10 Good Things About Obama Cares

1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

2000 pages and all you could cherry pick was 10 things?

My mother had a stroke and went into a coma. Seven days afterwards the amount of her insurance coverage ran out, so the hospital dumped her to a public hospital 50 miles away. She died a few days later. That could not happen now because of Obama Cares.

Sorry to hear about you Mom.
I agree with the part of Health Insurance not having a cap, despite the higher cost that will incur.
A public hospital, run by the Government.
New Health Care Law run by the Government.
It was untenable because you only had sick people in them...sick people use their insurance...the costs could not be contained....so the rates skyrocketed out of control.

If you were a smoker it was just not affordable.

Which is why the GOP offered to increase funding..............and take them out of the markets to ensure lower rates...................As it is now, they will go into the exchange and drive up the costs for everyone in the exchange, unless you qualify for the subsidies.

Those not getting the subsidies are GETTING HAMMERED with increased rates and you know it.

So why do posters continue to show the rates, by CHERRY PICKING only data in the lower FPL data ranges................Why do so many posters refuse to debate those not in those ranges or even the one's in the top levels of FPL...................

Of course they'll get hammered, I am seeing it every day.

Both sides cheery pick to "prove" their side of the argument.

Nationwide on average Premiums are rising dramatically.....the pro side will point to Cali and New York to "prove" their points...what they haven't considered is that those States already had much the new requirements alreay in their existing plans.

Thank you. Then you just admitted that rates are increasing to those I'm talking about to pay for those in the lower FPL rates, and to pay for pre-existing conditions...............

Which is exactly what I've been saying..................So your taking from those out of the FPL levels or in the upper FPL levels if they have Employer coverage to pay for the lower levels, and then saying LOOK IT'S CHEAPER..............

Isn't that a LIE, by cherry picking the data........

Are these comments truthful.
"Off the exchange" only means you did not use the website....it means you used a broker, or an agent or went directly to the company itself.

Coverage options will be similar across the industry because all insurers have to follow the same rules, according to Joel Ario, managing director at Manatt Health Solutions, an interdisciplinary policy and business advisory division of consulting firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips.

“The same rules apply off-exchange: basic market rules of age rating, standard geographical rates,” Ario says. “But the only people who really have the incentive to purchase through the exchange are those who want subsidies. The law is designed to keep as much of a level playing field as possible, so you should not get a specific advantage for buying off the exchange.”

Purchasing Coverage Off ObamaCare Exchanges: What are Your Options? | Fox Business
Which is why the GOP offered to increase funding..............and take them out of the markets to ensure lower rates...................As it is now, they will go into the exchange and drive up the costs for everyone in the exchange, unless you qualify for the subsidies.

Those not getting the subsidies are GETTING HAMMERED with increased rates and you know it.

So why do posters continue to show the rates, by CHERRY PICKING only data in the lower FPL data ranges................Why do so many posters refuse to debate those not in those ranges or even the one's in the top levels of FPL...................

Of course they'll get hammered, I am seeing it every day.

Both sides cheery pick to "prove" their side of the argument.

Nationwide on average Premiums are rising dramatically.....the pro side will point to Cali and New York to "prove" their points...what they haven't considered is that those States already had much the new requirements alreay in their existing plans.

Thank you. Then you just admitted that rates are increasing to those I'm talking about to pay for those in the lower FPL rates, and to pay for pre-existing conditions...............

Which is exactly what I've been saying..................So your taking from those out of the FPL levels or in the upper FPL levels if they have Employer coverage to pay for the lower levels, and then saying LOOK IT'S CHEAPER..............

Isn't that a LIE, by cherry picking the data........

Are these comments truthful.

Yes that is true, it is always true.

It is a redistribution of assets ostensibly "for the better of the whole"....but the truth is thats what insurance is and has always been.
Of course they'll get hammered, I am seeing it every day.

Both sides cheery pick to "prove" their side of the argument.

Nationwide on average Premiums are rising dramatically.....the pro side will point to Cali and New York to "prove" their points...what they haven't considered is that those States already had much the new requirements alreay in their existing plans.

Thank you. Then you just admitted that rates are increasing to those I'm talking about to pay for those in the lower FPL rates, and to pay for pre-existing conditions...............

Which is exactly what I've been saying..................So your taking from those out of the FPL levels or in the upper FPL levels if they have Employer coverage to pay for the lower levels, and then saying LOOK IT'S CHEAPER..............

Isn't that a LIE, by cherry picking the data........

Are these comments truthful.

Yes that is true, it is always true.

It is a redistribution of assets ostensibly "for the better of the whole"....but the truth is thats what insurance is and has always been.

You have just admitted it's Wealth Redistribution, and another form of Welfare haven't you...........
Why do I discuss this Roo...............

Perhaps because my rate increases pay for the Welfare Program............

I'm not rich, by any means. I get by. But your Welfare program has taken away from my families finances and you know it.

Who are you to take from me to give to others...................
Thank you. Then you just admitted that rates are increasing to those I'm talking about to pay for those in the lower FPL rates, and to pay for pre-existing conditions...............

Which is exactly what I've been saying..................So your taking from those out of the FPL levels or in the upper FPL levels if they have Employer coverage to pay for the lower levels, and then saying LOOK IT'S CHEAPER..............

Isn't that a LIE, by cherry picking the data........

Are these comments truthful.

Yes that is true, it is always true.

