14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

The law was collapsing anyways so what future are you referring to?

Humana, Aetna, and others dropping out of the marketplace because they're sick of it.

People tired of the high deductibles and high premiums with little coverage.

But sure, let's expand Obamacare, which wouldn't have been an voted in by congress anyways.
The current law isn't perfect, but could be fixed a lot easier than coming up with this disaster of a Trump plan
I think both sides are full of shit TBH....I think BOTH sides are screaming the world is gonna end and I think BOTH sides are absolutely full of SHIT. Can it be better? Hell yes,Can Obamacare be saved with some tweaks? I don't think so. According to its architect it was designed to fail. We need a damn healthcare law that DOES NOT take the input of the asshole insurance companies into mind. They are the reason its so fucked up. Trying to get rich off of people dying.
I think both sides are full of shit TBH....I think BOTH sides are screaming the world is gonna end and I think BOTH sides are absolutely full of SHIT. Can it be better? Hell yes,Can Obamacare be saved with some tweaks? I don't think so. According to its architect it was designed to fail. We need a damn healthcare law that DOES NOT take the input of the asshole insurance companies into mind. They are the reason its so fucked up. Trying to get rich off of people dying.
Who said it was designed to fail? Do you have a quote...........
Jonathan Gruber, infamous Obamacare architect, says system ‘working as designed’

"working as designed" so it was designed to fail? Even the most ardent obamacare supporter has to admit the skyrocketing premiums and people not being able to afford the deductibles means obamacare is failing big time....We all realize Obamacare was meant to fail so the democrats ASSUMED under President Clinton a complete 1 payer system would be installed.
Jonathan Gruber, infamous Obamacare architect, says system ‘working as designed’
"working as designed" so it was designed to fail? Even the most ardent obamacare supporter has to admit the skyrocketing premiums and people not being able to afford the deductibles means obamacare is failing big time....We all realize Obamacare was meant to fail so the democrats ASSUMED under President Clinton a complete 1 payer system would be installed.
That would be smart, but ACA will work if given time and cooperation. Not happening if GOP gets its way.
You're out of time and nobody is cooperating with this shit law. What do you do now?
The current law isn't perfect, but could be fixed a lot easier than coming up with this disaster of a Trump plan
I think both sides are full of shit TBH....I think BOTH sides are screaming the world is gonna end and I think BOTH sides are absolutely full of SHIT. Can it be better? Hell yes,Can Obamacare be saved with some tweaks? I don't think so. According to its architect it was designed to fail. We need a damn healthcare law that DOES NOT take the input of the asshole insurance companies into mind. They are the reason its so fucked up. Trying to get rich off of people dying.
Who said it was designed to fail? Do you have a quote...........
Jonathan Gruber, infamous Obamacare architect, says system ‘working as designed’

"working as designed" so it was designed to fail? Even the most ardent obamacare supporter has to admit the skyrocketing premiums and people not being able to afford the deductibles means obamacare is failing big time....We all realize Obamacare was meant to fail so the democrats ASSUMED under President Clinton a complete 1 payer system would be installed.
Jonathan Gruber, infamous Obamacare architect, says system ‘working as designed’
"working as designed" so it was designed to fail? Even the most ardent obamacare supporter has to admit the skyrocketing premiums and people not being able to afford the deductibles means obamacare is failing big time....We all realize Obamacare was meant to fail so the democrats ASSUMED under President Clinton a complete 1 payer system would be installed.
That would be smart, but ACA will work if given time and cooperation. Not happening if GOP gets its way.
You're out of time and nobody is cooperating with this shit law. What do you do now?
We'll see. So far it's a GOP/crony insurer conspiracy...
Can you document that millions cant afford insurance, or are you FOS?
More than half of Americans say they can't afford to pay over $100 per month for health insurance

