1400 Leaders voted ...

There is no prejudice with me. I love sinners all the same -- the power hungry, the drug addict, the homosexual, the prideful ---- No prejudice here at all.

What's funny is with that simple sentence it's clear how much religion has fucked you up but you'll never catch on and that's why the world will be a better place when you're dead. And the next generation of Christians really will not care less about homosexuality.

You wish! I'm being a good parent and passing along the VITAL morals that make this a great Nation. God, family, Country, and hard work. ...and we actually READ the Bible, so the next generation of Christians will know the TRUTH as well, as carry it on!!

How do you know you got the ....um....'right' bible?
You are such a flaming hypocrite
You called me a conservative because I think this is a bad idea
See, I actually believe in EQUAL rights for EVERYONE
Both sides just PRETEND to think that

I don't think you understand how words work.

You're a hypocrite because you believe in equal rights for everyone while wanting to exclude a segment of society. This is like arguing with a retard.

Nobody is excluding any "segment" of society. Gays aren't a "segment" they are men and women. They are already included as PEOPLE!!! Why do you lefties insist on putting everyone in their own little box???

...and then out of the other side of your mouth you will scream about the size or shape of the box! Damn it! You are the ones who build the boxes!! You foolish hypocrites!!

You'll have to ask the BSA why they USED TO put gay people inot their own little box. But.......not any more. :D
What's funny is with that simple sentence it's clear how much religion has fucked you up but you'll never catch on and that's why the world will be a better place when you're dead. And the next generation of Christians really will not care less about homosexuality.

You wish! I'm being a good parent and passing along the VITAL morals that make this a great Nation. God, family, Country, and hard work. ...and we actually READ the Bible, so the next generation of Christians will know the TRUTH as well, as carry it on!!

How do you know you got the ....um....'right' bible?

Everything about me is RIGHT!
I don't think you understand how words work.

You're a hypocrite because you believe in equal rights for everyone while wanting to exclude a segment of society. This is like arguing with a retard.

Nobody is excluding any "segment" of society. Gays aren't a "segment" they are men and women. They are already included as PEOPLE!!! Why do you lefties insist on putting everyone in their own little box???

...and then out of the other side of your mouth you will scream about the size or shape of the box! Damn it! You are the ones who build the boxes!! You foolish hypocrites!!

You'll have to ask the BSA why they USED TO put gay people inot their own little box. But.......not any more. :D

You are sadly misaken... They didn't put anyone into boxes... it was the gay community who started this. Wanting special rules for themselves... just like all of this gay rights crap...

Gays already have the same rights es everyone else --- they just want special rights so we are all forced to accept their behavior.... They don't understand that WE already do accept them --- as PEOPLE!
You wish! I'm being a good parent and passing along the VITAL morals that make this a great Nation. God, family, Country, and hard work. ...and we actually READ the Bible, so the next generation of Christians will know the TRUTH as well, as carry it on!!

How do you know you got the ....um....'right' bible?

Everything about me is RIGHT!

Ok, not really answering my question. I guess you don't know the answer.
Son, no one is violating your civil or religious liberties.

You get the same say just like everyone else.
Not sure if I like this or not. As a Scout and a Scouter I don't think we need to be doing this for many of the same reasons I am still against gays in the military.

Gay adults are still not allowed to be leaders.

How have gays in the military had a negative effect so far?
To lift the ban on gay scouts

Boy Scouts to allow gay youths to join - CNN.com

61 to 39. Remember this is just to allow gay children to be scouts. The ban on gay Boy Scout leaders is still in place.

Parents and Scout Leaders mostly opposed, scouts themselves were for it. :)

so, those with the least social maturity and life experience voted no.......:eusa_eh:

Those with the least social prejudices and backwards religious indoctrination said no. The gay scout's own peers decided they were willing to hang out with Johnny regardless of the fact that he likes Jimmy.
I'm excited that the homophobic and the brain dead are quickly dying off. You fuckers are obsolete and useless in the modern world.

The average conservative Christian family has probably 3-4 kids. The average gay male has no kids. You do the math.

Not exactly...

