100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering

Judith Curry‏@curryja
@VariabilityBlog @th3Derek I agree what Goddard did to the data was bogus, I say this in my post. This is not the concern raised in my post

Tony Heller is the author of the article, not Goddard.

Hey idiot, do a small bit of research...

What should I research, moron, the fact that you don't know who wrote the article?

Steven Goddard
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Steven Goddard (pseudonym for Tony Heller) is a blogger and the publisher of "Real Science," a website he established to assert that concerns over anthropogenic global warming are exaggerated. Before establishing his own blog, Goddard built his reputation as a challenger to anthropogenic climate change theories through frequent postings on the Watts Up with That? blog.[1]Goddard wrote pseudonymously until 2014 when he revealed his true real identity on his blog.[2] He has a BS in geology from Arizona State University and a Master's degree in electrical engineering from Rice University.[3]
Steven Goddard - Wikipedia

That would be checkmate, this is the bit where you get embarrassed...

This could not make you look any stupider... You used an article from a guy so bad that other skeptics openly criticise him. He has been disproven plenty of times before...
You didn't even know his name...


Judith Curry isn't much of a skeptic. She's lukewarm, at best. Of course, nothing you have posted proves the article wrong. Facts are facts, and you haven't disputed any facts. In typical cult member fashion, you limited yourself to ad hominem attacks.

Like all warmist cult members, you're a douche bag.
>>> still waiting for Kerry/Gore to explain the freezing weather we are having in 56 states this week!
Im laughing..........this sure gives Scott Pruitt a sledgehammer when he takes over the EPA in another 20 days. SLEDGEHAMMER s0ns!!

100% bull Shiite!!

So much winning.............now I know what Chris Matthews said about "a tingle up my leg!":coffee:
He called Mann's hockey stick graph a fraud, which it clearly is.

No, in addition to lying like that, he directly called Dr. Mann a fraud and criminal, even though he knew he was lying. That's the point, that the evidence indicates Steyn knew he was lying. That makes it libel.

Various investigations have shown that the "statistical method" used to construct it will produce a hockey stick even if white noise is used for input data. They Hockey stick has been dissected 100 different ways, and they all show it to be a fraud.

I understand that your pathologically dishonest blogger sources make such hilariously stupid claims. Sadly for you, all the actual science says those claims are nonsense. Thus, like any other cultist who sees the unpleasant facts refuting his insane claims, you'll rave that objective reality is a massive plot against you.

Do let us know when you find some actual peer-reviewed science to support you, eh? Oh, that's right, the science is all a socialist conspiracy. Never mind.

In the case, Mann wants the court to grant him the right of discovery with regard to Steyn's papers and effects, but wants the court to deny Steyn the right of discovery to Mann's papers and effects. If that doesn't scream "fraud," I don't know what does.

Except that's not what's happening. Steyn is pulling a fast one on you, and you fell for it. Mann's motion was only for Steyn's counterclaim, now dismissed, and has nothing to do with the main trial, where Dr. Mann is happy to allow discovery.

Now, let's get back to that point you keep running form. If Steyn was so gung-ho for discovery and taking the case to trial, why did he spend years filing motion after motion to try to get the case dismissed?

Nothing in that article supports that headline. Your source lied with that headline, and you're parroting the lie.

What those AG's said is that if corporations are proven to have knowingly lied about global warming, they can face prosecution. You know, same as happened with the tobacco industry, and nobody was invoking conspiracy theories about that. That is no way even resembles persecuting people for doing science. Your kook cult just made that all up.

So, when the Trump admin demanded a list of all scientists who had worked on climate science, did you support that attempted Stalinist purge tactic? We see Skook got a Stalinist tingle up his leg about it. I imagine it enraged you when those who received the threat told the Trump admin to pound sand. You'll have to find a different way to censor the science.

And Bri? I noticed you ran squealing from my post ripping apart you OP. That is, you put your cult wussdom on open display. If any of you denier cowards manage to locate your .nads you could try addressing the science in post #26, and discuss why you fell for Heller's dishonest crap. But none of you will, because you're all yellow to the bone.
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>>> still waiting for Kerry/Gore to explain the freezing weather we are having in 56 states this week!

It's called "winter"

Holy shit, you're stupid.

But then, most deniers are just profoundly stupid human beings. The majority of them, like Rexx here, think that "global warming" means it will never get cold again anywhere on planet earth. We're talking some serious 'effin morons.
>>> still waiting for Kerry/Gore to explain the freezing weather we are having in 56 states this week!

It's called "winter"

Holy shit, you're stupid.

But then, most deniers are just profoundly stupid human beings. The majority of them, like Rexx here, think that "global warming" means it will never get cold again anywhere on planet earth. We're talking some serious 'effin morons.

