Zone1 12-Year-Old Jewish girl raped by pro-Palestinian boys in France


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The antisemitism raging through France, brought on by the Jew-hating Muslim Immigrants, has reached a new low. Two pro-Palestinian boys raped a Jewish 12-year old girl, and even France - where a couple of years ago a Muslim threw an elderly Holocaust survivor off the roof to her death, yelling Allah Akbar - is appalled by this and beginning to push back against the antisemitism.

This is all part of an evil plan. Bring in turd world crap, mostly males, and let them rape the West into submission.

We see this board's leftoids having no problems with all of this, even making excuses for them.
I dunno what’s in that Kool-Aid Muslims drink, but it’s some powerful stuff. Those boys should publicly fed a ham sandwich before being executed.
Shariah law was elaborated at the time of "CREATION" ----It is perfect
and unchanging since the time of "CREATION" Rape of a non muslim
woman, including one not "protected" under the details of the PACT
OF UMAR, is entirely legal, even laudatory. Even more important---a child born as a result is the possession of the muslim rapist.
Shariah law was elaborated at the time of "CREATION" ----It is perfect
and unchanging since the time of "CREATION" Rape of a non muslim
woman, including one not "protected" under the details of the PACT
OF UMAR, is entirely legal, even laudatory. Even more important---a child born as a result is the possession of the muslim rapist.
Like the man said, with friends like you who needs enemies?

The reputation of Islamists is bad enough without your help
The antisemitism raging through France, brought on by the Jew-hating Muslim Immigrants, has reached a new low. Two pro-Palestinian boys raped a Jewish 12-year old girl, and even France - where a couple of years ago a Muslim threw an elderly Holocaust survivor off the roof to her death, yelling Allah Akbar - is appalled by this and beginning to push back against the antisemitism.

Then people wonder why LePen is so popular
one of the many other rape cases but the same elected officials who don’t give a crap….

So now the libs are worried about offending Islamic terrorists? They sure don’t seem worried about offending Jews by calling for their genocide.


- calling ISIS, who cuts the heads off non-Muslims, Islamic terrorists? OFFENSIVE!

- calling out “Death to Jews”? FREE SPEECH!
“Tolerance” is a one-way street of liberal Trojan horses.
I just can’t imagine where these in the religion-of-peace these boys learned to treat women this way?

The antisemitism raging through France, brought on by the Jew-hating Muslim Immigrants, has reached a new low. Two pro-Palestinian boys raped a Jewish 12-year old girl, and even France - where a couple of years ago a Muslim threw an elderly Holocaust survivor off the roof to her death, yelling Allah Akbar - is appalled by this and beginning to push back against the antisemitism.

I hope these two Palestinian boys go to jail for a long time. Taking things out on people who practice Judaism is completely unacceptable.
I dunno what’s in that Kool-Aid Muslims drink, but it’s some powerful stuff. Those boys should publicly fed a ham sandwich before being executed.
They will not eat the ham sandwich. They should be sprayed with pig's urine.

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