14 million dropped now/hundreds of millions will be dropped next year

Yeah, because this is how democratically elected representatives in a Republic act.....

Obama Regime Quietly Changed Language of Obamacare Regulations To Hide Loss of Private Insurance…


And yet he continued to publicly claim people would not lose their insurance.

Via Daily Caller:

The Obama administration knew years in advance that Obamacare’s “grandfathering” regulation would wipe out many Americans’ existing health insurance plans, according to a leaked draft of a 2010 administration document.

“As noted earlier, deciding to relinquish grandfather status is a one-way sorting process: after some period of time, most plans will relinquish their grandfathered status since plans rarely stay exactly the same. These interim final regulations will likely influence the time frame over which plan sponsors decide to relinquish grandfathered status,” according to a June 2010 copy of “grandfather plan” regulations that was leaked to the public domain before the administration was prepared to release it.

The Heritage Foundation’s Chris Jacobs, who flagged the 2010 error, said that the administration changed or deleted key passages in the document when it published its official version of the document days later.

“The final document was released later that week,” Jacobs told The Daily Caller. “It’s the same on policy, but there were slight changes to the language.”

The administration changed the term “most plans” from its final version of the document, and also deleted an important sentence about “gradual change” from the final version of the document.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Know why dimocraps are defending the Stuttering Clusterfuck?

Because they know as well as I do that if you vote for and support a KNOWN lying scumbag..... You're no better than the lying scumbag.

And they know, every one of them, every single one of knows that the Stuttering Clusterfuck and the entire dimocrap party are nothing but lying scum.
Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan


dimocraps lie. ALL of them. Top to bottom, inside out, men, women, sexually indeterminate, tall, short, fat, skinny, ugly, pretty, white, black, brown, single, married, divorced, gay, straight, the elected, the unelected, the voters, the sycophants, the apologists.... ALL of them.

dimocraps lie
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Why not "hundreds of trillions"?

How about a gazillion?

Repeating for a third time -

Sarah, you have ignored my question or missed it. Can you tell me what we were told the original purpose of the ACA was for?

Also, care to make a comment on the fact that one of the junk companies you spoke of actually is a provider in many of the exchanges.
This is the person that the Stuttering Clusterfuck put in charge of the ACA....

Any questions.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Mj4w2pECvnE]Kathleen Sebelius defends George Tiller - YouTube[/ame]
Why not "hundreds of trillions"?

How about a gazillion?

Repeating for a third time -

Sarah, you have ignored my question or missed it. Can you tell me what we were told the original purpose of the ACA was for?

Also, care to make a comment on the fact that one of the junk companies you spoke of actually is a provider in many of the exchanges.

Well maybe since it's your third time asking the questions, you've figured out that you should make your own points without help from anyone. Go for it, big guy. If I want to respond, I will.

It isn't likely though, I must say. You Rs are making me laugh too hard with your bitter objections to insuring Americans.
When the business mandate is implemented. Bank on it.

And that is why the mandate was pushed.

I don't know about 'hundreds' of millions but tens of millions to be sure.

And I love the excuse that dimocrap are using now to rationalize the 14 Million being dropped by their private insurance....

"The number is just so small"

Kinda like the same excuse they used in Europe in the 30's and early 40's....

The number of Jews is just so small.


You are a distgusting human being. When the Hitler card comes up by a Democrat or Republican, you know you are dealing with a simple minded fool.

And you are willfully stupid......

Didja know (of course you didn't) that the Sasquatch sat on the Board of a very anti-semitic Black Power group at Princeton?

Of course you didn't, Comedy Central hasn't covered it.

Didja know that this group invited a high-ranking PLO Deputy to speak at Princeton?

Again, of course you didn't.

Did you know that.... You don't know shit, so I'll just post a little bit of it.....

“It was an ugly scene, but few expected perfect harmony when the OBU, in conjunction with the Third World Center (TWC), invited Hassan Rahman, the Palestine Liberation Organization’s deputy UN observer, to appear on campus,” according to a January 25, 1982 Princeton Alumni Weekly (Volume 82) article entitled “War of Words” in the column “On the Campus” by Ted Lempert ’83.

Rahman “reiterated the PLO’s position that the Palestinians deserve a homeland and that they are entitled to use terrorism to achieve their goal, just as American revolutionaries did against the British.”

“We have the right to kill them if they are traitors and negotiate with the Israelis,” Rahman said of non-PLO supporting Palestinians at the event.