Except the "'effin morons" are a distinct majority in 2016 s0n and its not even debatable for a nano-second......the mental cases still don't get that. And its the only thing that matters........THE ONLY THING! after 20+ years, the mental cases STILL have not made their case to the world. If they had, we'd have heard about it in the run up to the election...........but nobody is giving a shit because there are 4 billion things that they are more concerned about. Every other issue was of concern.........BUT NOT GLOBAL WARMING!! :deal:That, of course, is called reasoned judgment ( the opposite of mental case btw ). You k00ks are no different than that OCD guy that cant leave his house because he still thinks his hands are dirty. Same thing s0n.:bye1: The majority are not mental cases because of what they see in their environment = people freezing their balls off just like 20 years ago and seeing that the hundreds of predictions by you goofballs make always fall flat on their face.:bye1: Yep.....they are concerned only with real shit.

All adds up to this............nobody is caring, which means this shit is nothing more than a hobby for people with nothing better to do ( like me ). I just like the idea of winning every single time I sign-in on here.

Mental cases never do get the whole premise............. and next year, I get to watch their sick asses explode when the concept of climate change becomes a laughing stock as it applies to public policy. What a fucking hoot..........:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


He called Mann's hockey stick graph a fraud, which it clearly is.

No, in addition to lying like that, he directly called Dr. Mann a fraud and criminal, even though he knew he was lying. That's the point, that the evidence indicates Steyn knew he was lying. That makes it libel.

Wrong. He said Mann's hockey stick is a fraud, and he is correct. Furthermore, Mann is a public figure, so it's pretty much impossible for him to win a libel case, especially where his work is concerned.

Various investigations have shown that the "statistical method" used to construct it will produce a hockey stick even if white noise is used for input data. They Hockey stick has been dissected 100 different ways, and they all show it to be a fraud.

I understand that your pathologically dishonest blogger sources make such hilariously stupid claims. Sadly for you, all the actual science says those claims are nonsense. Thus, like any other cultist who sees the unpleasant facts refuting his insane claims, you'll rave that objective reality is a massive plot against you.

Do let us know when you find some actual peer-reviewed science to support you, eh? Oh, that's right, the science is all a socialist conspiracy. Never mind.

Steve McIntyre just didn't make the claim. He demonstrated the fact mathematically. Then the National Academy of Sciences confirmed that McIntyre's analysis is correct. ONly the pathologically gullible believe the hockey stick graph is credible. Not even respectable climate scientists (if there is such a creature) claim the hockey stick graph is credible. The IPCC stopped featuring the graph in it's reports because so many people were ridiculing it.

In the case, Mann wants the court to grant him the right of discovery with regard to Steyn's papers and effects, but wants the court to deny Steyn the right of discovery to Mann's papers and effects. If that doesn't scream "fraud," I don't know what does.

Except that's not what's happening. Steyn is pulling a fast one on you, and you fell for it. Mann's motion was only for Steyn's counterclaim, now dismissed, and has nothing to do with the main trial, where Dr. Mann is happy to allow discovery.

Now, let's get back to that point you keep running form. If Steyn was so gung-ho for discovery and taking the case to trial, why did he spend years filing motion after motion to try to get the case dismissed?.

Horseshit. The judge in the case said that's exactly the stunt that Mann is trying to pull:

Mann vs Steyn: The State of Play

Judge Weisberg professed to find it all a wee bit ironic:

Plaintiff opposes the motion to stay discovery and argues that, at a minimum, the court should permit him to proceed with discovery against Defendant Steyn... Beyond that, Plaintiff takes the ironic – albeit legally correct – position that he should be able to proceed with discovery against Steyn, but Steyn should be precluded from taking discovery on his counterclaim because Plaintiff's anti-SLAPP special motion to dismiss the counterclaim triggers an automatic statutory stay.

BTW, getting a case dismissed is standard operating procedure for lawyers. Asking for a dismissal indicates he wants the case over. I don't know how anyone can construe it mean you want the case to continue.

There's a law on the books called the "anti SLAPP" law. A SLAPP is a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. That is the basis for Steyn's appeal to have the case dismissed.

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’
Nothing in that article supports that headline. Your source lied with that headline, and you're parroting the lie.

What those AG's said is that if corporations are proven to have knowingly lied about global warming, they can face prosecution. You know, same as happened with the tobacco industry, and nobody was invoking conspiracy theories about that. That is no way even resembles persecuting people for doing science. Your kook cult just made that all up.

I other words, some sleazy scumbag Democrat AGs are trying to prosecute corporations and think tanks simply for questioning the AGW cult. They are Stalinist douche bags, just like you. The tobacco suit was a perfect example of the same thing. When did corporations give up their First Amendment rights? Can you find that clause in the Constitution for me? And, yes, there were plenty of people who were attacking the tobacco lawsuit.

