10yo girl kidnapped and murdered

Read a couple stories just now. With search warrant police discovered child pornography at his home, video cameras, pc's, guns n ammo, and a million dollar trust in his name. Single, no kids, and no significant criminal history beyond what I assume was a marijuana ticket considering onyl a $100 fine, and another charge from 2001 for 'unlawful taking of wildlife' which I assume is a technicality sorta hunting thing.

Been trying to make some sense out of it all. Realizing though there is no sense to be had murdering a child. More disturbing still, Westboro Baptist is coming to protest the girl's candlelight vigil this evening. I can 'kinda' see their point protesting gays and such, at least that's religiously consistent, but I'm baffled why they're going after a murdered child. World doesn't hate you guys enough?
Read a couple stories just now. With search warrant police discovered child pornography at his home, video cameras, pc's, guns n ammo, and a million dollar trust in his name. Single, no kids, and no significant criminal history beyond what I assume was a marijuana ticket considering onyl a $100 fine, and another charge from 2001 for 'unlawful taking of wildlife' which I assume is a technicality sorta hunting thing.

Been trying to make some sense out of it all. Realizing though there is no sense to be had murdering a child. More disturbing still, Westboro Baptist is coming to protest the girl's candlelight vigil this evening. I can 'kinda' see their point protesting gays and such, at least that's religiously consistent, but I'm baffled why they're going after a murdered child. World doesn't hate you guys enough?

The worst criminals pass themselves off as normal people very well.

Creeps me out that my next door neighbor could be some monster, and yet the odds are quite solid they are not.

Cant let the behavior of a few destroy my faith in my neighbor's natural goodness.

And all of them are good that I have met.
Coming from the SF bay area to here 14 years ago it took me a long time to get over my 'media induced paranoia.' Was just finally settling in and accepting that the people around here are just genuinely nice. Then this happens. I feel like I did on the morning of 9/11. Recall that morning with perfect clarity and the fear of the other shoe about to drop when they showed distant shots of downtown half expecting a bright flash then static is back.

I never believed in evil, thinking it's all just actions and consequences. But I don't know how else to think about this. It doesn't make any sense. This is the kinda thing that keeps my book about G-d open. Because maybe if G-d exists, then so do demons cause that's the only thing that begins to make some kind of sense here.
You stated, "Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place."


That is the Big Lie, gun grabbing kind of fascist statement used by fascists to support strong central states that allows the corporate cronyism and restricted freedoms found under fascism.

I did not call it communist because there are few doctrinaire communists any more, most of them have shifted into fascism which is not internationalist and less discriminate regarding tactics and dogma. And communism wont go in this country, but there are plenty of fascist sympathizers out there who would like to see the government impose peace and order with draconian force.

The confiscation of guns is a prerequisite for such a government and so statements like yours aid and abet such efforts, and is thus fascist, aside from being just plain ole asinine and ignorant.

As I thought. No definition at all because you've taken the word "fascism" a lovely political word, so loaded with evil, with negative historical connections and awfulness and just decided to give it your own definition without ever bothering with finding out what it means.

I wish I were so unconstrained by knowing the meanings of the words I used, sadly I'm too grounded in the reality of the human condition and less prone to flights of fantasy that creative types such as yourself thrive at.

Lol, and the stupidity marches on!

I gave you a social/political definition. Fascism extends into more than just that, such as economics and theology.

that you cant grasp it does not mean I am ignorant; you are.

You gave me YOUR definition without even bothering to check any other sources. That is the diference between you and me, my knowledge comes from elsewhere whilst you just think yours up yourself.

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