10 Good Things About Obama Cares

It's not a question of support, its already the Law and i isn't going to go away.

It is ever the qwest of the Left to take our money and give it away...

As far as the Ded and OOP limits...I've made the point from the beginning that this Law in no way helps the poor, they still can't pay their costs.

I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

Which is another subject. Finally, they get the insurance and have surgery with no means to pay the deductible and the Medical and insurance eat the losses again.

In this scenario, which I believe will be literally true, how have we solved anything............

Uh, just a little bit of advice ... Don't believe some puffed up bozo instead of factual web sites.

The 2 main sites used for my examples where directly from the HHS, and the Kaiser Calculator recommended by Dems, and running the show.

Are you now saying these sites don't produce factual data..............................
1. The end of the Medicare doughnut hole.
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3. Free preventive services for all women.
4. No denying health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.
5. Insurers can't gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
6. End of pre-existing restrictions on children's access to health insurance.
7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents policy.
8. The law ends lifetime limits on insurance payouts.
9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.
10. New standardized insurance coverage reports. This makes it easier to compare plans from different companies.

The bad:

The cost is our country goes belly up. It's really easy to do good things with other peoples money huh? Just keep pretending that those people you are raping for this money are evil scumbags, not hard working Americans that are being put out of a job to make this happen for you.

Or paying more for insurance to give it away............
I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

Which is another subject. Finally, they get the insurance and have surgery with no means to pay the deductible and the Medical and insurance eat the losses again.

In this scenario, which I believe will be literally true, how have we solved anything............

Uh, just a little bit of advice ... Don't believe some puffed up bozo instead of factual web sites.

The 2 main sites used for my examples where directly from the HHS, and the Kaiser Calculator recommended by Dems, and running the show.

Are you now saying these sites don't produce factual data..............................


I said "Don't believe some puffed up bozo" and should have added, "on an internet message board".

Believe factual websites.
Uh, just a little bit of advice ... Don't believe some puffed up bozo instead of factual web sites.

The 2 main sites used for my examples where directly from the HHS, and the Kaiser Calculator recommended by Dems, and running the show.

Are you now saying these sites don't produce factual data..............................


I said "Don't believe some puffed up bozo" and should have added, "on an internet message board".

Believe factual websites.

Which facts are misrepresented............


And should I go to KOS to get data..............

Back your shit up...................
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3.Free preventive services for all women.

I can see why progressives love this....

9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.

Why not make it 100%?

7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents

Adult children....Is this like jumbo shrimp?

At 26 aren't you an adult not a child?....
I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

People in poverty fall under the Medicaid discussion, not the exchange (private insurance) discussion.

Unless Medicaid is not expanded...........

Many states haven't and will not expand due to the costs to the states budget. Obamacare only promised a few years of Federal Income, and then the costs are on the states.

Actually, the feds pay 90 per cent after, forever. This is just mindless Pub obstruction- and I don't think they'll be very popular...lol
I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

People in poverty fall under the Medicaid discussion, not the exchange (private insurance) discussion.

Unless Medicaid is not expanded...........

Many states haven't and will not expand due to the costs to the states budget. Obamacare only promised a few years of Federal Income, and then the costs are on the states.

If a state doesn't expand Medicaid, then those people don't fall under any coverage discussion. They fall under the discussion of who to vote for in state-level elections in 2014 to get Medicaid expanded.

And no, Obama doesn't promise "a few years of federal income," it pays for 90 percent of the Medicaid expansion population's costs in perpetuity after 2019. In the years leading up to that the percentage picked up by the feds is higher (including 100% for the next three years).
It's not a question of support, its already the Law and i isn't going to go away.

It is ever the qwest of the Left to take our money and give it away...

As far as the Ded and OOP limits...I've made the point from the beginning that this Law in no way helps the poor, they still can't pay their costs.

I'd agree, and I'm certainly not in the industry. If they are already in poverty, even at lower rates through subsidies, will still not be able to pay for it as they have no income. Unless they use their bloated welfare IRS tax return to pay for the whole year before buying a new T.V.

Which is another subject. Finally, they get the insurance and have surgery with no means to pay the deductible and the Medical and insurance eat the losses again.

In this scenario, which I believe will be literally true, how have we solved anything............

Uh, just a little bit of advice ... Don't believe some puffed up bozo instead of factual web sites.

Poor Dudley...show where I have been wrong in the thread little boy?

You and Greenie can team up and fact check me here ;)
Question roo..........

Will someone with Cancer be able to afford Insurance if their family is outside the FPL ranges or in the upper limits....................

Or, will pre existing conditions drive up their costs to a point where they can't afford it.

No Ins Company can rate up for pre-existings.
The subsidies are very generous, it will be the people just over the income levels that get hurt the worst.
The subsidies are very generous, it will be the people just over the income levels that get hurt the worst.

Yep. Should I just stop working all those extra hours and fall into the levels.............

I'd have to do a cost comparison on that.

Make less money but get a subsidy, and they about equal out, why work extra then..............
2. Free Medicare preventive services.
3.Free preventive services for all women.

I can see why progressives love this....

9. Health insurers must spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars on health care.

Why not make it 100%?

7. Adult children up to age 26 can now continue to get health insurance on their parents

Adult children....Is this like jumbo shrimp?

At 26 aren't you an adult not a child?....
Astounding seeing as there were 14, 15, 16 year olds fighting the Revolutionary war...

WE have become a nation that lacks responsibility for ourselves...A nation of WHIMPS.

The subsidies are very generous, it will be the people just over the income levels that get hurt the worst.