There you go snowflake. Now deflect and move the goalposts...
Democrats force them to pay that premium so they can force them to pay the 10,000 dollar deductible to use the insurance....democrats are evil...
Of course this was the way things were going before ACA...GO AFTER COSTS and fix it. GOPers are now saying give competition a chance. BUT not for ACA's competition? ARGH.
The hell? obiecare isn't competition or even promoting it. How many counties have ONE, as in Uno, less than two choices of healthcare plans under this shit law you're so proud of?
Some RED state ones. HUNH!
You're proud of that? I thought this law was supposed to help everyone.
Democrats force them to pay that premium so they can force them to pay the 10,000 dollar deductible to use the insurance....democrats are evil...
Of course this was the way things were going before ACA...GO AFTER COSTS and fix it. GOPers are now saying give competition a chance. BUT not for ACA's competition? ARGH.
The hell? obiecare isn't competition or even promoting it. How many counties have ONE, as in Uno, less than two choices of healthcare plans under this shit law you're so proud of?
Some RED state ones. HUNH!
You're proud of that? I thought this law was supposed to help everyone.
Not when the GOP and their pals the insurers sabotage it in red states/areas...and refuse Medicaid expansion...It was made for the poor and poor workers, and to get competition and regulation to slow cost rises. FIX IT as problems arise...FOREVER.
Here you go morons

Most of the initial increase in uninsured people in 2018 would come from consumers deciding not to buy insurance because they would no longer have to pay a penalty for failing to do so, the CBO said. However, others would stop buying insurance because premiums will go up over the next two years, the analysis said.

The number of uninsured Americans would rise dramatically during that same period as states phase out Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, the CBO said.

CBO: Obamacare repeal will increase uninsured by 24 million by 2026
Here you go moron there is still a penalty of 30% more premium if you fail to continuous coverage.
Here you go morons

Most of the initial increase in uninsured people in 2018 would come from consumers deciding not to buy insurance because they would no longer have to pay a penalty for failing to do so, the CBO said. However, others would stop buying insurance because premiums will go up over the next two years, the analysis said.

The number of uninsured Americans would rise dramatically during that same period as states phase out Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, the CBO said.

CBO: Obamacare repeal will increase uninsured by 24 million by 2026
Here you go moron there is still a penalty of 30% more premium if you fail to continuous coverage.
That's new in the GOP plan. Great job.
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.
Which people? The healthy young ones getting medicare? The ones that lost good insurance plans when obiecare forced them off of those plans? They'll just go back to what they liked.

The liberal panic should probably read more like "14 million people will not get massively tax payer subsidized government forced shitty insurance".

I see your an Einstein to think obamacare was government insurance. All private insurance and you think your rates are high now you just wait or maybe you can get one of those HSA compatible plans with a deductible of $10 or $20 thousand. Oh I hope they pass this bill just to laugh at all you under achiever's.
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.
Which people? The healthy young ones getting medicare? The ones that lost good insurance plans when obiecare forced them off of those plans? They'll just go back to what they liked.

The liberal panic should probably read more like "14 million people will not get massively tax payer subsidized government forced shitty insurance".

I see your an Einstein to think obamacare was government insurance. All private insurance and you think your rates are high now you just wait or maybe you can get one of those HSA compatible plans with a deductible of $10 or $20 thousand. Oh I hope they pass this bill just to laugh at all you under achiever's.
My deductible went from 1500 to 5000 after obiecare. Why would it go to 10k after this train wreck stops crashing?

It's crazy how hard you people on the free end of things keep calling us under achievers. If it wasn't for my money you would be dead.
Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.
In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
14 million voters won't be happy
They wont be happy about no longer being compelled to buy insurance that they dont need?

Why is that?

You assume the 14 million are people being forced to buy insurance, and not the people insured under the Medicaid expansion.

Don't be that stupid kind of guy.
Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.
You tards should have read up before making this bullshit claim that those who will lose their insurance will do so voluntarily.,

Affordable Care Act revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million, CBO projects

The analysis predicts that the number of people without health coverage would rise to 52 million by 2026, compared with 28 million if the Affordable Care Act remains intact. That erosion would mean that about 1 in 5 U.S. residents would be uninsured by 2026 — compared to 1 in 10 uninsured now and 1 in 6 who were uninsured before the Affordable Care Act was enacted.

Keep reading until you get it, tard. MORE people will be uninsured than were BEFORE THE MANDATE.
I don't see why it matters...we got MILLIONS now that CAN'T afford the premiums and now POSSIBLY millions that would lose insurance....so either way they lose!
Can you document that millions cant afford insurance, or are you FOS?
Is a 10,000 dollar deductible insurance?