So, when the Trump admin demanded a list of all scientists who had worked on climate science, did you support that attempted Stalinist purge tactic? We see Skook got a Stalinist tingle up his leg about it. I imagine it enraged you when those who received the threat told the Trump admin to pound sand. You'll have to find a different way to censor the science.

They are government employees. Trump is entitled to know what they are working on. Don't like it? Then get a job in the private sector.

And Bri? I noticed you ran squealing from my post ripping apart you OP. That is, you put your cult wussdom on open display. If any of you denier cowards manage to locate your .nads you could try addressing the science in post #26, and discuss why you fell for Heller's dishonest crap. But none of you will, because you're all yellow to the bone.

If you're delusion of victory makes you feel better, far be it for me to dissuade you.
Wrong. He said Mann's hockey stick is a fraud, and he is correct.

That's not what the science says. And it's not what the judge thought. The judge said there was very good evidence that a jury would find that Steyn knew he was lying, so the case should go trial.

Furthermore, Mann is a public figure, so it's pretty much impossible for him to win a libel case, especially where his work is concerned.

Again, the courts disagree with you

Steve McIntyre just didn't make the claim. He demonstrated the fact mathematically.

No, he found a small error, which Mann thanked him for. That error did not have any significant effect on the outcome. Not did it effect the dozens of other hockey sticks, created by completely independent methods.

ONly the pathologically gullible believe the hockey stick graph is credible. Not even respectable climate scientists (if there is such a creature) claim the hockey stick graph is credible. The IPCC stopped featuring the graph in it's reports because so many people were ridiculing it.

The only people being ridiculed are brainless cult rubes like you. No independent thoughts ever pass through your little cultist heads. If the cult tells you to say something crazy, you say it, like you just did.

Horseshit. The judge in the case said that's exactly the stunt that Mann is trying to pull:

You're parroting Steyn's bizarro-world claims, instead of the evidence. Steyn tells you what to believe, and you lap it up.

Steyn, for inexplicable reasons, decided to split his own case off from the other defendants, NRO and CEI.

Those other groups are still using their delaying tactics and appeals, which are working their way through the courts independently. It seems they're also scared to have the case go to trial.

Mann's team said it makes no sense to do the same discovery twice. They want to wait until the appeals of the other groups are finished, and then do all the discovery at once.

Hence, anyone who says "Mann doesn't want discovery!" is lying.

Hence, it's what Steyn is saying.

BTW, getting a case dismissed is standard operating procedure for lawyers. Asking for a dismissal indicates he wants the case over. I don't know how anyone can construe it mean you want the case to continue.

And as Steyn asked for dismissal, it means Steyn wants the case to be over. Duh. Seems he doesn't want the truth to come out.

There's a law on the books called the "anti SLAPP" law. A SLAPP is a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. That is the basis for Steyn's appeal to have the case dismissed.

And that appeal was just denied, with the judge ruling Steyn's claims had no validity.

I other words, some sleazy scumbag Democrat AGs are trying to prosecute corporations and think tanks simply for questioning the AGW cult.

In other words, you're crying now, after you got busted for parroting stupid cult lies.

Exxon did not "question the science". Exxon's own documents said that they knew AGW theory was correct, but that they were choosing to mount a disinformation campaign for the sake of their profits.

Let me repeat that, because a gutless cultist like you is going to try to run from it. Exxon's own documents state that they knew AGW theory was correct, and that they were deliberately choosing to lie about it for money.

That's conspiracy. It's illegal. And you're kissing the butts of the people doing it. Just making it clear where we stand. You kiss the butts of frauds, criminal and Stalinists, and we don't. You're a lousy American, and we're the patriots.

They are government employees. Trump is entitled to know what they are working on. Don't like it? Then get a job in the private sector.

So first, you squeal about censorship that doesn't exist.

Then you immediately switch to tongue bathing the people attempting actual censorship.

Don't you get dizzy, spinning about so fast?
Wrong. He said Mann's hockey stick is a fraud, and he is correct.

That's not what the science says. And it's not what the judge thought. The judge said there was very good evidence that a jury would find that Steyn knew he was lying, so the case should go trial.

Furthermore, Mann is a public figure, so it's pretty much impossible for him to win a libel case, especially where his work is concerned.

Again, the courts disagree with you

Steve McIntyre just didn't make the claim. He demonstrated the fact mathematically.

No, he found a small error, which Mann thanked him for. That error did not have any significant effect on the outcome. Not did it effect the dozens of other hockey sticks, created by completely independent methods.

ONly the pathologically gullible believe the hockey stick graph is credible. Not even respectable climate scientists (if there is such a creature) claim the hockey stick graph is credible. The IPCC stopped featuring the graph in it's reports because so many people were ridiculing it.