Ayup, the upper middle class income folk getting squeezed again. The limit is around 90k. Yet another attempt by the democrats to draw us into class warfare with the democraps and the very rich benefiting from the rape of the upper middle class income earners. Why? Because they are the minority of course. Jack boot demo scumbags just love to take minorities from behind.
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Obamacare Cost to States - AskHeritage

Texas recently concluded that the Medicaid expansion may add more than 2 million people to the program and cost the state up to $27 billion in a single decade. The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration estimated in April that Obamacares Medicaid expansion would require an additional $5.2 billion in spending between 2013 and 2019 and more than $1 billion a year beginning in 2017. In California, the Legislative Analysts Office concluded that Obamacares Medicaid expansion will likely add annual costs to the state budget in the low billions of dollars. Mississippi, Indiana, and Nebraska each retained Milliman, Inc., a national health care econometrics firm, to perform a fiscal analysis of the Medicaid expansion on their states budgets. For Mississippi, Milliman estimates that between 206,000 and 415,000 people will be added to Medicaid, with a 10-year impact on the state budget of between $858 million and $1.66 billion. The seven-year cost of the Medicaid expansion in Indiana is estimated to be between $2.59 billion and $3.11 billion, with 388,000 to 522,000 people joining the states Medicaid rolls. Finally, Milliman estimates that Obamacare will result in nearly one of five Nebraskans being covered by Medicaid at a cost of $526 million to $766 million over the next decade. - See more at: Obamacare Cost to States - AskHeritage


Costs to increase dramatically for States on Medicaid.

But lets not take that into consideration. Honestly, the Fed pays 90%........
The subsidies are very generous, it will be the people just over the income levels that get hurt the worst.

Ayup, the upper middle class getting squeezed out again. The limit is around 90k. Yet another attempt by the democrats to split us up into classes.
WAIT! Hold on a dog-gone minute here? Didn't Obama SAY this was to raise the Middle Class?

Seems to ME he is destroying it...
The subsidies are very generous, it will be the people just over the income levels that get hurt the worst.

Ayup, the upper middle class getting squeezed out again. The limit is around 90k. Yet another attempt by the democrats to split us up into classes.
WAIT! Hold on a dog-gone minute here? Didn't Obama SAY this was to raise the Middle Class?

Seems to ME he is destroying it...

The middle class and the young are bareing the brunt of this.
The subsidies are very generous, it will be the people just over the income levels that get hurt the worst.

Yep. Should I just stop working all those extra hours and fall into the levels.............

I'd have to do a cost comparison on that.

Make less money but get a subsidy, and they about equal out, why work extra then..............

Just get an EXEMPTION! Looks like a few loop holes in this list:

Hardship exemptions

If you have any of the circumstances below that affect your ability to purchase health insurance coverage, you may qualify for a “hardship” exemption:

1. You were homeless.
2. You were evicted in the past 6 months or were facing eviction or foreclosure.
3. You received a shut-off notice from a utility company.
4. You recently experienced domestic violence.

5. You recently experienced the death of a close family member.
6. You experienced a fire, flood, or other natural or human-caused disaster that caused substantial damage to your property.
7. You filed for bankruptcy in the last 6 months.
8. You had medical expenses you couldn’t pay in the last 24 months.
9. You experienced unexpected increases in necessary expenses due to caring for an ill, disabled, or aging family member.
10. You expect to claim a child as a tax dependent who’s been denied coverage in Medicaid and CHIP, and another person is required by court order to give medical support to the child. In this case, you do not have the pay the penalty for the child.
10. As a result of an eligibility appeals decision, you’re eligible for enrollment in a qualified health plan (QHP) through the Marketplace, lower costs on your monthly premiums, or cost-sharing reductions for a time period when you weren’t enrolled in a QHP through the Marketplace.
11. You were determined ineligible for Medicaid because your state didn’t expand eligibility for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.

#3 would be incredibly easy to game. Just don't pay the utility bill, and get the shut down notification...and then pay the bill. Given that ObamaCare can't even verify ELIGIBILTY, I doubt they'll do more than rubber stamp exemptions if one submits a shut off notice.

For #4, a couple could do a Kabuki Theater performance with a fake accusation...and then drop charges. A riskier maneuver, but desperate people may engage in desperate actions to avoid being driven into a much lower standard of living due to OBAMACARE.

For #8, just don't pay the bills, get late notices...and similar to #3, pay the bills after one gets the necessary unpaid bill documentation.

At the link, also note that those who are not Lawfully in the country are Exempt. Aint' that grand, Illegal Aliens are exempt from ObamaCare, regardless of their income levels.


The subsidies are very generous, it will be the people just over the income levels that get hurt the worst.

Ayup, the upper middle class getting squeezed out again. The limit is around 90k. Yet another attempt by the democrats to split us up into classes.
WAIT! Hold on a dog-gone minute here? Didn't Obama SAY this was to raise the Middle Class?

Seems to ME he is destroying it...

You know how to tell when democrats are lying don't you?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue_WQcFJd8U]Obama "UH" Counter in Presidential Debate. WOW!! - YouTube[/ame]
Ayup, the upper middle class getting squeezed out again. The limit is around 90k. Yet another attempt by the democrats to split us up into classes.
WAIT! Hold on a dog-gone minute here? Didn't Obama SAY this was to raise the Middle Class?

Seems to ME he is destroying it...

The middle class and the young are bareing the brunt of this.
Right. And Obama and the Statists are going to make them subservient...
Ayup, the upper middle class getting squeezed out again. The limit is around 90k. Yet another attempt by the democrats to split us up into classes.
WAIT! Hold on a dog-gone minute here? Didn't Obama SAY this was to raise the Middle Class?

Seems to ME he is destroying it...

You know how to tell when democrats are lying don't you?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue_WQcFJd8U"]Obama "UH" Counter in Presidential Debate. WOW!! - YouTube[/ame]
Seen it...and you know? I cannot stand another syllable out of that man's mouth. I LOATHE liars.

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