It is a redistribution of assets ostensibly "for the better of the whole"....but the truth is thats what insurance is and has always been.

You have just admitted it's Wealth Redistribution, and another form of Welfare haven't you...........

Let's back the truck up a bit...I never claimed it was any other way...you are asking questions and I am answering them.

I am a Conservative that happens to work in the Insurance Industry....We can call it whatever you like, but helping others isn't always a bad thing...the question is not whether any Society practices certain aspects of Socialism, the question where do we draw the line with it. How much is snough...and that is the real distinction between the Political Party's.
...and for the record I have been against the ACA from day one..go easy with the assumptions.
Yes that is true, it is always true.

It is a redistribution of assets ostensibly "for the better of the whole"....but the truth is thats what insurance is and has always been.

You have just admitted it's Wealth Redistribution, and another form of Welfare haven't you...........

Let's back the truck up a bit...I never claimed it was any other way...you are asking questions and I am answering them.

I am a Conservative that happens to work in the Insurance Industry....We can call it whatever you like, but helping others isn't always a bad thing...the question is not whether any Society practices certain aspects of Socialism, the question where do we draw the line with it. How much is snough...and that is the real distinction between the Political Party's.

Fair enough.....

Life isn't fair, so we damage finances to those who have bills to pay to give to the FPL's.

We also charge Business's who will pass the cost on to the consumer. They aren't going to eat these costs, and pay more to buy less..............That's economics.

Why the 30 hour for mandate..................

When they knew it would be abused...............

And now companies are going part time all over the place to avoid the taxes.........Increasing the cost of the ACA, which has already doubled in estimates since passage as they cherry picked their data to get it passed.

Who's going to pay for this, and how will this effect our long term Federal Debt as we continue to increase the debt and deflate the dollar.........

Finally, why pass a law that doesn't require uniform breaks...........Current GOP plan would give cuts to all, and would actually save me money. While the ACA costs me money. Under the GOP plan, their is NO PART TIME JOB EQUATION.

Why should I support a law that damages me personally, when the other option would actually save me money.............

Why is it wrong to target the High costs of medicine directly and expand the high risk pools instead of getting rid of them....................

Yes, these are questions and the truck is back in gear.


What is the ability to pay by someone in the 2nd level of FPL, when their surgery costs by deductible a third of their pay.......................
...and for the record I have been against the ACA from day one..go easy with the assumptions.

I'm down with that.............

And I appreciate the discussion. Sorry for my evil poster side coming out.......

It's not a question of support, its already the Law and i isn't going to go away.

It is ever the qwest of the Left to take our money and give it away...

As far as the Ded and OOP limits...I've made the point from the beginning that this Law in no way helps the poor, they still can't pay their costs.
...and for the record I have been against the ACA from day one..go easy with the assumptions.

I'm down with that.............

And I appreciate the discussion. Sorry for my evil poster side coming out.......


Trust me, my evil poster side is second to none...but I usually reserve it for those who simply shit on everybody all the time..
The only Good Thing about ObamaCare is that the Reactionary Liberal Cabal may Finally have overreached in their hideous campaign to turn America into a totalitarian state.

One can only hope that this is the ultimate reductio ad absurdum of their anti-human and anti-liberty theology.
It's not a question of support, its already the Law and i isn't going to go away.

It is ever the qwest of the Left to take our money and give it away...

As far as the Ded and OOP limits...I've made the point from the beginning that this Law in no way helps the poor, they still can't pay their costs.

I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

Which is another subject. Finally, they get the insurance and have surgery with no means to pay the deductible and the Medical and insurance eat the losses again.

In this scenario, which I believe will be literally true, how have we solved anything............
Question roo..........

Will someone with Cancer be able to afford Insurance if their family is outside the FPL ranges or in the upper limits....................

Or, will pre existing conditions drive up their costs to a point where they can't afford it.
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

I have no idea why people have such a problem with this. It looks and sounds workable.

Its interesting that people from other, more progressive countries think we're just flat out brain dead for putting up with our crappy health care mess.

We have a friend who has dual citzenship, France/US and another who lives in Brussels. Both just shake their heads at our sheeple stupidity.

When we were visiting in Brussels and I needed emergency care, we were just astounded that it was fast, easy and cheap and very high quality. Why shouldn't we have that same degree of health care here?
I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

People in poverty fall under the Medicaid discussion, not the exchange (private insurance) discussion.
I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

People in poverty fall under the Medicaid discussion, not the exchange (private insurance) discussion.

Unless Medicaid is not expanded...........

Many states haven't and will not expand due to the costs to the states budget. Obamacare only promised a few years of Federal Income, and then the costs are on the states.
It's not a question of support, its already the Law and i isn't going to go away.

It is ever the qwest of the Left to take our money and give it away...

As far as the Ded and OOP limits...I've made the point from the beginning that this Law in no way helps the poor, they still can't pay their costs.

I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

Which is another subject. Finally, they get the insurance and have surgery with no means to pay the deductible and the Medical and insurance eat the losses again.

In this scenario, which I believe will be literally true, how have we solved anything............

Uh, just a little bit of advice ... Don't believe some puffed up bozo instead of factual web sites.
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

The bad:

The cost is our country goes belly up. It's really easy to do good things with other peoples money huh? Just keep pretending that those people you are raping for this money are evil scumbags, not hard working Americans that are being put out of a job to make this happen for you.
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