10yo girl kidnapped and murdered

It would be equally true if some anti gun lobby fanatic had posted crowing about how if guns were banned then she would not have been killed. That's probably true as well but I'd have still said exactly the same thing.

No he would have just killed her with something else.

Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place.

Only libtards and idiots (wait, I've repeated myself) think that guns give some magical transformation of power, turning some wimpy little coward into a raging bull.

No, if you don't have the heart a gun wont help you, and if you do have the heart, not having a gun wont stop you.

A gun only helps the odds. If you don't know how to use it right you are fucked.

The guy could have just as easily used a big knife or an airsoft gun to scare the kid.

Bit once again it's still not the time and place to be having this argument.

You take a cheap shot like that and then try to divert response?

You are full of shit.
We know that satanism leads those who follow it to kidnap children ( over 1 million missing children per year according to one ex satanist are taken by satanists ) sexually molest children and murder children. So why are we treating Satanism as if it were a harmless religion? In the case of Sandy Hook - satanism was involved - in the case of Batman theatre shooting -satanism was involved - in the murder of Altanta children years ago - it was satanism - but the prosecutors buried the evidence on that one too - McMartin was satanism, Franklin cover up - satanism at the highest levels of our own govt. - Why are the authorities ignoring the 800 lb gorilla in the room? Start investigating these satanists and let's get it out of our nation and return to our senses here, folks. Enough is enough.

Not sure what drugs you're taking, but organized Satanism (as with LaVey's in San Francisco) is best thought of as paganism. People who claim to be 'devil-worshippers' may or may not be Satanists proper, but the 2 or 3 organized Satanist faiths are simply nature-worshipping sex cults. What micro-faiths/cells might do doesn't have anything to do with the organized movements. Read LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" and you'll see this for yourself. It's just first-year psychology "magic," and lots of nature-worship. Isn't even a 'Bible' in the sense of chapter-verse, but a 'Introduction to Satanism.' Ignorant reactionaries just use it for their own faiths' benefit decrying it as something threatening when it isn't at all. More to fear from the Kabbala Center in LA than Satanism.
No he would have just killed her with something else.

Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place.

Only libtards and idiots (wait, I've repeated myself) think that guns give some magical transformation of power, turning some wimpy little coward into a raging bull.

No, if you don't have the heart a gun wont help you, and if you do have the heart, not having a gun wont stop you.

A gun only helps the odds. If you don't know how to use it right you are fucked.

The guy could have just as easily used a big knife or an airsoft gun to scare the kid.

Bit once again it's still not the time and place to be having this argument.

You take a cheap shot like that and then try to divert response?

You are full of shit.

Why does this only seem to happen in the states?!

Happens most everywhere. Was a prolithic serial murderer back in the 80s in Russia, that incestuous father in Austria a few years ago, and various other horror-crimes here and there. I think the word 'seems' is operative here. What makes the news here from abroad will be the exceptional cases, whereas individual victim, small-scale incidents wont make it into US press. Yet they probably happen just as often.
We know that satanism leads those who follow it to kidnap children ( over 1 million missing children per year according to one ex satanist are taken by satanists ) sexually molest children and murder children. So why are we treating Satanism as if it were a harmless religion? In the case of Sandy Hook - satanism was involved - in the case of Batman theatre shooting -satanism was involved - in the murder of Altanta children years ago - it was satanism - but the prosecutors buried the evidence on that one too - McMartin was satanism, Franklin cover up - satanism at the highest levels of our own govt. - Why are the authorities ignoring the 800 lb gorilla in the room? Start investigating these satanists and let's get it out of our nation and return to our senses here, folks. Enough is enough.

Not sure what drugs you're taking, but organized Satanism (as with LaVey's in San Francisco) is best thought of as paganism. People who claim to be 'devil-worshippers' may or may not be Satanists proper, but the 2 or 3 organized Satanist faiths are simply nature-worshipping sex cults. What micro-faiths/cells might do doesn't have anything to do with the organized movements. Read LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" and you'll see this for yourself. It's just first-year psychology "magic," and lots of nature-worship. Isn't even a 'Bible' in the sense of chapter-verse, but a 'Introduction to Satanism.' Ignorant reactionaries just use it for their own faiths' benefit decrying it as something threatening when it isn't at all. More to fear from the Kabbala Center in LA than Satanism.

