14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

Need we say any more?

Look at the phrasing of that statement. A little slanted perhaps? If you're no longer forcing people to buy something they don't want (like Obamacare did) are they really loosing health coverage?

Who were the people who "gained" coverage on Obamacare in the first place? Mainly people who were already on Medicaid. Should we still count those people as gaining healthcare? 2 million WORKING Americans lost their healthcare thanks to ACA, where were you complaining when that happened? Or were they the 2 millions eggs that needed to break to make this one big shitty omelet?

Either way both healthcare bills really suck. Especially for me and all of my family, and all of my coworkers. And for many many more Americans who have lost a tremendous amount of actual coverage in the form of sky high deductibles. This new one sucks slightly less, that still doesn't make it not a piece of shit, just a polished turd. Paul Ryan needs to go
The problem is the ridiculous cost of health care in this country. Competition takes time to work, especially when the GOP and their insurer cronies are in sabotage mode.
Encouraged? He's encouraged? Holy shit...

It “exceeded my expectations,” he said of the Congressional Budget Office analysis.

Paul Ryan ‘Encouraged’ By Report That Says Millions Would Lose Insurance Under GOP Plan

Again, these are people who will give up their insurance because THEY WANT TO, idiot.

American Health Care Act

Effects on Health Insurance Coverage

To estimate the budgetary effects, CBO and JCT projected how the legislation would change the number of people who obtain federally subsidized health insurance through Medicaid, the nongroup market, and the employment-based market, as well as many other factors.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law. Most of that increase would stem from repealing the penalties associated with the individual mandate. Some of those people would choose not to have insurance because they chose to be covered by insurance under current law only to avoid paying the penalties, and some people would forgo insurance in response to higher premiums.
"these are people who will give up their insurance" because they have to.
Need we say any more?

Look at the phrasing of that statement. A little slanted perhaps? If you're no longer forcing people to buy something they don't want (like Obamacare did) are they really loosing health coverage?

Who were the people who "gained" coverage on Obamacare in the first place? Mainly people who were already on Medicaid. Should we still count those people as gaining healthcare? 2 million WORKING Americans lost their healthcare thanks to ACA, where were you complaining when that happened? Or were they the 2 millions eggs that needed to break to make this one big shitty omelet?

Either way both healthcare bills really suck. Especially for me and all of my family, and all of my coworkers. And for many many more Americans who have lost a tremendous amount of actual coverage in the form of sky high deductibles. This new one sucks slightly less, that still doesn't make it not a piece of shit, just a polished turd. Paul Ryan needs to go
It sucks more. Consumers will pay higher than obamacare.
Need we say any more?

Look at the phrasing of that statement. A little slanted perhaps? If you're no longer forcing people to buy something they don't want (like Obamacare did) are they really loosing health coverage?

Who were the people who "gained" coverage on Obamacare in the first place? Mainly people who were already on Medicaid. Should we still count those people as gaining healthcare? 2 million WORKING Americans lost their healthcare thanks to ACA, where were you complaining when that happened? Or were they the 2 millions eggs that needed to break to make this one big shitty omelet?

Either way both healthcare bills really suck. Especially for me and all of my family, and all of my coworkers. And for many many more Americans who have lost a tremendous amount of actual coverage in the form of sky high deductibles. This new one sucks slightly less, that still doesn't make it not a piece of shit, just a polished turd. Paul Ryan needs to go
The problem is the ridiculous cost of health care in this country. Competition takes time to work, especially when the GOP and their insurer cronies are in sabotage mode.

We've been progressively discouraging competition for a very long time now. And our solution is to keep blaming competition and get rid of it even more. Has anyone wondered why we have to be leashed to whatever plan our employers choose? I guess that takes too much critical thinking for some.
In fact there is no functional healthcare system on the planet which operates on a free market model. What is so fucked up about the US healthcare system is how little regulation exists regarding costs - wild variation from system to system and hospital to hospital and provider to provider; antitrust exemption for healthcare conglomerates (outrageous!); no ability for the government to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma, as occurs in all the nations with universal nationalized healthcare.

This is one model where capitalism fails and will ALWAYS fail.

Single payer NOW.
Need we say any more?
And the good news for Republicans doesn't end there. According to the CBO, premiums are expected to rise 15% and the number uninsured are expected to climb by 24 million over the decade.

It appears that the Affordable Care Act will be replaced by the Unaffordable Care Act.

It also appears that a large segment of Trump supporters will be hurt badly by the new law.
Opinion | Yes, Trump scammed many of his working-class supporters. This new analysis leaves little doubt.
The Dems deliver a pig of a law that falls apart under its own fat.

The Republicans somehow finds a way to make it worse.

Neither party should be criticizing the other for this fucking travesty.
This is an improvement thus far, IMO, over what we had since the mandates on companies and individuals are removed, state limits on insurance markets are removed and we still have a system of tax credits and some sort of Medicaid state grants to help the poor receive coverage.

But there is not any logic in evaluating the sausage before it is out of the butchers shop. This bill has a long way to go before it gets signed into law.