“The OBU met with Jewish students to discuss the event, and Hillel leaders affirmed Rahman’s right to speak on campus… As about 400 students poured into McCosh 50, tension replaced this short-lived calm. The entire center section of the auditorium had been reserved for TWC members, most of whom are black. The remainder of the audience, mostly Jews, filled the outer sections. OBU’s Murphy stepped to the microphone, but instead of giving a standard welcome and introduction, he noted the ‘subdued controversy’ surrounding the speech and noted that disruptions ‘would not be tolerated.’ He even mentioned the possibility of disciplinary action or prosecution. Patrolling the room were a dozen OBU members wearing security badges, a supplement to the university proctors manning the doorways. Before Rahman had said a word, hopes of a congenial atmosphere were dashed.”

“For the question-and-answer session, OBU monitors took down the names of those wishing to ask questions. No questions could exceed one minute, and follow-up questions were not allowed. Because of time restraints, only the first person on each list was recognized.

Read more: Michelle Obama belonged to radical student groups | The Daily Caller

You're an idiot.

Anti Semitism is stronger now than at any time in our post WWII history.

And it's coming straight from the left and is permanently rooted in the dimocrap party.

As usual

ALWAYS has been
How about a gazillion?

Repeating for a third time -

Sarah, you have ignored my question or missed it. Can you tell me what we were told the original purpose of the ACA was for?

Also, care to make a comment on the fact that one of the junk companies you spoke of actually is a provider in many of the exchanges.

Well maybe since it's your third time asking the questions, you've figured out that you should make your own points without help from anyone. Go for it, big guy. If I want to respond, I will.

It isn't likely though, I must say. You Rs are making me laugh too hard with your bitter objections to insuring Americans.

I think he just wants to prove to the rest of the Board what a lying little shit you are.

I think he's accomplished that mission
How about a gazillion?

Repeating for a third time -

Sarah, you have ignored my question or missed it. Can you tell me what we were told the original purpose of the ACA was for?

Also, care to make a comment on the fact that one of the junk companies you spoke of actually is a provider in many of the exchanges.

Well maybe since it's your third time asking the questions, you've figured out that you should make your own points without help from anyone. Go for it, big guy. If I want to respond, I will.

It isn't likely though, I must say. You Rs are making me laugh too hard with your bitter objections to insuring Americans.

In other words, you have nothing and you know it. That script hasn't been handed out to you yet.
Repeating for a third time -

Sarah, you have ignored my question or missed it. Can you tell me what we were told the original purpose of the ACA was for?

Also, care to make a comment on the fact that one of the junk companies you spoke of actually is a provider in many of the exchanges.

Well maybe since it's your third time asking the questions, you've figured out that you should make your own points without help from anyone. Go for it, big guy. If I want to respond, I will.

It isn't likely though, I must say. You Rs are making me laugh too hard with your bitter objections to insuring Americans.

I think he just wants to prove to the rest of the Board what a lying little shit you are.

I think he's accomplished that mission

HaHa. This coming from you is almost a compliment.
Well maybe since it's your third time asking the questions, you've figured out that you should make your own points without help from anyone. Go for it, big guy. If I want to respond, I will.

It isn't likely though, I must say. You Rs are making me laugh too hard with your bitter objections to insuring Americans.

I think he just wants to prove to the rest of the Board what a lying little shit you are.

I think he's accomplished that mission

HaHa. This coming from you is almost a compliment.

Are you actually Pee Wee Herman in drag? :dunno:
Clearly I mention hundreds of thousands. I just caught my mistake. The point still stands.

Liberals mock because they have no rebuttal
When the business mandate is implemented. Bank on it.

And that is why the mandate was pushed.

I don't know about 'hundreds' of millions but tens of millions to be sure.

And I love the excuse that dimocrap are using now to rationalize the 14 Million being dropped by their private insurance....

"The number is just so small"

Kinda like the same excuse they used in Europe in the 30's and early 40's....

The number of Jews is just so small.


Made even more ironic considering that's probably about the amount of uninsured all the hand wringing was about by the democrates to get covered in the first place.
There's no discussion, period, Grandpa. I've seen several attempts by Lefties here including my own and what the response is to them are jackals jumping all over with talking points.

Everyone agrees that the website is not going well at this point, lots of people even on MSNBC are saying we aren't being allowed to keep our policies after Obama said we could. Nobody is required to keep this conversation going just because wingnuts are upset and bitter.

Nobody wants to discuss issues with people like that.

So, continue this one sided dialog as long as you like, just don't expect responses when you just wish to pound people into the ground due to your frustration with losing everything all the time.
Gee only yesterday it was 2 million, today it is hundreds of millions, tomorrow it will be hundreds of trillions, and these assholes wonder why no one takes their numbers seriously!

Internal IRS memos estimate it to be 15 million. And that is BEFORE the group plans are subject to the mandate next year.
Just another made up guesstimate.

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