That is not entirely true.

What Christianity has historically considered 'Satanism' is usually not reflected in the theological parlance meant for internal consumption. And yet when we have 'black' santeria worshippers or Santa Muerte beheadings of human or animal corpses, they don't do it to worship something Christians think of as Satan. But from the Christian point of view, it is still Satan and thus Satanic.

Santa Muerte: Patron Saint of the Drug War - Page 1 - News - Houston - Houston Press

Beheaded animal corpses found on Courtney Campbell Parkway possible Santeria ritualistic killing - Tampa Bay Crime | Examiner.com
Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place.

Only libtards and idiots (wait, I've repeated myself) think that guns give some magical transformation of power, turning some wimpy little coward into a raging bull.

No, if you don't have the heart a gun wont help you, and if you do have the heart, not having a gun wont stop you.

A gun only helps the odds. If you don't know how to use it right you are fucked.

The guy could have just as easily used a big knife or an airsoft gun to scare the kid.

Bit once again it's still not the time and place to be having this argument.

You take a cheap shot like that and then try to divert response?

You are full of shit.


Yeah, I know, too many syllables for you.
We know that satanism leads those who follow it to kidnap children ( over 1 million missing children per year according to one ex satanist are taken by satanists ) sexually molest children and murder children. So why are we treating Satanism as if it were a harmless religion? In the case of Sandy Hook - satanism was involved - in the case of Batman theatre shooting -satanism was involved - in the murder of Altanta children years ago - it was satanism - but the prosecutors buried the evidence on that one too - McMartin was satanism, Franklin cover up - satanism at the highest levels of our own govt. - Why are the authorities ignoring the 800 lb gorilla in the room? Start investigating these satanists and let's get it out of our nation and return to our senses here, folks. Enough is enough.

Not sure what drugs you're taking, but organized Satanism (as with LaVey's in San Francisco) is best thought of as paganism. People who claim to be 'devil-worshippers' may or may not be Satanists proper, but the 2 or 3 organized Satanist faiths are simply nature-worshipping sex cults. What micro-faiths/cells might do doesn't have anything to do with the organized movements. Read LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" and you'll see this for yourself. It's just first-year psychology "magic," and lots of nature-worship. Isn't even a 'Bible' in the sense of chapter-verse, but a 'Introduction to Satanism.' Ignorant reactionaries just use it for their own faiths' benefit decrying it as something threatening when it isn't at all. More to fear from the Kabbala Center in LA than Satanism.

That is not entirely true.

What Christianity has historically considered 'Satanism' is usually not reflected in the theological parlance meant for internal consumption. And yet when we have 'black' santeria worshippers or Santa Muerte beheadings of human or animal corpses, they don't do it to worship something Christians think of as Satan. But from the Christian point of view, it is still Satan and thus Satanic.

Santa Muerte: Patron Saint of the Drug War - Page 1 - News - Houston - Houston Press

Beheaded animal corpses found on Courtney Campbell Parkway possible Santeria ritualistic killing - Tampa Bay Crime | Examiner.com

Calling something 'Satanic' doesn't make it Satanism. And if it's Christians doing it, all the more reason to be dubious since historically, anything not part of whatever Christian denomination's speaking was decried as either Satanic, or otherwise 'naughty.' Catholics started the trend burning at the stake anyone who wasn't Catholic be they Protestants, Jews, Muslims, or just looked at 'em funny.

Santeria btw is a Catholic inspired cult. Many such 'Catholic-inspired' cults including one (supposedly now extinct) that worships Mary as G-d.
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Btw, Satanism's so dangerous and so criminal the US military recognizes it a legit faith (along with some interesting other ones like Wicca, Scientology, and Rastafarian, no Jedi though interestingly, have to work on that heh)


By law the US military cannot discriminate. I don't think they could reject Thugge cultists as long as they officially renounce their violence either but that would hardly make Thuggee cults legit.

