10 Good Things About Obama Cares

Report: HHS to cut off enrollment for health law's high-risk pools - The Hill's Healthwatch

HHS will quit accepting new applicants as early as this weekend to ensure it has enough money left to cover the people who have already enrolled, the Post reported.

The high-risk pools came with $5 billion in funding. Slightly less than half of that money remains — only enough to cover the expenses of the roughly 100,000 people who are already enrolled for the rest of this year, according to the Post.


The GOP offered to fund this pool by 25 BILLION. They proposed the same in the debate, and offer it now. The Lady in post 37 could have enrolled in this program, but their isn't the funding. State Medicaid programs exist in every state.

But have lost funding due to Obamacare. Even though it gives the State's options to expand it.

Cutting 716 Billion to use on Obamacare furthers Medicare's and Medicaid's fiscal problems. And thus adding more to the State's Budget to try and keep them afloat.

The High Risk Pools are shutting down because the new law makes them irrelevant.

They can now get insurance from the same places you do.
In the sample stated above the cost to patient is 31%.

Is that due at the door before surgery or do you get a bill. This is the Silver plan.
Report: HHS to cut off enrollment for health law's high-risk pools - The Hill's Healthwatch

HHS will quit accepting new applicants as early as this weekend to ensure it has enough money left to cover the people who have already enrolled, the Post reported.

The high-risk pools came with $5 billion in funding. Slightly less than half of that money remains — only enough to cover the expenses of the roughly 100,000 people who are already enrolled for the rest of this year, according to the Post.


The GOP offered to fund this pool by 25 BILLION. They proposed the same in the debate, and offer it now. The Lady in post 37 could have enrolled in this program, but their isn't the funding. State Medicaid programs exist in every state.

But have lost funding due to Obamacare. Even though it gives the State's options to expand it.

Cutting 716 Billion to use on Obamacare furthers Medicare's and Medicaid's fiscal problems. And thus adding more to the State's Budget to try and keep them afloat.

The High Risk Pools are shutting down because the new law makes them irrelevant.

They can now get insurance from the same places you do.

They shut down early in the year, while the law required their policies to cover up to 2014.
Feel free to crunch numbers.

In the above example, given average rates for family insurance the cost is well above 9.5% of income. Therefore you can apply for coverage in the exchange by meeting the requirements. Since you now qualify by refusing the company plan, you move into the second results.

Let's look at the Olympics up there. Bronze, Silver, and Gold not stated in results.............

The Bronze plan is a 60/40 plan. Catastrophic insurance basically. Your out of pocket is above 12,700 a year. So it's quite possible, that if you or a family member need surgery, and let's say outpatient with a overall cost of 20,000 YOU COULD BE STUCK with over 50%of the cost.

The same for Silver on out of pocket. A 70/30 plan.................

So unless it's Catastrophic, you will pay for most of your Medical bills under Silver and Bronze.

Gold................Wow a gold medal for reaching the mark of 80/20. Pretty standard rank with lower deducts. This is what most businesses offer already as a standard.

So in order to meet Industry standard policies you must buy the Gold policy.

Finally, As soon as you get subsidies, the company you work for gets a bill from uncle sam for 3000 per employee.....................

If too many get the subsidy, then the best financial option for the employer is to simply stop offering coverage and pay 2000 per employee.

Which companies are doing on a MASSIVE SCALE............

Goes for surgery under the SILVER PLAN, and is told he owe's over 10,000 on the bill.

Hell of a FUCKING PLAN isn't it......................................

You are reading the plan incorrectly....

The ACA limits indiviual out of pocket to 6350...with a max of two of those if you have more than one nasty issue ina calendar year (meaning two family members had issues) hence that 12700 number.

I stand corrected then.............Thank you.

So please continue on the out of pocket side of this...............

Which has been delayed due to computer problems for the Federal Database.

When you look at the percentages of any given plan...say 70/30...what that means is that the deductible is all yours...so say you have a $2000...that means you owe that first portion...

At 2001 you start splitting it with the insurance company...they pay 70 cents of every dollaqr, you pay30 cents on every dollar until you hit the max that the plan stipulates.....never to exceed that max out of pocket...
Report: HHS to cut off enrollment for health law's high-risk pools - The Hill's Healthwatch

HHS will quit accepting new applicants as early as this weekend to ensure it has enough money left to cover the people who have already enrolled, the Post reported.

