14 million dropped now/hundreds of millions will be dropped next year

Wonder why these junk ance companies refuse to cover their policy holders.

It's a travesty how they are bilking and defrauding their customers like this.

So you rent your house for 600.00 a month. This rent covers your payment and puts 100.00 dollars in the bank for future repairs and improvements, as well as builds a savings in case you don't have a renter at some point. This is your investment- Yours; you have taken all the risk and you will own all the failure if you lose it.

Now the government comes along and says you have to upgrade the windows; put in new flooring and upgrade all the fixtures. There was nothing wrong with the flooring you had; the windows or the fixtures. You and your tenant were perfectly happy.

But now after all the upgrades you must raise the rent. Your tenant cant afford the place anymore so he moves out.

Who caused the problem- you, your tenant, or the government?

Cute, but a sorry analogy.

The current policies are null because previous to the ACA the big insurance companies were selling policies that were pure shit. People went for the low premium and didn't read the fine print in the policies: Cancer surgery, covered. Chemotherapy, no. Preventative testing like colonoscopies and mammograms, no. Xrays yes, PET scans and MRIs, no.
Just silly stuff like that. You know, stuff that could save your fucking life.
I thought you were for Big Business to be able to do as it wished.

Putting all of those (supposedly) being dropped into the system will make it solvent.

And much easier for the liberals to offer a higher deductible program similar to Medicare.

You screwed yourself, Gramps.

Government creating regulations which encourage or force businesses to drop health coverage doesn't mean that businesses wished to do so in the first place.

Government making it illegal to sell a product then forcing all consumers to purchase a product which costs more but delivers less, will bankrupt middle class families.

The escalating costs of health care combined with shit insurance policies that covered nothing were bankrupting the middle class anyway, so at least this way it is law that you have to receive actual procedures and medicine that will save your life instead of bankrupting your family.
Wonder why these junk ance companies refuse to cover their policy holders.

It's a travesty how they are bilking and defrauding their customers like this.

So you rent your house for 600.00 a month. This rent covers your payment and puts 100.00 dollars in the bank for future repairs and improvements, as well as builds a savings in case you don't have a renter at some point. This is your investment- Yours; you have taken all the risk and you will own all the failure if you lose it.

Now the government comes along and says you have to upgrade the windows; put in new flooring and upgrade all the fixtures. There was nothing wrong with the flooring you had; the windows or the fixtures. You and your tenant were perfectly happy.

But now after all the upgrades you must raise the rent. Your tenant cant afford the place anymore so he moves out.

Who caused the problem- you, your tenant, or the government?

Cute, but a sorry analogy.

The current policies are null because previous to the ACA the big insurance companies were selling policies that were pure shit. People went for the low premium and didn't read the fine print in the policies: Cancer surgery, covered. Chemotherapy, no. Preventative testing like colonoscopies and mammograms, no. Xrays yes, PET scans and MRIs, no.
Just silly stuff like that. You know, stuff that could save your fucking life.


so they were 'to stupid' to buy what they wanted? :eusa_eh: so I guess that 55 year old woman whos has raised her kids and doesn't plan on any new ones needs maternity coverage? I guess thats 'smart' coverage...:rolleyes:
Government creating regulations which encourage or force businesses to drop health coverage doesn't mean that businesses wished to do so in the first place.

Government making it illegal to sell a product then forcing all consumers to purchase a product which costs more but delivers less, will bankrupt middle class families.

The escalating costs of health care combined with shit insurance policies that covered nothing were bankrupting the middle class anyway, so at least this way it is law that you have to receive actual procedures and medicine that will save your life instead of bankrupting your family.

The forced purchase of health insurance products people don't want or need does nothing to reduce health care costs.

If I want to keep my shit plan and pay out of pocket for doctor visits and prescriptions, that should be my right.

If I want to keep my catastrophic care shit plan and incur hospital bills of 10K before my shit plan starts paying, that should be my choice.
It is also my choice to set up a payment plan with the hospital if I hadn't the fore thought to set aside money to cover the deductible of my shit plan.

