14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

Need we say any more?

Yes you do fucko. Read between the lines.
1. The majority of those will be young and healthy people who got insurance to avoid the mandate. Heck even Nancy "I am a dishonest Twat" Pelosi stated that all the healthy people who opt out and not front the bill for the sick people.

2. The vast vast vast majority of Obaminationcare enrollees were in the Bronze program! This was simply getting insurance without having insurance.

For individuals the premiums AFTER THE SUBSIDY was between $300-$800, again for just one person! Family premiums are much worse. Then you have $6000 deductible, meaning you have to pay $6000, not including copay and premium payments before the insurer pays a thing. Co-pays are $50 for normal doctor, $80 for specialist as $200 for ER. After you meet your deductible then you have a 30/70 co-insurance. Meaning you are still on the hook for 30%. This is all granted the hospital or doctor takes your insurance, which many have found that very few place take the bronze or silver plan since so little is paid for it is hard to get compensated for.

Note for families it is $12k for deductible ($6k per individual).

It is not insurance coverage.

Oh and guess what the silver plan is not much better!

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Another pathetic "expert" on Obamacare. Why not admit you aint got a clue to what you are talking about

Your problem is that I am indeed and "expert" on the subject and 99% of the shit you spout is simply incorrect.
But didn't Trump promise 'Insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

This doesn't seem like insurance for everyone.

Didn't the Obama Administration assholes promise free health insurance to all the welfare queens and illegal aliens even if it bankrupts all the paying customers?
The government should never be in the business of making people buy health insurance, mandating health insurance requirements, taxing it or giving subsidies for it.

Obamacare sucks. Ryancare sucks a little less.
See above

My contention is that we don't need the the filthy ass government involved at all in healthcare. That should be between an individual and their doctor and the insurance company if the individual chose to have insurance.

All government interference is bad. We know how bad Obamacare was. It drove up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles to the paying customers while at the same time provided another freebee for the welfare queens and illegal aliens. It even increased taxes. How stupid was that? Pretty bad, huh? We know how it failed.

I suspect Ryancare will also not be very good either but we need to see the results of the three phases before we come to that conclusion. Anything except full blown socialized medicine would be better than Obamacare. Obamacare set such a low bar that it will be easy to improve on it.

You want healthcare to be like buying a car. If you're rich, you can drive a Mercedes. If you're well off in the middle class you buy a new mid priced car. If you're middle class, you buy a good used car.

Etc....and if you're low income or outright poor, you walk.

how about quit being a lazy fat ass and eat heathly?

Again for the millionth time why are liberals so damn sick?
Liberals are sick ? Really? Where are you getting that load of ignorant equine excrement from? This 69 year old liberal works out for 2.5 hours 5 days a week, 1 hr on my two "rest days" , eats a vegetarian diet and has a body mass index of 22. So shut up.

Liberals are sick ? Really? Where are you getting that load of ignorant equine excrement from? This 69 year old liberal works out for 2.5 hours 5 days a week, 1 hr on my two "rest days" , eats a vegetarian diet and has a body mass index of 22. So shut up.

This 69 year old Conservative says that Moon Bats are sick in the mind.

If you are a Moon Bat that believes in taking money away from the people that earn it to pay the health care bills of the fat ass welfare queens sitting around all day long drinking Colt Malt Liquor and smoking joints then you are sick in the mind, wouldn't you agree?
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Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I trust the the free market to provide me with the best products at the lowest possible price a lot more than I trust some corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, don't you? Do you really trust the filthy ass government? If you do then you are very naive if not downright stupid.

No government bureaucrat is ever going to have my best interest at heart. Their only incentive is to keep their job, not provide good services. That is why even though I have earned it I do not get free medical care thought the VA. Health care is too important to trust to a government shithead. If you don't believe me just ask the veterans that have died waiting for government treatment. Oh wait, you can't ask them. They are dead.

I trust somebody trying to compete in a free market with competition to provide the best services a lot more than somebody like Maxine Waters, don't you?

Can you imagine what it would be like for the government to control restaurants like they control health care? The would mandate you to eat out. They would set the price of the food. They would set the menu. They would tell you how much you could eat. They would tax you for it. They would require that you paid more for the meal so that the welfare queens and illegal aliens could eat free. It would be a disaster just like it is with the filthy ass government mandating the same things with health care.

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I trust the the free market to provide me with the best products at the lowest possible price a lot more than I trust some corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, don't you? Do you really trust the filthy ass government? If you do then you are very naive if not downright stupid.

No government bureaucrat is ever going to have my best interest at heart. Their only incentive is to keep their job, not provide good services. That is why even though I have earned it I do not get free medical care thought the VA. Health care is too important to trust to a government shithead. If you don't believe me just ask the veterans that have died waiting for government treatment. Oh wait, you can't ask them. They are dead.

I trust somebody trying to compete in a free market with competition to provide the best services a lot more than somebody like Maxine Waters, don't you?

