will still not have health insurance, good work democrats...... :thup:
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lol, it's FREE

Yet you're being FORCED to participate in it OR have your own insurance... if not you will get FINED BY YOUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and PAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO CAN'T get that free stuff...

But, IT'S FREE and keep dreaming you were once FREE from your stinking FEDERAL government at ONE TIME
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1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.


Get that into your head. We are all going to pay
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

2. Nothing is free. Who pays?
3. Nothing is free. Who pays?
5. Pre-existing conditions are now on par (cost-wise) with non pre-existing conditions. Tell me, why shouldn't an obese person or a smoker or someone with diabetes pay more for insurance? They are a higher risk. Do you believe that a person with 25 years of driving experience/no accidents should pay the same for insurance as a 16 year old newly licensed driver?
7. The parent's are paying for this, it isn't free.
10. "New standardized coverage" - translation: you must now have insurance that covers things you don't want or need because of "others".
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

2000 pages and all you could cherry pick was 10 things?

My mother had a stroke and went into a coma. Seven days afterwards the amount of her insurance coverage ran out, so the hospital dumped her to a public hospital 50 miles away. She died a few days later. That could not happen now because of Obama Cares.

Sorry to hear about your mom.
I've been watching these Republicans on TV. Every time they are asked why so many in their districts have no health care, they just shrug. You elect leaders into office to make your life better, not worse. What is wrong with these Republicans?
they have to, mislead people with this dishonest crap, it's FREE.............in order to get people to buy this Fascist government intrusion to your RIGHT TO choice and PRIVACY from this stinging FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...

just shameful
Family of 3
65000 a year
1 smoker
3 adults
employer offers insurance

In general, employees who are offered insurance through work are not eligible for subsidized exchange coverage, so long as their insurance meets specified requirements. You would only be eligible for subsidized exchange coverage if your income is between 1 and 4 times the federal poverty level and you would have to pay more than 9.5% of your household income for your own coverage through the insurance offered by your employer.

employer doesn't offer insurance

The information below is about subsidized exchange coverage. Note that subsidies are only available for people purchasing coverage on their own in the exchange (not through an employer). Depending on your state's eligibility criteria, you or some members of your family may qualify for Medicaid.

Household income in 2014:333% of poverty levelUnsubsidized annual health insurance premium in 2014:$10,341
In most states, insurers can charge a tobacco surcharge of up to 50% of your total premium before the tax credit. The tax credit cannot be applied to the tobacco surcharge. Maximum % of income you have to pay for the non-tobacco premium, if eligible for a subsidy:9.5%
(before accounting for a tobacco surcharge, if applicable) Amount you pay for the premium:$6,175 per year
(which equals 9.5% of your household income and covers 60% of the overall premium) You could receive a government tax credit subsidy of up to:$4,166
(which covers 40% of the overall premium)

The premium and subsidy amounts above are based on a Silver plan. You have the option to apply the subsidy toward the purchase of other levels of coverage, such as a Gold plan (which would be more comprehensive) or a Bronze plan (which would be less comprehensive).

For example, you could enroll in a Bronze plan for about $3,698 per year (which is 5.69% of your household income, after taking into account $4,166 in subsidies). For most people, the Bronze plan represents the minimum level of coverage required under health reform. Although you would pay less in premiums by enrolling in a Bronze plan, you will face higher out-of-pocket costs than if you enrolled in a Silver plan.


Your out-of-pocket maximum for a Silver plan (not including the premium) can be no more than $12,700. Whether you reach this maximum level will depend on the amount of health care services you use. Currently, about one in four people use no health care services in any given year.

You are guaranteed access to a Silver plan with an actuarial value of 70%. This means that for all enrollees in a typical population, the plan will pay for 70% of expenses in total for covered benefits, with enrollees responsible for the rest. If you choose to enroll in a Bronze plan, the actuarial value will be 60%, meaning your out-of-pocket costs when you use services will likely be higher. Regardless of which level of coverage you choose, deductibles and copayments will vary from plan to plan, and out-of-pocket costs will depend on your health care expenses. Preventive services will be covered with no cost sharing required.
Feel free to crunch numbers.

In the above example, given average rates for family insurance the cost is well above 9.5% of income. Therefore you can apply for coverage in the exchange by meeting the requirements. Since you now qualify by refusing the company plan, you move into the second results.

Let's look at the Olympics up there. Bronze, Silver, and Gold not stated in results.............

The Bronze plan is a 60/40 plan. Catastrophic insurance basically. Your out of pocket is above 12,700 a year. So it's quite possible, that if you or a family member need surgery, and let's say outpatient with a overall cost of 20,000 YOU COULD BE STUCK with over 50%of the cost.

The same for Silver on out of pocket. A 70/30 plan.................

So unless it's Catastrophic, you will pay for most of your Medical bills under Silver and Bronze.

Gold................Wow a gold medal for reaching the mark of 80/20. Pretty standard rank with lower deducts. This is what most businesses offer already as a standard.