Nor does it address the elephant in the room...11 million uninsured illegals who will still go to the ER for PC
Government creating regulations which encourage or force businesses to drop health coverage doesn't mean that businesses wished to do so in the first place.

Government making it illegal to sell a product then forcing all consumers to purchase a product which costs more but delivers less, will bankrupt middle class families.

You mean will deliver more, drive the increases to flatten, and pay for itself?

That program?

It's over, TPM: ACA is here to stay.

How long will that take?
Will my neighbors be able to survive bankruptcy?
ObamaCare has limited providers and many local hospitals and doctors do not accept them. Many of the people facing this frustration are the victims of President Obama's repeated reassurance that if you like your insurance you can keep it. That promise turned out to be a lie.

The Praetorian Guard Media is finally covering ObamaCare fallout and interviewing the thousands and millions negatively affected by this health care takeover. But these problems have always been predictable based on Big Government's past track record of takeovers and the facts within the law's language. Even though many of us predicted limited care, poorer quality of care, retiring doctors, longer lines, millions losing their insurance and higher premium prices and higher deductibles, we were dismissed as liars and propagandists and sore losers and racists. It turns out that we were correct all along.
Clearly I mention hundreds of thousands. I just caught my mistake. The point still stands.

Liberals mock because they have no rebuttal

We mock because you said "hundreds of millions". There are only about 300 million people in the U.S. total.

Consider yourself properly mocked. :lol:

Unmock him then.

Jay Carney said 14 million or 5% of the population are being affected by insurance loss.

Quick question.......................how does 14 million convert to being "hundreds of millions"?

Sorry......................but 14 is much less than a hundred, as well as much less than "hundreds".

They should still be mocked for their lack of understanding of math.
BTW.........................nobody has "lost" health insurance under the ACA, they were just told that they couldn't renew their current coverage because of the ACA, which let them know that their current insurance provider was screwing them.

I mean................how would you feel if you thought you had a good insurance policy for your car, and, after having a wreck, found out that you had to pay for almost all of it yourself?

ACA has told people (and insurance companies that were simply taking their money) that their insurance they thought would keep them safe and whole was a scam, because not only would the insurance not provide what they thought, they also found out they were paying way above what they should have been.

I don't care who tells me I'm getting ripped off, whether it be the government or my best friend, I'm just glad they did so I didn't throw more good money after bad.
Clearly I mention hundreds of thousands. I just caught my mistake. The point still stands.

Liberals mock because they have no rebuttal

We mock because you said "hundreds of millions". There are only about 300 million people in the U.S. total.

Consider yourself properly mocked. :lol:

Unmock him then.

Jay Carney said 14 million or 5% of the population are being affected by insurance loss.
Actually he said 5% of the population is in the "individual insurance market." It was ESTIMATED that 40 to 67% of the individual market would be affected.

Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance - Investigations

Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy.
Government making it illegal to sell a product then forcing all consumers to purchase a product which costs more but delivers less, will bankrupt middle class families.

You mean will deliver more, drive the increases to flatten, and pay for itself?

That program?

It's over, TPM: ACA is here to stay.

How long will that take? Will my neighbors be able to survive bankruptcy?

Under the current system they certainly are not surviving, are they?
ObamaCare has limited providers and many local hospitals and doctors do not accept them.

Back that up.


Editorial: Doctor shortage snarls Obamacare | care, health, doctor - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Blue Shield of California confirmed to the San Jose Mercury News that half its network of physicians will be available to those who sign up for Obamacare. Anthem Blue Cross of California will allow access to 60 percent of its doctors.
Welcome to rationing.

Docs resisting ObamaCare | New York Post

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan.

Another 33 percent say they’re still not sure whether to become ObamaCare providers.

Only 23 percent of the 409 physicians queried said they’re taking patients who signed up through health exchanges.

a couple of examples for ya.

Editorial: Doctor shortage snarls Obamacare | care, health, doctor - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Blue Shield of California confirmed to the San Jose Mercury News that half its network of physicians will be available to those who sign up for Obamacare. Anthem Blue Cross of California will allow access to 60 percent of its doctors.
Welcome to rationing.

Docs resisting ObamaCare | New York Post

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan.