Same-Sex Parents: U.S. Demographic Snapshot

Of the 1.6 million adopted children in the U.S., 65,000, or 4 percent, are being raised by gay and lesbian parents. About 14,000 foster children, or 3 percent of all foster children in the U.S., live with LGBT parents.

And lesbians are also banned from leadership position.

It's a small step, but a step.
Not sure if I like this or not. As a Scout and a Scouter I don't think we need to be doing this for many of the same reasons I am still against gays in the military.

Gay adults are still not allowed to be leaders.

How have gays in the military had a negative effect so far?

13,000 cases of male on male sexual abuse charges in the past year alone.
OK, what in the hell does "openly gay" mean? Really, I am asking. Maybe the latent homophobes who accuse everyone else of being homophobes can explain. Really isn't this like saying that the scouts will accept openly promiscuous heterosexuals? Do all "openly gays" prance around like Shirley Temple? What does it mean? Does it mean that a 12 year old now doesn't need to hide his jerking off his tent mate? Why does sexual orientation even become an issue at that age?

Well we all know the real reason whether we admit it or not, it is for acceptance. This is just another step to accept sex with young boys. It is sick for no other reason. I don't care what BB does in his home or anywhere else with CONSENTING adults, but kids? WTF?

I asked this before, does anyone know what the Sodomy Merit Badge will look like?
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Not sure if I like this or not. As a Scout and a Scouter I don't think we need to be doing this for many of the same reasons I am still against gays in the military.

Gay adults are still not allowed to be leaders.

How have gays in the military had a negative effect so far?

13,000 cases of male on male sexual abuse charges in the past year alone.

This wouldn't be a problem if the age of consent was lowered. That is what this is all about.
Not sure if I like this or not. As a Scout and a Scouter I don't think we need to be doing this for many of the same reasons I am still against gays in the military.

Gay adults are still not allowed to be leaders.

How have gays in the military had a negative effect so far?

13,000 cases of male on male sexual abuse charges in the past year alone.

Is there any proof that homosexuals openly serving in the military has anything to do with the sexual assaults? Would you claim that all cases of sexual assault in prisons involve homosexuals? And what about the cases of male on male sexual assault prior to DADT being repealed? From what i have read there isn't even any proof that sexual assaults have increased over the past few years, only that more are being reported.
To lift the ban on gay scouts

Boy Scouts to allow gay youths to join - CNN.com

61 to 39. Remember this is just to allow gay children to be scouts. The ban on gay Boy Scout leaders is still in place.

Parents and Scout Leaders mostly opposed, scouts themselves were for it. :)

Which is encouraging, there will be a time – soon, we hope – when persons are not judged primarily by their sexual orientation.
I'm excited that the homophobic and the brain dead are quickly dying off. You fuckers are obsolete and useless in the modern world.

The average conservative Christian family has probably 3-4 kids. The average gay male has no kids. You do the math.

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

The average liberal Christian family also has 3 to 4 children, who will grow up supporting the civil liberties of all persons, including homosexuals.

And gay men are perfectly capable of having children; wishing to have children or not has nothing to do with one’s sexual orientation.

No, as young, more enlightened Americans grow and move into positions of authority and influence, the hate and ignorance exhibited by many on the right with regard to homosexuality will wane.
How have gays in the military had a negative effect so far?

13,000 cases of male on male sexual abuse charges in the past year alone.

Is there any proof that homosexuals openly serving in the military has anything to do with the sexual assaults? Would you claim that all cases of sexual assault in prisons involve homosexuals? And what about the cases of male on male sexual assault prior to DADT being repealed? From what i have read there isn't even any proof that sexual assaults have increased over the past few years, only that more are being reported.

I love watching people tap dance.

We are not talking about prisons. We are not even talking about the military.. We are discussing the Boy Scouts.

That said... A point was raised about what has happened since gays have been allowed in the military and the fact that out of 26,000 reported cases of sexual assault last year, 13,000 of the were male on male.

As with male on female cases, a large number of male on male will go unreported for various reasons.

If there are going to be openly gay boys in Boy Scouting, will there be an increase in sexual assault within Scouting? Since the age range is 11 to 17, I would guess that the answer to that question is going to be a Yes.

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