So in order to meet Industry standard policies you must buy the Gold policy.

Finally, As soon as you get subsidies, the company you work for gets a bill from uncle sam for 3000 per employee.....................

If too many get the subsidy, then the best financial option for the employer is to simply stop offering coverage and pay 2000 per employee.

Which companies are doing on a MASSIVE SCALE............

Goes for surgery under the SILVER PLAN, and is told he owe's over 10,000 on the bill.

Hell of a FUCKING PLAN isn't it......................................
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

And the # 1 plus to Obama care for me is that people who would or have died due to using up all of their own resources will now live if they are out of insurance for 6 months. I read a story last summer of a woman who died of breast cancer and denied care due to her lack of funds,who didn't know she could have gotten Obama care and perhaps survived ...Sad for her family~
Feel free to crunch numbers.

In the above example, given average rates for family insurance the cost is well above 9.5% of income. Therefore you can apply for coverage in the exchange by meeting the requirements. Since you now qualify by refusing the company plan, you move into the second results.

Let's look at the Olympics up there. Bronze, Silver, and Gold not stated in results.............

The Bronze plan is a 60/40 plan. Catastrophic insurance basically. Your out of pocket is above 12,700 a year. So it's quite possible, that if you or a family member need surgery, and let's say outpatient with a overall cost of 20,000 YOU COULD BE STUCK with over 50%of the cost.

The same for Silver on out of pocket. A 70/30 plan.................

So unless it's Catastrophic, you will pay for most of your Medical bills under Silver and Bronze.

Gold................Wow a gold medal for reaching the mark of 80/20. Pretty standard rank with lower deducts. This is what most businesses offer already as a standard.

So in order to meet Industry standard policies you must buy the Gold policy.

Finally, As soon as you get subsidies, the company you work for gets a bill from uncle sam for 3000 per employee.....................

If too many get the subsidy, then the best financial option for the employer is to simply stop offering coverage and pay 2000 per employee.

Which companies are doing on a MASSIVE SCALE............

Goes for surgery under the SILVER PLAN, and is told he owe's over 10,000 on the bill.

Hell of a FUCKING PLAN isn't it......................................

You are reading the plan incorrectly....

The ACA limits indiviual out of pocket to 6350...with a max of two of those if you have more than one nasty issue ina calendar year (meaning two family members had issues) hence that 12700 number.
Report: HHS to cut off enrollment for health law's high-risk pools - The Hill's Healthwatch

HHS will quit accepting new applicants as early as this weekend to ensure it has enough money left to cover the people who have already enrolled, the Post reported.

The high-risk pools came with $5 billion in funding. Slightly less than half of that money remains — only enough to cover the expenses of the roughly 100,000 people who are already enrolled for the rest of this year, according to the Post.


The GOP offered to fund this pool by 25 BILLION. They proposed the same in the debate, and offer it now. The Lady in post 37 could have enrolled in this program, but their isn't the funding. State Medicaid programs exist in every state.

But have lost funding due to Obamacare. Even though it gives the State's options to expand it.

Cutting 716 Billion to use on Obamacare furthers Medicare's and Medicaid's fiscal problems. And thus adding more to the State's Budget to try and keep them afloat.
Feel free to crunch numbers.

In the above example, given average rates for family insurance the cost is well above 9.5% of income. Therefore you can apply for coverage in the exchange by meeting the requirements. Since you now qualify by refusing the company plan, you move into the second results.

Let's look at the Olympics up there. Bronze, Silver, and Gold not stated in results.............

The Bronze plan is a 60/40 plan. Catastrophic insurance basically. Your out of pocket is above 12,700 a year. So it's quite possible, that if you or a family member need surgery, and let's say outpatient with a overall cost of 20,000 YOU COULD BE STUCK with over 50%of the cost.

The same for Silver on out of pocket. A 70/30 plan.................

So unless it's Catastrophic, you will pay for most of your Medical bills under Silver and Bronze.

Gold................Wow a gold medal for reaching the mark of 80/20. Pretty standard rank with lower deducts. This is what most businesses offer already as a standard.

So in order to meet Industry standard policies you must buy the Gold policy.

Finally, As soon as you get subsidies, the company you work for gets a bill from uncle sam for 3000 per employee.....................

If too many get the subsidy, then the best financial option for the employer is to simply stop offering coverage and pay 2000 per employee.

Which companies are doing on a MASSIVE SCALE............

Goes for surgery under the SILVER PLAN, and is told he owe's over 10,000 on the bill.

Hell of a FUCKING PLAN isn't it......................................

You are reading the plan incorrectly....

The ACA limits indiviual out of pocket to 6350...with a max of two of those if you have more than one nasty issue ina calendar year (meaning two family members had issues) hence that 12700 number.

I stand corrected then.............Thank you.

So please continue on the out of pocket side of this...............

Which has been delayed due to computer problems for the Federal Database.

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