10 Good Things About Obama Cares

#3 would be incredibly easy to game. Just don't pay the utility bill, and get the shut down notification...and then pay the bill. Given that ObamaCare can't even verify ELIGIBILTY, I doubt they'll do more than rubber stamp exemptions if one submits a shut off notice.


Nope, I don't qualify. Just wondering how much money I've got to go down to get the subsidy.
Obamacare Cost to States - AskHeritage

Texas recently concluded that the Medicaid expansion may add more than 2 million people to the program and cost the state up to $27 billion in a single decade. The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration estimated in April that Obamacares Medicaid expansion would require an additional $5.2 billion in spending between 2013 and 2019 and more than $1 billion a year beginning in 2017. In California, the Legislative Analysts Office concluded that Obamacares Medicaid expansion will likely add annual costs to the state budget in the low billions of dollars. Mississippi, Indiana, and Nebraska each retained Milliman, Inc., a national health care econometrics firm, to perform a fiscal analysis of the Medicaid expansion on their states budgets. For Mississippi, Milliman estimates that between 206,000 and 415,000 people will be added to Medicaid, with a 10-year impact on the state budget of between $858 million and $1.66 billion. The seven-year cost of the Medicaid expansion in Indiana is estimated to be between $2.59 billion and $3.11 billion, with 388,000 to 522,000 people joining the states Medicaid rolls. Finally, Milliman estimates that Obamacare will result in nearly one of five Nebraskans being covered by Medicaid at a cost of $526 million to $766 million over the next decade. - See more at: Obamacare Cost to States - AskHeritage


Costs to increase dramatically for States on Medicaid.

But lets not take that into consideration. Honestly, the Fed pays 90%........
With Stolen Funds from a program that is broke...
Isn't it nice how the Dems screw the middle class and then say they are for them.

What a bunch of Lying Sacks they are................
WAIT! Hold on a dog-gone minute here? Didn't Obama SAY this was to raise the Middle Class?

Seems to ME he is destroying it...

You know how to tell when democrats are lying don't you?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue_WQcFJd8U"]Obama "UH" Counter in Presidential Debate. WOW!! - YouTube[/ame]
Seen it...and you know? I cannot stand another syllable out of that man's mouth. I LOATHE liars.

I can spit a good 20yards. I hope to one day get my chance :) Somebody has to get the opportunity to take this communist raised domestic terrorist to the woodshed. Can't believe he's been this sheltered his whole life.
The dupes misinformed on this too, of course...

Benefits Of ObamaCare: Advantage of ObamaCare
obamacarefacts.com/benefitsofobamacare.php - Cached - Similar
For a complete list of preventative services covered under the Affordable Care
Act (ObamaCare) click this link. ... Free preventive care and annual checkups.
Health Affairs: Many Don't Know They Can Get Preventive Care Free ...
commonhealth.wbur.org/2012/12/free-preventive-care-2 - Cached - Similar
Dec 4, 2012 ... Under the federal health reform known as Obamacare, preventive care like check
-ups and vaccines must now be largely free, and insurance ...
Health care law rights and protections; 10 benefits for you ...
https://www.healthcare.gov/how-does-the-health-care-law-protect-me/ - Cached - Similar
Read about your rights and protections under Obamacare. ... You may be eligible
for free preventive screenings, like blood pressure and cholesterol tests, ...
ACA Obamacare Covers Preventive Health Services at No Cost
www.takepart.com/article/2013/05/.../obamacare-healthcare-freebies - Cached - Similar
May 13, 2013 ... Done. Preventive care for lots of health problems will be free under the ... Under
Obamacare/ACA, women also get a free checkup each year, ...
The dupes misinformed on this too, of course...

Benefits Of ObamaCare: Advantage of ObamaCare
obamacarefacts.com/benefitsofobamacare.php - Cached - Similar
For a complete list of preventative services covered under the Affordable Care
Act (ObamaCare) click this link. ... Free preventive care and annual checkups.
Health Affairs: Many Don't Know They Can Get Preventive Care Free ...
commonhealth.wbur.org/2012/12/free-preventive-care-2 - Cached - Similar
Dec 4, 2012 ... Under the federal health reform known as Obamacare, preventive care like check
-ups and vaccines must now be largely free, and insurance ...
Health care law rights and protections; 10 benefits for you ...
https://www.healthcare.gov/how-does-the-health-care-law-protect-me/ - Cached - Similar
Read about your rights and protections under Obamacare. ... You may be eligible
for free preventive screenings, like blood pressure and cholesterol tests, ...
ACA Obamacare Covers Preventive Health Services at No Cost
www.takepart.com/article/2013/05/.../obamacare-healthcare-freebies - Cached - Similar
May 13, 2013 ... Done. Preventive care for lots of health problems will be free under the ... Under
Obamacare/ACA, women also get a free checkup each year, ...