The only people being ridiculed are brainless cult rubes like you. No independent thoughts ever pass through your little cultist heads. If the cult tells you to say something crazy, you say it, like you just did.

Horseshit. The judge in the case said that's exactly the stunt that Mann is trying to pull:

You're parroting Steyn's bizarro-world claims, instead of the evidence. Steyn tells you what to believe, and you lap it up.

Steyn, for inexplicable reasons, decided to split his own case off from the other defendants, NRO and CEI.

Those other groups are still using their delaying tactics and appeals, which are working their way through the courts independently. It seems they're also scared to have the case go to trial.

Mann's team said it makes no sense to do the same discovery twice. They want to wait until the appeals of the other groups are finished, and then do all the discovery at once.

Hence, anyone who says "Mann doesn't want discovery!" is lying.

Hence, it's what Steyn is saying.

BTW, getting a case dismissed is standard operating procedure for lawyers. Asking for a dismissal indicates he wants the case over. I don't know how anyone can construe it mean you want the case to continue.

And as Steyn asked for dismissal, it means Steyn wants the case to be over. Duh. Seems he doesn't want the truth to come out.

There's a law on the books called the "anti SLAPP" law. A SLAPP is a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. That is the basis for Steyn's appeal to have the case dismissed.

And that appeal was just denied, with the judge ruling Steyn's claims had no validity.

I other words, some sleazy scumbag Democrat AGs are trying to prosecute corporations and think tanks simply for questioning the AGW cult.

In other words, you're crying now, after you got busted for parroting stupid cult lies.

Exxon did not "question the science". Exxon's own documents said that they knew AGW theory was correct, but that they were choosing to mount a disinformation campaign for the sake of their profits.

Let me repeat that, because a gutless cultist like you is going to try to run from it. Exxon's own documents state that they knew AGW theory was correct, and that they were deliberately choosing to lie about it for money.

That's conspiracy. It's illegal. And you're kissing the butts of the people doing it. Just making it clear where we stand. You kiss the butts of frauds, criminal and Stalinists, and we don't. You're a lousy American, and we're the patriots.

They are government employees. Trump is entitled to know what they are working on. Don't like it? Then get a job in the private sector.

So first, you squeal about censorship that doesn't exist.

Then you immediately switch to tongue bathing the people attempting actual censorship.

Don't you get dizzy, spinning about so fast?

What a waste of time typing s0n.

Only thing that matters is who is winning the PR battle as it relates to public policy........or AGW is nothing more than a hobby and a career for scientist wannabee's!!

In the last 10 years, in the USA, AGW theory has had ZERO effect on public policy. Accordingly, it isn't mattering for DICK. No legislation and renewables still growing at a snails pace relative to where the US gets its electricity from. Not debatable on any level.:2up:

Wrong. He said Mann's hockey stick is a fraud, and he is correct.

That's not what the science says. And it's not what the judge thought. The judge said there was very good evidence that a jury would find that Steyn knew he was lying, so the case should go trial.

Wrong, douche bag. Mathematics says Mann's hockey stick graph is a fraud. Anyone with a brain can understand what's wrong with it after reading McIntrye's analysis. However, gullible douche bags like you will continue to insist that it's valid. What else can you do? To admit the truth means to admit that AGW is a con.

Furthermore, Mann is a public figure, so it's pretty much impossible for him to win a libel case, especially where his work is concerned.

Again, the courts disagree with you

The last I read his anti-SLAPP suit judgment was being appealed.

Steve McIntyre just didn't make the claim. He demonstrated the fact mathematically.

No, he found a small error, which Mann thanked him for. That error did not have any significant effect on the outcome. Not did it effect the dozens of other hockey sticks, created by completely independent methods.

ROFL! No, he found a rather large error that shows that even random noise fed into his computer programs will produce a hockey stick. Also, many of his proxies were shown to be invalid, like the bristlecone pine data, which varies with rainfall, not temperature.

The bottom line is that you're a douche bag bald faced liar. There's no point in arguing with a liar.

ONly the pathologically gullible believe the hockey stick graph is credible. Not even respectable climate scientists (if there is such a creature) claim the hockey stick graph is credible. The IPCC stopped featuring the graph in it's reports because so many people were ridiculing it.

The only people being ridiculed are brainless cult rubes like you. No independent thoughts ever pass through your little cultist heads. If the cult tells you to say something crazy, you say it, like you just did.

ROFL! How ironic.

Horseshit. The judge in the case said that's exactly the stunt that Mann is trying to pull:

You're parroting Steyn's bizarro-world claims, instead of the evidence. Steyn tells you what to believe, and you lap it up.