I just wish that the Democrats would play the game and counterbalance the conservative extremists like Rand Paul who want all entitlements removed, which will in fact leave millions without health insurance coverage.

We should not repeat the mistake of 2009 and make this a one-party piece of legislation.
It will be but have faith, there will be a third healthcare law.

What people do not understand is this piece of legislation despite all the claims does not repeal Obamacare, it only amends certain sections of the law that have budgetary impacts. The rest of Obamacare remains. You will find in this new bill, it amends the 1000 page Obamacare in 53 places.
Need we say any more?

It's not going to make it through the Senate, and House members don't want to pass a bill that is dead on arrival in the Senate. It's because of these Republican town hall meetings. Constituents are at a very high anxiety level as to what their insurance is going to look like, if they can get any, etc. etc. etc.

Republican Darrel Issa of California

Republican Tom Cotton in Arkansas

The CBO report was miserable.
Schumer: CBO report should be knockout blow - CNN Video
In fact there is no functional healthcare system on the planet which operates on a free market model. What is so fucked up about the US healthcare system is how little regulation exists regarding costs - wild variation from system to system and hospital to hospital and provider to provider; antitrust exemption for healthcare conglomerates (outrageous!); no ability for the government to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma, as occurs in all the nations with universal nationalized healthcare.

This is one model where capitalism fails and will ALWAYS fail.

Single payer NOW.

Your statement is a non sequitur, implying that there is no free market system because it doesn't work. Despite there being many other variables, one of them being the simple fact that some people want to surrender their choice to people who want to control. This is a common theme in human nature, and usually leads to bad things.

Those calling for single payer want to leave the healthcare needs of the minority in the healthcare system in the dust, whether they realize it or not. Most don't, because they're too busy wanting to surrender choice to those they've accepted (wrongfully) know better. Some (e.g. Rahm Emanuel) does realize this, and is one of those who think they know better, and he is one who talks about those of non productive ages should not expect as much healthcare, since they haven't yet, or are no longer putting value back into society. Therefore they should expect less back.
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.

In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
14 million voters won't be happy
Plus tens of millions more elderly voters whose prices are going to skyrocket as millions drop out.
Give them some good weed. They will be fine. It is the cure all according to many leftists. They will eat more, but forget to vote.
Need we say any more?

Sure. Let em buy their own insurance. Get an extra job to pay for it.

No one is responsible for them except themselves. We all know how responsible they are and we all know they will run right out and get that job to pay their own way.
The law was collapsing anyways so what future are you referring to?

Humana, Aetna, and others dropping out of the marketplace because they're sick of it.

People tired of the high deductibles and high premiums with little coverage.

But sure, let's expand Obamacare, which wouldn't have been an voted in by congress anyways.

You fix that by offering a public option.
Need we say any more?
No, you need to say much less. :D

the sad part is that 14 million might lose healthcare and 28 million liberals have lost their minds since Trump kicked Hillary's butt.

IMPEACHARA to the rescue
WATCH: A Drug To Cure 'Trump Induced Anxiety Disorder' Is What We ...
2 days ago - In a brilliant parody ad for a drug called Impeachara®, the drug promises a cure for “Trump Induced Anxiety Disorder” (T.I.A.D). Symptoms of ...
Need we say any more?

Sure. Let em buy their own insurance. Get an extra job to pay for it.

No one is responsible for them except themselves. We all know how responsible they are and we all know they will run right out and get that job to pay their own way.
If they cant buy their own insurance, honey bunch, you will be paying for it. How many times must that factoid be repeated?
In fact there is no functional healthcare system on the planet which operates on a free market model. What is so fucked up about the US healthcare system is how little regulation exists regarding costs - wild variation from system to system and hospital to hospital and provider to provider; antitrust exemption for healthcare conglomerates (outrageous!); no ability for the government to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma, as occurs in all the nations with universal nationalized healthcare.

This is one model where capitalism fails and will ALWAYS fail.

Single payer NOW.

Your statement is a non sequitur, implying that there is no free market system because it doesn't work. Despite there being many other variables, one of them being the simple fact that some people want to surrender their choice to people who want to control. This is a common theme in human nature, and usually leads to bad things.

Those calling for single payer want to leave the healthcare needs of the minority in the healthcare system in the dust, whether they realize it or not. Most don't, because they're too busy wanting to surrender choice to those they've accepted (wrongfully) know better. Some (e.g. Rahm Emanuel) does realize this, and is one of those who think they know better, and he is one who talks about those of non productive ages should not expect as much healthcare, since they haven't yet, or are no longer putting value back into society. Therefore they should expect less back.
There is much that is nonsensical in your post, and clearly you've done zero research into how universal healthcare functions in the many countries where it functions very well.

No system ever created or utilized by human beings works perfectly, but national healthcare systems long established in dozens of ally countries function very well for the citizens of those countries. Open your mind, look beyond your partisan talking points, talk to some people who live in the U.K., Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark, etc.
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Everyone is talking about the NCAA basketball tournament flacaltenn. :)

Costs are what is driving people out of healthcare coverage. It is more important to make the system work than throw money at premiums.

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