Thuggee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't know of any serious catholic (I wont defend protestant theology) theologian who considers Wicca to be Satanic, just heathen.
Not sure what drugs you're taking, but organized Satanism (as with LaVey's in San Francisco) is best thought of as paganism. People who claim to be 'devil-worshippers' may or may not be Satanists proper, but the 2 or 3 organized Satanist faiths are simply nature-worshipping sex cults. What micro-faiths/cells might do doesn't have anything to do with the organized movements. Read LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" and you'll see this for yourself. It's just first-year psychology "magic," and lots of nature-worship. Isn't even a 'Bible' in the sense of chapter-verse, but a 'Introduction to Satanism.' Ignorant reactionaries just use it for their own faiths' benefit decrying it as something threatening when it isn't at all. More to fear from the Kabbala Center in LA than Satanism.

That is not entirely true.

What Christianity has historically considered 'Satanism' is usually not reflected in the theological parlance meant for internal consumption. And yet when we have 'black' santeria worshippers or Santa Muerte beheadings of human or animal corpses, they don't do it to worship something Christians think of as Satan. But from the Christian point of view, it is still Satan and thus Satanic.

Santa Muerte: Patron Saint of the Drug War - Page 1 - News - Houston - Houston Press

Beheaded animal corpses found on Courtney Campbell Parkway possible Santeria ritualistic killing - Tampa Bay Crime | Examiner.com

Calling something 'Satanic' doesn't make it Satanism.

It does from the Christian point of view. Why is that somehow illegit?

And if it's Christians doing it, all the more reason to be dubious since historically, anything not part of whatever Christian denomination's speaking was decried as either Satanic, or otherwise 'naughty.' Catholics started the trend burning at the stake anyone who wasn't Catholic be they Protestants, Jews, Muslims, or just looked at 'em funny.

While that is a very simplistic picture of religious conflict in a two thousand year old religion that has spanned all seven continents, I would put even that stacked deck against the record of secularists from the Jacobins in the French Revolution, to the Paris Commune to Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot ANY DAY.
Kinda gone off the rails here. So will continue in a R&E thread if you want, but for this thread I'm gonna try and steer us back, or at least not continue into the bushes. :)
Kinda gone off the rails here. So will continue in a R&E thread if you want, but for this thread I'm gonna try and steer us back, or at least not continue into the bushes. :)

cool, but I am about to go get some chores done to keep wife agro down.

Have fun.
Only libtards and idiots (wait, I've repeated myself) think that guns give some magical transformation of power, turning some wimpy little coward into a raging bull.

No, if you don't have the heart a gun wont help you, and if you do have the heart, not having a gun wont stop you.

A gun only helps the odds. If you don't know how to use it right you are fucked.

The guy could have just as easily used a big knife or an airsoft gun to scare the kid.

You take a cheap shot like that and then try to divert response?

You are full of shit.


Yeah, I know, too many syllables for you.

No you thickhead, insensative loon. It's not the correct place to be debating it.
Yeah, I know, too many syllables for you.

No you thickhead, insensative loon. It's not the correct place to be debating it.

So why did you make your fascist comment, fool?

I tell you what, why don't you google the word "fascist", get a definition from a nice neutral dictionary site and then explain logically using my post why what I said was fascist?

Then whilst you're failing to do that, because you can't, you can think on the fact that you should use the correct political adjectives.
No you thickhead, insensative loon. It's not the correct place to be debating it.

So why did you make your fascist comment, fool?

I tell you what, why don't you google the word "fascist", get a definition from a nice neutral dictionary site and then explain logically using my post why what I said was fascist?

Then whilst you're failing to do that, because you can't, you can think on the fact that you should use the correct political adjectives.

You stated, "Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place."


That is the Big Lie, gun grabbing kind of fascist statement used by fascists to support strong central states that allows the corporate cronyism and restricted freedoms found under fascism.

I did not call it communist because there are few doctrinaire communists any more, most of them have shifted into fascism which is not internationalist and less discriminate regarding tactics and dogma. And communism wont go in this country, but there are plenty of fascist sympathizers out there who would like to see the government impose peace and order with draconian force.