The high-risk pools came with $5 billion in funding. Slightly less than half of that money remains — only enough to cover the expenses of the roughly 100,000 people who are already enrolled for the rest of this year, according to the Post.


The GOP offered to fund this pool by 25 BILLION. They proposed the same in the debate, and offer it now. The Lady in post 37 could have enrolled in this program, but their isn't the funding. State Medicaid programs exist in every state.

But have lost funding due to Obamacare. Even though it gives the State's options to expand it.

Cutting 716 Billion to use on Obamacare furthers Medicare's and Medicaid's fiscal problems. And thus adding more to the State's Budget to try and keep them afloat.

The High Risk Pools are shutting down because the new law makes them irrelevant.

They can now get insurance from the same places you do.

They shut down early in the year, while the law required their policies to cover up to 2014.

Not here, they shut down Dec 31
State Medicaid programs exist in every state.

But have lost funding due to Obamacare. Even though it gives the State's options to expand it.

Cutting 716 Billion to use on Obamacare furthers Medicare's and Medicaid's fiscal problems. And thus adding more to the State's Budget to try and keep them afloat.

Medicaid programs haven't lost funding. States get a federal match to every Medicaid dollar the state chooses to spend. The ACA has 1) added federal dollars on top of that contribution to bring state-set primary care reimbursements under Medicaid up to Medicare levels for the next two years, and 2) offers a (permanently) larger match rate for the ACA expansion population. States are drawing down more federal dollars under the ACA, not fewer.

As for Medicare and Medicaid's fiscal health, newsflash: How Have CBO’s Projections of Spending for Medicare and Medicaid Changed Since the August 2012 Baseline?
In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.

In response to that slowdown, over the past several years CBO has made a series of downward adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. For example, from the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, technical revisions—mostly reflecting the slower growth in the programs’ spending in recent years—have lowered CBO’s estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

So please continue on the out of pocket side of this...............

Which has been delayed due to computer problems for the Federal Database.

Out-of-pocket limits are not delayed. Every plan has to adhere to them. If you have multiple plans administered by multiple entities, however, the combined out of pocket limits across the plans won't be under a single combined cap next year.
The High Risk Pools are shutting down because the new law makes them irrelevant.

They can now get insurance from the same places you do.

They shut down early in the year, while the law required their policies to cover up to 2014.

Not here, they shut down Dec 31

They stopped taking new applicants to survive the year as the article posted implies.

Specific question.

Why was this pool a bad deal...................When the GOP offered to increase it's funding to target the High maintenance and High Costs directly..................Wanting to expand this program and increase funding by 500%.....................
In the sample stated above the cost to patient is 31%.

Is that due at the door before surgery or do you get a bill. This is the Silver plan.

No, it usually takes 30-45 days to process and bill everything out, you'd get a bill....and most providers take payments.
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They shut down early in the year, while the law required their policies to cover up to 2014.

Not here, they shut down Dec 31

They stopped taking new applicants to survive the year as the article posted implies.

Specific question.

Why was this pool a bad deal...................When the GOP offered to increase it's funding to target the High maintenance and High Costs directly..................Wanting to expand this program and increase funding by 500%.....................

It was untenable because you only had sick people in them...sick people use their insurance...the costs could not be contained....so the rates skyrocketed out of control.

If you were a smoker it was just not affordable.
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

First, there was the delay of Obamacare’s Medicare cuts until after the election. Then there was the delay of the law’s employer mandate. Then there was the announcement, buried in the Federal Register, that the administration would delay enforcement of a number of key eligibility requirements for the law’s health insurance subsidies, relying on the “honor system” instead. Now comes word that another costly provision of the health law—its caps on out-of-pocket insurance costs—will be delayed for one more year.
If Out of Pocket is not delayed, then why is Forbes saying otherwise................

If the computer glitches are not a problem then why are Federal Exchanges not ready yet. Why are providers having issues communicating with the system..................And how will the exchanges ensure the ability to process when they can't properly communicate.
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

First, there was the delay of Obamacare’s Medicare cuts until after the election. Then there was the delay of the law’s employer mandate. Then there was the announcement, buried in the Federal Register, that the administration would delay enforcement of a number of key eligibility requirements for the law’s health insurance subsidies, relying on the “honor system” instead. Now comes word that another costly provision of the health law—its caps on out-of-pocket insurance costs—will be delayed for one more year.

Is this meant to be a response to what I just said? Because it reiterates it pretty clearly.

