10yo girl kidnapped and murdered

We know that satanism leads those who follow it to kidnap children ( over 1 million missing children per year according to one ex satanist are taken by satanists ) sexually molest children and murder children. So why are we treating Satanism as if it were a harmless religion? In the case of Sandy Hook - satanism was involved - in the case of Batman theatre shooting -satanism was involved - in the murder of Altanta children years ago - it was satanism - but the prosecutors buried the evidence on that one too - McMartin was satanism, Franklin cover up - satanism at the highest levels of our own govt. - Why are the authorities ignoring the 800 lb gorilla in the room? Start investigating these satanists and let's get it out of our nation and return to our senses here, folks. Enough is enough.
News Satanism in Atlanta today -
Atlanta is currently the home of Fay Yager, founder of the Sanctuary
Movement in the United States. Mrs. Yager has taken upon herself the painful
task of organizing resources for parents who are seeking to protect their
children from child abuse by their spouses or former spouses. She was drawn
into this activity as she herself, and then her friends, found that the courts
not only turned against them, and refused protection to their children, but
actively supported the abusers.
At first, she believed that the problem was primarily pedophiliac child
abuse; only gradually did she begin to realize that three-quarters of the
children who came to her attention for help, were in fact the victims of abuse
by practicing Satanists.
Click link to read full story...

Note* 3/4 of the sexually abused children who came to her attention for help were victims of SRA. Satanic ritual abuse. No such thing as satanism? Think again!!

totse.com | Atlanta child murders, Satanism, etc.

Look at the list of crimes linked to satanism and tell me child kidnappings, murder, rape and torture are not the result! Richard Ramiriz was a satanist - son of sam was a member of a satanic cult - many of these guys are in prison but where is the list of names from these satanic covens? Hidden by the prosecution / judges /others who are involved themselves. Very messy business. Am I surprised they are targeting bloggers such as this one? Not at all. The only weapon that will work against satanism is exposing it full force with the truth.
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Why does this only seem to happen in the states?!

Not just the US. There are crazy sickos everywhere.

Jeremiah, you know I don't believe in a "devil" but people who prey on children are evil personified.

So hard to think about this little girl.
As to the gun control aspect, apparently neighbors witnessed the abduction and had time to shout warnings to the girl not to approach the vehicle, and one neighbor even got in his car and gave chase. So I can't help but wonder with so many guns in town why no one thought to take a shot. What's all the hoopla about seld-defense if when crunch-time arrives no one thinks to open up? Self-defense of a third party is an affirmitive defense, especially around here where you can also defend your car and property with lethal force.

Are you serious? Other than defense of ones self and loved one's, dude, everyone is pretty much on their own in this day and age when you can get Zimermanned despite considerable evidence of self defense.

Nah, had those kidnappers been black and one shot them to free the little girl, the media would have talked about how these poor down trodden black Americans were brutally killed in the streets in broad daylight over an alleged kidnapping.

Fuck that. I am sorry, dude, but you need to be ready to defend your own today. Some nameless neighbor's have to look out for themselves.

Don't blame us, blame the libtard gun grabbing fascists for that unpleasant fact.
Just because you can't hit the ground without help from gravity...Silhouetted head speeding away is a great target. Rather a kid be in a low-speed collision then spend the rest of my life wondering if I coulda prevented a child's murder.

No, dude, that is a law suit, nothing more.
It would be equally true if some anti gun lobby fanatic had posted crowing about how if guns were banned then she would not have been killed. That's probably true as well but I'd have still said exactly the same thing.

No, a ban on guns would have made it MORE likely as such things always make criminals bolder, not less so.

I'm not going to start that debate here. Whilst your ascertation is probably true in the case of violent criminals, gangs and robbers etc. I would wager that in this case the sick individual who takes a little girl and then kills her is an entirely different sort of criminal and I'll be very suprised if the weapon used was not legally owned and bought. Especially given the gun calibre. Either way, it's for another time and place.

Great; all the MORE REASON to kill them all on first conviction.
What is wrong with the world. What does a 45 yr old guy see in a child to begin with. Makes me so pissed off. I hope he gets his ass kicked in jail..
What is wrong with the world. What does a 45 yr old guy see in a child to begin with. Makes me so pissed off. I hope he gets his ass kicked in jail..

I hope this piece of shit gets its throat slit in prison. :evil:

That's the more likely end to this story. Even criminals have standards. Bottom of the shit pile for this guy. They'll ass rape him first.
Hailey Owens Coverage - OzarksFirst.com

Was watching tv last night when her Amber Alert went up on-air. Wasn't far from here so I instantly began dreading it was one of the kids here at the apartments. Circular building and my unit's on the interior so it has a very enclosed community feel to it. Wasn't from here of course but still here in town.

Tongiht's media coverage say they have the suspect in custody, and have recovered the girl's body. Single gunshot to the head with a .22, found in the suspect's home. No further details at this time.

I'm kinda...I dunno. Stunned. Mild shock or something. Used to hearing about such things but they're always far away. That an equal horror could occur here doesn't seem possible.

She wasn't a minority so sadly, it will be forgotten and probably never get national coverage

saw it out here.....they even had a reporter out there.....
Hailey Owens Coverage - OzarksFirst.com

Was watching tv last night when her Amber Alert went up on-air. Wasn't far from here so I instantly began dreading it was one of the kids here at the apartments. Circular building and my unit's on the interior so it has a very enclosed community feel to it. Wasn't from here of course but still here in town.

Tongiht's media coverage say they have the suspect in custody, and have recovered the girl's body. Single gunshot to the head with a .22, found in the suspect's home. No further details at this time.

I'm kinda...I dunno. Stunned. Mild shock or something. Used to hearing about such things but they're always far away. That an equal horror could occur here doesn't seem possible.

She wasn't a minority so sadly, it will be forgotten and probably never get national coverage

saw it out here.....they even had a reporter out there.....

Not quite Trayvon Martin . Hope this guy Fries
Hailey Owens Coverage - OzarksFirst.com

Was watching tv last night when her Amber Alert went up on-air. Wasn't far from here so I instantly began dreading it was one of the kids here at the apartments. Circular building and my unit's on the interior so it has a very enclosed community feel to it. Wasn't from here of course but still here in town.

Tongiht's media coverage say they have the suspect in custody, and have recovered the girl's body. Single gunshot to the head with a .22, found in the suspect's home. No further details at this time.

I'm kinda...I dunno. Stunned. Mild shock or something. Used to hearing about such things but they're always far away. That an equal horror could occur here doesn't seem possible.

Very sad ending for this little angel. The man they arrested looks like white trash.
Hailey Owens Coverage - OzarksFirst.com

Was watching tv last night when her Amber Alert went up on-air. Wasn't far from here so I instantly began dreading it was one of the kids here at the apartments. Circular building and my unit's on the interior so it has a very enclosed community feel to it. Wasn't from here of course but still here in town.

Tongiht's media coverage say they have the suspect in custody, and have recovered the girl's body. Single gunshot to the head with a .22, found in the suspect's home. No further details at this time.

I'm kinda...I dunno. Stunned. Mild shock or something. Used to hearing about such things but they're always far away. That an equal horror could occur here doesn't seem possible.

Very sad ending for this little angel. The man they arrested looks like white trash.

'White trash'?

Isn't that the yuppy way of saying 'white ******?'
Maybe so. But it is true.

It would be equally true if some anti gun lobby fanatic had posted crowing about how if guns were banned then she would not have been killed. That's probably true as well but I'd have still said exactly the same thing.

No he would have just killed her with something else.

Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place. Bit once again it's still not the time and place to be having this argument.

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