Can you imagine what it would be like for the government to control restaurants like they control health care? The would mandate you to eat out. They would set the price of the food. They would set the menu. They would tell you how much you could eat. They would tax you for it. They would require that you paid more for the meal so that the welfare queens and illegal aliens could eat free. It would be a disaster just like it is with the filthy ass government mandating the same things with health care.

If you have employer sponsored care, you are not in a free market. You are in a govt subsidized market. And your docs charges are set by the govt through medicare.

That's the reality. The gop in 2008 and 12 promised to simply end that, and got their asses handed to them. In 17, the gop's plan is to provide less support for govt subsidies.

If you have employer sponsored care, you are not in a free market. You are in a govt subsidized market. And your docs charges are set by the govt through medicare.

That's the reality. The gop in 2008 and 12 promised to simply end that, and got their asses handed to them. In 17, the gop's plan is to provide less support for govt subsidies.

Lets stop all the government interference and let the free market work. It ain't rocket science. It will sort out to the best products at the lowest possible price just like every other commodity. The only thing is that the filthy ass welfare queens won't be getting their free stuff. That is fine with me but will piss you Moon Bats off.
Need we say any more?

Yes you do fucko. Read between the lines.
1. The majority of those will be young and healthy people who got insurance to avoid the mandate. Heck even Nancy "I am a dishonest Twat" Pelosi stated that all the healthy people who opt out and not front the bill for the sick people.

2. The vast vast vast majority of Obaminationcare enrollees were in the Bronze program! This was simply getting insurance without having insurance.

For individuals the premiums AFTER THE SUBSIDY was between $300-$800, again for just one person! Family premiums are much worse. Then you have $6000 deductible, meaning you have to pay $6000, not including copay and premium payments before the insurer pays a thing. Co-pays are $50 for normal doctor, $80 for specialist as $200 for ER. After you meet your deductible then you have a 30/70 co-insurance. Meaning you are still on the hook for 30%. This is all granted the hospital or doctor takes your insurance, which many have found that very few place take the bronze or silver plan since so little is paid for it is hard to get compensated for.

Note for families it is $12k for deductible ($6k per individual).

It is not insurance coverage.

Oh and guess what the silver plan is not much better!

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Another pathetic "expert" on Obamacare. Why not admit you aint got a clue to what you are talking about
Because it is the truth loser! I will admit I work for a large corporation and benefit from a group plan (which has gotten much more expensive since Obaminationcare was passed).

2017 Obamacare Average Premiums and Average Deductibles - HealthPocket.com

I personally don't like this plan much either. As bad as Obaminationcare is I think Ryancare is worse. But just because it is less of a disaster doesn't make it good.

I personally liked Kerry's $20k deductible plan.

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Need we say any more?

Yes you do fucko. Read between the lines.
1. The majority of those will be young and healthy people who got insurance to avoid the mandate. Heck even Nancy "I am a dishonest Twat" Pelosi stated that all the healthy people who opt out and not front the bill for the sick people.

2. The vast vast vast majority of Obaminationcare enrollees were in the Bronze program! This was simply getting insurance without having insurance.

For individuals the premiums AFTER THE SUBSIDY was between $300-$800, again for just one person! Family premiums are much worse. Then you have $6000 deductible, meaning you have to pay $6000, not including copay and premium payments before the insurer pays a thing. Co-pays are $50 for normal doctor, $80 for specialist as $200 for ER. After you meet your deductible then you have a 30/70 co-insurance. Meaning you are still on the hook for 30%. This is all granted the hospital or doctor takes your insurance, which many have found that very few place take the bronze or silver plan since so little is paid for it is hard to get compensated for.
Why would your insurance plan, a private plan, be affected by the
Note for families it is $12k for deductible ($6k per individual).

It is not insurance coverage.

Oh and guess what the silver plan is not much better!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Another pathetic "expert" on Obamacare. Why not admit you aint got a clue to what you are talking about
Because it is the truth loser! I will admit I work for a large corporation and benefit from a group plan (which has gotten much more expensive since Obaminationcare was passed).

2017 Obamacare Average Premiums and Average Deductibles - HealthPocket.com

I personally don't like this plan much either. As bad as Obaminationcare is I think Ryancare is worse. But just because it is less of a disaster doesn't make it good.

I personally liked Kerry's $20k deductible plan.

Why would you insurance, private insurance, be affected by the ACA

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Sure, we would all love to give the poor everything they desire, free health care, free college educations, a guaranteed living stipend, a place to live and clothing, etc. But who pays?
Don't you know that would destroy whatever is left of the value of the currency? Are you really so ignorant that you don't understand how economics work?
The value of the US petrodollar is secure as long as the OPEC countries continue to demand USD in payment for their oil.
Whats a fascist care mandate?

Obama's Fascistcare had a mandate that every person must buy health insurance or be heavily fined.

You have zero grasp of the laws you support. The party tells you to support them, and you do - no questions asked.
Who pays the bill when a person without health insurance must go to a hospital? The mandate means a whole lot

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