Yadda Yadda Yadda

Free shit by raping us and Stealing from Medicare, and an increased CPI as business passes on the costs, while the poor still can't afford the deductibles. Costing twice as much as projected, and raising the prices on the upper middle class, who also are going to pay more for the stuff they buy.
Free shit by raping us and Stealing from Medicare, and an increased CPI as business passes on the costs, while the poor still can't afford the deductibles. Costing twice as much as projected, and raising the prices on the upper middle class, who also are going to pay more for the stuff they buy.

Oh look! GB finally had an epiphany!
Oh look! GB finally had an epiphany!

he's such a stooge for Obama...he must be going to MAKE MONEY off this Unaffordable Care act scamming the people in this country after Obama and the Democommierat party raped them of their FREEDOMS...pour salt in their wounds so to speak
Last edited:
I think you just described the Republican Party.

No, Obamacare...

Democrats want to provide people with medical care, not deny it.

Time for a terminology lesson.

There's health care, and then there's health insurance. Health care is what you recieve when you go to the doctor. Health insurance is just to help you pay for the visits to the doctor. The reason why health insurance is so expensive is because health care is expensive. If health care wasn't expensive then no one would bother with health insurance.

The ACA does nothing to bring down the cost of health care. It just forces people to buy health insurance, hoping that adding more people to the pool will lower premiums. The ACA barely scratches the surface of the american health care problems, but comes with a host of unintended consequences. It's a truly crappy way of trying to deal with the problem, and one that Democrats should be ashamed to support.

What we should do is either go full single payer, or get government out of it 100% (meaning no limits on where you can buy your plan, no mandates on what has to be in your plan, ect. ect.). But this half assed attempt to mandate people buy insurance as a solution to people not having insurance will most likely crumble under it's own weight.
No, Obamacare...

Democrats want to provide people with medical care, not deny it.

Time for a terminology lesson.

There's health care, and then there's health insurance. Health care is what you recieve when you go to the doctor. Health insurance is just to help you pay for the visits to the doctor. The reason why health insurance is so expensive is because health care is expensive. If health care wasn't expensive then no one would bother with health insurance.

The ACA does nothing to bring down the cost of health care. It just forces people to buy health insurance, hoping that adding more people to the pool will lower premiums. The ACA barely scratches the surface of the american health care problems, but comes with a host of unintended consequences. It's a truly crappy way of trying to deal with the problem, and one that Democrats should be ashamed to support.

What we should do is either go full single payer, or get government out of it 100% (meaning no limits on where you can buy your plan, no mandates on what has to be in your plan, ect. ect.). But this half assed attempt to mandate people buy insurance as a solution to people not having insurance will most likely crumble under it's own weight.
Further, it forces people that have insurance to pay for dirt bags that did not have insurance and now want someone else to pay for their pre-existing conditions. Still further, stealing money from people who make > 90k a year to redistribute their money to people who make less than 90k a year, such as is being done by OSCUMA CARE is nothing more than welfare. Any American that accepts said redistribution checks is a dirt bag thief that is not worthy of being called an American. IF YOU DID NOT EARN IT, IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY.
Democrats want to provide people with medical care, not deny it.

Time for a terminology lesson.

There's health care, and then there's health insurance. Health care is what you recieve when you go to the doctor. Health insurance is just to help you pay for the visits to the doctor. The reason why health insurance is so expensive is because health care is expensive. If health care wasn't expensive then no one would bother with health insurance.

The ACA does nothing to bring down the cost of health care. It just forces people to buy health insurance, hoping that adding more people to the pool will lower premiums. The ACA barely scratches the surface of the american health care problems, but comes with a host of unintended consequences. It's a truly crappy way of trying to deal with the problem, and one that Democrats should be ashamed to support.