Steyn, for inexplicable reasons, decided to split his own case off from the other defendants, NRO and CEI.

Those other groups are still using their delaying tactics and appeals, which are working their way through the courts independently. It seems they're also scared to have the case go to trial.

Mann's team said it makes no sense to do the same discovery twice. They want to wait until the appeals of the other groups are finished, and then do all the discovery at once.

Hence, anyone who says "Mann doesn't want discovery!" is lying.

Hence, it's what Steyn is saying.

I quoted the judge, moron. Mann did not want to allow Steyn to do any discovery. Once again, you're lying about what occurred. You lied even though I quoted the judge. How much of a douche bag can a person be? It seems there is no bar so low that a AGW cultist won't slither under it.

BTW, getting a case dismissed is standard operating procedure for lawyers. Asking for a dismissal indicates he wants the case over. I don't know how anyone can construe it mean you want the case to continue.

And as Steyn asked for dismissal, it means Steyn wants the case to be over. Duh. Seems he doesn't want the truth to come out.

First you said he wanted to drag the case on. Now you admit he didn't want to drag the case on. Mann is the one who wants the case to drag on because that means more time and money that Steyn has to expend on it, and imposing a heavy cost on Steyn was Mann's intention all along.

There's a law on the books called the "anti SLAPP" law. A SLAPP is a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. That is the basis for Steyn's appeal to have the case dismissed.

And that appeal was just denied, with the judge ruling Steyn's claims had no validity.

Please provide a link so I can judge for myself what the judge ruled. BTW, we are talking about the DC court of appeals, which means a leftwing kangaroo court.

Wrong. He said Mann's hockey stick is a fraud, and he is correct.

That's not what the science says. And it's not what the judge thought. The judge said there was very good evidence that a jury would find that Steyn knew he was lying, so the case should go trial.

Wrong, douche bag. Mathematics says Mann's hockey stick graph is a fraud. Anyone with a brain can understand what's wrong with it after reading McIntrye's analysis. However, gullible douche bags like you will continue to insist that it's valid. What else can you do? To admit the truth means to admit that AGW is a con.

Furthermore, Mann is a public figure, so it's pretty much impossible for him to win a libel case, especially where his work is concerned.

Again, the courts disagree with you

The last I read his anti-SLAPP suit judgment was being appealed.

Steve McIntyre just didn't make the claim. He demonstrated the fact mathematically.

No, he found a small error, which Mann thanked him for. That error did not have any significant effect on the outcome. Not did it effect the dozens of other hockey sticks, created by completely independent methods.

ROFL! No, he found a rather large error that shows that even random noise fed into his computer programs will produce a hockey stick. Also, many of his proxies were shown to be invalid, like the bristlecone pine data, which varies with rainfall, not temperature.

The bottom line is that you're a douche bag bald faced liar. There's no point in arguing with a liar.

ONly the pathologically gullible believe the hockey stick graph is credible. Not even respectable climate scientists (if there is such a creature) claim the hockey stick graph is credible. The IPCC stopped featuring the graph in it's reports because so many people were ridiculing it.

The only people being ridiculed are brainless cult rubes like you. No independent thoughts ever pass through your little cultist heads. If the cult tells you to say something crazy, you say it, like you just did.

ROFL! How ironic.

Horseshit. The judge in the case said that's exactly the stunt that Mann is trying to pull:

You're parroting Steyn's bizarro-world claims, instead of the evidence. Steyn tells you what to believe, and you lap it up.

Steyn, for inexplicable reasons, decided to split his own case off from the other defendants, NRO and CEI.

Those other groups are still using their delaying tactics and appeals, which are working their way through the courts independently. It seems they're also scared to have the case go to trial.

Mann's team said it makes no sense to do the same discovery twice. They want to wait until the appeals of the other groups are finished, and then do all the discovery at once.

Hence, anyone who says "Mann doesn't want discovery!" is lying.

Hence, it's what Steyn is saying.

I quoted the judge, moron. Mann did not want to allow Steyn to do any discovery. Once again, you're lying about what occurred. You lied even though I quoted the judge. How much of a douche bag can a person be? It seems there is no bar so low that a AGW cultist won't slither under it.

BTW, getting a case dismissed is standard operating procedure for lawyers. Asking for a dismissal indicates he wants the case over. I don't know how anyone can construe it mean you want the case to continue.

And as Steyn asked for dismissal, it means Steyn wants the case to be over. Duh. Seems he doesn't want the truth to come out.

First you said he wanted to drag the case on. Now you admit he didn't want to drag the case on. Mann is the one who wants the case to drag on because that means more time and money that Steyn has to expend on it, and imposing a heavy cost on Steyn was Mann's intention all along.

I other words, some sleazy scumbag Democrat AGs are trying to prosecute corporations and think tanks simply for questioning the AGW cult.