The confiscation of guns is a prerequisite for such a government and so statements like yours aid and abet such efforts, and is thus fascist, aside from being just plain ole asinine and ignorant.
So why did you make your fascist comment, fool?

I tell you what, why don't you google the word "fascist", get a definition from a nice neutral dictionary site and then explain logically using my post why what I said was fascist?

Then whilst you're failing to do that, because you can't, you can think on the fact that you should use the correct political adjectives.

You stated, "Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place."


That is the Big Lie, gun grabbing kind of fascist statement used by fascists to support strong central states that allows the corporate cronyism and restricted freedoms found under fascism.

I did not call it communist because there are few doctrinaire communists any more, most of them have shifted into fascism which is not internationalist and less discriminate regarding tactics and dogma. And communism wont go in this country, but there are plenty of fascist sympathizers out there who would like to see the government impose peace and order with draconian force.

The confiscation of guns is a prerequisite for such a government and so statements like yours aid and abet such efforts, and is thus fascist, aside from being just plain ole asinine and ignorant.

As I thought. No definition at all because you've taken the word "fascism" a lovely political word, so loaded with evil, with negative historical connections and awfulness and just decided to give it your own definition without ever bothering with finding out what it means.

I wish I were so unconstrained by knowing the meanings of the words I used, sadly I'm too grounded in the reality of the human condition and less prone to flights of fantasy that creative types such as yourself thrive at.
Hailey Owens Coverage - OzarksFirst.com

Was watching tv last night when her Amber Alert went up on-air. Wasn't far from here so I instantly began dreading it was one of the kids here at the apartments. Circular building and my unit's on the interior so it has a very enclosed community feel to it. Wasn't from here of course but still here in town.

Tongiht's media coverage say they have the suspect in custody, and have recovered the girl's body. Single gunshot to the head with a .22, found in the suspect's home. No further details at this time.

I'm kinda...I dunno. Stunned. Mild shock or something. Used to hearing about such things but they're always far away. That an equal horror could occur here doesn't seem possible.

Very sad ending for this little angel. The man they arrested looks like white trash.

'White trash'?

Isn't that the yuppy way of saying 'white ******?'

Actually where I live it's the yuppy way of saying hoosier. I don't use the "N" word. I find it offensive when I hear a white or black person use it.
Very sad ending for this little angel. The man they arrested looks like white trash.

'White trash'?

Isn't that the yuppy way of saying 'white ******?'

Actually where I live it's the yuppy way of saying hoosier. I don't use the "N" word. I find it offensive when I hear a white or black person use it.

Yeah, thus why you would say 'white trash' instead of 'white ******' like Senator Byrd did.
I tell you what, why don't you google the word "fascist", get a definition from a nice neutral dictionary site and then explain logically using my post why what I said was fascist?

Then whilst you're failing to do that, because you can't, you can think on the fact that you should use the correct political adjectives.

You stated, "Or without the feeling of power that gun ownership gives someone this lowlife POS wouldn't have plucked up the swagger to snatch this poor kid in the first place."


That is the Big Lie, gun grabbing kind of fascist statement used by fascists to support strong central states that allows the corporate cronyism and restricted freedoms found under fascism.

I did not call it communist because there are few doctrinaire communists any more, most of them have shifted into fascism which is not internationalist and less discriminate regarding tactics and dogma. And communism wont go in this country, but there are plenty of fascist sympathizers out there who would like to see the government impose peace and order with draconian force.

The confiscation of guns is a prerequisite for such a government and so statements like yours aid and abet such efforts, and is thus fascist, aside from being just plain ole asinine and ignorant.

As I thought. No definition at all because you've taken the word "fascism" a lovely political word, so loaded with evil, with negative historical connections and awfulness and just decided to give it your own definition without ever bothering with finding out what it means.

I wish I were so unconstrained by knowing the meanings of the words I used, sadly I'm too grounded in the reality of the human condition and less prone to flights of fantasy that creative types such as yourself thrive at.

Lol, and the stupidity marches on!

I gave you a social/political definition. Fascism extends into more than just that, such as economics and theology.

that you cant grasp it does not mean I am ignorant; you are.

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