14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst


It's all horseshit and I have documented why. The free market/ health care for profit does not work except for those making the profit. And any one who claims to actually believes Ryan's 3 phases will become reality is either a sucker or a liar

How in the hell do we know if the free market won't work? We haven't had that in a long time. For decades the government has been imposing stupid regulations that have screwed up the free market so we have no idea how good health care can be without government interference, do we?

A stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, will not provide good health care for you. If you think so then you are very naive. The best hope you have for good health care is for the frigging government to let free enterprise provide the best product for you at the lowest possible price. It works for everything else and it will work for health care. We don't need the stupid government telling us how to run our lives. Helath Cate is too important to have the inefficient and corrupt government involved, don't you think?

I can fire a doctor that doesn't do a good job. I can change insurance companies if my provider doesn't provide a good product. However, with government interference my choices evaporate pretty damn quickly, doesn't it?

Both Obamacare and Ryancare keeps the government from you having access to the best health that would be available. When the three Rayancare phases are completed we will see if it is better than Obamacare. I suspect it will be. Anything will be better than Obamacare.

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

The government should never be in the business of making people buy health insurance, mandating health insurance requirements, taxing it or giving subsidies for it.

Obamacare sucks. Ryancare sucks a little less.
See above

My contention is that we don't need the the filthy ass government involved at all in healthcare. That should be between an individual and their doctor and the insurance company if the individual chose to have insurance.

All government interference is bad. We know how bad Obamacare was. It drove up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles to the paying customers while at the same time provided another freebee for the welfare queens and illegal aliens. It even increased taxes. How stupid was that? Pretty bad, huh? We know how it failed.

I suspect Ryancare will also not be very good either but we need to see the results of the three phases before we come to that conclusion. Anything except full blown socialized medicine would be better than Obamacare. Obamacare set such a low bar that it will be easy to improve on it.

You want healthcare to be like buying a car. If you're rich, you can drive a Mercedes. If you're well off in the middle class you buy a new mid priced car. If you're middle class, you buy a good used car.

Etc....and if you're low income or outright poor, you walk.
Healthcare should be as much a right as education. You should get basic healthcare regardless of your ability to pay, just as we offer kids education.

Of course that's not much of an argument to make to conservatives, since most of them would be happy to take education away from those who can't afford it.
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.

In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
14 million voters won't be happy

why? the ones who didn't want to buy insurance in the first place? or the ones who didn't even vote for trump? or how about the 6 million plus that got kicked off their insurance by Obama care?
No one has ever been denied medical care in America.

That is a FACT.

If you want to talk about insurance policies which is what Health Insurance is, then The Market should actually dictate that, and it should be a choice to buy that product, or not to buy that product.
The government should never be in the business of making people buy health insurance, mandating health insurance requirements, taxing it or giving subsidies for it.

Obamacare sucks. Ryancare sucks a little less.
See above

My contention is that we don't need the the filthy ass government involved at all in healthcare. That should be between an individual and their doctor and the insurance company if the individual chose to have insurance.

All government interference is bad. We know how bad Obamacare was. It drove up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles to the paying customers while at the same time provided another freebee for the welfare queens and illegal aliens. It even increased taxes. How stupid was that? Pretty bad, huh? We know how it failed.

I suspect Ryancare will also not be very good either but we need to see the results of the three phases before we come to that conclusion. Anything except full blown socialized medicine would be better than Obamacare. Obamacare set such a low bar that it will be easy to improve on it.

You want healthcare to be like buying a car. If you're rich, you can drive a Mercedes. If you're well off in the middle class you buy a new mid priced car. If you're middle class, you buy a good used car.

Etc....and if you're low income or outright poor, you walk.

how about quit being a lazy fat ass and eat heathly?

Again for the millionth time why are liberals so damn sick?
But didn't Trump promise 'Insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

This doesn't seem like insurance for everyone.
But didn't Trump promise 'Insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

This doesn't seem like insurance for everyone.
He promised health care.

Not Health Insurance.

No one is denied medical care in The US.

Never have been, and never will be.
No one has ever been denied medical care in America.

That is a FACT.

If you want to talk about insurance policies which is what Health Insurance is, then The Market should actually dictate that, and it should be a choice to buy that product, or not to buy that product.
Sure they have been. Insurance companies refuse to pay for services constantly. And without the money, the hospitals won't perform those services.