In other words, you're crying now, after you got busted for parroting stupid cult lies.

Exxon did not "question the science". Exxon's own documents said that they knew AGW theory was correct, but that they were choosing to mount a disinformation campaign for the sake of their profits.

Let me repeat that, because a gutless cultist like you is going to try to run from it. Exxon's own documents state that they knew AGW theory was correct, and that they were deliberately choosing to lie about it for money.

That's conspiracy. It's illegal. And you're kissing the butts of the people doing it. Just making it clear where we stand. You kiss the butts of frauds, criminal and Stalinists, and we don't. You're a lousy American, and we're the patriots.

What a load of horseshit. There are no documents that demonstrate "Exxon knew AGW theory is correct." There can't be because no one knows that. Any legal proceeding based on that premise is automatically a fraud. AGW is an unproven theory. No one knows for certain whether it's correct.

They are government employees. Trump is entitled to know what they are working on. Don't like it? Then get a job in the private sector.

So first, you squeal about censorship that doesn't exist.

Then you immediately switch to tongue bathing the people attempting actual censorship.

Don't you get dizzy, spinning about so fast?

ROFL! Of course AGW attempts to censor skeptics exists. I just demonstrated the fact. And if you work for the federal government, your boss is entitled to know what you are working on. That isn't "censorship." That's standard management practice. The same thing goes in the private sector. The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to perform tasks that your employer doesn't want you performing. The First Amendment does give you the right to do whatever you want at work regardless of your employers wishes.

Like all douche bags, you don't understand the slightest thing about the First Amendment. You believe it's a license for nutbags like you to use government money to support your pet causes. Sorry, chump, but no one with a brain believes that.
At the turn of the millennium global warming was estimated at 0.7C. there had already been large adjustments made by then.

Since then it has jumped up to about 1.3C, almost entirely from adjustments.

When arbitrary adjustments make up a large percentage of the total I think it is correct to be skeptical of the results, especially when they are considered reliable to thousandths of a degree.
When arbitrary adjustments make up a large percentage

But they don't. Nothing about the adjustments is arbitary.

And, as I've pointed out before, the adjustments make the warming look _smaller_. Hence, your conspiracy theory is especially stupid.
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Wrong, douche bag. Mathematics says Mann's hockey stick graph is a fraud. Anyone with a brain can understand what's wrong with it after reading McIntrye's analysis. However, gullible douche bags like you will continue to insist that it's valid. What else can you do? To admit the truth means to admit that AGW is a con.

'Fess up, cultist. You have no clue of what McIntyre's analysis said. You're just repeating what your cult tells you to say.

A normal human being, when he sees that the whole planet says he's wrong, he considers the strong probability that he is wrong. Alas, most deniers have a raging narcissism problem. They simply refuse to believe that they or their holy cult could have made a mistake.

But then, maybe you're right. Maybe your tiny fringe political cult is the only group on the planet to understand TheRealTruth. I'm sure it makes you feel all special to believe that. That's how the cult sucks you in, playing on your emotions like that.

ROFL! No, he found a rather large error that shows that even random noise fed into his computer programs will produce a hockey stick.

That's a complete fiction on your part. Here's some science detailing the many ways your DearLeaderMcIntyre screwed up and lied. You'll now refuse to look at it, scream it's a socialist plot, and then cry at me even harder.

Debunking the Hockey Stick

moyhu: Effect of selection in the Wegman Report

First, McIntyre didn't feed in random noise. He fed in data with a hockey stick signal.

Second, he did 10,000 runs, then discarded the 9,900 that didn't show a major hockey stick, and then claimed they all showed a major hockey stick.

That's why no reputable scientists will speak with McIntyre, because he's kind of an open fraud.

Also, many of his proxies were shown to be invalid, like the bristlecone pine data, which varies with rainfall, not temperature.

And here's some more science debunking that conspiracy fable. You know, more stuff for you to ignore, more reasons for you to rant about socialist plots.

Hey Ya! (mal)

The bottom line is that you're a douche bag bald faced liar. There's no point in arguing with a liar.

Awwww, did the truth trigger you again, Snowflake? I am not sorry for bursting your PC bubble. You pajama-boys need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the real world.

I quoted the judge, moron.

And that doesn't refute my point at all, that Steyn is lying about Mann not wanting discovery. Mann very badly wants it. He just doesn't want to do the same thing twice for no reason.

First you said he wanted to drag the case on. Now you admit he didn't want to drag the case on. Mann is the one who wants the case to drag on because that means more time and money that Steyn has to expend on it, and imposing a heavy cost on Steyn was Mann's intention all along.

Your chain of thought there can not be deciphered by our mere earth-logic. According to you, Steyn filed motion after motion to delay because he wanted a fast trial, and Mann is not doing that because he wants to delay. Riiiiight.