Out-of-pocket limits are not delayed. Every plan has to adhere to them. If you have multiple plans administered by multiple entities, however, the combined out of pocket limits across the plans won't be under a single combined cap next year.

Pertain primarily to group plans, anyway, not exchanges.
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

First, there was the delay of Obamacare’s Medicare cuts until after the election. Then there was the delay of the law’s employer mandate. Then there was the announcement, buried in the Federal Register, that the administration would delay enforcement of a number of key eligibility requirements for the law’s health insurance subsidies, relying on the “honor system” instead. Now comes word that another costly provision of the health law—its caps on out-of-pocket insurance costs—will be delayed for one more year.

Won't really matter, the plans have been filed and accepted by the DOI's, the caps will apply..

As an aside the ACA caps are more than most of the old individual plans...in a typial plan today the cap is usually whatever the ded is....so with a 2500 ded you'd owe 5000 grand in the ened...in this case the ACA wasa step in the wrong direction...now that didn't apply to High Ded plans...they almost always have/had higher out of pocket limits...but they were chosen by the consumer for a reason.
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 - Forbes

First, there was the delay of Obamacare’s Medicare cuts until after the election. Then there was the delay of the law’s employer mandate. Then there was the announcement, buried in the Federal Register, that the administration would delay enforcement of a number of key eligibility requirements for the law’s health insurance subsidies, relying on the “honor system” instead. Now comes word that another costly provision of the health law—its caps on out-of-pocket insurance costs—will be delayed for one more year.

Is this meant to be a response to what I just said? Because it reiterates it pretty clearly.

Out-of-pocket limits are not delayed. Every plan has to adhere to them. If you have multiple plans administered by multiple entities, however, the combined out of pocket limits across the plans won't be under a single combined cap next year.

Pertain primarily to group plans, anyway, not exchanges.

If you have multiple plans administered by multiple entities, however, the combined out of pocket limits across the plans won't be under a single combined cap next year.

The plans though would coordinate, one would be the primary payor...and the second would kick where the other left off...
Not here, they shut down Dec 31

They stopped taking new applicants to survive the year as the article posted implies.

Specific question.

Why was this pool a bad deal...................When the GOP offered to increase it's funding to target the High maintenance and High Costs directly..................Wanting to expand this program and increase funding by 500%.....................

It was untenable because you only had sick people in them...sick people use their insurance...the costs could not be contained....so the rates skyrocketed out of control.

If you were a smoker it was just not affordable.

Which is why the GOP offered to increase funding..............and take them out of the markets to ensure lower rates...................As it is now, they will go into the exchange and drive up the costs for everyone in the exchange, unless you qualify for the subsidies.

Those not getting the subsidies are GETTING HAMMERED with increased rates and you know it.

So why do posters continue to show the rates, by CHERRY PICKING only data in the lower FPL data ranges................Why do so many posters refuse to debate those not in those ranges or even the one's in the top levels of FPL...................
If Out of Pocket is not delayed, then why is Forbes saying otherwise................

Because you didn't read the fucking article.

aka Because you know exactly what I'm getting at. If you are not in the Exchange, and have a high deductible rate insurance plan, then the caps don't apply.

So why the delay to these groups OR BUSINESSES.......................

Why NOT UNIFORMITY IN THE LAW................
They stopped taking new applicants to survive the year as the article posted implies.

Specific question.

Why was this pool a bad deal...................When the GOP offered to increase it's funding to target the High maintenance and High Costs directly..................Wanting to expand this program and increase funding by 500%.....................

It was untenable because you only had sick people in them...sick people use their insurance...the costs could not be contained....so the rates skyrocketed out of control.

If you were a smoker it was just not affordable.

Which is why the GOP offered to increase funding..............and take them out of the markets to ensure lower rates...................As it is now, they will go into the exchange and drive up the costs for everyone in the exchange, unless you qualify for the subsidies.

Those not getting the subsidies are GETTING HAMMERED with increased rates and you know it.

So why do posters continue to show the rates, by CHERRY PICKING only data in the lower FPL data ranges................Why do so many posters refuse to debate those not in those ranges or even the one's in the top levels of FPL...................

Of course they'll get hammered, I am seeing it every day.

Both sides cheery pick to "prove" their side of the argument.

Nationwide on average Premiums are rising dramatically.....the pro side will point to Cali and New York to "prove" their points...what they haven't considered is that those States already had much the new requirements alreay in their existing plans.

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