What we should do is either go full single payer, or get government out of it 100% (meaning no limits on where you can buy your plan, no mandates on what has to be in your plan, ect. ect.). But this half assed attempt to mandate people buy insurance as a solution to people not having insurance will most likely crumble under it's own weight.
Further, it forces people that have insurance to pay for dirt bags that did not have insurance and now want someone else to pay for their pre-existing conditions. Still further, stealing money from people who make > 90k a year to redistribute their money to people who make less than 90k a year, such as is being done by OSCUMA CARE is nothing more than welfare. Any American that accepts said redistribution checks is a dirt bag thief that is not worthy of being called an American. IF YOU DID NOT EARN IT, IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY.

I remember the good old days when Millionaires and Billionaires made over $250,000 a year. Now it's been defined down to $90,000 year.

Time for a terminology lesson.

There's health care, and then there's health insurance. Health care is what you recieve when you go to the doctor. Health insurance is just to help you pay for the visits to the doctor. The reason why health insurance is so expensive is because health care is expensive. If health care wasn't expensive then no one would bother with health insurance.

The ACA does nothing to bring down the cost of health care. It just forces people to buy health insurance, hoping that adding more people to the pool will lower premiums. The ACA barely scratches the surface of the american health care problems, but comes with a host of unintended consequences. It's a truly crappy way of trying to deal with the problem, and one that Democrats should be ashamed to support.

What we should do is either go full single payer, or get government out of it 100% (meaning no limits on where you can buy your plan, no mandates on what has to be in your plan, ect. ect.). But this half assed attempt to mandate people buy insurance as a solution to people not having insurance will most likely crumble under it's own weight.
Further, it forces people that have insurance to pay for dirt bags that did not have insurance and now want someone else to pay for their pre-existing conditions. Still further, stealing money from people who make > 90k a year to redistribute their money to people who make less than 90k a year, such as is being done by OSCUMA CARE is nothing more than welfare. Any American that accepts said redistribution checks is a dirt bag thief that is not worthy of being called an American. IF YOU DID NOT EARN IT, IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY.

I remember the good old days when Millionaires and Billionaires made over $250,000 a year. Now it's been defined down to $90,000 year.


Oscuma's demon scum minions calculated that 90k is the best dividing line for splitting this country in half with democrats sitting on their asses working part time and getting everything they want and republicans working like slaves getting to pay for them to sit on their big FAT butts.
Further, it forces people that have insurance to pay for dirt bags that did not have insurance and now want someone else to pay for their pre-existing conditions. Still further, stealing money from people who make > 90k a year to redistribute their money to people who make less than 90k a year, such as is being done by OSCUMA CARE is nothing more than welfare. Any American that accepts said redistribution checks is a dirt bag thief that is not worthy of being called an American. IF YOU DID NOT EARN IT, IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY.

I remember the good old days when Millionaires and Billionaires made over $250,000 a year. Now it's been defined down to $90,000 year.


Oscuma's demon scum minions calculated that 90k is the best dividing line for splitting this country in half with democrats sitting on their asses working part time and getting everything they want and republicans working like slaves getting to pay for them to sit on their big FAT butts.

Most Republicans are on Social Security or retired military sucking on the public sugar teet.
I remember the good old days when Millionaires and Billionaires made over $250,000 a year. Now it's been defined down to $90,000 year.


Oscuma's demon scum minions calculated that 90k is the best dividing line for splitting this country in half with democrats sitting on their asses working part time and getting everything they want and republicans working like slaves getting to pay for them to sit on their big FAT butts.

Most Republicans are on Social Security or retired military sucking on the public sugar teet.

You wear a little red helmet don't you?
Oscuma's demon scum minions calculated that 90k is the best dividing line for splitting this country in half with democrats sitting on their asses working part time and getting everything they want and republicans working like slaves getting to pay for them to sit on their big FAT butts.

Most Republicans are on Social Security or retired military sucking on the public sugar teet.

You wear a little red helmet don't you?

The average age of a Republican is 55, so most of them are on Social Security.

They are gradually dying out.
I remember the good old days when Millionaires and Billionaires made over $250,000 a year. Now it's been defined down to $90,000 year.


Oscuma's demon scum minions calculated that 90k is the best dividing line for splitting this country in half with democrats sitting on their asses working part time and getting everything they want and republicans working like slaves getting to pay for them to sit on their big FAT butts.

Most Republicans are on Social Security or retired military sucking on the public sugar teet.


You pay into it all your life, of course someone would want a return. Problem is the coffers are dry and full of iou's. And unless we raise the age, which I don't like it's financial demise is on the way.

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