Please provide a link so I can judge for myself what the judge ruled.

As a preliminary matter, we hold that we have jurisdiction under the collateral order doctrine to hear appellants’ interlocutory appeals of the trial court’s denial of their special motions to dismiss filed under the Anti-SLAPP Act. We further hold that the Anti-SLAPP Act’s “likely to succeed” standard for overcoming a properly filed special motion to dismiss requires that the plaintiff present evidence — not simply allegations — and that the evidence must be legally sufficient to permit a jury properly instructed on the applicable constitutional standards to reasonably find in the plaintiff’s favor. Having conducted an independent review of the evidence to ensure that it surmounts the constitutionally required threshold, we conclude that Dr. Mann has presented evidence sufficient to defeat the special motions to dismiss as to some of his claims. Accordingly, we affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand the case to the trial court for further proceedings.

BTW, we are talking about the DC court of appeals, which means a leftwing kangaroo court.

Good idea, getting your excuses for losing out there early.

Let's see what else the judge said.

On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.


Funny thing about courts, they take a dim view of conspiracy bullshit. And as that's all you have, your boys are in trouble.
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Wrong, douche bag. Mathematics says Mann's hockey stick graph is a fraud. Anyone with a brain can understand what's wrong with it after reading McIntrye's analysis. However, gullible douche bags like you will continue to insist that it's valid. What else can you do? To admit the truth means to admit that AGW is a con.

'Fess up, cultist. You have no clue of what McIntyre's analysis said. You're just repeating what your cult tells you to say.

A normal human being, when he sees that the whole planet says he's wrong, he considers the strong probability that he is wrong. Alas, most deniers have a raging narcissism problem. They simply refuse to believe that they or their holy cult could have made a mistake.

But then, maybe you're right. Maybe your tiny fringe political cult is the only group on the planet to understand TheRealTruth. I'm sure it makes you feel all special to believe that. That's how the cult sucks you in, playing on your emotions like that.

ROFL! No, he found a rather large error that shows that even random noise fed into his computer programs will produce a hockey stick.

That's a complete fiction on your part. Here's some science detailing the many ways your DearLeaderMcIntyre screwed up and lied. You'll now refuse to look at it, scream it's a socialist plot, and then cry at me even harder.

Debunking the Hockey Stick

moyhu: Effect of selection in the Wegman Report

First, McIntyre didn't feed in random noise. He fed in data with a hockey stick signal.

Second, he did 10,000 runs, then discarded the 9,900 that didn't show a major hockey stick, and then claimed they all showed a major hockey stick.

That's why no reputable scientists will speak with McIntyre, because he's kind of an open fraud.

Also, many of his proxies were shown to be invalid, like the bristlecone pine data, which varies with rainfall, not temperature.

And here's some more science debunking that conspiracy fable. You know, more stuff for you to ignore, more reasons for you to rant about socialist plots.

Hey Ya! (mal)

The bottom line is that you're a douche bag bald faced liar. There's no point in arguing with a liar.

Awwww, did the truth trigger you again, Snowflake? I am not sorry for bursting your PC bubble. You pajama-boys need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the real world.

I quoted the judge, moron.

And that doesn't refute my point at all, that Steyn is lying about Mann not wanting discovery. Mann very badly wants it. He just doesn't want to do the same thing twice for no reason.

First you said he wanted to drag the case on. Now you admit he didn't want to drag the case on. Mann is the one who wants the case to drag on because that means more time and money that Steyn has to expend on it, and imposing a heavy cost on Steyn was Mann's intention all along.

Your chain of thought there can not be deciphered by our mere earth-logic. According to you, Steyn filed motion after motion to delay because he wanted a fast trial, and Mann is not doing that because he wants to delay. Riiiiight.

Please provide a link so I can judge for myself what the judge ruled.

As a preliminary matter, we hold that we have jurisdiction under the collateral order doctrine to hear appellants’ interlocutory appeals of the trial court’s denial of their special motions to dismiss filed under the Anti-SLAPP Act. We further hold that the Anti-SLAPP Act’s “likely to succeed” standard for overcoming a properly filed special motion to dismiss requires that the plaintiff present evidence — not simply allegations — and that the evidence must be legally sufficient to permit a jury properly instructed on the applicable constitutional standards to reasonably find in the plaintiff’s favor. Having conducted an independent review of the evidence to ensure that it surmounts the constitutionally required threshold, we conclude that Dr. Mann has presented evidence sufficient to defeat the special motions to dismiss as to some of his claims. Accordingly, we affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand the case to the trial court for further proceedings.

BTW, we are talking about the DC court of appeals, which means a leftwing kangaroo court.