Another 33 percent say they’re still not sure whether to become ObamaCare providers.

Only 23 percent of the 409 physicians queried said they’re taking patients who signed up through health exchanges.

a couple of examples for ya.

It's a shame we have to constantly explain the obvious to the uninformed voters. They need to get their heads out of their asses and pay attention

Editorial: Doctor shortage snarls Obamacare | care, health, doctor - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Docs resisting ObamaCare | New York Post

New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan.

Another 33 percent say they’re still not sure whether to become ObamaCare providers.

Only 23 percent of the 409 physicians queried said they’re taking patients who signed up through health exchanges.

a couple of examples for ya.

It's a shame we have to constantly explain the obvious to the uninformed voters. They need to get their heads out of their asses and pay attention

I've decided that they either are very naive or they have their own hands in the playing field. Some it is obvious and just sad, others seem pretty intent thus I think they have their hands in the pie somewhere along the way.

Here are some items on the hospitals and how they are being affected -

Wellmont to close Virginia hospital, points to Obamacare, patient loss | Johnson City Press
Citing Obamacare, Infirmary Health System announces it will close Infirmary West Hospital | al.com
3 Catholic Hospitals To Close Allegedly Because Of Obamacare? |

It's a shame we have to constantly explain the obvious to the uninformed voters. They need to get their heads out of their asses and pay attention

I've decided that they either are very naive or they have their own hands in the playing field. Some it is obvious and just sad, others seem pretty intent thus I think they have their hands in the pie somewhere along the way.

Here are some items on the hospitals and how they are being affected -

Wellmont to close Virginia hospital, points to Obamacare, patient loss | Johnson City Press
Citing Obamacare, Infirmary Health System announces it will close Infirmary West Hospital | al.com
3 Catholic Hospitals To Close Allegedly Because Of Obamacare? |

I think a lot of them will be subsidized and end up paying nothing or close to it -- For now.

IOW, losers, malcontents, the deranged, the flotsam and jetsam of civilization.

Check this out....

Via Weekly Standard:

“So far, no one,” says the Obamacare navigator. “Thus far everybody has taken a look at the rates and they’ve walked out the door. There’s sticker shock. They just can’t afford it.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6p62BtJwYdE]Colorado ObamaCare Navigator Hasn't Signed Up A Single Person Due To Sticker Shock - YouTube[/ame]
It's a shame we have to constantly explain the obvious to the uninformed voters. They need to get their heads out of their asses and pay attention

I've decided that they either are very naive or they have their own hands in the playing field. Some it is obvious and just sad, others seem pretty intent thus I think they have their hands in the pie somewhere along the way.

Here are some items on the hospitals and how they are being affected -

Wellmont to close Virginia hospital, points to Obamacare, patient loss | Johnson City Press
Citing Obamacare, Infirmary Health System announces it will close Infirmary West Hospital | al.com
3 Catholic Hospitals To Close Allegedly Because Of Obamacare? |

I think a lot of them will be subsidized and end up paying nothing or close to it -- For now.

IOW, losers, malcontents, the deranged, the flotsam and jetsam of civilization.

Check this out....

Via Weekly Standard:

“So far, no one,” says the Obamacare navigator. “Thus far everybody has taken a look at the rates and they’ve walked out the door. There’s sticker shock. They just can’t afford it.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6p62BtJwYdE]Colorado ObamaCare Navigator Hasn't Signed Up A Single Person Due To Sticker Shock - YouTube[/ame]

That doesn't surprise me one bit. And something tells me that many that will get the subsidy will also end up paying more than they would if it had been left well enough alone.

Don't get me wrong, there have been some problems with our healthcare costs for awhile, but this was not the answer. It is actually increasing costs for those that didn't need comprehensive care, and even reducing benefits for many, along with increased costs for less care.
I've decided that they either are very naive or they have their own hands in the playing field. Some it is obvious and just sad, others seem pretty intent thus I think they have their hands in the pie somewhere along the way.