Are we going back to the 'fuck em', they can go to the emergency room' school of GOP healthcare reform again?
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.

In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
14 million voters won't be happy

why? the ones who didn't want to buy insurance in the first place? or the ones who didn't even vote for trump? or how about the 6 million plus that got kicked off their insurance by Obama care?
No one was kicked off their insurance. Every one of them is now insured
Need we say any more?

Yes you do you need cite why they are losing it..

It is another far left drone failed thread!

The CBO says that many people will not have insurance as they will not be mandated by law to have it!

Silly far left drone!
But didn't Trump promise 'Insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

This doesn't seem like insurance for everyone.
He promised health care.

Not Health Insurance.

No one is denied medical care in The US.

Never have been, and never will be.

He promised insurance for everybody.

Says who? Says Trump.

"We're going to have insurance for everybody"— Donald Trump, Washington Post interview, 01/15/2017

Trump's backing a healthcare plan that breaks his promises

You're now officially ignoring Trump on Trumpcare. Congratulations.
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.

In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
14 million voters won't be happy
You mean the 14 million who are dropping their plan because they are no longer penalized for not having insurance?

You keep thinking that....
No one has ever been denied medical care in America.

That is a FACT.

If you want to talk about insurance policies which is what Health Insurance is, then The Market should actually dictate that, and it should be a choice to buy that product, or not to buy that product.
Sure they have been. Insurance companies refuse to pay for services constantly. And without the money, the hospitals won't perform those services.

Are we going back to the 'fuck em', they can go to the emergency room' school of GOP healthcare reform again?

That's Health Insurance.

And Health Insurance is not a right.

People still get medical care.

And Health Insurance is still available under the plan for Everyone who wants to buy it, but they won't be forced to.

There is no "phuck em" that is what a Mandate did to people and their premiums, and deductibles.

Now you will have a choice to join a group if you want to keep costs low, or not buy insurance.

But no one is ever denied basic health care in The United States.

It's all horseshit and I have documented why. The free market/ health care for profit does not work except for those making the profit. And any one who claims to actually believes Ryan's 3 phases will become reality is either a sucker or a liar

How in the hell do we know if the free market won't work? We haven't had that in a long time. For decades the government has been imposing stupid regulations that have screwed up the free market so we have no idea how good health care can be without government interference, do we?

A stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, will not provide good health care for you. If you think so then you are very naive. The best hope you have for good health care is for the frigging government to let free enterprise provide the best product for you at the lowest possible price. It works for everything else and it will work for health care. We don't need the stupid government telling us how to run our lives. Helath Cate is too important to have the inefficient and corrupt government involved, don't you think?

I can fire a doctor that doesn't do a good job. I can change insurance companies if my provider doesn't provide a good product. However, with government interference my choices evaporate pretty damn quickly, doesn't it?

Both Obamacare and Ryancare keeps the government from you having access to the best health that would be available. When the three Rayancare phases are completed we will see if it is better than Obamacare. I suspect it will be. Anything will be better than Obamacare.

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

We need an end to the AMA!
Conservatives love this bill because it is a textbook example of how you widen the gap between rich and poor.

It is a lesser Obamacare bill, essentially the same damn thing just tweaked. And guess what...after ACA there was a definite increase between healthcare received by the rich vs poor, since the poor can't afford their deductibles let alone the rest of their bills.
The real question is "How many poor people will no longer be able to get health insurance under the Trumpcare proposals?"

That is entirely different from "14 million wont be carrying health insurance".
Most likely the majority of those 14 million will be low income, and over 50
Seems like a mixed bag. I really am surprised that the CBO found it would actually reduce the deficits.

The report finds that the 24 million people would become uninsured by 2026 largely due to the proposed changes in Medicaid. The bill both ends the extra federal funds for the expansion of Medicaid and caps overall federal spending for the program, both of which CBO says would lead to people losing coverage.

Premiums in the individual market for health insurance would increase before 2020 and decrease after that, according to the CBO report.

On the positive side for Republicans, the CBO finds the legislation would decrease the federal deficit by $337 billion over the 2017-2026 period, mostly through the elimination of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion and the law’s subsidies to help people buy insurance.

The savings could help House Republicans leaders sell the legislation to skeptical conservatives.
CBO: 24 million more uninsured under GOP bill over a decade
Take away everyone's insurance and the GOP will save even more money
Give us a name einstein

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