Good idea, getting your excuses for losing out there early.

Let's see what else the judge said.

On the current record, where the notion that the emails support that Dr.Mann has engaged in misconduct has been so definitively discredited, a reasonable jury could, if it so chooses, doubt the veracity of appellants’ claimed honest belief in that very notion. A jury could find, by clear and convincing evidence, that appellants “in fact entertained serious doubts” or had a “high degree of awareness” that the accusations that Dr. Mann engaged in scientific misconduct, fraud, and deception, were false, and, as a result, acted “with reckless disregard” for the statements’ truth when they were published.


Funny thing about courts, they take a dim view of conspiracy bullshit. And as that's all you have, your boys are in trouble.

Yep.....skeptics are the "cult". But only in the minds of the members of the religion!!:bye1:

Concern About Global Warming

"Cult".............. Cult - Wikipedia ........referenced with "fringe".

= extreme minority

Meanwhile.........an extreme majority couldn't give a crap about global warming!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

:deal:Concern About Global Warming :deal:

:deal:Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming:deal:

:deal:Poll: America’s Fear Of Global Warming Drops To 1980s Levels:deal:

The mental cases say skeptics "are in trouble":coffee::funnyface::funnyface:
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Skook, want to tell us more about how the total collapse of the coal industry means victory for your kook coal cult? Everyone loved that one.
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Tony Heller is the author of the article, not Goddard.

Hey idiot, do a small bit of research...

What should I research, moron, the fact that you don't know who wrote the article?

Steven Goddard
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Steven Goddard (pseudonym for Tony Heller) is a blogger and the publisher of "Real Science," a website he established to assert that concerns over anthropogenic global warming are exaggerated. Before establishing his own blog, Goddard built his reputation as a challenger to anthropogenic climate change theories through frequent postings on the Watts Up with That? blog.[1]Goddard wrote pseudonymously until 2014 when he revealed his true real identity on his blog.[2] He has a BS in geology from Arizona State University and a Master's degree in electrical engineering from Rice University.[3]
Steven Goddard - Wikipedia

That would be checkmate, this is the bit where you get embarrassed...

This could not make you look any stupider... You used an article from a guy so bad that other skeptics openly criticise him. He has been disproven plenty of times before...
You didn't even know his name...


Judith Curry isn't much of a skeptic. She's lukewarm, at best. Of course, nothing you have posted proves the article wrong. Facts are facts, and you haven't disputed any facts. In typical cult member fashion, you limited yourself to ad hominem attacks.

Like all warmist cult members, you're a douche bag.
>>> still waiting for Kerry/Gore to explain the freezing weather we are having in 56 states this week!
didn't the 57th state have snow though?
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Skook, want to tell us more about how the total collapse of the coal industry means victory for your kook coal cult? Everyone loved that one.

That's right...............coal production has halted in the US!!!:2up:

US coal fleet provided 92% of electricity surge needed during winter - Coal | Platts News Article & Story


#1 North Antelope Rochelle
2015 Production: 99,195,129 metric tonnes
Owner: Peabody Energy
Production Type: Steam coal

#2 Black Thunder
2015 Production: 90,220,147 metric tonnes
Owner: Arch Coal
Production Type: Steam coal

#3 Antelope
2015 Production: 31,915,719 metric tonnes
Owner: Cloud Peak Energy
Production Type: Steam coal

#4 Cordero Rojo
2015 Production: 20,749,107 metric tonnes
Owner: Cloud Peak Energy
Production Type: Steam coal

#5 Eagle Butte
2015 Production: 17,825,928 metric tonnes
Owner: Alpha Natural Resources
Production Type: Steam coal

#6 Belle Ayr
2015 Production: 16,618,380 metric tonnes
Owner: Alpha Natural Resources
Production Type: Steam coal

#7 Spring Creek
2015 Production: 15,410,728 metric tonnes
Owner: Cloud Peak Energy
Production Type: Steam coal

#8 Rawhide
2015 Production: 13,760,174 metric tonnes
Owner: Peabody Energy
Production Type: Steam coal

#9 Freedom
2015 Production: 12,967,924 metric tonnes
Owner: NACCO Industries
Production Type: Steam coal

#10 Buckskin
2015 Production: 12,398,339 metric tonnes
Owner: Kiewit Mining Group
Production Type: Steam coal

Heres the one that really pwns the climate k00ks................silly

China Doubles Down on Coal Despite Climate Pledge
Coal would still make up more than half of the country’s energy mix by 2020, according to latest plan


In a new five-year plan for electricity released Monday, the National Energy Administration said it would raise coal-fired power capacity from around 900 gigawatts last year to as high as 1,100 gigawatts by 2020. The roughly 200-gigawatt increase alone is more than the total power capacity of Canada.


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