Here are some items on the hospitals and how they are being affected -

Wellmont to close Virginia hospital, points to Obamacare, patient loss | Johnson City Press
Citing Obamacare, Infirmary Health System announces it will close Infirmary West Hospital | al.com
3 Catholic Hospitals To Close Allegedly Because Of Obamacare? |

I think a lot of them will be subsidized and end up paying nothing or close to it -- For now.

IOW, losers, malcontents, the deranged, the flotsam and jetsam of civilization.

Check this out....

Via Weekly Standard:

“So far, no one,” says the Obamacare navigator. “Thus far everybody has taken a look at the rates and they’ve walked out the door. There’s sticker shock. They just can’t afford it.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6p62BtJwYdE]Colorado ObamaCare Navigator Hasn't Signed Up A Single Person Due To Sticker Shock - YouTube[/ame]

That doesn't surprise me one bit. And something tells me that many that will get the subsidy will also end up paying more than they would if it had been left well enough alone.

Don't get me wrong, there have been some problems with our healthcare costs for awhile, but this was not the answer. It is actually increasing costs for those that didn't need comprehensive care, and even reducing benefits for many, along with increased costs for less care.

And don't misunderstand me.... For many, many years I have advocated a Mandatory Participation in our Health Insurance system.

But that's not the way dimocraps went. They became more interested in Health CARE than in Health INSURANCE.

Complicated, but I believe in a 'Universal Coverage' with universal participation and I think it needs to be mandatory.

Something like obamacare but very, very different.

Mostly.... Not done by dimocaps. They really are the stupidest human beings to have ever existed in the History of Man.

And that is something else I've always said.

The sad part now, is that if we ever do succeed in putting obamacare on the scrap heap of History where it belongs, it sets us back a long time. It may be quite some time before America is in the mood for another misadventure into government-run Healthcare.

Which is something that can be a long discussion.

Let me just say.... Government 'run' is bad, government 'mandated' can be okay if done intelligently which, by the very nature of the word 'intelligent' excludes dimocraps
I think a lot of them will be subsidized and end up paying nothing or close to it -- For now.

IOW, losers, malcontents, the deranged, the flotsam and jetsam of civilization.

Check this out....

Via Weekly Standard:

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Colorado ObamaCare Navigator Hasn't Signed Up A Single Person Due To Sticker Shock - YouTube

That doesn't surprise me one bit. And something tells me that many that will get the subsidy will also end up paying more than they would if it had been left well enough alone.

Don't get me wrong, there have been some problems with our healthcare costs for awhile, but this was not the answer. It is actually increasing costs for those that didn't need comprehensive care, and even reducing benefits for many, along with increased costs for less care.

And don't misunderstand me.... For many, many years I have advocated a Mandatory Participation in our Health Insurance system.

But that's not the way dimocraps went. They became more interested in Health CARE than in Health INSURANCE.

Complicated, but I believe in a 'Universal Coverage' with universal participation and I think it needs to be mandatory.

Something like obamacare but very, very different.

Mostly.... Not done by dimocaps. They really are the stupidest human beings to have ever existed in the History of Man.

And that is something else I've always said.

The sad part now, is that if we ever do succeed in putting obamacare on the scrap heap of History where it belongs, it sets us back a long time. It may be quite some time before America is in the mood for another misadventure into government-run Healthcare.

Which is something that can be a long discussion.

Let me just say.... Government 'run' is bad, government 'mandated' can be okay if done intelligently which, by the very nature of the word 'intelligent' excludes dimocraps

Personally, I think we need to keep government out of healthcare, period. It is their reimbursement rates that have caused much of the problems, through medicare and medicaid. Both doctors and facilities are forced to charge higher and higher rates just so they can receive a reasonable reimbursement, all due to guidelines set through medicare and medicaid reimbursement rates. And due to regulations, they must charge these same higher rates to even those not within those programs.

Another big factor is lawyers, of which only they actually profit off of malpractice suits - not the individuals injured, if indeed they actually were. And sadly, it has become less expensive for an insurance company to settle, rather than fight a claim, thus they do, and therefore more suits follow.

I also believe that HMO's have greatly contributed to the downfall. They set a different, lesser, standard in care that was cheaper.

There is more than just these three, but these are the biggies, in my opinion.

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