You are an idiot you will only see $10000 ded with the RW along with your so called death panels. There are no plans today or have been under obamacare with a $10,000 ded. So like everyone says little boy crawl back in your hole.
Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.
In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
14 million voters won't be happy
They wont be happy about no longer being compelled to buy insurance that they dont need?

Why is that?

You assume the 14 million are people being forced to buy insurance, and not the people insured under the Medicaid expansion.

Don't be that stupid kind of guy.
Why would I care? Forcing people to buy something thy don't want and putting perfectly healthy people on Medicaid is supposed to be good? How do you figure?
Encouraged? He's encouraged? Holy shit...

It “exceeded my expectations,” he said of the Congressional Budget Office analysis.

Paul Ryan ‘Encouraged’ By Report That Says Millions Would Lose Insurance Under GOP Plan

Again, these are people who will give up their insurance because THEY WANT TO, idiot.

American Health Care Act

Effects on Health Insurance Coverage

To estimate the budgetary effects, CBO and JCT projected how the legislation would change the number of people who obtain federally subsidized health insurance through Medicaid, the nongroup market, and the employment-based market, as well as many other factors.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law. Most of that increase would stem from repealing the penalties associated with the individual mandate. Some of those people would choose not to have insurance because they chose to be covered by insurance under current law only to avoid paying the penalties, and some people would forgo insurance in response to higher premiums.
Here you go morons

Most of the initial increase in uninsured people in 2018 would come from consumers deciding not to buy insurance because they would no longer have to pay a penalty for failing to do so, the CBO said. However, others would stop buying insurance because premiums will go up over the next two years, the analysis said.

The number of uninsured Americans would rise dramatically during that same period as states phase out Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, the CBO said.

CBO: Obamacare repeal will increase uninsured by 24 million by 2026
Here you go moron there is still a penalty of 30% more premium if you fail to continuous coverage.

First of all your sentence makes no sense at all. Second, link moron, its a percentage of your income.

From the tax code:

If you (or any of your dependents) do not maintain coverage and do not qualify for an exemption, you will need to make an individual shared responsibility payment with your return. In general, the payment amount is either a percentage of your income or a flat dollar amount, whichever is greater. You will owe 1/12th of the annual payment for each month you (or your dependents) do not have coverage and are not exempt. The annual payment amount for 2014 is the greater of:

  • 1 percent of your household income that is above the tax return threshold for your filing status, such as Married Filing Jointly or single, or
  • Your family’s flat dollar amount, which is $95 per adult and $47.50 per child, limited to a maximum of $285.
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Had to clean about 34 posts out of this. Multiple Warnings. A couple people ejected from thread.
Don't BE a troll. Don't FEED a troll. It makes it harder to clean up threads. And it's both EQUALLY illegal.

Topic is not the NBA. Topic is not each other. Go back and READ the topic.

White House budget office now saying 26 million will lose coverage - 2 million more than the CBO's report, coming from the President's own economists!

Remember this from the Liar-in-chief-Elect?:

WASHINGTON -- President-elect Donald Trump says his plan to replace the nation’s health care law will include “insurance for everybody.”

Mr. Trump made the comment in an interview with the Washington Postpublished on Sunday.

The president-elect says: “We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

Fucking scumbag criminal LIAR.
Need we say any more?

Look at the phrasing of that statement. A little slanted perhaps? If you're no longer forcing people to buy something they don't want (like Obamacare did) are they really loosing health coverage?

Who were the people who "gained" coverage on Obamacare in the first place? Mainly people who were already on Medicaid. Should we still count those people as gaining healthcare? 2 million WORKING Americans lost their healthcare thanks to ACA, where were you complaining when that happened? Or were they the 2 millions eggs that needed to break to make this one big shitty omelet?

Either way both healthcare bills really suck. Especially for me and all of my family, and all of my coworkers. And for many many more Americans who have lost a tremendous amount of actual coverage in the form of sky high deductibles. This new one sucks slightly less, that still doesn't make it not a piece of shit, just a polished turd. Paul Ryan needs to go

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